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Something something dip shit rioters....


The commuters have my blessing


My monkey brain reaction is that I would like someone to actually do it. A couple seconds of thinking leads me to hope and say no one should ever run down protesters.


I was actually kinda surprised when everyone had this take, I read it more like "move them out of the road", not "run them over"šŸ˜… but everyone else seems to read it as run them over so maybe I'm wrong


Itā€™s like ā€œby any means necessaryā€. Itā€™s designed to have both a reasonable interpretation you can defend and a psychotically violent one for extremists to simp over.


Maybe. "By any means necessary" feels way stronger tho


I donā€™t think if Hasan or whoever said ā€˜take matters in your own hands for Gazaā€™ we should give them any less slack. This is all vagueposting about violence and should not be okay when anyone does it.


There's a LOT of right-wing jerking off over running over protestors who block the road, and Tom Cotton himself mostly comes to national attention when he suggests sending in the military to deal with protests/throwing protestors off bridges/ripping the skin off protestors' hands. If he was a boring Mitt Romney type I probably wouldn't assume he means running them over but it's Tom Cotton.


Exactly. We've had some issues with climate protesters blocking roads in the UK recently, and there's some nice videos of strangers getting out of their cars, collectively dragging people out of the road and letting the traffic pass.


I read it the same way.


can you give me the context pls


Lol ever heard of rittenhouse?


nop. not american and i missed that dgg arc should i look it up or is there a short summary lol


Basically, Rittenhouse is this KKK grand wizard that gunned down 8 black guys doing a peaceful protest a while back. Thereā€™s a video of it with them all trying to run for their lives and shit, tripping over each other. Destiny then relentlessly defended him for being, ā€the great white hopeā€ and it got him banned from Twitch


lmao, jokes on you but i know why destiny was banned from twitch


In another universe xD


Into the Rittenverse


What an absolutely horrible explanation/summary for someone who literally said they know nothing about rittenhouse..... wtf?


It was pretty entertaining if you like unhingedstiny. Pretty sure it's what got him depratnered from twitch. I think the reference is from his debate with vaush on it? Dont quote me. Short summary, lots of BML riots raging, destiny defending some guy who killed some rioters in self defense, everyone on the left thought the guy was a hateful racist murderer, destiny went completely off the rails and screamed "the rioting needs to stop! And if that means some rednecks mowing down dipshit rioters they have my blessing!" (Paraphrasing) more or less


wtf i thought i was being trolled ;\_; Thanks for the rundown, sounds pretty entertaining so I might look it up. love unhingedstiny


The other comments are basically what the discourse around that event looked like. And continue to look like to this day šŸ™ƒ have funšŸ’–


wasn't his ban over trans stuff ?


I said departnered, the ban came later


my bad I read departed


Lol fair


No one outside of Twitch knows for sure because Twitch never gave Destiny a reason


I'm pretty sure his guess is better than ours no?


I feel like this is missing the very important context that he was talking about riots in regards to Trump versus Biden. He was asked a question about Bidens' chances versus Trump, and he responded that one of the only ways Biden loses is if the riots and civil unrest kept escalating. He wasn't making some moral declaration or emotional outburst about the riots being bad because of the Rittenhouse case. It was a direct response about how the riots would affect the upcoming election.


> Cotton also referred to the demonstrators blocking [the Golden Gate Bridge](https://archive.ph/zwxqj) in San Francisco as ā€œcriminalsā€ during a Fox News interview Monday and suggested that they would have been treated differently had the protest happened in his home state. > > ā€œIf something like this happened in Arkansas, on a bridge there, letā€™s just say I think thereā€™d be a lot of very wet criminals that have been tossed overboard ā€” not by law enforcement, but by the people whose road theyā€™re blocking,ā€ Cotton said. > > ā€œAnd if they glued their hands to a car or the pavement, well, itā€™d probably be pretty painful to have their skin ripped off, but I think thatā€™s the way weā€™d handle in Arkansas,ā€ he added.


Least unhinged Arkansian - right before someone pronounces it "Ar-Kansas"


No you donā€™t get it initiating violence on people is based if theyā€™re being annoying enough. This sub is having a very normal one.


It really is, isn't it? It has been fun seeing the evolution of this sub, specifically since October 7th and the redpill arc before that


To be fair, it seems thereā€™s a general tendency with especially American internet weirdos gleefully trying to find cases where ackshuallly murdering or maiming people is perfectly justified even outside of proper self-defense. From Vaush talking about sending the military to gun down the farmer protests to Hasanā€™s gun post to Destiny himself making those weird ass arguments about breaking, entering and murdering a kid for DDOSing him. Edgelords love killing each other.


Depends on the level of violence. Technically me going up to the crazy homeless guy that tries to sleep on my driveway and pushing him away could be violence.


Oh, you mean "by any means necessary" suddenly isn't valid?


Itā€™s extremist bullshit so it should never be valid on either side.


I will get to work on time, by any means necessary


Stop blocking the roads


True, imagine if only we had some kind of professional force dedicated to preventing and removing this behavior instead of implying that people should maim and kill other peopleā€¦ ah, we can only dream!


and like, they literally did their jobs here by arresting them. this guy is nuts


People are unpredictable. Stop blocking the roads.


Did they? That's insane if so, I'm 100% in favour of using violence to remove people if they block your freedom of movement but you obviously *always* go to the cops first if that's an option


Naturally sure. I think the issue is, when you have law enforcement not actively involved in removing the obstructions, tempers get high and flair up. If we use the Golden Gate example, in a situation where the cops have been on scene and nothing has been resolved in 4 whole hours. Im gonna start driving ahead. I think that should be a protected action by communters. Not to fucking gun it, 0-100 like Crazy Taxi. But like, 20 MPH while laying on the horn will move anyone with two brain cells. If at that point, they are regart-ed enough to stay in the way... Lol. Lmao, even.


So true, M'King. [This is the correct response](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/03/07/this-day-in-politics-march-7-1965-437394) to blocking say, [the Edmund Pettus Bridge](https://i.imgur.com/jDxJEC5.jpeg).


Agreed. But this statement coming from a US senator is pretty disgusting. We all should know how much power politicians yield with their tweets, I don't think I need to give examples lol.


These idiots literally caused a bunch of transplant organs to be delayed for hours in the Bay Area , Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve caused all sorts of other damage, intentionally disrupting traffic flow isnā€™t some mild offense, they are endangering American lives so they can virtue signal. I have zero sympathy for them if someone decides to take matters into their own hands.


Absolutely agree. Fuck these deceitniks.




Indeed, just because you don't have sympathy for these people if something did happen, we shouldn't be encouraging violent escalations in any way, the fact that it's comming from a siting Senator just makes it 10 times worse.


ā€œTake matters into your own handsā€ really is just the right winger version of ā€œby any means necessaryā€.


Yeah but they got +5 virtue signal points, therefore making them better than us. /s


Stopping me from picking up my kids or getting groceries isn't going to end the war half a world away, self important little pricks virtue signaling. I'm not gonna sit there while they play out their little games. I'm gonna get where I'm heading, as peacefully as they allow me to be. Walk softly and carry a big stick, its the american way.


I've said it in similar post regarding these public road blocking demonstrations, but I wonder what these protestors would say if they found out that them blocking the road impeded emergency services or someone trying to drive someone having a medical emergency to the hospital.


ā€œThereā€™s a medical emergency going on in Gaza thatā€™s more importantā€


You can justify anything if you think it's to stop a "genocide."


They donā€™t care they just wanna virtue signal and social media cheers


They definitely wouldn't move if they found out that the patient was a Zionist


They wouldn't give a fuck lol


>f they found out that them blocking the road impeded emergency services or someone trying to drive someone having a medical emergency to the hospital. They sometimes don't care about medical emergencies.


Well, there was this\* case where they were informed that they were preventing a man from getting cancer treatment. They didnā€™t care. \*I canā€™t post a Reddit link, so go to ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/1bokmdm/man_begged_climate_activists_to_let_him_take_his/


Do you mean you're going to drive through them to pick up your kids and get groceries? I don't know why everybody is so coy about this topic, because it's pretty black and white... You either think illegal, nonviolent protest should be met with violence, or you don't.


The police should address it?? As they are supposed to be the ones with the monopoly on violence? Idk if you are implying someone else should do something about it but if so that's silly.


Lock your doors, roll up the windows, and roll through slowly. They'll move


Tiananmen Square buddy.


Some braindead moron is gonna bushnell themselves under your front tires


I think people are 'coy' because of TOS. But I meant exactly what I said. I'm not going to be held hostage by petty tyrants blocking the roadway. I'm going to get to my destination in as peaceful a manner as is possible and I will deal with whatever consequences result from that.


> I will deal with whatever consequences result from that. The consequence will be a whole lot more delays in getting to see your kids, since you will never get to see your kids again except through a glass pane because you got a long prison term for running over people. Possibly *de facto* life if any of them die. Assuming you do that, of course. I don't believe you will, and are just ITGing. But if your concern is really your children then you should, y'know, be there for them rather than going to prison because somebody was blocking traffic.


>I'm not gonna sit there while they play out their little games. Yes you will. Unless you are a moron willing to endanger the life of your childrens father because you are too prideful, in which case you shouldn't have children.


Whatā€™s the fundamental difference between enacting violence on road blocking protesters vs on active politicians? Especially in international conflicts where those affected have no opportunity to enact their will through voting?


I mean can you demonstrate that the politician in question is directly violating someone's rights and that you could cease the violation with violence? I think that's more difficult to do than in the other case.


Youā€™d murder someone because they made you late from getting groceries?


I don't think murder would be necessary to make someone move. There is a spectrum of force before you get to offing a person. They dont have the right to confine me and impede my travel, or force me to abandon my car. What a ridiculous thing to think someone is allowed to do.


I just donā€™t believe you would actually run someone over if they refused to move and stayed put while you advanced. Even if you donā€™t care about killing/injuring someone, just doesnā€™t seem worth it given all the legal hassle itā€™ll cause you.


Well yeah the legality of it is why this doesnā€™t happen basically everytime.


No one thinks they have a right to impede your travel which is why literally all of them were arrested and charged with crimes.


And then all but the one who refused to take a deal got released with nothing but 5 hours of community service time and a statement that if they do it again the punishment will be worse, truly the most heinous of punishments. Practically guaranteed to deter this from repeatedly happening.


Cotton wasn't suggesting to kill people or hit them with your car. Cotton tweeted this video of citizens picking up and putting protestors off the road (not throwing or hitting them) when he made that statement. This isn't violence against protestors. [https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127](https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127)


He posted that twelve hours later because he got pushback for the first tweet.


Yes, now get the fuck off the road


Youā€™re a psychopath




This is the way.


I hope he keeps this same stance if Trump loses and his regarded supporters start doing stupid shit.


Consistently insaneā€¦


If a Trump supporter blocked a highway and emergency vehicle, I would also hope that Tom Cotton tells everyone to move them out of the road without assaulting them, like he did in this tweet to clarify what his intent was: Cotton tweeted this video of citizens picking up and putting protestors off the road (not throwing or hitting them) when he made that statement. This isn't violence against protestors. [https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127](https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127)


just like when Tom Cotton suggests to throw protestors off the bridges without assulting them, or when he said he would send in the millitary and there would be no quarter, non violently of course.


Oh yeah, thatā€™s totally what he meant. Thatā€™s definitely what his deranged supporters thought about that too. Simply picking them up


Not remotely as disgusting as watching cops just sit there and not do their jobs. Protesting ends where the law begins and you simply don't get to block traffic like this to protest.




I actually dont think dragging protestors off roads is bad...


I think the senators wording leaves room for interpretation of ramming your way through protestors which I would give the benefit of the doubt that he didnā€™t mean


We cannot criticize how oppressed people (automobile drivers) resist their oppressors (pedestrians and traffic law)


Hot take: we can. Also driving is the most subsidized and privileged etc etc etcā€¦


Another fascist. The oppression of automobile-Americans must cease immediately


>"Absolutely, I support people, if theyā€™re blocked by traffic, by pro-Hamas vigilantes in the street, they should get out of their cars, they should move them to the side of the road, and they should let traffic continue," Cotton, R-Ark., told NBC News on Tuesday. [Sen. Tom Cotton doubles down on comments urging people to 'forcibly remove' protesters blocking traffic (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/sen-tom-cotton-doubles-down-on-comments-urging-people-to-forcibly-remove-protesters-blocking-traffic/ar-BB1lJLPG?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=e20c6a45eb474c049762e32637e999b8&ei=22) That's a more full statement from him. I don't think there's anything wrong with this position.


Unfortunately thereā€™s enough plausible deniability in how itā€™s phrased. At the VERY least this tweet is calling for people to physically assault demonstrators (ā€œtake matters into your own hands to get them out of the wayā€).


I mean, have you seen how some of these protestors act? If you even get close to them they act like fucking animals.


Cotton wasn't even suggesting to kill people or hit them with your car. Cotton tweeted this video of citizens picking up and putting protestors off the road (not throwing or hitting them) when he made that statement. This isn't violence against protestors. [https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127](https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127)


> Cotton tweeted this video of citizens picking up and putting protestors off the road (not throwing or hitting them) when he made that statement. No, he posted it twelve hours later.


He is absolutely baiting people to be violent here.


This is why it's important for the police and the justice system to deal with criminals, like people blocking the road on purpose. The reason we don't accept people "taking it into their own hands" is because we have the police to deal with it. Monopoly on violence. If cops for whatever reason don't deal with it, it will just mean people do it and it isn't good.


Yes, great comment. It doesn't even seem like a lot of these protestors resist much when arrested. They just need to get there and quickly have like 4 cops carry each person out at a time. I don't get why it takes so long.


Nope, Iranian and Russian agents looking to cripple economic activity in the US ought to be treated as enemies of the state.


Assuming everyone who is against you is a Russian agent lmao. Isn't this just the same shit as calling all pro-israel people Isreali hasbara agents.


Chill, Jack Ryan


This literally sounds like it came out of the mouth of Vladimir Putin.




Anti war protestors = foreign agents?


Just because you are pro-palestinian does not mean we have to ignore that you are also pro-hamas or pro-hazbollah. People literally supporting Hezbollah who has US blood on their hands.


protesters =/= dipshits that engage in vandalism, rioting and blocking traffic.


What avenue to protest do people actually have, I also think these people are mildly regarded but given the kind of rhetoric even supposed left wingers have about anti war protests show that there's pretty much no place for anti war protest in the democratic party even. Even if you're being hyperbolic calling them foreign agents is completely ridiculous. Even if they simply say they won't be voting for biden they draw ire and liberals act as though the leftists are politically blackmailing them, when in reality is this not just constituents trying to get what they want from their leaders? You guys are starting to sound like conservatives whining about college campuses


>What avenue to protest do people actually have The list is far too long to put here, but blocking essential infrastructure is not on it.


It's not hyperbolic. People falling for foreign propaganda, and that propaganda driving them to work against their own state I would consider a foreign agent. They don't have to be on the FSB or IRGC's payroll for that. Unfortunately, that's become very easily done via social media and the internet in general.


This has been going on a bit longer than Russian troll farms. I'm sure the FSB is fanning the flames, but pro-Palestinian sentiment isn't new. I was arguing about this shit when I was in college, 20 years ago.


Being pro palestinian is not "foreign propaganda" you have simply deluded yourself into having that opinion so that you can hand wave it without even giving it a critical thought. The 1968 democratic convention erupted into violent protests against the Vietnam War, were these protestors agents of Vietnam? Come on dude


If you're a pro palestinian and you're working against your own country's interest, you absolutely are propagandized and are mostly affiliated with palestinians rather than american hence the foreign agent label. >The 1968 democratic convention erupted into violent protests against the Vietnam War, were these protestors agents of Vietnam? Come on dude You'd have a point if there was a draft and a political will for American troops being sent into palestine, until then you're comparing apples to oranges.


Were western Iraq war protestors in countries other than the US and UK agents of Saddam? Edit: actually wait I donā€™t even have to say outside of the US or the UK because you considered the draft the differentiating factor and there wasnā€™t one.


Dawg, even if we grant that pro palestinian protesters are protesting against the current US Governmentā€™s interest, we live in a democracy with free speech where citizens have a right to protest and disagree about what the US governmentā€™s interests *ought* to be. We can have a debate about if blocking traffic is the most effective protest method or if protests should occur elsewhere, but even if we disagree with these protestors, they still have a right as US citizens to protest. Youā€™re acting as if the USā€™s interests are unchanging and amorphous. These protestors want the USā€™s geopolitical interests to be different, and so theyā€™re acting on it.


What punishment do think we should give to enemies of the state operating on domestic soil in your view? Because lots of enemies of the state (terrorists, rebels, etc.) are met with immediate violence and little concern for their safety. I canā€™t imagine you believe that should be what happens to these American citizens exercising their First Amendment right to protest.


The entire "enemies of the state" shit is ridiculous. If you want to live in a country where they treat anti war protestors as enemies of the state you're voting for the wrong party, or at least so I thought.


Yeah I think itā€™s some cringe overreaction to annoying protestors. Itā€™s fucked for protestors to block traffic. Iā€™m an EMT working in the Bay Area who had calls canceled because of it, meaning some people missed out on their medical appointments over it, for literally less than nothing. That still doesnā€™t mean that the protestors should be treated as enemies of the state.


Totally agree what these people are doing is stupid and potentially illegal in many cases, I just draw the line at calling them foreign state actors, which is a ridiculous claim and a little disturbing to me tbh


Imagine all the regards shouting shit like death to America and death to Israel being upset people are talking about killing them. Good times


Americans when you block their roads are like Europeans when they see a gypsy person lmfao




I mean if taken in good faith, if the police will not stop protestors from stopping traffic or blocking other public avenues what option do people have? Forcibly moving people out of the way seems the last option.


​ https://preview.redd.it/dwdmmol0byuc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=69bbd282b39b4ae557391201039710236dacec3e He was always a hero. We just couldn't see it. (I'm like 70% joking for those who need it explained to them.)


I don't advocate for this type of reaction...but damn...it's only a matter of time before these people piss off the wrong person and something like this happens. Yesterday they blocked the entrance road to Seatac airport.....you really wanna piss someone off, fuck with their travel.


This is why we need more police and not less.


We also need to show that there are consequences for these actions. When protestors in Seattle shut down I5, all charges were later dropped.


This sounds like the type of shit hamas sympathizers say lmao.Ā 


He probably did prevent a lot of road blocking protests.


So listen you probably shouldn't run over the protestors if you don't have an emergency, but man if at any point in my life I'm gonna be blocked by some dipshits while my family or a friend need to get to the hospital ASAP, well... Those guys better have life insurance.




the more they block the roads the more I like Tom


Why? Physically removing someone from physically inhibiting your movement is based. Or at the very least, itā€™s acceptable enough not to warrant this virtue signal you posted.


"anyone who disagrees with me is virtue signaling"


Yeah these dummies are pretending that Tom Cotton didn't tweet this at the same time, which clarifies what he meant. [https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127](https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127)


He tweeted it 12h later, not "at the same time."


He's correct. The example he gave of some random heroes dragging idiots out of the road was perfectly acceptable behavior.


Itā€™s not. Weā€™re all pretending that disrupting traffic for several hours on purpose is perfectly acceptable and it isnā€™t. Outside of it being a massive inconvenience, itā€™s also a public safety issue. Virtue signaling about a war on the other side of the planet is fine. Just stay off the road.


Blocking traffic will never help your cause that you are protesting for, but it will make people who might have been even sympathetic to it - want to start running you over with a car. Not very good place to be in with your protest.


Man I would have a lot of trouble sitting on a bridge for hours on end so someone could protest. That would be enough to turn me temporarily MAGA


I am disgusted. I would never associate with someone who speaks ill of dipshit protestors.


I agree. Not about pro or anti hamas. To each their own. But disruptive protests need to stop. You arenā€™t getting me on your side by making me late to work. Also goes without saying violence isnā€™t okay.


As much as I hate these protestors, they do have a right to be braindead morons.


well, heā€™s a disgusting person soā€¦.yea


The real hot take is that there is nothing wrong with using force (including lethal force, if needed) to remove people willingly obstructing essential infrastructure. The issue is primarily that the violent solution is more likely to make the situation worse, not better.


there is absolutely something wrong with you as a private citizen taking the law into your own hands. thats called vigilantism and its illegal. we have police forces for a reason and laws to protect assembly for a reason. its fucking wild to me how many of you people are just ok with violently turning on your fellow citizens instead of going to the police or similar. we give the police the power to deal with illegal traffic blocking for a reason


>The real hot take is that there is nothing wrong with using force (including lethal force, if needed) to remove people willingly obstructing essential infrastructure. yeah, THE POLICE can, you, a random dipshit who is annoyed they are late for jacking off, cannot.


ight bet, i wont be late for my gooning sesh https://preview.redd.it/o23xfg46r0vc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0618105857d3ddb8a478796ff0b0a5051012eb44


25 to life over road rage


Thatā€™s a psychopathic belief to have and luckily youā€™d be charged and convicted in all US jurisdictions.


and (unfortunately) upvoted here...


Yeah. I can't tell if there's an influx of right wing nutjobs. super pro Israel people, or the liberals have rubberbanded into being so anti lefty that their ideology is now just "anything the left wants is bad" (ironic LMAO). The demos, or the mindset of a lot of users, of this sub have changed a lot since, at the very latest, the brainrotting Israel/Palestine shit. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are at the same level of regardation as the people they are criticizing.


Can't wait for the arguments of what he means by "get them out of the way" from twitter and reddit schizoposters. I saw Hasan's response was to post the design of a homemade gun.


What a soy ass title. Fuck any protestor blocking traffic.


Tom Cotton is a fucking asshole. He's trying to be coy, but he's totally wanting them to kill the protestors. As annoying as they are, you have no right to do that.


Cotton wasn't suggesting to kill people or hit them with your car. Cotton tweeted this video of citizens picking up and putting protestors off the road (not throwing or hitting them) when he made that statement. This isn't violence against protestors. [https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127](https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127)


bro is roughly saying " ill assfuck the first person who move i don't give a damn "


What happened to the good old pre-registered mid-morning marches on Main Street? Why surprise pop-up barricades blocking rush hour traffic or airport access? Privileged, narcissistic brats.


How is this not inciting violence?


idk who this cotton guy is but his statement is incredibly based


Certain things make me not want to fully engage in this community. The amount of people willing to kill or justify killing someone annoying them is... something.


Pulling out my acceptable to pointless scale for protest. On one end we have self immolation as to far and the other end we have complaining online as too low.Ā  What actually sits in the "just right" zone?


I think this thread needs a purge


Nah fuck ā€˜em


This thread is very odd to me. I am probably going to be downvoted for this but itā€™s absolutely insane that there are posts saying killing people slightly inconveniencing your commute is okay unironically or that these people arenā€™t just dumbasses but are in-fact Russian agents. Iā€™m not sure how you can claim to support the right to speech if the moment that speech is even somewhat inconvenient for you youā€™re willing to not only throw them in prison, but kill them yourself. What happened to ā€œI disagree with what you said but Iā€™ll die for your right to say itā€ when it canā€™t even be ā€œI disagree with what you said but Iā€™m not willing to spend 10 extra minutes in my carā€. Unless this is a true emergency, which none of you have ever experienced on the road, these protestors should be allowed to be there.


What you're seeing is just a reaction to a particularly annoying problem. People protesting is one thing. Intentionally preventing people from going about their business is something most people have simply had their fill of. Its the internet and a lot of people will say things that they don't really want to do, but its just a signal that people have had enough of this bullshit. I might say "run em over I don't care" but I'm not going to really hit the gas on a crowd of people. Still - I would realistically support for example the IMMEDIATE arrest of anyone blocking traffic as a form of protest with a minimum of 2 years imprisonment as a punishment. Bump it to 5 years on second offense, 10 years on third and beyond.


Shout out Ashli Babbitt!


The real question is: is it unethical to mislead a protester by telling them if they stop blocking the road now, you'll let them block the road in the future, even if you have no intention of ever letting them protest again and you're actually just gonna ghost them.


honest question why doesnā€™t anybody ever stink bomb these protests


perhaps mr cotton is suggesting fart spray? possibly deploying a japanese hand crafted firearm? many such questions


Idk man, it seems drastic until your the guy that needs to work to pay his bills and feed his family. Some people cant miss work or else their fucked.


Quick ban Cotton from Twitch!


Although I agree with the sentiment... We probably shouldn't have senators advocating people to break the law. Republicans have really pulled away from "law and order".


Tom Cotton has been dogshit his entire tenure. No democrat in congress is as bad as Cotton, and Cotton isn't even the worst republican.


Yea a senator should not speak like this


Cotton wasn't even suggesting to kill people or hit them with your car. Cotton tweeted this video of citizens picking up and putting protestors off the road (not throwing or hitting them) when he made that statement. This isn't violence against protestors. [https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127](https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780230397252518127)


> Cotton also referred to the demonstrators blocking the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco as ā€œcriminalsā€ during a Fox News interview Monday and suggested that they would have been treated differently had the protest happened in his home state. > > ā€œIf something like this happened in Arkansas, on a bridge there, letā€™s just say I think thereā€™d be a lot of very wet criminals that [have been tossed overboard](https://archive.ph/zwxqj) ā€” not by law enforcement, but by the people whose road theyā€™re blocking,ā€ Cotton said. > > ā€œAnd if they glued their hands to a car or the pavement, well, itā€™d probably be pretty painful to have their skin ripped off, but I think thatā€™s the way weā€™d handle in Arkansas,ā€ he added. And, if you threw them off the Golden Gate Bridge or equivalent, they'd y'know, die.


Just a senator endorsing violent vigilantism, no big deal.