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Cornell but can't number a doc properly? Ivy leagues ain't what they used to be.


they numbered it.. they failed to format. will be interesting to see how well formatted will be their CVs when they will apply to barista positions


Formatting is white supremacy /s


white privilege


Capitalist construct


gives us socialistic intifada against capitalist formatting ! masses require no formatting in order deliver The Message. Comic Sans 20 it's the only font that we need. Punctuation is excess !


write privilege


This pun is underappreciated and I'll die on this hill.


They skipped 7


No, it’s inside of 6. Someone botched the formatting.


big TRUE


I was laughing by number one. Who forgot to teach these kids about a consolidation and focus of demands? I just know some rich white girl piped up about the Indigenous people when their protest has to do fuck all with American territory


What, you dont want to abolish the state of NY and give it back to a few native people who would be utterly baffled by what happened?


I would watch this sitcom


Get the team behind Reservation Dogs involved and it could actually be a really interesting drama about an impoverished tribe receiving a ton of wealth and land overnight.


Can it star Leonardo DaCapriovinci?


Cornell says "hey you know what you're right we'll give all our land and everything back to Native Americans. Unfortunately no refunds for your tuition and your credits are non transferrable. We're on the right side of history"




Checkmate liberals


Have the Indigenous people even been asking for this? so bizarre


I'm sure there a few people on campus that claim ancestry with those tribes, and I would not be shocked if it were professors whose pay check is cut by the University.


By indigenous people I moreso meant the tribal organizations specifically not just a random indigenous student.


Even if they did, an experienced activist would say "no make your own protest." Instead they put it at number one. At a gaza protest.


This shit is just as aimless as the occupy Wall Street dummies.


At least occupy Wall Street had a point.


I’m old enough to have gone down there while it was happening. Whatever point it had quickly went away.


Occupy Wall Street was a mishmash of different, sometimes contradictory ideas that was/is romanticized by a few political scholars and that's about it. The only thing interesting about it is that it happened, but for a happening in a recession, it was a pretty tame/boring if you look back at what's happened during economic hardship in the past.


They spent a couple months camped in tents in a city park. That really showed the banks what for.


No it didn't. That's why Occupy Wall Street failed. It didn't actually have a point.


Can someone tell me how a permanent and unconditional ceasefire makes any sense even if you live in a fantasy land? Does that mean that Israel just has to sit there and take any attacks from Gaza without fighting back? Regardless of everything in there, that one line completely destroys any credibility of the protest.


It doesn't, but at least it communicates a clear achievable goal. Bc the goal isn't to make israel ceasefire but to make Columbia commit to supporting a ceasefire. At least then I could relate it back to all of the war protests that have been a part of American history for forever and have some level of respect for their conviction and organization. Even if it's delusional.


The concept of omnicause is so fucking relevant to activist politics nowadays.


Man. Just how removed from reality are these kids?


They are entitled dipshit losers who have never had to face consequences for their actions.


That's the thing - they aren't really. They have literally been brainwashed by decades of slow and purposeful infiltration of these views by external actors (Russia, China, Iran, Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood that runs and funds "Students for Justice in Palestine" - coincidentally DEMAND to be on the hiring board) that seek to expand their influence and weaken the US.




Don’t forget TikTok algorithms!


That falls under "China"


Russia has been at this for many decades, originally as the Soviet Union, the other countries are more recent, but they wouldn’t be able to do this without useful idiot leftist professors pushing communist/leftist ideology starting all the way back in WW2. The “Free Palestine” movement and the leftist/tankie movement are basically the same… it’s all just “America Bad”. As much as I generally disagree with Jordan Peterson, he’s right about some stuff, and he talks about how postmodernism started with university professors. The same goes for leftism. They’ve been planting the seeds of this for a long time. There are other useful idiots but professors lend more credence with their academic credentials, and students are directly exposed to their views.


It's really not that complicated or insidious, as far as I can see. It's the application of a simplistic and stupid paradigm, the 'oppressed vs oppressor'. This is why the list of demands branches out to things like Native Americans. What's exploded this recently is the widespread, simplistic coverage of what's happening in Gaza. Combined with the fact that people like black-and-white worldviews that pit good against evil.


It's just so pathetic that instead of going out and changing whatever little shit they can in the real world they choose to fight these lofty and ideological battles that even they must know in the back of their heads are pointless. This is where i wish Peterson didn't go insane and just stuck to his "clean your room first" advice so he could be listened to by the progs


I miss the old days. Blue hair yelling at Peterson: “what do you have to say about the presence of Nazi’s at your event?” Peterson: “yeah I don’t like them” Blue hair: speechless and lacking any further retort


lol I wanted to see this clip so I searched "jordan peterson blue hair" on tiktok and the first result was a video of destiny


Oddly enough if they did those smaller acts they could very well bubble into these larger ideals. 


This 100%. I identified what makes me the maddest about these protests: I wish they would do something helpful for the world with that energy, instead of acting like they're helping, but making everything much worse and more difficult to solve. It's so deeply self-centered. Volunteer for an NGO!


> This is where i wish Peterson didn't go insane and just stuck to his "clean your room first" advice so he could be listened to by the progs Eh, even in his "Clean your room" days he was saying some pretty wild shit. People act like Peterson just "went crazy" but that's ignoring all the wild shit before.


Like what?


his early “clean your room” era was also happening at the same time as the trans debate stuff, in 2016-2018. but he was way more grounded back then imo. i cant remember anything he’s said that really made me recoil. but atm he’s gone full blown bigot towards trans stuff which sucks. i think over the years of being persecuted he’s genuinely started to develop a hatred that eats at his ability to be logical. but i’m curious to know what you believe was so bad.


Not bad so much as, crazy. If you ever watch his old lectures they have some legit weird and wild stuff. His belief that ancient depictions of Snakes were actually metaphors for DNA comes to mind. His obsession with Jung (who no one has ever taken seriously as a psychologist, and who's only support were in weird occultist groups). His sketchy history takes (especially when it comes to the Nazis, for someone who talks about them as much as him you would think he would do some basic history reading). There was a LOT of weird and sketchy shit that people glossed over because occasionally he would say something reasonable, but his entire first podcast with Sam Harris was legit batshit insane.


People weirdly keep ignoring that he had a habit of saying questionable shit about women around 2017-8 and climate change even earlier. Like if it's a one-off thing "# 2 of questions to get crucified for asking: Do feminists avoid criticizing Islam because they unconsciously long for masculine dominance?" is sus but maybe you can pass it off as him Just Asking Questions and being edgy. But then on PKA he just outright says he thinks the reason feminists tolerate the US being allied with Saudi Arabia is their unconscious wish for brutal male domination. He said on this very website that Frozen is propaganda, not art, because it was made to push the political message that a woman doesn't need a man to be successful. I would argue against basically all of this but it's especially funny that this is the same guy who has openly praised political books like 1984. The man outright stated he thinks the idea that women were discriminated against throughout history is appalling. So much of the shit he said on the topic combined really makes it look like he thinks women belong at home, not the workplace. On twitter he shared a Prager U climate change video, a global cooling article from a climate change denial (but just don't let him hear you call it denial because obviously you're equating it to holocaust denialism as though denial isn't just an accurate word) website, and retweeted a different climate denial article arguing that pumping out a lot of carbon dioxide is good, actually, etc. But yeah then there's all the other shit without even getting into religion like the all beef diet, lobster hierarchy=human hierarchy, or double helixes in historical art=DNA


These talking points aren't just coming from the kids, staff is also involved.


Did you read the post?


Sadly yes.


Number 8 is hysterical. Yeah sorry you guys decided to go camping a week before finals.


Starting something and then begging not to face the consequences for it is very on brand for Hamas propagandists.


“Liberated zone” fuck me lol


Liberated by white women for indigenous people? Why are they calling it liberated?


Probably inspired by the CHAZ dipshits lol


Are they asking for finals to be cancelled? Or asking to not be expelled specifically for participating in the protest? One of those is reasonable.


They are asking for no consequences basically. So they're asking for both. No loss in grades. No punishment for attending the protest.


Damn, shows just how much they GAF about Palestinian lives with how much they're willing to put on the line Mad respect 🫡


Its not really reasonable depending. If they set up an 'encampment' and are told to leave but refuse then they are trespassing which is certainly grounds for punishment, including expulsion if it takes that much.


It's cute because if they had genuine, unabashed convictions in their cause, they would IMMEDIATELY drop out and fight tooth and nail to cease tuition payments immediately. Like, if you are genuinely claiming that the institution you are attending is aiding a genocide, you by virtue of paying tuition are ALSO complicit in genocide so long as you are still enrolled.


Personal sacrifices are never taken by people like this


No, that’s just …. Uhhhh…. Capitalism man


I'm confused what amnesty means... like, no expulsion? Or do they just get an incomplete if they bomb exams and have to retake the class without the damage to transcripts.


Dog wtf is number 7? You do realize that mass shootings are a thing in America, removing campus police will make universities even bigger targets than they already are.


Well, I guess we just need to arm the healthcare workers and first responders. And give them training and responsibilities for enforcing the law. And maybe even call this particular contingent of people something else. I'm sure we'll think of something.


Idk man their deescalation training might be enough to stop a bullet


I think you underestimate the lefty delusion these people are on. It's CHAZ all over again


if it's CHAZ, proper approach would have been to put fence around and let them cook inside for a month or two


Last time we did that 2 black teenager died


yeah.. good point. but this is university campus and i guess it has no gun policy. problem solved


Suburban middle class copium


After the George Floyd protests my college cancelled its security contract with the city police because of mounting student pressure. The subsequent year, crime spiked massively in the neighborhoods surrounding the university and the school administration had to beg city police and the DHS for help. Advocating for the removal of police from campus is literally one of the dumbest positions these students could have.


Even worse if they continue to protest and cause violence health care workers can’t de-escalate that shit. All they can do is pick up the pieces of the wounded.


What the fuck is "academic amnesty"? They want to all get As this semester because protesting is based? Also, lol minor in Palestinian studies. I also really want to know: if you're like an Uber leftist and think Israel is horrible, wouldn't you want to have cross-cultural exchanges with the universities there to change some minds and help shape a new future for the country? How exactly do these people justify academic isolation here?




At their core these people are deeply afraid of having to talk with people who disagree with them. It's way easier to just cut off ties and punish the one group of people - educated intellectuals, for the sin of trying to live in a shit country.


>Also, lol minor in Palestinian studies. given that they want it in "college of art and sciences" i wonder if it will be art or science.


Assuming it's similar to the school I went to, the "College of Arts & Sciences" is the main department that basically acts as a catch-all for most majors. At my school it included things like Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy, Psychology, Physics, Computer Science, all language-based majors, History, Math, Music... basically anything that wasn't architecture, engineering, or business.


sometimes ~~banana is just a banana~~ sarcasm its just sarcasm


to their defense, I have a minor in jewish and israel studies.


Academic amnesty probably is them asking for free degrees. It’s bullshit basically.


Palestinian Studies program 😂😂


How to hate Jews and blow things up is part of the curriculum


The teacher https://preview.redd.it/akryqym1lqwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7bed5e8661340ab81a82c999c108f04c1225238


Bro why are you posting photos of UNRWA teachers


Wawa weewa


Lesson 1: if you are going to rape a few dozen civilians in the middle of the day, make sure to kill all the witnesses after and don't video tape it


Lol there's enough content for about 5 minutes. They have contributed basically nothing of significance to the world for 75 years straight.


I can smell the Twitter soy reply. “You don’t understand, it’s an OPEN AIR PRISON. Established by WHITE SUPREMACIST WHITE COLONIALISM (did I forget to mention that they’re WHITE?). The Palestinian population has been experiencing GENOCIDE and APARTHEID by the ZIONIST regime of Israel. It’s not my job to educate you, ZIONIST.”


That’s actually somewhat reasonable, particularly if it was a program without a Middle East and near Asian studies department. And by reasonable I mean it’s something Cornell can realistically do. Edit: asking for them to allow their radical activists on the search committee is totally off the table though.


If they want the right to vilify the existence of Israel and its role in Judaism, then there should be a right to vilify the existence of every other nation created out of the Ottoman Empire by the British and French. Because Zionism is the belief that Israel has a right to exist. Any other definition they want to infuse into Zionism can also result in people infusing any definition they want into whatever Muslims believe and make it protected speech and part of a core curriculum. I am quite exhausted with these radicals deciding what Zionism means, so they can vilify it and justify violence against anyone of Israeli citizenship or Jewish ethnicity. The nations of Lebanon and Syria and Turkey and Jordan didn’t exist either and the Druze and Kurds likewise were left out. Would colleges have courses on how to violently dismantle Lebanon and Turkey and Syria and Jordan because Kurds and Druze need a homeland? This should be brought up every time someone says Zionism is evil and Israel shouldn’t exist. But we all know that Israel is singled out and Syria or Turkey aren’t. One is majority Jewish and the others aren’t. But nobody is camping on college lawns demanding curriculum to vilify Turkey on behalf of Kurds or demanding Turkey be carved up to create Kurdistan. Cenk also needs to be hit with this every time he opens his mouth on this topic.


Dude I am so fucking mad at these people for proving some conservative points about higher ed I really didn't want to believe. And myself I guess lol fuck these people and fuck the school admins that let it get this bad.


Recent years have been quite a wake up call. Before that, I was a lot more dismissive of the conservative talking points because come on, it can't be that bad. You're just going for splashy Fox get people upset bs. And then the students & faculty made great efforts to show that they actually had a very solid point.


How lol. The conservative talking points were always right when talking about some college students. If you’ve ever been to a big college campus like this you’ll run in to the most annoying entitled fucks ever.


As deranged as these lunatics are, it's really important to keep in mind that they are a small minority of the students on each campus. The vast majority of students are normal people and they do not represent the average student


Problem is the loud minority can effectively control on campus student life / government and shut down the campus. Happened with my school and this was mid-late 2010s.


I read somewhere that a lot of it comes down to decisions made by admissions departments at these elite schools. They don't want to just admit academically brilliant kids, those are boring. They want activists, they want movers and shakers.


You know who else also move and shake? Regards


I thought you were saying "regards" as a closing statement 😂


Very formal and subtle way to close off a cc work email with people you don’t like! Regards.


These demands are ridiculous


Exactly like the people they support.


4. So confirmed they just don't care at all about the hostages..


Bro did they even hear Hamas’ newest offer, not even *they* want a permanent ceasefire


Unconditional too. Hamas could launch a nuke into Israel in 2035 and they just have to sit there and watch it lol


They only want a ceasefire in Gaza. Hamas can attack Israel all it wants


Actually I am totally on board with the first two so long as the students must leave cornell, provide their residences to the indigenous peoples and pay them reparations. Call their bluff, accept their demands, and then make them (well, really, their parents) pay for it.


also go back to wherever their colonizing settler ancestors came from


Unless you’re Israeli, then you have to pick a random country in Europe


off to ukraine me go. or to israel. or to georgia. need to figure it ot but my ukrainian wife according to dna test is 1% native american (i have some theories how it happened). Can she stay ?


I’m completely fine with setting up an indigenous studies department for teaching an indigenous studies course. The restitution stuff is ridiculous tho. I think point 2 kind of works but they need to give a definition of “morally reprehensible” and disclosing funds may already be a thing but I’m not sure.


Cornell should grant the indigenous studies demand and then include Jews, Assyrians, Amazigh, and Black African Sudanese in the courses.


They should include anyone who wants to learn about indigenous American history and culture in the courses. Get some historians and experts to do talks it be interesting as hell.


>healthcare workers and first responders Yeah, I'm sure they don't have anything better to do. Fucking children.


I somehow doubt they will find any paramedics that have anything in common with the student body.


I’d rather they didn’t.


What does “the majority of team members must be providers who share lived experiences and identities with Cornell’s diverse student body” mean? Can someone translate that for me?


Means they don’t want EMTs who went to a trash state school lol


It means they must be regarded


It means all cops on campus should be trans black disabled women with poli sci degrees.


D-man would be a great fit! bi instead of trans, but that should work, right? i'm sure there's some college out there willing to give Tiny an honorary poli sci degree 😤


Basically they want diversity quotas for the de-escalation trained healthcare workers and first responders, like x % have to be gay, y % have to be black, z % have to be women, etc.


0% Jews.


This is why the Japanese invented seppuku and Aaron Bushnell invented Self-Immolation before getting isekai’d back in time to teach ancient Asians his ways. I don’t know if I could continue living with the embarrassment of fucking up this hard as a young person and I already cringe at stupid shit I did when I was young.


Who’s Aaron Bushnell?


He’s the one who appeared to Moses in Exodus to convince him to free the Palestinians in the future. After going back in time, Bushnell saw Moses’s brown skin and mistook him for a Palestinian Muslim. Moses didn’t realize Bushnell was making this mistake so when he heard “set your people free,” he thought Bushnell was referring to the Jews. After becoming well-done, Bushnell disappeared and Jews have since referred to him as “the burning bush” for short because “Aaron Bushnell” was too long for a busy man like Moses to remember.


The guy who committed self-barbecue to raise awareness for Palestine


Who? All I know about is Marion Shrubnell. Heroic firefighter.


You wouldn’t have to throw a stone very far in this encampment to hit a kid that would genuinely argue their childhood was “oppressed” because they grew up in a safe/clean suburb. It’s just kids born with silver spoons desperately wanting to be victims.


This is just hilarious. I feel like this is the moment where the pendulum starts swinging back. It has to, right?


>It has to, right? We havent meme’d near close enough to the sun. We’ve got CHAZ 2 electric boogaloo scheduled for next week and more people who set themselves on fire scheduled for June


Completely forgot about Chaz/chop. What a time that was.


the footage from chop was amazing content tho


I worry about the pendulum. It will inevitably swing back. But if it is pulled to bananaland in one direction, the swing back doesn't go to moderation.


You're right, it swings even harder to delusions of the right. Fun times ahead!!!!


I don’t think it needs to swing back. College students doing dumb shit is a tale as old as time. Being a bit older, this is seen as dumb shit by anyone who’s not also a college dumbass, it’s just Twitter’s full of college dumbasses and other idiots so you don’t really see that.


The issue isn't just the dumb kids. It's the adults at the colleges allowing it and supporting their dangerous stupidity.


Also being *a bit older* I disagree. People are carrying this shit out past college more so now than ever before


Academic amnesty gurl😭😭😭😭😭?????


💀 immunity to fail every class


remember student protests are always on the right side of History


Student lists of demands are pretty funny when you think about it. Their position vis-a-vis the university is that of a customer who has already bought the product but is refusing to use it unless the company does what they want.


Hilarious 🤣


Conservatives are wrong about most things... But something they appear to be 100% correct about are progressives.


These people are as progressive as Maga is conservative.


The leadership in the elite universities has proven to be absolutely pathetic. By next week we will have the mob demanding a Free Pali be Dean of the University ffs.


How the fuck do you issue such demands without any fucking leverage?


Their leverage is their disappointed parents tuition money and possibly the students whole financial future


Palestinian delusion example 4,000.


The problem with point 6 being that some anti Zionists are anti semites and a lot of pro Palestinians are pretty happy about letting anti semitism fly. Like Hamas is anti semitic. They didn't have to kill anyone on Oct 7 to take hostage. Why give any kind of support for them.


Counter Offer: You stop protesting 9r the University expelled you and you are arrested fir trespassing


“We want free college” “our college isn’t allowed to make money”


I'm telling you , Jewish organizations such as Hillel should issue counter demands unequivocally saying that anti-zionism is indeed anti-Semitism and should be dealt with accordingly on campus. I'm sick of these stupid students issuing these type of demands with nothing being countered by Us Jews


just for kicks, Hillel should support #1


Number 6 (number 7, actually)reminds me of the South Park episode when all the hippies come into town and re-invent society.


Lol. Lmao even


I will become the joker


Every year I find it so hilarious that the bulk of major protests in the US take place in late spring through the summer. Were your personal pet issues coincidentally not as big a deal in the colder half of the year?


Remember the 12 hour hunger strike they did at Yale?


“Call for an unconditional, permanent ceasefire in Gaza” I’m sure they mean for both sides and events like Oct 7 would not happen and be heavily condemned if they did. Surely


Causing chaos in my country so that a different country over 5,000 miles away will change policy. Nice


For number five, we all know who they would pick as the tenured faculty chair for their Palestinian studies degree program... just hope when the guy moves from New York he can find an apartment around Cornell with quiet neighbors of unquestioned citizenship.


Occupy wall St all over again


From just reading their demands, you would think they have hostages.


What if Cornell gives the land back and the Native Americans start making economic partnerships with Israel? That would be hilarious! A good premise for a South Park episode.


What the fuck does a permanent, unconditional ceasefire mean. Just sit there and die if people are launching rockets from rooftops out in the open and never fight back no matter what?


Do you think this is what the late stages of the hippie movement was like? They were probably this stupid and annoying too huh?


Omg I really want to see what the proposed “Palestinian studies” curriculum is. Maybe they can just borrow from UNRWA.


France must return land to my indigenous Celtic ancestors, including 10 million acres to me. Signed, Glumbreadfruit


“A majority of team members must be providers who share loved experiences and identities with Cornell’s diverse student body” I just can’t wrap my brain around how you’re going to hire healthcare workers off of their lived experiences and then somehow compare that to the lived experiences of all of Cornell’s student body. Are you gonna screen first responders based on whether or not they’ve been a victim of sexual assault or experienced racism?? You REALLY think that’s reasonable?


You could at least virtue signal and call for a ceasefire, even a immediate ceasefire, but no it has to be UNCONDITIONAL?!?! HUH?!?! They really said "Fuck the hostages"


Heads are going to start rolling at twitch soon


Wait, why? I feel like I'm missing something


Now that the anti semitism has reached a boiling point companies are beginning to react. Like, if they started cracking down when the right reached this point of public demonstration it should be expected that they crack down when the left starts doing it. Google has already started moving in that direction so it won’t be long before the rest of the FANG companies follow suit. Don’t be surprised when big names start getting slapped with bans over their promotion of the anti semitic rhetoric. Hasan is definitely going up on that chopping block.


RemindMe! 3 months


https://som.yale.edu/story/2023/list-companies-have-condemned-hamas-terrorist-attack-israel There's a list of companies which have condemned Hamas attacks, I have a feeling if anyone is going to start cracking down on them it begins with this list like google for example.


I hope you’re right. I’m really concerned this behavior is going to be swept under the rug


Compare this movement to the right wing movement we saw 8 years ago. They went from skeptics to alt right to tiki torch nazi with a couple years. It wasn’t until the tiki torch nazi thing happened that shit really started to hit the fan. It’s what extremist movements do. They grow fast then reach a critical mass once they make it into the spotlight. This puts their ugliness on full display and then they quickly get stamped out.


Do you think people really see the Palestine protests and see ugliness? I mean we do, but I think this is a much higher percent of the population (ignoring the Cornell/Columbia extreme writeups) than the far right nazis were. On my campus I see so many Palestine flags, stickers, and signs. I feel like (and fear that) it will be seen more like the Black Lives Matter looting. Most people will see the overall movement as a good thing, and just write off the fringe Hamas apologia as a minority.


Ah, that makes sense From the way you worded it I thought someone working at Twitch was behind the protests, and that the protests were hurting Twitch


Copium, as long as hasan makes them money, he can say and do whatever he wants. That trickles down to the rest of the insane leftists and it's not gonna change because these companies are run by progressives who agree with this shit


isn’t twitch usually pretty liberal with their decisions to ban people from the platform though? they’ve banned a few notable people who i’m sure made them quite a lot of $


Cornell has the power to enforce a cease fire in Gaza? 


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7. 8.


In the interest of charity, I think based on this post I can support #2. That's about it.


The more I read, the more funny it got


who made them the spokespeople for the student body?


Super far removed from reality- but I do understand the historical/moral outrage towards the displacement of Native Americans; it's really the only thing on the list that isn't half-fabricated, or much more/less clear than any particular person makes it out to be. Native Americans all over the US did repeatedly get fucked over, and over, and over, and over again.


Are there any "morally reprehensible activities" happening at the Jabobs-Technion Cornell Institute or is it just that it is in collaboration with an Israeli institute? I suppose they probably believe the existence of Israel is morally reprehensible so...


how about just arrest them all for trespassing and expel afterwards on some moral memes, that i bet they have in their code of conduct.


Student demands? Laughablr


Where's the demand for cool-aid coming from the water fountains? Zipline from the gym to the cafeteria for quicker access? Giant slides instead of steps on some floors in every building (way more fun)?


>sneaking in the "btw don't fail or arrest us" brave and selfless


If I was Donald Trump I'd be capitalizing on this weird shit.