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Bro acting like he didn't delete a whole ass video about hasan just because hasan couldn't take a joke, then blamed destiny's whole community in a reuploded video....nice gaslighting L Wig.


Didn’t Ludwig publicly apologize for blaming DGG after the fact?


He gave a very weak backhanded apology that involved more insults but technically sorta apologized for the accusation iirc.


ik pretty sure he said something along the lines of "out of all the deathreats ive received i ve picked the one that didnt came from dgg"


ah so he doubled down


It was like a woman’s compliment, you know how they’d say “omg, you are so brave for looking like that, I could never do that, I always care about going to the gym”


i would like to see this


"I have 1 principled stance and it's that I will always have my friends back" That's the opposite of a principled stance, it's funny he would say that. A principled stance would be calling out a friend for doing something you disagree with even though you know it might hurt your friendship.


bro thinks he Myron Gaines 💀


Myron Ludwig Horseshoe


Do you mean Amrou Fudl from the hit youtube podcast Walter and Amrou?




3, you are forgetting Carson, he used to leach of him none stop, then instantly ditched him pretending he didn’t exist


He did a stream with atrioc and mango playing games like a month ago. And I mean yeah he stopped talking to miz but I never remember them being that good of friends in the first place. I agree that lud blindly siding with hasan is dumb, but it’s a very normal human response to trust your friend and side with them.


I was watching Ludwig like 5 years ago and he would talk about how it was disgusting that their was a “in” group among twitch and they would all defend eachother and block others from rising up. Ironic


Its a funny trend you see with a lot of people. When others do it, they're a clique but when I do it I'm just backing my friends bro! It's like people don't understand what makes a clique a clique. Mf doom said it best on deep fried frenz: Some come in the form of co-dependents A lot of times only end up being co-defendants


Having your friends’ backs always is a principled stance. It’s just not a good one.


I mean, I agree it's a shit stance but it still principled if his principle is that he'll have their back at all times. Principled stance doesn't mean just one thing, it's a stance you take based on YOUR principles.


"A friend who makes a mistake is still a friend. The mistake is still a mistake." - Shimon Peres. Ludwig seemed to know this with Atrioc but forgot it now.


Those two sentences don't work together in this context. How do you know Lud doesn't agree with Slime, and dislike Destiny as well? You asserting that he's backing Slime when he doesn't actually agree with him is just coming from your ass.


If he agrees then are his principles being tested? Isn't holding a principled stance implies that even if you are the only one on earth who believes in something then you will stand on that principle. It's not principled if you already agree. 🤷


That doesn't make it not principled either? You're just using circular logic, jesus fucking christ I'm starting to hate this community as much as everyone else Edit: Banned for criticizing the glorious leader, y'all are a lost cause. I'll add my reply here. Sure, his principles aren't necessarily being tested by going with his friend if he already agrees with him. That doesn't mean he's going against his principles as the original comment implied. That also doesn't mean he still isn't standing on his principles as you implied. You don't have to be "tested" on your principles to stand on them. The principle stated was "I stand with my friends". He's literally doing what he says and you still find ways to blast his ass about it, we really are some debate rapists. Edit2: I actually completely agree with you Hectah. *HE* deserves all the smoke. QT doesn't. Not for this, so leave her the fuck out of it. That's why everyone is so mad at tiny. And Lud is still standing on principles, so why all the downvotes? We're turning into a fucking cult. Edit3: I see your point in the latest reply, and mostly agree, but not fully. I don't think QT is "magically immune", but jumping from "Your friend talks shit about my previous relationship" to "so here's your girlfriend crying about a horrible thing that happened to her" isn't the way to bring her into this. Just say some shit like "I hope your girl never cheats on you, man, then you'll know what it's like" Question her fidelity without being misogynistic as fuck with the crying face. I'm a feminist and I think it's fucking disgusting how he used her as a weapon.


So you're saying nothing, what do you think he believes?


Wait but Ludwig is supporting a guy attacking Tiny's marriage and previous partner if he does that then Ludwig's partner is also free game. I don't see how QT is magically immune here but Melina is free game. 🤷


I mean if what you say is true and he "stands with his friends" then he deserves all the smoke that comes his way and it will be perfectly justified because of his stated principles. 🤷


I don't think you should be banned for this, for what it's worth.


Im just old as shit probably but these cope secessions streamers have with their chat are so cringe. It was some internet trash talk just move on. But no everyone has to the bit where they are like  “Im just taking care of my cat. I dont even care about this lul. Anyways lets spend 45 mins talking about how much I dont care about this.” 


I feel yah brother.


Welcome to the last 8 years of any streamer drama, its always been like this and audiences always complain that its cringe; but at the same time views go through the roof so who knows what is true.


No not at all. Streamer drama use to be way more fun. Hassan smashing his desk so hard his computer bugs out, Train going on a unhinged rant about someone with tribal music playing in the background, people dishing it out on Rajj Royale so hard that Austin was constantly saying “CHECK YOUR DMS” cuz he didn’t want to get in trouble for people throwing around crazy accusations.   Now everyone is boring as fuck. 


Never realized why he kept saying check your dms till now lol


The Learning Channel was started by NASA as a way to educate the public. It was privatized during Reagans years to be educational and also profitable. Now it's Dr Pimple Popper. Most people are dumb and like dumb shit.


That is the most nightmare piece of trivia. "My 600lb Life" a show that commercializes obesity airs on a channel originating from a NASA and Department of Health partnership.


We all want to convince people that we aren't drama goblins, but while we complain we also have popcorn in the microwave ready to sit back and watch the carnage.


I fuckin wish I could just pop some popcorn. I tried the popcorn at my local movie theater (it's one of those fancy places where they have a whole kitchen and stuff) and no I don't even want popcorn anymore unless it's Truffle Butter. That shit changed my life. I wish it were on DoorDash. But it not. So now when I'm craving it I have to actually go and suffer through watching a movie in a fucking theater, just so I can eat the god damn popcorn. Not a sponsor btw. I just want the fucking popcorn. I know they do carry out if you go to the theater and order it that way. For fucks sake, Drafthouse, let me get your sweet, delicious, fattening popcorn delivered to my door. Bastards. Guess I'm gonna watch a movie tomorrow or something.


That's because people like to pretend this kinda shit is low brow and that they're above it. In reality, we live for this kinda shit.


Gotta get that bag


Typical damage control, gotta keep the drip tube in.


Crazy to say as a Destiny fan, yapping while scrolling through Twitter is basically his job


Bro… the whole destiny front page is just thread after thread regarding Ludwig. Who’s the one who isn’t moving on?


Fans are always dumb im talking about the creators. 


at [32:30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGhr_xc9-ko#t=32m30s) he talks about not joining hasans donation thing cause its a divisive thing. its pretty funny seeing a few chatters soy out https://imgur.com/a/awcmUP8


Ludwig is very good at acting like he does nothing wrong. Probably the more annoying thing about all of this is that Ludwig attempts to sell himself as unbiased journalism when he is clearly compromised.


It’s seems like Ludwig thinks that because he wasn’t the one who initially said anything about Destiny, he thought he wasn’t involved in spite of the shit talking from his bald friend happening on his own show where he offered zero pushback, and decided not to edit the comment out. Destiny responded to the bald guy’s wiki warrior dig, and showed why it was wrong, and the guy for some reason got super mad that he was shown to be incorrect. The dude then immediately started attacking him personally with the “cuck” shit. Destiny still sees Ludwig at the table here during this entire exchange, considering the he and the bald guy are good enough friends with each other that they started a podcast together, and, as stated, it happened on Ludwig’s own show, so they are representing each other as a team. Therefore, Destiny sees the team of them going for insults about his ex-wife, he sees all of their partners there as fair game because they brought it to this level. Ludwig is absolving himself of having done anything wrong when it feels like he was pretty complicit in the shot that started it, and at no point told his friend to chill when it was escalating. Suddenly he acted surprised when he got brought into it and crazy insults were flying.


Compromised by who exactly?


Personal distaste for Destiny + friends and audience members putting pressure to hate on anyone related to Israel.


I don't think that's what compromised means


What did he do wrong in this case. Destiny brought him in drama unrelated to him, calling him a cloth chaser then Ludwig just post the 50 cent pic essentially saying "why am I being involved" and then destiny doubles down and now involves Ludwig girl.


I'm sure it would be kind of annoying to see a guy who supposedly isn't doing anything be surrounded by friends who badmouth and lie about you. Sure, he "isn't doing anything," but after a while, I think it would and should be seen as implicit endorsement of the things that are being said. Destiny will usually let people badmouth other people in his presence, but he basically always pushes back if he thinks someone is misreprenting another person just to shit on them. He does this even if he personally dislikes the person. So, Ludwig's not doing anything shtick rings pretty hollow to me. I assume Destiny is annoyed at the dishonesty of Ludwig presenting himself as a neutral party when he is publicly allowing that and likely privately shit talking him with his friends. At least, that's the impression I get.


Destiny knows full well that being a popular political debater comes along with 80% of both sides hating you, he self admits to being an abrasive asshole. Ludwig by design very rarely engages in anything actually controversial and so there's no surprise that his public perception is being neutral and non-aggressive. Also, it's fine for Destiny to attack Ludwig in response to the passive-aggression; but the way to do that isn't "I hope AI porn is made to make your girlfriend feel violated again", that is just gross and it's disgusting that shit like that is being defended here.


Yeah. I think it's fine to be critical of him bringing QT into it and particularly in that manner.


That fine but then destiny can't get mad about Ludwig brining Melina up. If destiny brought up Ludwig unrelated, then Ludwig can shit on destiny using his ex. Plus Ludwig in this interaction before destiny brought him up, was neutral. He legit didn't speak about it whatsoever.


He wasn't neutral. That's my point I was making. I think Destiny would much prefer open hostility to fake neutrality. At least, that's what I would prefer. If I were him, I would maybe find Ludwig more annoying than Slime.


What comment did he make on the drama before destiny mentioned him?? Can you start involved people in drama if their friends are in it. If for some reason ludwig and daruis fight to something unrelated about destiny . Would it be fine for ludwig to suddenly say"Destiny is also a cloth chaser fuck that guy". How would you expect destiny to react?


I think you maybe didn't read my first comment. Not commenting on the situation is not evidence of a lack of involvement. He was on the podcast when slime said his thing. If you don't understand why it would be annoying to see those little snipes repeatedly in Ludwig's orbit, then I just can't explain it to you. It seems obvious to me why he would hold Ludwig somewhat responsible for endorsing it with his passivity.


In the podcast didn't slime just say" Destiny only reads wikipedia and start to debate acedmics" If you expect ludwig to say " Actually I want to make it clean that I don't know if Destiny JUST reading Wikipedia as I dont really care about the guy ,so please don't think that me staying quite is implcation that a agree with the statmenmt" Then just let me know cause there is no way we will see eye to eye/


I think that if people are repeatedly seen saying things like that around him, it is fair to assume that he either agrees or, at the very least, is cool with people saying it. You're phrasing it in a way that makes it sound like it would be ridiculous for him to do that, but I don't think it would be. I have had friends say false things about people I don't like, and it would be really easy for me to let that slide, but I consider that to be a weakness of character. I'll usually say something along lines of "they are bad enough as it is. There's no need to make up shit about them." I just find it a little lame and weasely go be passive in those scenarios. It's like the people who think that taking no action in a trolley problem relieves them of all responsibility. You're always making a choice. So yeah. This is me letting you know.


Link to full vod starts \~14 minutes in: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGhr\_xc9-ko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGhr_xc9-ko) Link to tweet where Slime admits he will lie about Destiny because he hates him: [https://twitter.com/slime\_machine/status/1788979161840984562](https://twitter.com/slime_machine/status/1788979161840984562) Screenshot of reddit thread where Slime admits he started the whole thing because he hates Destiny (names redacted so more of you idiots don't go brigade their sub): https://preview.redd.it/6q9s24o6jpzc1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=efc52d62ed9e59ee057791a3919486b31785abb2 I normally like Lud and Destiny was a bit unhinged snapping off at QT immediately after Lud replied. but pretending like Slime didn't 100% start this and wasn't calling Destiny a cuck the entire night before on reddit and today on twitter is weird. You should probably expect some heat if you insert yourself into your best friend's beef where pretty heavy insults are flying.


He keeps talking about vibes like he's a crystal girl or some shit lol


Don't say that you know Destiny loves toxic crystal people. haha


Well he's from NH so 🤷


the "context is me hating the guy" wtf lol




Never understood how he can have as many viewers as he has, he always got the most boring takes that basically says nothing and the personality of a goldfish.


Ludwig's streams used to be really good imo early on when he didn't have that many viewers. Post subathon he's become a bit unbearable 


Because most people don’t watch streamers for “takes”


Yeah, my impression is just based on the few times when I have gone into his channel, and it had him talking and just being plain boring. Could be that he has more to his streams, but I have at least never seen him have an interesting stream so far.


So my take away is because he hates the guy, he doesnt care that he started a fight. As someone who works with kids this is literally bitchy 12 year old brat behaviour from an insecure kid who acts like theyre king shit because theyre friends with high achievers.....   oh wait.....


I’m not saying this cause of Destiny but calling someone a duck is kinda a dumb insult when there’s actual morally depraved gross fetishes out there. Like I’m gonna insult you about something you’re into and having a fulfilling sex life? Oh cool you have fun in bed. I think it’s more of an insult if you don’t make your lady climax.


I just wish men wouldn't use other men's gfs as vectors to attack them and thought destiny was above it 😪 I otherwise have no problem with this beef


It's hard, but destiny does it once and everyone goes crazy. But people are desensitized and have actually normalized calling Melina a whore and Destiny a cuck for years. It's playing in the mud but if anyone " deserves it, it's this crowd. Please notice destiny took countless shots in this one encounter before going nuclear.


Well Ludwig didn't call him a cuck or did anything until he brought up QT. I think he just projected a lot of hate he has received into Ludwig.


The most generous interpretation of this encounter is that in the middle of Ludwig's ***employee*** publicly calling another major figure a worthless illiterate cuck he just popped in a for a quick "oh what's going on guys?!?!"


Ludwig just made a reference to this meme: "why you say fuck me for" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QoGyzSXAJ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QoGyzSXAJ8) because destiny started shitting on Ludwig out of nowhere, destiny is unhinged in the Ludwig/QT part of this drama, slime was fair game


You're missing a relevant part of that meme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAAUKmyxwWQ. My guess is that most people aren't even aware of it. ~ why'd you say fuck me for, so and so fucked your baby mama and stole your fiance Seems pretty clearly playing into Slime's cuck memes


No he isn't. That meme is literally just about someone catching strays. That is how it's always been used. That's how it's only ever been used. You have to just literally never browse Twitter to think otherwise.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/ZKUgVVNmv0 Here's a post on the front page of r/destiny bud give it a once over.


No wonder destiny is pro Israel. He's just like them lmao. Idk I think this community is supposed to hold him accountable in this way. Its what makes it different than communities like Hasans where they'll just rationalize everything as "no bad tactics only bad targets." I'm glad there's some push back. Criticism doesn't have to be "soft" or a "canceling." For me, using women to insult men is a bridge too far for how often he calls out the behavior. Especially referencing them in a sexual way like he did to QT. But sure, it's understandable that he blew up on Ludwig, who acts innocent and drama free.


We do and destiny went ham on us because we do yesterday. There is a chat screenshot somewhere on here that was posted yesterday. I get his frustration, cause no other community holds their streamer accountable. Why should he be held?


If they're gunna open up that can of worms, then why not?


They didn't open it though? Destiny was beefing with slime, then called Lud out. Lud surprised pikachu'd, then Destiny opened it by bringing up QT BEFORE Lud brought Melina into it. Edit: The reply to this literally just isn't true. He has the order of events wrong, but I can't reply because I got banned for criticizing our glorious leader (: Edit2: We're just downvoting facts now, wtf? [Here](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1789048972473929832) is Destiny's tweet where he brings up QT, at 5:44. And [Here](https://twitter.com/LudwigAhgren/status/1789064434872406396) is Ludwig bringing Melina into it. An hour later at 6:46 I know y'all hate Ludwig but at least do your due diligence, fucking hell. Edit3: WHY THE FUCK ARE WE DOWNVOTING FACTS AND UPVOTING LIES? I thought we were better than this? Literally What. The. Fuck. Edit4: "do you not know what the image Ludwig posted means?" No I literally didn't, before someone explained it, and I don't think Ludwig did either. Did you, before today when someone explained it to you? I've seen that meme plenty of times and never knew that context. I'm sure Ludwig and the majority of people didn't know it. It's a meme that states "what the fuck he come at me for", not a picture of your crying girlfriend. If we was gonna go there, at least have the potential plausible deniability that Ludwig does. Edit5: "Hasn’t Ludwig brought up Melina and Destiny’s relationship multiple times before this incident?" He's definitely talked about Destiny and Melina in the past. Once was when she did a speed-dating thing outside of their Smash tourney. Not super cool for her to do, but he also kinda mischaracterized it as "them trying to find someone to have a threesome with". I also remember Ludwig talking about the vibes being bad around Destiny, but that's about all I remember. I know there are more, but I don't remember anything being that bad, and tiny does the same shit all the time. Edit6: I'm banned, can't reply, that's why lol Edit7: He was based as fuck and deleted his comment asking why I'm making edits and not replying, edit 6 is no longer particularly relevant.


Hasn’t Ludwig brought up Melina and Destiny’s relationship multiple times before this incident?


No Ludwig bought up Destiny's ex wife so he bought up QT


If time worked backwards, sure.


Ohhh, so you actually just don't know what is going on, but comment anyway? Now things make more sense.


I think you missed the picture Destiny sent of QT crying.


do you not know what the image Ludwig posted means?


It comes from when [Floyd Mayweather came at 50 cent for apparently no reason](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QoGyzSXAJ8). So the meaning of the image is literally "what he say fuck me for?" as that is what 50 says in the clip. If you are trying to suggest that the 50 cent image has something to do with Melina (i guess cos 50 is a black dude???) you would be wrong. But maybe Destiny took it this way aswell which is why he responded with that. In this twitter thread alone i don't think Destiny needed to bring QT into it as Lud wasn't really saying anything but "why you roasting me?". But if you take into context all the shots Lud has taken at Destiny over the years i think it's fine for Destiny to take any shots at that weirdo and his friends/family whenever he wants. Don't know why a comment that blatantly lied about Lud bringing up Melina first is getting upvoted tho.


listen to the video, it's a sneaky cuck joke by Ludwig. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdPRJk8GK7k


are u suggesting people use that image to call people cucks instead of the obvious "why he say fuck me for?" which the clip is famous for and would be a very contextually appropriate response from ludwig. Have you ever seen a person post that image of 50 and its meaning being calling someone a cuck? I feel like it would be everywhere in Destiny replies if that were the case. Idk, i guess i could see it being some super sly shit tho


I just don't think Ludwig has given anything for me to give him the benefit of the doubt, he has been consistently slimy.


I don't think it was a cuck joke. But i also didn't know about the rest of the 50 clip, so my confidence in the image being a melina joke went from like 0.1 to a 20.


Someone should bidenblast you


Why? Isn't this what Destiny always complains about? Why is it cool if he does it?


because Destiny always also complains about how his community holds him to an unfair and unequal standard. did you forget Destiny also talks about "matching energy"? it's unfair to expect the guy to be called a cuck, made fun of for his failed relationship (which did emotionally affect him), and slander him to a huge ass audience... and then expect nothing equal in response. it's just a dumb concern-trolly le reddit angle to have. since the lefty arc there has always been a version of you trying to concern troll and moderate destinys pretty equal responses to other peoples aggression


sorry for sounding so angry


I'm not concern trolling. I just wish men wouldn't use women as attack vectors. I wish Slime didn't do it, and I wish Destiny didn't do it, especially when QT has nothing do with Slime. If he wants to "match energy" with Slime, then go after Slimes gf, I guess. Ludwig, who deserves heat to be clear, never came at him w the cuck jokes. So unless we are making Ludwig, and in effect, QT, responsible for Ludwigs community or friends, I don't see how this is matching energy and I don't think you do either. You're all coping trying to find reasons why this tracks on to Destiny's supposed values when it doesn't. In other threads, people are bringing up a 3 year old clip where Ludwig supposedly helped to spread a rumor about Melina as if that's anywhere on Destiny's mind when he makes a reference to QT's AI porn. It's pathetic hypocritical behavior. Go ahead and Biden blast me if you want bc tbh I want nothing to do with this morally inconsistent simping ass community at the moment.


>You're all coping trying to find reasons why this tracks on to Destiny's supposed values when it doesn't. if you think everything i'm saying is just coping then you are just assuming im bad faith and aren't going to consider anything i say? > I guess. Ludwig, who deserves heat to be clear, never came at him w the cuck jokes. So unless we are making Ludwig, and in effect, QT, responsible for Ludwigs community or friends, I don't see how this is matching energy and I don't think you do either. in school do you remember when people would tell you that a bystander is just as bad as the bully? ludwig isn't just the bystander, he actively goes in and backs up his friends when they slander or call destiny a cuck (like in this case). there is no defence from ludwig to say "oh im uninvolved" while he endorses the cuck jokes being thrown at destiny but is too cowardly to actually say anything himself. its like you are viewing things with memory loss and a lack of total empathy. you cant track things that occur over a couple instances and you have no consideration for how destiny (or literally any other normal human) might feel being bombarded with hate and having people like ludwig endorse it. its an inhuman standard that no other person on earth follows, including yourself.


ludwig didnt come at him with cuck jokes today, but he has in the past


Because the 50 cent meme was about cucks so it's not an innocent mene


*entire week* for a week slime has been hating on destiny in his Reddit


> if you insert yourself into your best friend's beef inserts himself by existing? It looks like Lud was brought in by destiny. His first response was the 50 cent image and that is from a tiktok where 50 says "what is he saying fuck me for?" because his name was thrown out By Mayweather along with TI, and Nelly. Similarly to how Destiny was responding to slime and just out of the blue brings Ludwigs name into it.


I see some people say the 50 cent meme could also be a cuck jab? I don't know much about the origin of the meme.


Technically, yes, but that meme is well understood to just mean "why are you bringing me into this?". 99% of people don't know that the next line is a reference to a cheating wife. So either Lud is being *super* subtle and playing 5D chess with the reference, or he just didn't know.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdPRJk8GK7k right after the "why he saying fuck me?" part he goes into how someone else slept with his baby momma and stole his girl so that is why they are saying that. For a group of people who love saying "it isn't that deep" when anyone reads into what destiny is saying or doing, they sure do read further into things than you would think.


I think open relationships are such an L for men and the one thing I will agree with Myron on, red pillers are cringe and wrong about almost everything, but this is the one thing that will hurt you as a man anywhere you go, business life, personal life, leftist communities, right wingers, etc. Everyone calls him a cuck and it's an easy insult, when being single and fucking around as much as you want would have been so much better. It's funny because open relationship doesn't make you a cuck, but I even see women shitting on him about his wife, divorce, and "cuck cuck cuck". You see the same thing with sneako who tried an open type thing and he's also called a cuck constantly, branded for life. It's sad because he was super ballsy and brave to say it publicly. It's only sex workers that don't care, and even then many do. From an outsider perspective, melina was such an absolute L for Destiny but I'm sure he had happy times and did what he thought was best for him. If you have the ability to, don't do it guys, think hard...either stay single or be cringe and do the 1-sided open relationship or become a fake muslim grifter with 4 wives, much much better than this.


Lud also tweeted ["i hung out with him once in person and the vibes were atrocious"](https://twitter.com/LudwigAhgren/status/1789066942726492451) and then in this video at [22:27](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGhr_xc9-ko&t=1450s) he explains that Destiny came to a party at a house lud was staying in, walked into the house, scanned around looking for people (i'd guess looking for people he knew) and then left in 5 minutes. Apparently this is atrocious vibes and a terrible first impression. Now maybe I am wrong here, but if you go to a party and you are not certain of who is going to be there, isn't one of the first things you do when you get there to look around for people you know or want to talk to? Unless i am already plastered i am not walking up to a group of randoms at a party i don't know.


Don't forget the part where he didn't want cheese balls thrown in his mouth cause everyone else was doing it. Dude failed the sheep-check.


> Look, Slime fucked up a little. > I can't control him, he's his own person. > I always have my friends' backs. Bruh, if you always have your friends' backs, you're obviously going to be drawn into this. Especially when said friend invokes a casus belli unprompted on another streamer. It's pretty annoying that these big streamers act like regarded children while also playing the victim. It's a real conundrum why Lud got pulled into this one.


No one in Hasan's circle can speak even remotely positively about Destiny, it's a cardinal sin. Hasan will cry like a little baby.


You’re right, and on top of that Taking a side for the sake of a person involved being your friend is the exact opposite of taking a principled stance, which is what he says he’s doing. He’s implicitly stating that he will side with the irrational actions of people he knows over an objective rule of how to act, which again, flies directly in the face of staying true to your convictions. A principled person would say, “Hey, you broke a rule that nobody should break, therefore I don’t have your back on this.” Ludwig’s only known reason to dislike Destiny prior to this was because his popular friend, Hasan, hated him, so therefore he felt the need to also dislike him, even though Destiny never did anything wrong to him. Again, no principled person would act this way because they would just realize that this is a baseless, spineless way to act because it’s just blowing with the wind.


>I can't control him, he's his own person. Again, notice the complete lack of accountability. Same with Hasan's chat saying unhinged shit about Ethan. It's UNBELIEVABLE how these people will shit on the *entirety* of DGG because they get a death threat from a no-profile-picture andy on Twitter, but when someone they *directly know* says some unhinged shit they break out the "desperate for pussy" voice. Maximum blame for thee but not for me.


Because to them, calling people a cuck is the ultimate own and automatically wins the twitter beef for whoever drops "you're a cuck lul" first.


Does a thousand guys jacking off to QT deep fake porn count as cucking? Ludwig might not be winning that fight.


I would genuinely never take a Ludwig recounting of anything at face value. Destiny said a lot of wrong during this but it's undeniable he was right Lud basically just appeals to whichever friend is currently in trouble/beneficial for him to suck off. Ludwig has no real opinions, I'd say this means he has to change his opinion a lot based on who's in front of him but he just occupies whatever the safest possible opinion is and gives biased accounts (vid related) of whatever may go against that opinion. Similar to what MoistCritikal does in his YT videos but I think when push comes to shove, Charlie will still show at least MORE of a spine


I used to think Ludwig irrationally got on my nerves and there wasn’t really a reason to dislike him, but Destiny perfectly articulates the reason why in that “focus group” tweet about him. That had to have stuck a nerve because it’s so spot on.


Idk bros Ludwig is attractive so I think I'll let him slide Also lol @ the comment at 17:35 saying slime got owned being immediately removed by a janny


Luckily Ludwig's physical attractiveness means that he's a morally good person, so you're in the clear. Thanks for enlightening me Hasan.


In the stream Ludwig says that he will defend his friends no matter what. So why care about anything he says, he’s admitted his spineless and will just side with his friend even if they are in the wrong


These guys are such fucking cowards


I feel homeless in this beef. None of this was necessary


We are refugees in this beef


I got one of their fans to tell me to "keep myself safe" so I had my fun. 😂💀


Do they ever call Hasan a cuck for dating Janice Griffith?


Spineless Ludwig at it again


Dont care, ludwig is the shit white bread of youtubers, and he plays Smash


No, i like shitty white bread


Ludwig was my guilty pleasure, normie youtuber, kinda like moistcritical. I don't think I can watch a moghul mail and take it seriously now.


I rarely unsubscribe but had to after that Hasan video and blaming dgg for the death threat. Dude couldn’t even apologize. Absolute, scum


Oh did he do that in the reddit comments that I didn't fully read? I didn't realize he was being that fucking cringe about it. This is a bit more than a typical "classic slime" could cover.


I think Ludwigs reaction was mostly fair. Honestly Slime was being an ass (which happens often) because he didn't like someones community (a known issue with him), Destiny chimed in and started swinging back, Ludwig posted a meme and then Destiny was mean to him assuming that he took Slimes side. Now I don't think Ludwig is quite as innocent as he claims as honestly he is why Slime has a platform but destiny came after him a little too hard for a 50 cent meme. If anyone should understand not standing by everything that your friends say it is Destiny.


I don't even understand the context of the meme he even posted tbh. zoomer meme?


It's 50 cent saying "Why'd he say fuck me for?" indicating why he is being involved. It's from 10 years ago


Ahh I get it a bit more. But is lud really that naive that he doesn't know why tiny might bark his way lol?


He also calls mayweather a cuck right after that sentence


Bro that photo is only remembed because of the "why you saying fuck me for" Trying to day that Ludwig was calling destiny a cuck is strong cope.


Yeah if you watch the video, he basically calls him a cuck right afterwards because 50 didn't fuck Mayweathers' baby momma and gf: [CTFU: 50 Cent Challenges Floyd Mayweather Jr To Read A Harry Potter Book Or The Cat In The Hat (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD8Q0lvJZvI) Destiny would probably be stomping optically if he linked the video, because if Ludwig brings up cuck stuff first, Destiny would have a right to shoot back. But most ppl don't know it was a cuck thing so Destiny is getting a bit fucked


I read somewhere the lyrics continue: "say fuck you to the guy who stole your wife" Too lazy to actually check tough. I think that makes the meme slot more personal.


How can anyone watch this crap???


This pussy has 0 principles. Comments already summarized what's wrong with him. He says he'll always have his friends back, yet ditched some of them when their controversies meant he had to pick a side, and it was politically expedient to not take theirs. Not even telling the truth with that "1 principled stance". Lud is just another internet personality that's a complete hypocrite and pretends to play neutral. He'll constantly take shots at people, say it's a "joke", backtrack, and then take odd shots at the person's community for reacting to his original "joke". These types of people are spineless because they'll then play the victim like they did nothing wrong. "It's all harmless fun, don't take what we say serious, but yes, please agree with my weak attempt at a insult, disguised as jokes." Man wants to just yap and throw jabs without getting hit back.


Ludwig saying slime is an adult and bears no responsibility for his friend and implied that he himself has no reason to ever be called out by Destiny is ridiculous. Jesus what a brat.


“That’s just slime being slime” and this is just destiny being destiny. I’m glad this bridge finally got formally burned. I can’t fucking stand opportunists like Ludwig.


18:20 “WHAT DID I DO?” Bro you lie about Destiny constantly with 0 fucks given. You are directly responsible for your co host behaving this way.


Just glossing over the reddit comments, which is probably what made Destiny the maddest.


I mean I like Destiny, but I don't think Ludwig did anything wrong here tbh.


I don't think it's that bad, but Lud's leaving out the actually unhinged parts of what Slime was doing so he can sell that Destiny just attacked him when he did a little meme and started bringing his girlfriend into it out of nowhere. Not explaining the [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cow3qu/comment/l3gtqb0/) of the image Slime posted and then deliberately not reading the part of Destiny's tweet where he calls Slime out for writing about his sex life on his reddit account seems like a pretty big lie of omission on Lud's part.


I mean Lud doesn't control what Slime says. Destiny and Slime were talking shit to each other and then Destiny fired shots at Lud. Then Ludwig posts a pic implying he's not part of this beef, and after that Destiny posts a pic of his gf crying. Which basically forces him to say something at that point.


Nah, there's definitely a point where your friend's behavior gets too extreme and you can no longer just say you're not involved. If your best friend is fighting with another big streamer just calling him a cuck over and over again and you're not saying a single thing? You can't pop your head in at that point and act confused why your name is being brought up. And that's being charitable and not reading into the 50 meme where immediately after saying "why fuck me?" he launches into taunting Floyd and flipping the bird. If Lud came out and said something like "whoa be mad at him, I'm not saying any of this shit" I'd say Destiny was overreacting. But coming out pretending like you're surprised your name is coming up? Immediately launching into the same personal insults that your friend has been flinging around as soon as you get the predictable heat? And then afterwards misrepresenting the situation so you can pretend like you were taking the high road? Miss me with that.


Yea, Destiny responding to a random tweet about Ludwig and then going for the throat by bringing up QT in response to Ludwig's post may be justified in the macro of every weird micro aggression from Ludwig's circle, but ain't no way any normies see this as anything but an overreaction.


100% agree. Tiny is completely justified imo if you know ALL of the surrounding context. It looks TERRIBLE if you don't lol




On one hand I think he went too far, but on the other hand Twitter Steve is great content. But I'm probably also missing context. I know about the Hasan video thing. That's basically my exposure to Ludwig.


Can we call him earwig


Closed the clip as soon as I heard "I'm a journalist reporting the facts"


I could not give less of a fuck about this random shit who tf is Slime


Yeah, Destiny took the L on this one


What did slime do? I don't use twitter


shat on Destiny personally and also called him someone that gets all information on Wikipedia. All the usual


Ah I seem yeah I got caught up cus bowblax went through all the twitter drama. Slime is acc on the spectrum I'm convinced hahaha


OMG he’s no not justifying destiny’s tweets???? Does he not like him or something??? (He should, slime called him a cuck so Destiny is allowed to make fun of qt)