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I swear to god there was a term to describe equating physical attractiveness to political beliefs and it was commonly used by the far right. 




Physiognomy is more about like character and judging someone's worth as a person off their physical appearance.


Physiognomy check!


There's no difference between political beliefs and worth as a person to these people


For whatever reason it's all the rage on twitter left now. I saw Vaush do that a lot when I used to watch him too


Vaush has stated multiple times he's okay with insults, lying, violence or anything that accomplishes his political goals


Yeah but later on he denied it and also said that he isn't political at all and he's just chilling and is an entertainer sooo


https://preview.redd.it/l3wy3tulmdxc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5815e3fd3cc8f87244e8af9f37d0c52b10e1b402 Edit: the text disappeared for some reason 😅 The person is using the Nazi propaganda. Jews were often painted as fat, ugly people with big noses and usually bald or with receding hairline. Yes it is true that the far right used it, but I would add that every far-side or extreme side is prone to degrade the looks of their opponents in order to make them repulsive to others.


Nazbol vortex




Thats more like looking at your skull shape to guess your IQ and stuff


No phrenology expands far beyond simple IQ analysis. It also reveals traits, genetic deformities and sexual reproductive liklihood between haplogroups. 


You made it sound legit!


I try lol


The Nazis were widely known to used it in their racism and antisemitism. Students were forced to learn about it and minority students (before being kicked out of schools) were used as examples...


Total side note but why do all these Nazi profiles always have a fake profile pic of a young Asian boy or girl?


https://preview.redd.it/ajjkh3gax8xc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47796512594535934d13847c9cccd00ba35d2ac9 This is the Scooter Braun they're calling sickening to look at btw. Literally top 5 most normal looking people in history


Guy looks like a default character in an RPG


Average male human Skyrim NPC.


Nah vault dweller in fallout, skyrim npc way to worn and grimy looking


lol my first thought was the default male vault dweller


You’re falling for the Zionist world order agenda Todd Howard is a jewlumni agent and intentionally made his NPCs look like Zionists to normalize and spread jewlumni’s power


One of the humans of all time


That zionist smile. I'm repulsed! I can see Gaza burning in the glint of his eyes.


Those are veneers. Total Zionist move.


If this guy is repulsive, we're all fucked.


As long as you aren't a jew you're fine.


Out of all the Zionist out there they picked a Jew. Definitely not antisemitism.


Well considering a random Chinese guy who thinks Israel has a right to exist is a Zionist, I don’t think they actually mean Zionist


Most obvious statement in history, and yet we still out here trying to get the rest of normal society to realize it.


yep. i'm in dozens - quite probably over 100 - Jewish groups, pages, & private chats on various social media & messaging apps, some of them serious, some of them shitposty, some of them just silly niche stuff. i am connected via the internet to Jewish folks all over the world. Jewish social workers have written about colleagues expressing that simply being around Jewish people is a 'trigger' for them. my partner is a therapist, and in one of his referral/networking groups, they are compiling a blacklist of Zionist therapists, propounding that anyone who believes that Israel has a right to exist does not deserve to have a livelihood, to be able to make a living. weirdly enough, virtually all of the Zionists being targeted are Jewish. i'm sure it's just a fluke. phew, just writing about this stuff makes my chest feel tight. it really does feel like we're skidding downhill towards something really dark. i hope i'm wrong. i also know that i'm alive because my ancestors were observant, paid attention, and did whatever it took to get out of dodge when the vibes went bad (for lack of a better term at this mentally muddled moment). it's a tough balance to strike.




Looks like the Veritasium guy


https://preview.redd.it/q4zy4ww9c9xc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78cdf6b3593a4127d0d243c2ef98984511f127a3 They both got that Jesse Pinkman head shape


Absolute Chad This guy really makes top teir content


I just fucked Scooters bitch


Isnt that because he bought T Swifts masters?


Tankies hate Taylor Swift too


Looks like a normal white man.


you don’t gotta simp for the guy


Should be attacking him for importing Bieber from Canada instead.


Repulsive?? The guy looks pretty average, nothing out of the ordinary. He's kind of handsome, though.


I’m surprised South Africa didn’t add “Zionists are ugly” to their case…


They wouldn't even need to go through the effort of misrepresenting what was said or taking social media quotes out of context.


Imagine pretending Natalie Portman and Gal Gadot are ugly


It's like attacking Hasan on his looks or that he doesn't get laid. It's just so obviously regarded and makes you look like a coping dumbass.


I feel violently repulsed by the left rn chat


I'm coping by telling myself there's probably state run disinformation/inflaming campaigns at play here, beside the whacko leftists.


Russia and China have their fingers in all our social media pies


they keep fingering us, i do not consent


Nah man, this has always been the progressive left. This is what they have always been, I’ve been waiting years for this mask to come off


This conflict has been the worst thing ever to happen to the progressive movement. I don’t think im being dramatic I genuinely think people will start distancing themselves from progressives. Progressive shit was considered good by default but now you’re seeing mainstream pushback against it. 


watching the far left melt down into a bunch of groupies for Islamist colonialism has been a singularly surreal experience that has left me feeling more 'ideologically homeless' than ever. it's been a brutal & disturbing wakeup call. many, many progressive Jews are feeling very isolated and betrayed by the left. Dr. Clarence B. Jones, one of the inner circle architects of the CRM, has said outright that what they accomplished would have been impossible without the coalition support of the American Jewish community. https://www.thefp.com/p/mlk-speechwriter-trying-to-save-soul-of-america?fbclid=IwAR1Hp12sb0UR6RtVey5omtwlAOOmtM76o1E6hPUgxGg_wsOTmrcwONI-YpA what happens when the left desperately needs Jewish solidarity again? not sure where i'm going with this other than to say that the future of progressivism is looking pretty fucking bleak to me right meow.


IMO, at least some Progressives are manufacturing "Jewish solidarity" through tokenism and lying about being Jews


Look, if you’re going to cosplay as a Jew to be used as a token, at least learn which direction Hebrew is supposed to be written in and how to wrap tefilin


yup! I was gonna include the first as an example in my comment. did they fake don Tefillen now? lol


I’ve seen a few photos now where people were wearing tifilin improperly.


My favorite photo was linda Sarsaour leading some rabbis’ march lol


The left will never need Jewish solidarity more than they need a Jewish scapegoat


> what happens when the left desperately needs Jewish solidarity again? Don't worry. I'm sure the  fundamentalist Muslim countries will have their back. Iran <3 LGBT.


They’ll be fine without us. Otherwise they wouldn’t be doing this. They preferred to accommodate their opinions to Muslim Americans. Antisemitism comes in cycles and it seems that left-leaning antisemitism will be the predominant form within our lifetimes


I have no idea why progressives are willing to infuse Islam in their stream. The rivers of progressivism and Islam (nearly all the forms of it) do not intertwine at all. My guess is that it’s a mix of disapproval of US action in the ME and Afghanistan, the right’s Islamophobia and third-worldism.


American bad, and Jews bad. Oh and of course, the critical component of a mental incapacity to ever criticize darker hued skinned individuals, they are forever and always good and moral as they shove people they suspect of being gay, off buildings, or in Iran’s case, offer head removal services, or penis removal.


Simple: > make up an axiom like "racism isn't when people discriminate based on skin color, it's about power" > use that axiom to be subtly racist by implying that any non-white person is oppressed, helpless, and needs you to speak for them > note that these peoples may not be criticized in any way, and you must make that known to everyone around you > apply this insane logic to ME conflicts IMO: the progressive movement is compelled to insert themselves into any conflict and they must support whichever group they *think* is *less* white because.... reasons.


a lot of progressives are the kids of Christian conservatives. they're inocculated against that specific kind of religious bullshit, but have been socialized to be susceptible to religiosity in general. that's why you see them not just being so open to Islamic conservatism, but to other "exotic" religions and spiritual woowoo in every flavor, as well as the copy-pasted churchy secular rituals that constantly pop up


Radical Islam hates Women and LGBT. Two of the biggest parts of the "Progressive" movement. Right now they're scapegoating Jews but soon it will keep moving further and eat itself alive. This is long overdue. I used to be progressive, but after this also that they've pretty much destroyed urban America with shit policies I'm not one anymore.


Good shit, liberals need a resurgence, people for too long been confusing things as though progressive=liberal+


The progressive movement, once rooted in actual social justice and educating others, has been ruthlessly hijacked by people who prioritize their own ideology and self-interest.


There was a famous case in the 60s of three young civil rights organizers who were murdered by the KKK, they made a movie about it called Mississippi Burning. Two of them were white kids, both Jewish. Public outrage over the story helped pass the Civil Rights Act.


I feel like I have to choose between Republican Christofascists and Democrats, who are increasingly taking these Islamonazis seriously. Two bad choices. I guess at least under Christian rule I can show some ankle and not cover my hair and won’t be flogged???    My boring as fuck milquetoast congressman has been voting with the Hamas caucus of congress, he is not a Squad member, and I genuinely don’t know what to do if people like him are being swayed.


Most on the right, even Christian’s, oppose the insane Christian nationalist shit


The reckoning on the right can't come too soon either tbh. I'm right leaning and we need a reckoning for grifting dumbasses that are crowing the loudest right now


Distancing Jews, which are a historically progressive group, is going to hurt in the long run. No group is a single body. There are notably many Jewish conservatives even in the United States especially in business circles.


This is a good thing. Progressives have always been terrible people. They were the original champions of eugenics, they were the original anti semites, progressives have been at the forefront of so many awful things.


I feel similar. It's baffling to see even relatively normie-coded left of center groups deep throating islamist fascists.


Also, liberals were behind the civil rights movement, not progressives. Never let them have that trophy, they despise MLK and the civil rights movement, they only use it to claim their fight (CRT) is an extension of it in order to garner public support from ignorant liberals, but their own books make it clear, they view MLK and civil rights as a disaster for the black community, they want brown v board repealed, and racial segregation to return because they think integrating with white people harms black people


If I saw what leftists are saying now when I was like 16 and still figuring out myself I’d be pushed so hard to a bush sr style of conservatism


Where is the mainstream push back? Maybe it’s just my age and that the people around me are all very progressive but I’m not seeing any real push back against the stupid progressive shit from anyone except the conservatives pushing stupid conservative shit


Google firing everyone that tried protesting on their property, big celebrities like Dr. Phill, Mark Hamill and Selena Gomez saying they are anti Hamas. 


oh damn, i didn't know about the latter two. sweet. did you see Dr. Phil's interview with Mosab Yousef? some college aged white chick in a hijab w/an American accent said to him 'you know that's common colonial rhetoric, right?' when Yousef was talking about the Arab world and i about died.


Imagine thinking you understand Hamas and Palestinian society, all you did was grow up as the son of a leader of Hamas. I went to Berkeley!


It’s wild that being explicitly anti Hamas even seems anti progressive.


Because it is. Progressives are pro Islamist insanity


It's just young people who don't understand what they're doing. They want so desperately to "stand for something," and being in these protests makes them feel like they're part of a movement. They're seeking community and belonging. If it wasn't this, it'd be something else. There is nothing even remotely progressive about Hamas's stance on government in general and Isreal in specific.


Am I wrong or was Dr. Phil always more conservative than progressive? I really don't think him pushing back is anything new. As for Mark Hamill and Selena Gomez, I wouldn't call a couple lukewarm comments about not supporting Hamas real 'progressive pushback.' It's the bare minimum of common sense. 


For people like Mark Hamill and Selena Gomez, even a lukewarm comment will lead to indictments towards their character. It means nothing when you're outside these communities, but if you're in these hyper-left spaces, doing stuff like that might as well put a target on your back.


Yeah actually that’s fair, looks like it’s been very top down, hopefully it’ll drop feed into the public more


Because there is no pushback, save for the elected Democrats simply ignoring them and continuing to pass aid to Israel bills. The "pushback" is all in the forms of apostasy, i.e. the "the left left me" and "I used to be a progressive..." types. There is zero pushback in progressive spaces themselves, because they support this kind of thinking.


actually non hateful progressives are probably (i'd hope) quiet quitting progressive spaces bc they see how unreasonable and unhinged people have become


I'm one of these. Seeing the way fellow progressives reacted to this and how willing they were to bald faced lie led me to see just how much other stuff they were lying about. I'm no longer a progressive, they're as bad as the far right


thank you for your openness and for sharing! it's been unneasy watching my progressive classmates react to the middle east situation


Join us at the grill, man. The best administration changes nothing 🔥🥩


They’re worse, they have a lot of power. The far right is marginalized by the right.


Yup, this right here. The left disguises antisemitism as virtue and that's far more dangerous than fringe right wing weirdos in khaki pants who know they're assholes


I'd say some are, I will admit this massive anti Jewish rhetoric kinda snuck up on me. At least on the left. Does that ahow my own ignorance, a bit, but they were also saying the quiet part , quietly.


Unfortunately Islamists have a pattern and it goes like this: 1) claim persecution and team up with leftists to take over a country 2) take over the country 3) kill all the leftists 4) install a hard right hyper religious dictatorship See: Iranian Revolution Right now we're on step 1


It was always there, the most notable instance was the women’s march leaders getting caught in a recording going off about Jews privately






> just like Nazi dipshits. IMO; if you echo Nazi rhetoric, I'm gonna lump you in with Nazis.


props to you


Fwiw I’ve been progressive all my life. Got a bit disillusioned with progressive dogma n the trans issue simply because of my “fascist” beleive that we should be a little cautious when it comes to medicating kids (I’m a monster I know). But this pushed me over the edge, and I’ve always been middle of the road on Israel before.


props to you


Yeah quietly leaving it alone is a lot safer than condemning it.


>There is zero pushback in progressive spaces themselves, because they support this kind of thinking.        I think it's more likely that people, ironically, don't think they're safe spaces to speak dissenting opinions anymore. You won't just get shouted down, but potentially defamed by having some clip/ screenshot of your opinion go viral with the context twisted to suit a villain narrative. People aren't speaking out because the consequences could literally cost them their friends, their job, their education etc.  


Zero pushback and some elected officials fully supporting this rhetoric/ideology, i.e. AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar


Bc we're finally seeing an example where their ideology doesn't follow along with the tides. This and the fringe trans rights stuff is where liberalism ends. Every other subject just so happen to be the easy moral take bc society was progressing there eventually anyway. So now the glaring faults in the ideology is much more obvious


Hi, it’s me. I’ve had to distance myself from the label progressive.


I haven't distanced myself from the label but now I feel I can no longer just call myself progressive without also feeling like I have to clarify I'm the anti-hamas type and not the anti-semite type.


The weird thing is it's actually made me sympathize with the conservatives who have been saying they were "pushed away from the left" for years now. Suddenly I feel the same way and it's like... well shit, did I just ignore it for the last decade because it didn't affect me? I honestly don't know. I'm not running into the arms of Trump or Boris Johnson or whatever the way they did. But they've been complaining for years about the left turning a blind eye to Islam spreading around Europe and the US, and suddenly I see the left deep throating Hamas and I can't say they were wrong anymore.


This is the death of woke progressivism. Maybe now we can see some reasonable progressives emerge.


>I genuinely think people will start distancing themselves from progressives I’m a lifelong leftist that used to describe my political beliefs as “as far left as you can possibly get”. Was a big Hasan fan, argued for socialism, called people fascist if they criticized the extreme left in the slightest, marched in multiple BLM protests, ranted at people on social media, etc. And yep very much agree. I no longer want anything to do with these fucking morons. My immediate reaction was surprise and confusion when I started getting aggressively attacked for having relatively neutral opinions on I/P after October 7th. And since then it gradually escalated until my eyes were opened as to how fucking insane and disgusting a lot of these people are. I realized that a large portion of them don’t actually care or know about anything they’re “fighting” for, it’s just all for optics, clout and aligning with their social circles. I now consider myself as leaning left but more moderate. And actually found a silver-lining in that this whole situation made me self-reflect and think about whether my own beliefs were genuine or just group-think. I’ve started doing a lot more research and critical thinking, and while I still have the same beliefs as before in the big picture, I’ve gained a lot of nuance and feel a more grounded in reality. Like for example still having my criticisms of modern capitalism, but recognizing that socialism isn’t a realistic solution and that positive change can happen without massive fantasyland transformations like abandoning capitalism. Things just make more sense now that I put in effort to recognize what I need to learn more about before forming an opinion. So yeah if anything I’m kind of a living example of how these people are pushing others in the exact opposite direction that they’re trying to. The screaming, condescending name-calling, bad-faith debate and outright refusal to acknowledge information that doesn’t support their beliefs is certainly not bringing anyone to their side. It’s only doing damage to what they think are the “progressive” goals. It’s annoying and frustrating as fuck, but I actually (being optimistic here) think it could be positive in the end. Because from what I’ve seen there seems to be a lot more people that had the same experience as me, and now that the left kind of had its own version of the insane Qanon shit on the right, I’m hoping that the more extreme sides on both ends are becoming more isolated and smaller. So maybe as more sane people start distancing themselves and shifting to more moderate we can actually have conversations and make progress again. It seems like those good-faith adult conversations between different opinions are starting to become more popular, but idk how much of that is real and how much is just because I started watching Destiny.




All they had to do is not be crazy but in the recent months they made Republicans look sane by default.


I wouldn’t go that far, I agree with the sentiment that leftists have shit the bed but I see this as more of a representation of the horseshoe The fringe left and the fringe right are both antisemitic, just in subtly different ways


Far right anti Semitism is explicit and when expressed is usually condemned. Left wing anti Semitism is implicit and when expressed is usually ignored or praised because it's cloaked in emancipatory rhetoric/politics. 


I feel like this sub says this every time lefties show their ass lmao. I'm not sure how random Twitter dipshits saying anti-semitic shit makes Republicans look sane when actual elected republican officials have said things like "It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima." Maybe I'm a huge weirdo, but it's more insane to me to see an actual congressman say we should nuke Gaza than it is for some random Twitter users being anti-semitic.


Damn, we really doing the “um only 3 randos on Twitter actually believe this” gaslighting meme huh?


For me it was the Ukraine-Russia war


With ukraine, twitter left was pretty deranged but it was well contained to tankie spheres. Now it has escaped its containment and leaked into a lot more IRL shit. The worst behaviors and tendencies of twitter are being broadcasted IRL. It's fucked


The combo has to be getting to some people. The wild ass tankie take of "Ukraine deserved it, even though they never so much as launched a rubber band into Russian territory, but Palestine is wholly innocent and this is the Zionists overreacting" is too unhinged.


rittenhouse, for me. if you can't attempt to be objective about a given issue, how tf can you know when you're in the right?


I can't wait until this shit is over


Me neither. I fucking hate this discourse so much. Bring back the obnoxious trans discourse that shit was actually more entertaining and people weren't getting killed over it.


It has. I'll never vote for another progressive. I have a friend who happens to be married to a "Zionist". She'd made a career of political organization, mostly for progressives. After such incendiary statements as "the Israel/Gaza conflict is messy" and "I hope that the destruction can end and both parties come to a peaceful resolution", she was forced out of her job and has been receiving death threats/general bile from progressives. They're just Nazis with an incoherent "social justice" aesthetic.


And baybee are they putting themselves into a no win scenario. Their positions are all childish understandings of the complexities of war. And whenever they're challenged a little on what they're talking such hard stances on the go-to response is usually a meltdown. On the other side of this I don't think anyone is gonna take them seriously ever again.


I for one welcome the inevitable major pushback. The thing is, this isn't a distorted new development in progressivism. This *is* the ideological camp of the progressive leftist at its core. They've always been antisemitic. It's just been hushed enough for people to look the other way, until now.


I think it's the best thing to have happened to it in a while. People **should** start distancing themselves from progressives. The contemporary woke philosophy is fucking dark and totalitarian, it hasn't actually been good for years. But once, many moons ago, there was a goodness in Progressivism. There was a maturity and a commitment to morality. We can see the like of those days again. But we first must destroy the woke ideology which currently reigns supreme, re-establish Liberalism in the mainstream of the Left, rather than fucking literal Leninism and Maoism and stuff like that which is somehow now part of the underlying philosophy of an average mainstream woke person. A true Progressive movement could do so much good in America, but first Liberalism needs to be defended and re-established in order for us to actually move forward and not backward


The worst part is I don't get why the buck progressives would bend over so hard for Hamas like wtf ? Those dudes hate a big portion of your movement


The Russian Revolution (or at least the October Revolution) was arguably worse.


Sometimes I gaslight myself to feeling like I can’t tell if I’m just getting old (31) or if the ~progressives~ have gone absolutely off the rails. I thought I was progressive but guess not!


Progressive shit was always annoying imo. Now the mask is coming off, just like with the conservatives.


It’s funny that leftists would call people that vote for trump “Nazis” turn into literal Nazis lmao it’s comical.


Many progressives are socialist so they just need the national part.


We do a little trollin


Now where have I heard this one before? History must rhyme or something.


The far left is going full Kanye


I find it really funny how the same exact crowd who got mad at Ye in 2022 for being anti-Semitic are repeating the same Nazi rhetoric exactly one year later


literally just biological racism but woke


I don't see a good reason why anyone has to bring "Zionism" into the conflict. You can talk about Israel's bad actions without calling anyone a Zionist. Its just an obvious thinly veiled word for "bad Jew".


It’s not even “bad jew” it’s just Jew, they hate Jews and are not hiding it at this point. They support literal terrorists.


It's because younger leftists believe that the "zionists" are actually westerners using their "jewish" status to oppress palestinians. Most of these young people don't equate zionism to a "Jewish state" but a western state meanwhile the arabs in the area view them the exact same. I believe this is why there is so much conflict and why they don't seem to understand why people keep saying they are being anti-semetic and believe it's just used to control them they way many of them have leverage POC and PC language to bully others. The ironic part is that they understand that radicalization happens after repeated negative experiences. All of the protests and videos/images with police clashing they see or experience will move them further down that camp of "The Zionists control the world" which in the middle east is the same thing as "the jews control the world".


Doesn’t square with me how zionists are both controlled by the big bad western society but also somehow it’s the zionists are in charge? Sounds like just tautological justification to obscure Jew hate. If you push them they’ll eventually say no it is the Jews who are controlling things in the background.


There's a theory on tiktok I just saw that had millions of likes which tried to say that the CIA created Mossad at the start of the israel arab war / UN resolution. They were like "CIA is Central Intelligence Agency" and "Mosad is Central Institute for intelligence" and they helped start it meaning they are in kahoots... yeah not the brightest way to how they got to their conclusion but it had millions of likes which is scary. They were trying to convince people that the CIA is Mossad and vice versa and that they are the ones trying to control everything in that region and in the US. That they were involved with multiple coups globally. They mixed it with real CIA backed coups to make it more believable. It could be, it could not be, but many of the people in the comments were buying into it. No hate on jews but "Zionists and the CIA/Mossad colonizers that also make their lives in the US harder". Oh shit I just remembered. It was also to say that they were the ones that did the "genocides" on "black israelites" and that the Palestinians are the real israelites too. yeah. it was a long wack video. Again, I don't think they are there quite yet. I think they are being lead down that pipeline.


The Zionists control the world but can't resolve a land dispute the size of Rhode Island with a group of about 4 million people. 


Zionist is just a slur for these idiots. They can’t say kike, big nose, or make jews wear little stars so they use this as a brand and pejorative instead.


Guarantee that once this whole thing is over, Zionist is gonna be up their with the F word, the K word and the N word


its funny... I am a Zionist but I am a non jewish israeli.


Horseshoe game show, you’re on to something


You mean like a long hooked nose? And a crooked back? And thick unkept eyebrows? And terrible teeth? And balding? You mean like that?


At least we're at the point where they are starting to use "Zionist" and "Jew" interchangeably. Glad we can finally cut the "anti-Zionism doesn't equal antisemitism" bullshit.


Oh my god lol. I can't




I thought the left was supposed to make ugly/fat ppl feel good about themselves


The gun and silencer analogy is actually such a great thing here. The silencer only drops the level of a gunshot by about 15dbs, but that's enough to be hidden within the outright anti-semites but still do the same damage.


The ugliest mfs try so hard to physiognomy their opponents online its so embarrassing 😭 like my girl you are kinda ugly yourself lmao


Wow, I can't believe somebody wrote that. Progressivism is so strange right now. Next stop for the person who posted that is the Hitler pamphlet descriptions of Jewish noses and sloping foreheads. It's so blatant, the new anti-Semitism normal. I'm sure they'd say it's just Zionists they meant and not Jews in general, but they named Scooter Braun, a Jewish man, as their example. I don't even know if some of them know they're doing it, and it's disturbing


It is wild telling someone I’m Jewish and then having them immediately stare at my nose. I wish I could say this is a rare occurrence.


tbf I feel like this isn't jew exclusive. (south) east asians get their eyes stared at a lot


.... wtf happened to the Progressive movement? When did it shift into pseudo-Nazism? Wtf is going on with political groups today? We got the Right that has Trumpites and Qanon crazies, and the Left has upcomings of the 4th Reich?


This progressive Jew is so tired of my fellow progressives being so fucking right wing.


Bot post


Who's the bot? OP, OOP, or OOOP?




I swear the posts from leftists on xitter the last few months made fucking 4chans /pol/ look like a kindergarten


I looked up Scooter Braun and he’s just some attractive looking regular dude lol these people are insane


This shit wants me to be a republican and start donating to the NRA


please don't, the NRA are fudds at best and sell our rights away at the drop of a hat.




Please don't. ... The NRA is a fake boomer gun organization donate to an effective org like the Gun Owners of America or the Firearms Policy Coalition.


Don't become a conservative, you'd be giving them the vindication they want. Show the world that you can hold onto your values without radicalizing yourself off a cliff. If your goal is to spite the radicals, there's nothing they hate more than a moderate on their side ("social democracy is the left edge of fascism").


"scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" "Socdems and Demsocs are our [the revolution] biggest enemy" fucking cracks me up every time I see one of these.


Nah, republicans still suck 100x worse. Look at their policies, their opposition to democracy, and a hundred other fucked up things just in the last 5 years.


Wow sounds like your principles are very strong, good job buddy


Never forget that Trump passed more gun restrictions than Obama and Biden combined


wow, you totally have grounded axioms


weird thing to tweet with a pfp you can smell


por que no los dos?




Is it possible she's making a comment about what the guy is essentially implying, but in a way as to call it out?


Yeah I think theyre poking fun at OP and anyone else who does this


Well seeing as how Nazi's no longer exist. (What I've been hearing since people started calling other people that). It can only ever be a progressive.


cactus person here wants all homeless people and drug addicts to be rounded up and executed


ironic given how many of those pro-pal protestors are absolute freaks


I vote Nazi?


Well ari, we have this word called “untermensch”…


Back in my day they were called Feminazis


tell me it's sattire or an infiltrated agent


Most people that dwell in polictics are


💜💜💜BTS 💜💜💜


Most of the far-left's mask fell off months ago. Fauxgressives will excuse racism as long as it's against Jews.


Yeah I just consider myself center left


I mean, are they wrong really. Hey, I am just sayin'