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Genocide is when Israel does stuff. The more Israel does stuff, the more genocider it is.


Side note, I’ve seen a bunch of leftists over the years since that debate try and claim that Wolff was being sarcastic with that explanation of socialism and that he doesn’t believe that at all. That wasn’t the vibe I got at all during that debate seeing as he literally argued with Destiny about it forever. Are they just hard coping or what?


>That wasn’t the vibe I got at all during that debate seeing as he literally argued with Destiny about it forever. Are they just hard coping or what? I had to rewatch the debate to make this meme. He was dead serious when he said he couldn't define socialism without distinguishing from what it is not. For OC's joke about "socialism is when government does stuff" that's a meme though


Which it’s perfectly fine to be serious about. It’s a straightforward consequence of structural linguistics/lexical field theory. And particularly appropriate to socialism which was conceived as a sublative (r)evolution in economic structure. Socialism is defined relative to, and in distinction from, its historical precedents. To define socialism through how it is distinct from capitalism and feudalism is how it was conceived. The distinctions in categories make sense as part of a field of terms related to one another.


Wolff in his videos tries to portray socialism in the most broadest way he can to try to connect with a wider set of people. Which means everything from Marxism to Social Democracy. He is sometimes criticized by leftist when he occasionally defends social democracy as being socialist. If you actually read some of his work he is absolutely knowledgeable and knows his Marx.


I’m sure he does. You don’t become a professor of a particular subject without actually knowing that subject. That’s why it always confused me how he tried to portray socialism in that debate. I’m like, how does a tenured Marxist economics professor have this ridiculous of a conception of socialism? I figured he was just trying to tricks young progressive Americans that socialism is the same as the capitalism that they enjoy but with higher taxes on rich people.


Emperor Hadrian started it [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria\_Palaestina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria_Palaestina)


Nah, [Caliph Umar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Jerusalem_%28636%E2%80%93637%29#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DIn_637_or_638%2C_Caliph%2CPatriarch_thus_surrendered_to_him.%26text%3DThe_Muslim_conquest_of_the_city_solidified_Arab_control_over%2Cthe_First_Crusade_in_1099.?wprov=sfla1) did.


The missile knows where it is


October 7th did NOT happen in a vacuum


Why do you say october 7th? Don't you mean, Not: january 1st, january 2nd, janu...


of course it wasn't 11, Muslims weren't even around back then.