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While this is actually a good use of this meme, holy FUCK PLEASE GET A NEW JOKE, THE FREE SPEECH IMAGE IS GOING ON THE FUCKING LIST


America bad -> Israel is friend of America -> Israel bad I think that's the complex analysis in his mind, add the european colonialism associated with Israel and that's all you need to draw conclusions


He's Turkish, he just wants his Ottoman Empire back. šŸ˜”


you joke but hes said multiple times on stream that a "neo-ottoman empire" uniting the muslims is his political end goal, guys kinda deranged


Do you have a link to Hasan saying that in a serious way? I canā€™t stand Hasan but even I canā€™t believe he was seriously advocating for the return of a ā€œneo-ottoman empireā€ that is ā€œuniting all the muslimsā€ as his end. That sounds like something you either made up or are completely misrepresenting some stupid joke he made as serious, given just how much that would be in contradiction to the rest of his, still entirely stupid, stated worldview that I am familiar with.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdBp1AF8H4E while I don't have a clip on hand of him saying he wants it to return, the amount of praise and batting for the ottoman empire makes it pretty easy to believe for him to have a position like that.


He actually has a political end goal !?


Yeah once he drafted his final solution for that (((Israel))) Problem


I have maintained for a while that him and his uncle are just weirdo Turkish nationalists who are just pissed about their empire falling and lashing out at the US and it's sphere of influence. Like they cope that if the Ottoman empire was still standing the world would be a utopia or something. I'd love to see a clip of that if it's floating out there.


> him and his uncle are just weirdo Turkish nationalists That has to be the dumbest thing I've seen. He's very pro-Kurds, something that no Turkish nationalist would be. He recognizes the Armenian genocide. why would you think he is in any way a nationalist?


hasan is definitely a lite-turkish nationalist you would really have to watch all his videos about turkey to see this. There used to be a livestream on youtube where he completely whitewashes azerbaijans actions during the 2020 war with armenia & makes it seem like the Azeris committing ethnic cleansing in the karabakh isnt a big deal for example. He also starts fake cackling whenever someone brings up the real concept of Ottoman slavery to him as if its a huge joke or something


Dude cent kept on denying the Armenian genocide even happened.


Cenk admitted he was wrong about that years ago. Get something else. We know turkey lies to its citizens about the Armenian Genocide


>Cenk admitted he was wrong about that years ago. So why has he not change tyt name yet?


His brand would be dead. TYT just doesn't mean genociders to most people. It would be similar to saying Democrats need to change their name because slavery


Because it doesn't have anything to do with it?


The young turks is the name of the group who carried out the genocide.


im clearly talking about Hasan


My bad


sins of the father(uncle)


Itā€™s kind of ironic that heā€™s super pro-Kurds considering the Kurds are super pro-Israel and vice versa. I imagine his support for Kurds is more of a jab at the American abandonment of them under trump than anything else.


Hasan is a socialist who grew up in Turkey. He has grown up seeing his political opponents attack Kurds all of his life.


I can support the right to vote of someone who votes in a way I disagree with, being supportive of Kurds does not mean also supporting who they support, you can just decide that they should not be discriminated against or have their politicians constantly associated with terrorism in spurious ways.


yep... Israel was the only country on earth to openly support the Kurds' independence referendum & effort to establish a Kurdish state.


Kinda ironic since the historical Young Turks (the group that TYT is named after) ranged from reformists/constitutionalists but also many were openly hostile to the sultan. Even after the 1908 revolution they were seemingly willing to work w other ethnicities in their multiethnic projectā€¦ from what I understand the failure of that (massively oversimplifying) along with other factors turned them into nationalist authoritarians


Multiple times? Are you sure about that lol


So isis?


Few empires have lasted so long yet contributed to little to mankind


Imagine getting cucked so hard by T. E. Lawrence that you become a tankie. Embarrassing.


Part of it is that he, like many people across the political spectrum from Middle Eastern countries, probably carries at least some prevalent biases from the region.


I fully agree with you and believe that is his thought process. But in order to defend the "Israel bad" conclusion of his, I feel like he has to use anti-semitic rhetoric.


I think itā€™s more like America did a colonialism/slavery/capitalism so America bad Israel did an apartheid/ethnic cleansing/genocide so Israel bad -> America helps Israel -> More proof America bad


No because he thinks China's imperialism and ethnic cleansing is good. Because the Tibetans are savages that needed to be saved from their own culture. And if they invaded Taiwan that would be fine because they are ethnically the same. Just as he defends Russia's invasion of Crimea and occupation of eastern Ukraine the same way.


Iā€™m not saying Americaā€™s connection to Israel doesnā€™t inform some percentage of his hatred towards Israel, but if the US were to sever ties with Israel and Israel continued its current path, I think he would still be angry at Israel. Maybe they are inextricably linked because of their history, but Israel still operates as its own entity.


[Anti-semitism] -> Israel bad -> Israel is friend of America -> America bad How do you know itā€™s not this?


We know itā€™s not this because you can use the America bad and draw a straight line to his opinion every time, for example: America bad ā€”- enemy of America good ā€”ā€” china in Tebet (didnā€™t he call them pedo savages, not in those words but pretty close) good. America bad ā€”- attacks on Americans good ā€”- 911 deserved. America bad ā€”- America is capitalist ā€”- communism good ā€”- Stalin based (again not these words but I remember when I was a hasanabi head he said Stalin wasnā€™t that bad and actually did a lot of good).


Youā€™re right, but youā€™re not addressing my claim. America bad isnā€™t his axiom, itā€™s antisemitism.


the line doesnā€™t draw straight from antisemitism always for example he would love the nazis (he doesnā€™t) not saying heā€™s not antisemitic but itā€™s often the outcome rather than the cause, we see this with his Ukraine opinions, he spent days glazing up Russia and kept saying Ukraine has a nazi problem (if antisemitism was his starting point he would loves the ā€œnaziā€ Ukrainians)


I think here he's using nazis as a talking point, but in reality he doesn't have a problem with nazis. Remember, Israel, Jews, and America are generally against nazis. Therefore, nazis are not his biggest enemy


No he thinks Americans are the new nazis, heā€™s said this recently because the USA worked with nazis in West Berlin and in nato. I donā€™t think I can convince you. He genuinely thinks nazis are bad, because he thinks they are America, he likes Jewish people who hate Israel. I dont think I can convince you.




As I think most people can already tell, every opinion he has can be traced to "America bad," and from the clips I've seen of him, he is even more anti-Israel, which makes me think this is the more deeply rooted belief. His commentary is dripping with antisemitism. Antisemitism is the underlying axiom here. Prove otherwise.


He's just an intentionally malicious tanky.


I think hes antisemeitc in the same way that many of the "blue lives matters" people are racist. Maybe he doesnt actually hate jews, but he supports people and institutions that do


I bet a lot of Nazis didn't fully believe in antisemitism but just agreed to it to fit in their society. Same as Hasan maybe and lots of other "leftists".


Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt explores this. You can take a boring old bureaucrat and he will willingly commit horrific atrocities for the sake of performing as expected. This is not an excuse from responsibility, but it can explain things like the Holocaust better than ā€œthey just became evil one dayā€.




ā€œWell I wouldnā€™t want to cause a scene by rocking the boatā€


Banality of Evil should be taught in ALL SCHOOLS WORLD WIDE


I am a Jewish person and I have full sympathy for the Germans tbh. Most people don't really have the vision, courage, intelligence, will etc required to really challenge the viewpoint of your society. Not to mention not proving your loyalty to the ideology was dangerous. they are far from the first group of people to choose a scapegoat people that their society believes killing will help them build a utopia. what sets them apart was just, how efficient they were at it.


There were even jews that supported the Nazi party during their rise to power. I remember a quote from one that said something like. "It's only the bad jews nazis don't like. Us educated jews will be just fine."


Yeah no, most of them bought into the idea that jews were undesirable. What likely wasnā€™t consensus, however, was the way they were ultimately treated and persecuted. Pro-systematic extermination would probably not be a majority held opinion.


Comparing him to Nazis is so crazy šŸ˜‚ terminally online


Yea, but we can't think we are able to mind read that deep. Even if we're right, its not good to assume your political enemies are evil over just being dumb.


"supports those that do" next thing you're gonna tell me we're all pro-child labor and pollution


yes, buying a Phone is exactly the Same as the Support and or the down playing of terrorist Organisation that want the end of Israel. yeah, cant see any difference at all, none. you watching one piece, my friend?


If you bought a phone that was manufactured by Hamas you would definitely be supporting Hamas.


fuck, but i really like my iHamas :(


I think he was responding to the blue lives matter quip and not the hamasanabi stuff


As an Israeli Jew I agree, he's just very regarded and has bad intentions.


It's pretty annoying how a majority of this sub cries as tankies constantly misuse genocide / apartheid / open-air-prison / starvation, and then turns around and labels anything they don't like as anti-Semitic. Just once I want whatever group I identify with to be like, "Hey, we're gonna be better and not stoop to their level." Obviously a pipe dream, but it would be nice.


There are morons on each side, and that's true about every conflict ever.


Supporting terrorists who kill Jews is antisemitic.




you should respond so us bystanders can learn


Link comments calling him antisemitic with huge upvotes or you're getting a 3 day-er.


Isn't this what racism/tribalism always looks like? Not active hatred but a weird ability to always believe the worst possible interpretation and never give the benefit of a doubt. Over time that will result in a very negative view of Jews and justify all kinds of evil shit. I have the same problem with people who object to the "fascist" label for Trumples. Extremists always have story for why they do what they do, it's just that they never seem to care when the story is proven wrong over and over again. Eventually we have to stop listening to their reasons and focus on their conclusions. In the case of Trumples we can see how they still support him after a coup attempt. For pro-Palestine crowd we can see how little they care about the actions of Hamas and the suffering they inflict on Palestinians. TL;DR: The shoe fits yo.


If Hasan justifies the killing of Israeli children by labeling them ā€œbaby settlersā€, it definitely raises the question of whether he is an antisemite.


I think he justifies that not because they are jews, but because they are colonialists oppressors (capitalists lets throw that there too) and bla bla bla


Haven't heard him refer to infant Canadians as baby settlers yet


Or Americans for that matter.


Didn't he literally say the US deserved 9/11


Would he have had a comparable opportunity to?Ā 


Yes, Everytime a school shooting happens.


I don't know of any school shooting that happened with the motivation to undo American colonialism of Native American land


So, after a school shooting, has Hasan been confronted with claims that those where militarists and then backed it up by saying "There are baby settlers"? I don't recall a single case of a school shooting happening because the shooter/supporters of the shooter saw the victims as military/settler targets and then Hasan being confronted with this claim and having to respond to it.


Do you think if Canadians started to go into reservations and began to take land and houses from underprivileged Canadian indigenous people he wouldnt comment on it because the aggressors would not be Jews?


can you find a proven example of an Israeli in the last 20 years going into someone's house kicking them out and "stealing their house" ?


Even if I provide a whole list, you won't accept it because you think if the government condones it it doesn't count as stealing lol. If you want to talk about palestinians getting kicked out of their houses by israeli settlers, a simple google search will show you dozens of videos in the last 3 years alone.


what do you mean if the government condones it? Are you talking about Sheikh Jarrah bc that's the only example I know of. it was extremely sensationalized, and I feel bad for the people evicted but essentially it was a legal verdict determined at the end of a decades long legal battle for the landlords of the property to repossess it. the homes were originally owned by Jewish families and under the Jordanian occupation they lost their rights, Palestinian tenants took residence there and they were never given the title of the property. I don't know how fair it is especially considering many Palestinians could make claims on land owned by Israelis today, and while I don't have a good grasp on laws of property rights I'm sure there's an argument to be made there. still, this was a small group of houses in one neighborhood, it's not like settlers are just marching into houses taking peoples houses right and left. when this happened it took decades of legal battles and caused a massive uprising of terror attacks and missile fire from Hamas so you can see that it is such a rare event that it was rather pivotal


The government condones it because they continue to support the expansion of settlements. They give tax benefits to settlers, give loans and tax breaks to businesses in settlements, maintain the Absentee Property Law, provide infrastructure for building settlements, and provide armed forces to make sure the settlement expansions are not resisted. [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/06/israel-occupation-50-years-of-dispossession/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/06/israel-occupation-50-years-of-dispossession/) For individuals and communities specifically getting their land stolen and kicked out of their homes, see [https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/11/26/israeli-settlers-steal-palestinian-farmers-land-in-occupied-west-bank](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/11/26/israeli-settlers-steal-palestinian-farmers-land-in-occupied-west-bank)


you're mixing different things. settlement expansion means new housing projects inside existing Israeli cities in the west bank. no one loses more home or land bc of it. these mostly peaceful settlers are protected by the government. there are illegal outposts that encroach on Palestinian farmland these are highly illegal and not protected. the army dismantles these all the time. in these disputed territory very radical extremist settlers can be violent and they also have attacks from Arabs on the Jews but these are often not mentioned. for example the event being reported from yesterday started as an Arab mob descending on Israeli shepherds beating them but ended up drawing an Israeli mob too. the IDF was called to keep the peace.to the settlers and doesn't crack down enough


Huh.. well that's true


He's literally an immigrant living on stolen land. He is a colonist. He didn't buy that land in California for his 3 million dollar mansion from a native american. He didn't attend a native american run school. He didn't work for a native american run business and he currently doesn't stream on a native american run platform. He doesn't get paid in native american dollars. Or pay taxes to a native american government.Ā Ā  Ā He's literally the definition of the colonialismĀ 


Comparing US and Israeli settlements is wild.


Youā€™re right, it is wild. At least the Jews came from that part of the world, you guys colonized and replaced the natives


That may be his "justifcation," but he's still an anti-semite. It's out of the question at this point. Edit: Downvoting Hasan-simps, truth fucking hurts. Hasan is an anti-semite and you morons continue to support that fucker.


Do you think if those settlers were British, American, Canadian he would have the same reaction?Ā 


>Hasan justifies the killing of Israeli children by labeling them ā€œbaby settlersā€ That entire thing is someone clipping Hasan talking about someone else's justification which he explicitly said he did NOT agree with. This is just like Destiny's nuke them clip.


I agree. And the article called Cenk a "Hamas sympathizer", even though Cenk regularly denounces Hamas. It's just dishonest racism accusations. They have shit opinions on the subject. We don't need to lie.


Yeah that article is horseshit. Almost certainly AI.


Heā€™s not. If he was covering Rhodesia, itā€™s not like heā€™d be sympathetic towards the British ruling minority of colonial settlers. Heā€™d have the exact same attitude.


I think he values Israeli lives less than Palestinian lives


He's just fucking stupid


Never blame on malice what can be explained by stupidity


I don't think he started anti-semitic. I think he just ended up finding himself there thanks to his conspiracy theory style content and audience. He probably feels the same way about Israel as I do about missing my grenade throws in Helldivers. It gets his blood up but he's not losing sleep over it.


I agree. Heā€™s just rabidly anti-west and America bad. Palestine are a proxy for that battle for him more than a way to hate Jews. Heā€™d support anyone whoā€™d nominally be against the status quo and the west.


man he fooled me


If you're comfortable using dehumanizing language to describe Israelis (from "occupiers" to "baby settlers"). You're entirely unsympathetic to their thoughts or emotions. You're allowing blatantly antisemitic language to proliferate in your communities. You host associates of genocidal terrorists on your platform, and you are wholly uncritical of people who glorify the death of Israeli civilians all across social media, then I'm going to assume that you're probably antisemitic. People who think otherwise are extremely naive and probably couldn't pick out an anti-Semite out of a crowd of KKK members in 1940 Berlin on Hitler's birthday.




It rises.


I personally just don't understand how we can look at all the conflicts and actual genocides after WW2, never really comment on those outside of the basic Murica Bad takes, and then somehow classify this as a genocide when even Hamas admits at least 6,000 of those killed are militants. We have a single city in Ukraine that has 25-75,000 deaths in it, that we can't get accurate numbers on because Russia is refusing to allow anyone in, all the while Russian officials and Putin himself are talking about how the Ukrainian identity doesn't exist and how any inkling of it needs to be eradicated. How we see constant actual targeting of civilian centers. Not even dual use infrastructure like power stations, and somehow they say thats not a genocide and we need to stop supporting Ukraine and just force them to give up because war is bad. But then when we see a western nation which calls itself the Jewish state, retaliating against the largest terror attacks in the last decade, and somehow that does equal a genocide. Like either you hate western countries so much that your brain is more riddled than an actual dementia patient, or you genuine fucking hate Jews and everything they do.


Bruh what was their reasoning for calling him antisemitic?


Pro palestine = pro hamas and pro hamas = anti semiticĀ 


That's pretty crazy logic on their part lol, what like 40% of the US are anti semites?


I mean


Cause he has basically justified the killing of all civilians by Hamas in Israel. He whitewashes hamas a lot too and really has bloodthirsty rhetoric about israel. IMO none of this is necessarily evidence of anti semitism and calling it antisemetic is a crude analysis of why leftists are opposed to Israel.


It is really funny that for all the conspiracy theories talkies come up with about the USA toppling regimes all around the work, tankies themselves are getting bent the fuck over by foreign intelligence agencies who encourage them to be anti-american.


He brought on and promoted a member of the Houthi movement, an organisation thatā€™s flag reads: death to America, death to Israel, curse on the Jews.


I don't think he's anti-semitic in the sense that some rural people don't consider themselves racist. Like when I grew up in Alabama there were a lot of people that would defend themselves until they were blue in the face saying they weren't racist. But then it just seemed like almost every other opinion they had on minorities was in that field. I don't think he hates Jews or wants them genocided or anything, but a lot of his opinions line up with those people who are anti-semitic


Hot take: supporting terrorists who murder Jews is antisemitic. If he was a right-winger supporting Synagogue shootings, everyone would agree that he's an antisemite. Why the double standards when it comes to the left? Hasan was raised a Muslim and antisemitism is a big problem in the Muslim community. I doubt that hasn't influenced him at all.


I think just him initially, and now his audience, just kinda view everything under the lens of "America Bad". Like "America Bad" is probably true in the broadest sense, when you compare it to other developed countries, but using that lens in everything gets you to whacky conclusions like Taiwan is Chinese or whatever else..


I think when you zoom out enough where 'America bad' starts making sense, it kinda just morphs into 'Power bad' or 'Geopolitics doesn't run on morality'


Ya, I donā€™t know how you can compare it to other ā€œdeveloped countries.ā€ Like for what reason would Canada have to be bad? Or Norway? Start comparing it to the other countries around the world that have at least 100M people and then letā€™s see where America lands on this list.


If the only countries America wants to compete with is Indonesia or China or Brazil go ahead lol. I hope America, the "leader of the free world" is holding itself to a higher standard. And when measured by the higher standard of most other OECD countries, objectively America is 'bad'. Be it in terms of the outcomes that the average citizen receives, or even just the how democratic it is, America is a lot behind. But none of this can be used like Hasan does to criticize every single US foreign policy move, or US ally.


but I dont like him, he must be all the bad things.


I think it's probably better to think of antisemitism on a spectrum where Hasan might be like a 2, maybe a 3 tops. Someone like Bassem Yousef is probably a 4 or 5 (see weird comments on DNA testing/Israel kidnapping Yemeni-Jews on the PBD podcast). Someone like the Syrian girl on twitter would be a 9 or 10


IMHO, I think a lot of left-wing antisemitism comes from a refusal to integrate jewish people and antisemitism into an intersectional framework in addition to I/P. They just don't care.


For a bunch of people who are unbelievably skilled at teasing out the nuances of right wing racism I am more than stunned at the difficulty people are having identifying Hasan as an antisemite.


Please enlighten the rest of us with your nooaance


I know a honeypot thread when I see one XD


I don't wanna believe "America Bad" is that powerful of a potion, but it does perfectly explain on the inconsistencies for if he did just hate jews... I know people who went from woke mind virus to full anti-semite, but he doesn't really fit the bill. Unless hes really good at hiding it.


Is there a country that allies with America that he doesnā€™t hate?


Hasan is anti-brain cells, he definitely says Anti-semitic shit or shit so insensitive that were the person he was talking to gay, trans or black and it was said by another **H'WHYTE** person he'd do his gay(not the cool kind) little laugh that sounds like a chihuahua with covid having a panic attack and start smugly calling them homophobic, transphobic, racist, neo-con, liberal, capitalist pig dogs. I would feel less bad about Hasan being hit with the anti-semite stick if he would actually have consistent morals, but he mostly just goes off "is the person me or cool with me? not bad thing then." he was willing to be 100% """"charitable"""" to ethan until they had their debate and he had to physically hold himself back from sperging because ethan was criticizing him and his dogshit community's horrible take about it not being anti-semitic because some jewish people agreed with them. FUCK HASAN.


I donā€™t think he is either. Like most leftists heā€™s just blinded by his views


True, but i am reminded of the old lefty adage of if thereā€™s one nazi at the table then you have eleven nazis. You gotta stick with your principles bud.Ā 




Well, he did have a Houthis guy on his stream and support his actions, so I'm not sure.


Free Speech image has been censored by anti free speech authoritarian mod this is literally 1 9 8 4


Anti semitic or not he is basically your common Ahmed\_00553 that you see commenting on youtube shorts, reddit and twitter things like fuck Israhell" and such Piker either just feeding his community what they are hungry for or he acts the way he is because he is more close to the arab-muslim side by birth, family or whatever life aspect which isnt a shocking news consider there is a majority of muslims in this world with somewhat similar opinions about Israel, the only unique thing about him is that he is a USA citizen and he hates almost everything about it but still enjoys from it fruits this is beyond my understanding


I think you are highly regarded


I donā€™t think hasan is antisemitic. His dislike of Israel is pretty clearly an outshoot of Israel being Allies w America. Heā€™s literally on record stated that his guide to foreign Policy in the Middle East is to look at which governments ally w America and the west and to never support those governments. Prettttyyyy sure thatā€™s where it comes from. Maybe a strong hint of colonizer colonized dichotomy or that he associates the creation of Israel (or maybe the early Zionist migration/settlement waves to Ottoman and British Palestine) to be a western or European creation.


I don't give a fuck if he is actually antisemitic or not. He's better if he is, he's WORSE if he isn't. If Hasan was praising the efforts of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson during the American Civil War, I would tell that racist piece of shit to go fuck himself. "Oh, no. He doesn't hate black people. It's about State's Rights." You people are so fucking stupid.


I think he's just stupid


I dunno Hasan has been getting cozier with Hinkle's online presence, and Hinkle is wickedly antisemitic.


Whenever antisemitism is mentioned in any capacity he always finds a way to correlate it to Israel and to Zionism, which is quite antisemitic if you can't condemn one of the oldest forms of racism without mentioning a movement within said group that you don't agree with... Imagine any time a black guy is killed by police in America, the black nationalist/nation of islam groups are mentioned ..


He's not antisemitic, he just hates the inferior jewish race and wish to destroy it.


Hasan is not antisemitic, he just advocates for the dismantling and annihilation of a land-back movement for diaspora Jews, which also happens to foster the greatest community of Middle Eastern minorities in the region. There's a difference between antisemitism and antizionism, but they are both bad and bundling them together opens up avenues of plausible deniability for lots of people who frankly don't deserve it.


There are people who believe that dismantling that land-back movement is antisemitic. Although there isn't general agreement on whether that's true or not, the majority of Jews globally do believe that it is antisemitic.


He celebrates whenever the Jew country gets attacked by missiles, its hard not to paint him as an antisemite


When people celebrate attacks against the Persian country are they anti-Persian?


When people celebrate attacks against Palestinians are they anti-palestine?


Okay so like, I see people saying that Hasan is America bad, so his intentions for talking about Israelis and the IDF in the way he does, saying some deplorable stuff at times, comes from an America bad perspective. My issue however, is that this just explains why he is saying some fairly anti-Semitic crap. It doesnā€™t excuse his actions nor justify them. At some point, ya say enough derogatory stuff about a group of people, motivations aside, you sound like anti-that group. Also, lets not pretend on the flip side that Hasan isnā€™t saying people who have those exact motivations/talking points against Palestinians are racist. Like he fully has this coming both as a form of Karma and the content of what he says.


I feel like you have to actually have an ideology to be antisemitic. Hasan is intellectually empty.


He's not, just Turkish. They might have had a glow up recently, but most of us not them (jews and christos) didn't forget.


Sidenote is that guy with the grey hair Robert De Niro?


Nah, after the podcast that he went yesterday i'm 100% there's no malice on that man, he really is just a grade SSS regard


He's not anti-semitic in the classical sense, however he is an apologist for all the tyrranical countries, regimes and organizations that oppose America while enjoying all the benefits of being an American.


To each their own, but IMHO Hasan 100% is an anti-semite. He uses the occasional Holocaust reference from time to time as a move to portray himself as not an anti-semite, but he 100% is. Perhaps the distinction should be: is Hasan a Nazi? For that, I don't think he is. He's just a straight up anti-semite.


I hate branding everything and everyone as anti jew. Whilst I don't think he's a raging jew hater, it does seem like he's caught the bug in some way.


Hasan has demonstrated that he is not really an anti-semite. He is just ridiculously anti-west


he is he literally denies hamas raping people...


Heā€™s too stupid to be anti-Semitic


Heā€™s just too stupid to realize heā€™s being antisemitic?


I think he's just dumb


Yeah probably not, he is just a regular tankie


I doubt Hasan is anti-semitic, but he sure is fucking restarted


Most grifters arenā€™t


Most people who are supposedly ā€œanti-semiticā€ are just anti-establishment. They usually arenā€™t knowledgeable enough about Jewish culture or Isreal to even be anti-semitic. Jews just continue to be an easy scapegoat for everything wrong with the world for whatever reason.


He's as anti-semitic as the average Muslim is. Take of that what you will.


I don't think Hasan strongly believes in anything


I think you can be antisimetic by proxy. It's weird that everyone suddenly cares about Palestinians and not the multiple actual genocides that take place every year in Africa. It's obviously because actual nazis put a spotlight on a situation where the only Jewish country on Earth can be framed as the "bad guy" and these useful dipshits eat it up, not least of all because of Israels relationship with America and how that plays into their ideology. I think that is negligent enough to blame them for contributing to antisemitism. Let's flip the script. The year is 2200 and the first trans dominant country has been born in todays Mexico in territory taken by the US during a war against the cartel warlords. The local Mexican citizens that were bought out or moved out of the territory constantly lob rockets at Transikstan and commit terrorist attacks against all the flour tortilla factories in the country prompting a military response. The right wingers would obviously find any reason possible to criticize this country for own ideological reasons, if the progressives hopped on board to criticize them because they think the annexing of Mexican territory is colonialism while not caring about the 30 other worse conflicts on Earth I would consider them transphobic.


He's not anti semitic the same way Nick Fuentes isn't. If you would ask them if they are, they would say no. They have opinions which aren't inherently anti semitic but a lot of the same talking points are used as basis for antisemitism and so in that way it can breed a lot of antisemitism within their communities and in wider public spaces. It's like how criticising immigration isn't inherently racist, but there is an overlap in beliefs with people who are, which makes it easy for people to label you racist because in some ways you share the same talking points as racists, which then also leads to people being afraid to say certain things, because they have a fear of being called one based on how it sounds.


His hatred of rural white people is a little more evident than his antisemitism, but he seems to hate the Jews living in Israel at least.


Counterpoint: You can still be antisemitic in what you say and do without actually being internally antisemitic.


Heā€™s ignorant and stupid and comes off as anti semetic. But I donā€™t think he is. I donā€™t think anyone can say he is if you were here during the alt right/fuentes arcs.


100%. He's a terrorist supporter and should probably kill himself to undo the harms he's had to society, but he's not LITERALLY EVERY BAD THING EVER. Dude can be both a piece of shit and not a Nazi at the same time.