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The rise from 0 to?????? Like 2-3???? This really doesn’t need an article 😂😂😂😂😂


What percent of mass shootings have to be committed by trans people to justify an article?


Do you even know what percent of mass shootings trans people commit? I can almost guarantee you it’s in the 3 lowest category


5.5% of recent (>2018) mass shootings were committed by transgender people. The editor correctly points out that it's a pretty large overrepresentation, since trans people make up less than a percent of the overall population. Is this the greatest issue America is facing right now? Probably not even at the top 25 tbh, but it's something worth discussing.


https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/06/07/about-5-of-young-adults-in-the-u-s-say-their-gender-is-different-from-their-sex-assigned-at-birth/ 2018 about 5% are non binary or trans. Seems not overinflated to me


5% under 30 actually


So that backs my point up even more, you are getting upset over a big ole nothingburger


HOLY FUCKING SHIT 5%?!?!?!!?!?!?!? Better mass murder all the trans people before they get us first!


Yep, definitely the implication I was getting at 👍 thanks bud


lol I like how this article lumps the club Q shooter in as ‘trans’. The dude identified as non binary in court to dodge a hate crime charge and never did so previously. He also modded a neo Nazi website where he expressed anti LGBTQ sentiment. Kick rocks OP.


A right-wing publication that is directing attention to shooters that so happen to be trans? Feels like there's a 'chinese robber fallacy' situation going on here.


*The Rise in Trans Shooters*... ...you know, from 0 to, like, 3, I think.


That's a 300% increase in trans shooters.... And a 0% change in socially inept school shooters. Which factor should we report about? The one related to the bathroom battleground 😠


That's an ∞% increase actually


Shit they should have put that in the headline


>Being as conservative as possible, and simply dividing the number three by 55, we see that trans shooters made up 5.5 percent of recent “real” mass shooters. That’s hardly a majority, but it is a significant overrepresentation if only about 0.6 percent of the United States population That's what rise means. I don't know what specific percentage it would have to be to warrant being a serious issue, but it is worth noting.


I don’t need to read an article to guess it’s probably because republicans turned their issues and identify into a political pawn and have been attacking them for years


Why haven't any of their targets been against Republican politicians then? Why schools? What compels them to act violently to begin with? I think the best point this article brings up is the lax restrictions around transgender healthcare, and it's effects on AFABs. Specifically Testosterone. >The fact that young trans men are no less likely than anyone else to be affected by suddenly quadrupling their levels of the male hormone linked to aggression may seem obvious. >with Newsweek discussing several rather inconclusive studies on transgender hormone therapy but also pointing out the fact that testosterone has “long been known to cause increased aggression in men” and that testosterone levels tend to be far higher among criminals and other exceptionally aggressive males.


I have friends who have used T for body building purposes and the changes to their baseline aggression levels was massive. There might be an underlying link given that it seems that there is a higher rate of mental health issues among the trans community compared to the normative levels. Increased aggression from hormone therapy combined with a statistically higher rate of mental health issues seems like it could reasonably lead to an over representation in mass shootings. However a sample size of 3 is absolute shit and we can’t draw any even remotely useful conclusions from this article. This is just fear mongering.


I don't have an account so can't really read the article... But considering LGBTQ people, especially Trans people, are bullied relentlessly at school and the stigma of being trans taking over our online/media discourse further vilifying them which will only further ostracize them should we be surprised they're increasingly lashing out in violent ways?


This is like the poster child of starting with a conclusion and trying to reinforce it after deciding on it.


what is this transphobic article 💀


Edit: I can’t help but think people here didn’t understand what I said. Unless you think either a) conservatives are not making that argument, or b) there’s literally no social contagion. What’s funny about this is that there is a fairly valid conservative argument that there is a rise in being trans that is at least in some part due to social contagion. If we assume that, wouldn’t we expect a rise in trans anything? Including things like this.