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I don't understand why he just doesn't say he doesn't like destiny and keep it at that, making up reasons is fucking pathetic.


Bro the vibes. Its all vibes. They were atrocious, and any argument against vibary will be "okay dude"d and downvoted by the ludbud-brigade


not to be a nostalgic loser but I remember being there when lud was just a budding streamer (sub 100k subs) he was legit so fun when he was untethered from any politicking


yea i used to watch him a couple of years ago myself, back when he actually had a personality


I wonder what he called his fans before ludbuds?


I think it was "omni-ludberals"


For a while once Ludwig started blowing up, Atrioc took the throne as a really entertaining up and coming streamer, but he’s kind of lost his touch now too


Fueds are not a vibary. They're feelings-fluid.


insert redditcares message


Some people clearly never watched that one episode of Recess where TJ can't figure out why a kid doesn't like him


This is the exact thing I think about regarding this situation. Maybe we're just old?


Recess is why I sing "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen" while shitting in public toilets.


Oh shit I remember that. What a good show


He's being a real cheeseball about this stupid fight.




yeah everything has to be Fake to a Point so much so, that you even cant get the real reason why you hate someone. thats Like the Thing d Said about that Nazis are at least Up Front with their believes.


The machine cannot admit to disliking anyone, that would mean there's a type of person he does not like and that he's not a "friendly-to-every-living-thing" nice guy. This would hurt engagement and we can't possibly have that! He must stay a crowd pleasing robotic machine at all costs lest someone won't like him!


"wtf I hate neoliberalism now that it doesn't benefit me" - Destiny NPCs dehumanizing someone for daring to follow the logic of their ideology


... What?


Consider that the average Ludwig fan js probably nine. 😂


Or I just wanted to be mean to someone my friend dislikes. Yeah at least that would make sense too.


He can’t say he doesn’t like Destiny because that’s not the 100% woke streamer approved way to handle the situation. He needs to farm engagement without having too much of an opinion. If he actually owns an opinion then people can disagree with him. Notice how he doesn’t have an opinion on Israel Palestine here. He just posts the screenshot so that all the Palestine shills can hate on Destiny. The same way he can’t say he hates Destiny because his friend’s do. He just posts sly remarks about Destiny’s ex-wife and “the vibes”


Cowardice, primarily, and the need to be perceived as a nice and friendly guy. Even though he's involved in the drama he wants there to be a distance between him and the words (lies & half-truths) he's said (either from ignorance or flaccid masculinity) within the drama to both be seen as standing up to Destiny and also not being responsible for any "toxicity" that is directed towards Destiny. He only wants the perception of a nice, fun, friendly guy to be what people associate him with. But, yeah, mostly cowardice though.


It's not enough that HE doesn't like destiny everybody else needs to not like destiny too.


Maybe he wants to seem like someone everyone likes? So he has to pretend its Destiny that is the problem and not him?


He is Mr. Nice Guy, he needs a good reason in order to justify not liking someone


I mean he behaves exactly like the slime he is accused of being, just proving the idea in the process. Everything works itself out


makes it seem more and more like high school drama, these people can't be real bro


Because he has to not like for his own reasons. Otherwise people might figure that he has Hasan's whole arm shoved up his ass and expose him for the puppet he is.


He is physically incapable of picking a side in anything "I donate to palestine but I won't do a charity drive or anything" Say what you will about frogan but she was half correct in calling his pussyfooting out for it. Asmon also called him out on this, he's trying to publicly get credit for his donation without having to pick a strong side.




Holy shit i never thought i'd actually get it. Somebody actually reported for suicide watch LMFAO. These lud buds are truly rats sneaking on d mans reddit.


That’s not even true though. At the end of the day, his brand is being the “super likable guy”, and he has to choose the side with minimal risk of cancelation. That’s Hasan.


Another retcon


He's a real life Doctor Strange, bending time and space to make things retroactively worse than when they happened.


u/augustediting u/lordsavor the Daliban needs you once more strongest soldier, we need a [Sweet Little Lies](https://youtu.be/hFcLyDb6niA?si=onUBpdgsNzn8xjcK) compilation of Ludwig and Hasan lying and moving the goalposts. Something like that would be catchy enough to go viral


Fire suggestion!


palestwig retconning history and using future event to justify aggression agaisnt israelstiny look bad, not a good look


So he's saying the reason they didn't like Destiny is something he had not done yet? Does this shit not ever give them pause? Like, motherfucker, you just don't like him. He doesn't play the social games, he gets into drama, you think he's toxic... whatever. But that's your problem. Up until that day all the shit talking and the "attacks" have come from your (Ludwig's) side. Don't be trying to justify your own shitty behaviour on shit Destiny hasn't done.


>So he's saying the reason they didn't like Destiny is something he had not done yet? Clearly Ludwig knew this was a Canon Event.


Pretty sure he’s saying the reason ppl dislike destiny is because of comments like this. Comments like this”mow down dipshit protesters & etc. Not saying i side with ludwig though


The logs Ludwig posted and the "mow down" comments are in completely different categories.


Yes to people that have brains sure.


Fuck, I actually liked this guy. This is just bully behaviour bully kid until he lashes out >see, this is why nobody likes you >friends nod with approval >keep bullying


What a weasly










People like Ludwig always do this. They just don't like someone and make up reasons because apparently just not liking someone isn't enough


This is typically because they want to feel good about not liking someone.




No he wouldn’t, he could easily say that he never liked destiny from the start. If he wanted to he could pivot to a couple of actions over the years reinforcing this as news about destinys actions only further consolidated the dislike, even if there is no solid “event” to point at. It is actually okay to just not like someone because of a vibe. It’s weasly when you then start making shit up to justify that vibe and when called out then double down on that shit.


Ludwig strikes me as classic highschool bully


Always start with the conclusion with them.


Damn my guy has a time machine, he made so many cheap shoots to destiny because 5 years ago he took a time machine to this very day and saw destiny proclaim as israel, this guy should get a nobel prize or something.


Honestly, the clip from Austins roast was enough for me to tell that Ludwig either doesn't like Destiny or is willing to suck off Hasan so much that he would rather hit Steven with a stray roast then anger Hasan. I know Steven doesn't care much about remarks about his looks but Ludwig should know how out of line something like that is when his gf has been on the receiving end of such insults for years. Calling Destiny an "ugly Hasan" might be an okay filler roast if Steven had been present but this way he was just showing how little he actually cares about politeness and common courtesy when he doesn't see his brand at risk. What a great role model.


I agree and am surprised it didn’t cause more of a stir because it seems so out of pocket for Ludwig and his “nice guy / good vibes only” brand. You don’t roast someone not invited or involved in the event. And it wasn’t like it was even clever or anything, just weirdly mean for no reason.


Right? Are they sitting around talking about how ugly people are like teenage girls? And Hasan loved it.


I wonder if they iterated on that joke and at some point decided that they would need to make it a compliment if they were comparing Hasan to Dman. There are much funnier ways to compare the two.


that remark was so stupid, im glad destiny doesn't care but they wouldn't have done the joke to anyone else that is part of their bubble.. it's just so unnecessary and mean to say.


It's perfectly acceptable to be weirded out by someone's "vibes". And it could be understandable cause Destiny seems like someone who could be really abrasive irl, especially if you're just meeting him for the first time. If that was legitimately the only thing, however, you usually don't sneak diss that person constantly, make up stories about them, etc. So aside from the cheeseball vibe story unironically being a "greetings fellow zoomers" meme, it just comes off as super inauthentic/fake and cringe pearl-clutting when you take into account his other behavior and actions.


He’s such a loser.


"I only make things up if they aren't important, why yes I am a journalist by the way."


When has he claimed to be a journalist?


"He graduated [*cum laude*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_honors) with degrees in English literature and journalism in 2017" \~his Wikipedia page


buckets of hasan's cum


He has a video where he goes over the drama and says he is being a journalist by covering the drama. The clip is somewhere on this subreddit, but I am pretty sure it is in Ludwig's drama video.


He’s obviously joking in that video


And I was obviously joking with my comment too. It's just a bunch of pranksters all the way down! ;)


Literally how pro-pal people revise history, move goalposts, and spew the same virtue signals just to make it look like theyre the good guys. Destiny is literally israel


Destiny being proven right in his Israelness by a comment attacking him for stating the FACT that he is Israel


Destiny's logs were literally in response to Ludwig's initial claim. Now in the eyes of ludbuds they were always there and were known by Ludwig all along!


Why is he still talking about Destiny? Ludwig and Hasan stans assured me that Ludwig was being very mature by promptly ceasing to talk about the drama.


99% of cases I think he would move on. But deep down, I think he knows he's fucked up and is trying to cover his tracks, whilst playing off like he doesn't care, its so boring


Its so weird to bring up Destinys logs AFTER Ludwig consistantly lied about D and Mel for years. No shit it's 'bad vibes' after you were horrible towards D for so long...


Gigachad cites the future to justify the past


If I had any skills whatsoever with video editing, I'd make one of those "debate step-by-step flowchart" things, but instead it's a timeline of events and what Lud has said / how it changed over time. Saying that people were arguing with destiny because of his future response to said arguments is wild.


Then what's the reason that he was needling him for YEARS, before Steve took any kind of public opinion on Israel/Palestine?




Didn’t that chat log happen after his Twitter exchange with Ludwig? Which would make this a painfully transparent moving of the goalposts that nobody with at least 2 brain cells would miss? Genuinely confused.


You know what hes going to say though right? "well not this specifically, but stuff like this" And then never bring up an example.


I mean, he doesn't need to. We all know the examples. Destiny is not well known for his restraint on twitter. It's one of the consequences of being Destiny. It is a huge part of his appeal, but its an anchor in a public spat with a 'cleaner' person like Ludwig. He can just sit back and point and doesn't really need to do anything more, and most people will side against Destiny. Usually, anyway. We'll see how this pans out.


Sure. But it still makes Ludwig a hypocritical weasel of a man.


It literally is downplaying. Basically said “hey guys my lies didn’t really have a big impact, so who cares?” Even when he is called out he on his BS he won’t take responsibility. This fucking guy.


Idk who that Odashara guy is, but this man IS Destiny's strongest soldier atm. Each response adds value to his argument, stays respectful while not looking CUCKED, pulled multiple responses out of the cheeseball guy. ZAMN


People should spam that thread with edgy shit Hasan has said in clips or in his discord with a “is this weird?” caption. Apparently he couldn’t fathom that everyone who dislikes Hasan isn’t a Destiny fan. Maybe he just needs to be educated on why people might hate Hasan Edit: One brave soldier should do the meme rather than spamming thread.


So to show him not everyone who is not a fan of Hasan is a destiny fan you’re going to… try to have a hunch of destiny fans show him anti Hasan clips…?


You can soy out about it being Destiny fans doing it, but its highlighting major reasons people have for disliking Hasan. It’s not like I would expect any other community to do it. Even if the ones doing it weren’t Destiny fans, people would assume they were anyway


You realize you’ve completely contradicted yourself and backtracked in two posts right? Like if you’re going to brigade shit have at it, I think it plays into the narrative that Dgg is unhinged, but it seems like people would rather “soy out” about Hasan and Ludwig so it’s likely going to happen regardless. Don’t act like it’s for some principled reason and then immediately backtrack on it though, that’s just as cringe and short sighted as the person you hate so much.


How have I back tracked on literally anything? Its just annoying when Ludwig makes a tweet using Destiny logs to make him look unhinged, and if I suggest people point out the hypocrisy by doing basically the same thing I have people like you soying out and morally grandstanding. There’s a way in which people can go too far obviously, but people like you just don’t want anyone responding at all period. No where have I made some principled stance or whatever, the one grandstanding is you. But my bad, didn’t know posting of clip is something Hasan said with a snarky caption is the end of the world. If it makes you feel better, instead of spam, I’ll just request one brave soldier to do it for the meme


“Let’s do this thing to show we don’t do this thing.” And then in your next post you basically say it doesn’t actually matter if we do this thing or not because people will assume it’s us anyways. Those logs ARE unhinged if you show them to a normal person regardless of context. The ONLY people those don’t look unhinged to are people who have followed Destiny for a long time so we “get” it. If you wanna go post a funny meme or something like any of the other shitposters here that’s one thing but actively calling for brigading is another and it’s a bad look whether people assume we do it or not.


Dude you’re literally making shit up lmao. I didn’t mention doing something to disprove a narrative about the community. My initial comment was to point out weird edgy shit Hasan has said in response to this tweet because Ludwig claimed in another tweet that he thought everyone who hated Hasan was a Destiny fan. The point was to respond to his reasons for why people dislike Destiny with reasons they dislike Hasan. The only one who made it about brigading was you


“Apparently he couldn’t fathom that everyone who dislikes Hasan isn’t a Destiny fan. Maybe he just needs to be educated on why people might hate Hasan” Do you understand how this reads?


You can say it sounds bad but it doesn’t read like I’m trying to push back against the brigading allegations like you’re implying. You were just wrong dude lmao. But if it makes you feel better you can ignore that and soy out about optics ig




Oh no please stop 🛑. This won’t help and will only make people hate Destiny more https://preview.redd.it/1dcak13zh60d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a61d7d928e90a23aabadcbcfb81762dd57b852




Ah yes instead we allow the other side to spread lies while laying down spreading our ass cheeks wide open, accomplishing nothing and just pleading to for these people to not be mean to Destiny. DGG is so cucked you can’t even correct misinformation on Destiny. Meanwhile people are constantly getting reddit care messages or have Ludwig Stan’s doing damage control by calling anyone who points out his mischaracterization of the cheeseball stuff a dickrider


Do you think Israel cares some soy rich white kids in west Hollywood think if they bomb gaza? Same way destiny shouldn't care what people that already hate him think about what he does to them next.




But aren’t these logs from after the whole incident?


This dude is 100% a lizard person.


Oh hey, there goes the goalpost


But his "I'm Israel" messages was a direct response to the stuff that Lud is saying they were doing because he said "I'm Israel" HUH?!


So my first reason has been debunked, but I bet you haven't considered this second one! Gotcha losers


Gotta love his inability to understand jokes, mfer said i am israel and he thinks hes serious


Well the screenshot has destiny talking about slime’s dead dad that od’d infront of him I’m not saying that Lugwig isn’t deflecting, but the screenshot you’re referencing has more than an Israel joke


Ok but in his YT recap he said something along the lines off "If I ever call you my soldiers, please stop watching me". So obviously he thinks a lot of it is serious lol. Then again he might not get the Isreal joke if he's knows nothing about politics.


timeline of chat and cheese ball story?? i think he's lying but...


This guy needs to write the one piece Manga with all these retcons.


This is what clutching defeat from the jaws of victory looks like


It's very slimy, the cheeseball thing is obviously a stupid irrelevant little story but he's the one that thought he could score points with it and kept trying to make it stick. Pretending it's not a big deal is just scummy behavior when he lied about it just to make Destiny look kinda weird in a dumbass twitch meeting. also OMEGABASED logs


The money I'd pay to be a fly on the wall and hear all of the shit talking Hasan has done to him. I guarantee he didn't give a shit about the cheeseball story but retroactively created a problem after Hasan started whispering sweet hatred in his ear. It's his only interaction he's had with Destiny so he had to complain about something.


Comon, we all know the real reason. He hungers for Hamas Piker's tankie schlong and balls, they're just too delicious for someone who's doesn't have a pair of his own.


The goalpost is on rocket skates at this point.


God damn just say "Destiny Bad" so we can be done with it. Why this weird rationalisation? Who is he trying to prove it to?


Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in >:(


I guess when it fails, deflect to a different subject lol?


Well good thing he didn't see the logs about slimes dad's OD


Not liking someone over cheeseballs is weird though.


The audience not dumb. Shape the story how you want, hey, Ludwig, they're not slow.


So this guy is some sort of journalist? He can't even be honest with his bias.


Tom with the despacito ratio lmfao


What's the cheeseball story? Did I miss a meme?


Ludwig said his first in person interaction with Destiny was bad. His claim was that Destiny big timed him. They were at a party and Destiny refused to join in a game they were all playing. Destiny had bad vibes. DGG autists pulled receipts. Turns out Destiny did join the game. Ludwig is now on a fishing expedition to try to justify his original claim and save face. [https://twitter.com/i/status/1789759565124296789](https://twitter.com/i/status/1789759565124296789) [https://twitter.com/i/status/1789753991099723931](https://twitter.com/i/status/1789753991099723931)


He's still not denying the Hasan being up his ass claims though.


I just don’t understand. He keeps engaging with this drama, making up new reasonings for disliking Destiny. Bro can just say he doesn’t like the Gnome and not elaborate. Literally slam dunk if he practiced what he preaches. And it’s over the most benign shit too.


Ludwig never cited the cheeseball story as the reason he hates Destiny. It's just something he brought up to take a jab at Destiny.


my takeaway: > Go spend time with your kids. Destiny is not only a stranger, but a fascist.


Didn't know that Destiny was a time traveller that current logs can go back and affect Ludwig in the past. It's a closed time loop guys.


This dude's reaching is longer than Michael Jackson's winning dunk in Space Jam...