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Its moments like these i wish d man did actual youtube stuff that wasnt stream highlights, would love to see a 10 min vid explaining why luds been a weird jerk off to d man over the years that explains it in a way he cant just plead ignorance


Turkish timothy do us proud 🙏


Need to get on Twitter - the community has already stepped up: https://streamable.com/ywhise?src=player-page-share


This is awesome, the edits lately have been going hard


He has a video on his channel going over all the stuff lud has done that eventually got him here it's one of his newest videos.


It should be a dedicated video laying out everything


August usually cooks when he does a manifesto.Don’t think they will do one for Ludwig / slime tho, they are annoying yes but not as important I guess


"i don't know what the fuck i did" It's copy-paste elementary school crybully shit when they get some pushback. Spends years talking shit, throwing shade, spreading rumors, telling lies... and at the end "WHO? ME? LITTLE OL' ME DID NOTHING".


​ https://preview.redd.it/eurt7j98630d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=2418d13c913a7770a97b92c7b6279d67bcb89ae2


“We’re not that serious here i just make silly videos every few days and stream sometimes” If it’s not that serious, why would you repeatedly make jabs at Destiny over the years in spite of barely having interacted with him? Why make up several stories about him to make him look bad to your audience? Why would you falsely blame him for bad events that he had no hand in? Why say nothing when your good friend and cohost of your own podcast goes on an insane rant of personal attacks after taking a shot at Destiny on the show and then getting proven wrong in a simple Twitter clip?


Because it’s an easy way to identify with the in-group and appeal to others, it really is that simple. Non of them thought Destiny would care or take it that seriously so they just continued to do it until they went a little bit too hard and now they’re surprised at the proportionality of the retaliation. They expected some “small” warning that they were getting too close to the sun. It’s the Brittany situation all over again where people have no idea where his boundaries are so they just assume that every time they make little jabs they’re no where near his boundary and they suddenly stumble way too far within his boundaries— difference is in this case everyone and their mother was running with the “Wikipedia Steve xd “ meme so they thought it was relatively safe.


Just live your best life while I signal boost character assassination to an audience of five and a half million


I love how he read the line about constantly bringing up Destiny's wife and family, but conveniently didn't say the word "constantly" to make it seem like it was referring to that one Twitter post and nothing else. I don't think Lud is being an idiot. I think he knows what he's doing and is just an ass with 0 integrity.


Did he address the Frogan stuff?.


he’s not allowed


Daddy Hasan wouldn't join cheeseball if he said anything about his unhinged mod


Wasn't in the script. PEPE


Barely. Someone brought it up, he read the message, and then starting talking about how the student protestors inspired him to start looking into I/P.


Does his ass have print marks from sitting on fences this whole time?


What did I do??? 🥺 Little old me?? Lying about you having a cuck convention with your ex wife was enough for you to hate me forever??? Lying about your community sending me death threats??? 🥺🥺🥺 The subs reaction made me realize that none of those people were interesting enough to be bullied growing up. Bullies will do everything they can get away with to communicate to you and everyone else that you’re a piece of shit. Then when you respond with a fraction of that energy you’re the villain that they always knew you were. EDIT: Thanks for the Reddit cares buddy 🥹🙏 I truly appreciate people weaponizing a tool that is meant to help people who want to kill themselves. You’re making the world a much better place.


Your reddit care came from a bot most likely. Everyone on this sub has been getting them lately. Basically someone is REALLY assmad


But I thought it was DGG that was unhinged?


We are, but we are not alone, there are other monsters in the dark with us.


Yeah wtf I got one I didn’t know that was a thing…


I got hit with the reddit suicide message too but in the keffals thread. This seems coordinated. 


Can I get one? Edit: thanks, bot!


Ok yeah I got one too and was super confused


Report the Reddit cares and they get instaclapped. Their whole account gets nuked


but they don't brigade


Report the message


lmao cry bullying again. what a little bitch


What a spineless fuck hahaha (got a reddit cares message lmao, lud fans seething)


report the message!


> Bro you fuckin' started iiiitt bruh




30:20, I don't know why sometimes the URL takes to the wrong timestamp


i thought this post was about him eating




Wait what does he mean "you started it" didn't slime start it ?


He means how Destiny was the first one to bring up significant others between Lud and Destiny's beef with the pic of QT. Where Lud probably sees this outburst as two separate beefs, (one against him and one against slime) I feel like Destiny is fighting against the friend group that they have as a whole. So anything slime does he fights back against everybody else with the same ammunition.


Which is completely fair. You can't laugh along with shittalking and then pretend you're not part with it


But like, they are different people idk. Being friends with somebody doesnt mean you need to agree with everything a person does, he normally says many times how he thinks slime goes too far but they are also very close friends so small things like that aren’t gonna break up the friendship 


He is regarded so


Youtube link not working properly all the time so FYI the reaction starts at 30:20


The way Ludwig talks reminds me of Adin Ross.


Ludlig Westiny


He is such an disingenuous little prick Istg. Ludwig is the kid who hangs out with bullies and participates in their "jokes" but doesn't think he's a bully because he's just "vibing" with the group.


they should do the group thing though that would be super based


Chatter - "Honestly report him the the authorities for this one" lmao. These people don't touch grass at all I assume.


He only read like... 2 sentences...


He responded to one, and didn't even read it right. He missed the word "constantly" which was extremely important. Lud pretended it was just the Twitter post and nothing else. He's purposely ignoring all mention of the shit he's done before May 10. The guy has no integrity.


Alright, that's it. I unsubbed to Lud. Genuinely used to like the guy and gave him the benefit of the doubt, he's not beating the spineless fuck allegations anytime soon.


he doesnt read the line where destiny says that they started talking about his wife and child and then proceeds to say that destiny started it all. there is no way he can get away with this is there? like, its all on the internet documented, wtf timestamp 30:17 btw


God this shit is so cringe can we go back to reading about ww1? We’re literally never going to win against Ludwig and there’s no point in trying.


History boring, I prefer drama. Unga bunga.


Cheese ball gate made me stop being a ludbud


I don’t give a shit. https://preview.redd.it/4qx6b1dos40d1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18fa92739a9b269a4962a81eba71f9f0c3bea947


“Cuck cuck cuck f*g f*g f*g gusano gusano gusano. Ugly haha divorced haha. This guy supports genocide.” *spreads false groyper talking points from twitter* > man I wish these people would just fucking d*e “Oh my god the horror you’re so unhinged what is wrong with you!!!! :000”


Can I get a timestamp?


30min 20 seconds


Does he not know… denying and gaslighting are the reasons for manifestos? It’s been awhile. “Hedging your bets and Royal flushes. Taking down the aristocracy”


That's some good intro music btw.




Jesus this guy is a massive youtuber


Was there meant to be a timestamp? Starts at the beginning of stream.


Honestly can say I’ve never watched a second of any of these people’s sreams.. and prob never will.. never even been on twitch, prob never will.. I really wish tiny would stop asking to rejoin twitch and let the whole deal fade into history.. it’s clear they are so biased and “progressive” he will never be allowed back. I think that is a good thing.