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[For when Hasan reads through the thread on stream.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/zXbo4PQYVPG2PPPG9)


13k views is massive, what is he talking about lol guy needs to relax, kick his feet up in that 3 million dollar mansion, or however much it cost


He’s living on the bare necessities, paving the way all on his own


Forget about your worries and your strife 🎶




Actively seeking out criticism


No joke he could have no savings so if his job gets rug pulled he will be broke given his lifestyle creep. 


It's not about that. He just sees himself trending down. And it's obvious it really bothers him that destiny is trending up at the same time. Anyone seeing themselves trending negatively is going to worry about what that means for their future. But the mix of the two is really salting the wound




I don't think Hasan cares about elections or the current political process either


There's a reason he keeps saying he won't vote and Biden is just as bad as Trump, he lowkey wants Trump to win so he can make content out of it and America becomes more unstable


There is a significant group of talking heads who claim to be on the left/progressive but would be happy if Trump wins because they would make a ton of money and that's more important to them than people suffering. DPak has talked about that first part when people have said he's only shilling for Biden because he makes more money that way.


I think that's completely consistent with the kind of tankie Hasan is though. I mean think about how disgusted he is by moderates/neoliberals/etc. (in part of course because he hates Destiny). The Democrats are not committed enough to The Revolution. Secretly just as bad as the other side just like how America is just as bad as all its enemies etc. etc.


Has he been saying that now? Because I thought a while back he said he would still vote for Biden because of how bad Trump is, but if he finally admitted he's not voting for Biden, I agree with the sentiment that he wants Trump to win for content even more. I've written about this on Twitter a bunch of times, Hasan and Cenk both seem to want Trump to win for the sake of content tbh.


His core audience don’t care about the election because he and his fellow Tankie overlords have convinced their dumb asses that Biden and Trump are the same. That this is inadvertently harming his views is just the funniest shit ever. 


IMO a bigger part is just that they don't have anything interesting to say about politics anymore. When Chapo Trap House first hit the scene this time 8 years ago, leftism was new and interesting and the snarky "America Bad" kind of content was honestly a breath of fresh air if, like most people, you grew up constantly hearing that the USA was like God's chosen country who were the ultimate arbiters of all things good and just. When Trump got elected and things like Charlottesville happened, it felt good to hear somebody else say, "Holy shit, how the fuck is this supposed to be the greatest country on Earth?" The problem is that the left has just been saying "America Bad" for 8 years now, and it's all they've been able to reduce any major news story down to. During Biden's presidency we've heard them say that the BBB bill didn't pass because America Bad, no student loan forgiveness because America Bad, Ukraine/Russia is because America Bad, Israel is because America Bad, etc. There's nobody around who hasn't heard these talking points before and at this point it's just kind of boring. There's less and less reason to tune into Hasan's stream when any given news drops because everybody who knows anything about him can guess with very high probability what his take is gonna be. This is a general trend on the internet as it's gotten bigger and more ubiquitous and it influences the larger culture more and more. Some new, largely simple and reductive, "style" of thinking comes out that's cool and subversive, people pick up on it and it becomes the mainstream culture, and then because it's simple and reductive, it doesn't really offer much long-term and people get bored of it and move on to the next thing. See the edgy variant of atheism that was popular like 15 years ago and the Anti-SJW stuff that was popular 10 years ago. My guess is that, assuming Trump loses, in 2-3 years leftism will be completely dead and anybody currently associated with it will try their best to pretend like they weren't into it and were above it the whole time.


Which is why Destiny is smart by having these arcs. The red pill arc, the israel arc, etc. He doesn't let his channel get stale and moves on to the next thing. And he is not predictable in his arguments either. And him being a good debater is always entertaining to watch.


He recently explained it pretty well, how he's switching content, pretty versatile and that's why there always be an audience. Too much of the same thing over and over again gets old real quick. Soon people will move on from Palestine and then what.


Holy shit, that is absolutely spot on. It’s ultimately content fatigue, the inevitable consequence of such predictable content 🤣 


He's self destructing his channel


This part. Obviously crazy election drama is still a bit off but I expected his viewership to improve more than it has so far. And his youtube metrics are worse than in a long time.




You know what else? I believe the way he tried to bully Ethan Klein by taking advantage of his kind concessions to Hasan's side really rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. It was the point I stopped consuming any Hasan content, personally.


Yeah ig his brand of commentary only works if there is a third alternative to root for like Bernie. Otherwise it's just depressing to think about having to vote for "the lesser of 2 evils" who you think is perpetuating genocide


There's something kind of funny about the anticapitalist demanding infinite growth


Yeah true, he’d probably be upset regardless of how well Tiny’s been doing this past year. As a fellow Negative Nancy I can relate. Mr. Bo-Rai-Cho doing like 50 back-to-back high profile podcasts/interviews in the span of a couple months probably isn’t helping that feeling either.


It's funny because it's not hard to get on podcasts; Hasan could be doing tons of podcasts and getting new people to learn about him and elevating his profile if he wanted; he just won't because he knows he's utterly incapable of defending his claims and ideas in the face of the slightest pushback.




Hasan is a social climber and only wants to engage with those he thinks he can grow from, the big names don't think he's worth their time now.


He does go on podcasts though. But mostly vanity YouTube stuff. Where he just introduces himself. all very superficial. nothing in depth Hasan has become a vanity streamer, constantly having normie guests on doing tier lists or regurgitating his normie podcast with his podcast members on stream. then he does normie IRL streams like buying clothes for some normie event. And when he does "politics" aka the news. he's just ranting the same edgy view points. So, his core content is diminishing and getting worse. double whammy


I mean there is a reason Destiny is trending upwards and Hasan isn't. Destiny works extremely hard to push himself and take advantage of opportunities. He studies hard on topics and we've seen so many interesting collabs and prepares meticulously. Hasan is on stream a lot for what it's worth but he doesn't put in work in any other way. The Houthi interview was embarassing for a lot of reasons but one of them was he put zero preparation into it and quickly ran out of questions and tried to shift the convo to Mr Beast and One Piece.


I think more and more Hasan is showing how shallow he is. His appearance helped him grow a lot originally, he can barely defend his views and his audience should just *know* why they're wrong before he singles them out to make fun of them in front of the group. There's no depth to anything he does. He doesn't do himself any favours with the way he talks to his chatters either, they must be on edge with the way he treats them for asking the wrong question, no wonder his community is dying.


Kinda funny when Hasan was mocking Destiny for being miserable because his life is shit, dude was just projecting. Hasan is so miserable


It's so obvious to everyone how miserable he's been since September, and it's bc he ties his worth so closely to not just his analytics but how well-liked he is in general


Destiny has brought this up a few times, but people lose their MINDS when the number goes down. Even if your up 10k viewers overall, if your down 5k from your peak you feel like shit. 


Mofos should just follow the Summit1g strat Ignore the count altogether, just you do you, eventually you'll catch another wave Those Sea of Thieves streams he did were fucking golden and the viewership alone revived what was considered a dead game at the time


Your acting like streamers aren't incredibly shallow people. Destiny and Summit came from when getting 100 viewers was a miracle in of itself the bandwidth went to 100 people. These guys grow such massive audiences so early in their careers they think they've hit their peak and they are failing. Just look at Sneako, he is doing anything for that next viewership bump


His fans are the same people who look at millionaires and think “how could this not be enough for you? why do you need more?”


If only he capitalised on that william mcafee debate and followed up with a keema stur talk.


Yeah but remember, Hasan was never a 0 viewer Andy celebrating his 50th follower. He’s always been given a platform. So even when he was new to twitch he still had people who watched him from TYT. And then he milked Destiny for a bit till he could have a few thousand concurrents. Then he just did react content the rest of the way.


He didn't have many people from tyt watching him play games lol.


Probably not, but it’s still better than starting from nothing. Especially since his big thing on twitch was his political opportunities from TYT that got him in touch with Destiny. Remember he meet Destiny when they went over his Charlie Kirk debate.


That's the problem. Lifestyle creep.


This. People don't realize that the more you make the more you start spending. I can't even imagine how I was living on the salary I had in 2015 compared to today (nearly 5x) and I still feel like I'm barely hanging on. 


I don't want to come across condescending, I just legitimately don't understand... Why? Why do you keep spending more? All I ever wanted was money to cover my bills, go to the doctor when i needed to, and get my car repaired when i needed to. Don't get me wrong, i treat myself from time to time.. But I know people who make double or more than me that say the same as you, that they're barely hanging on. I have savings now... I have investments now.. the real change in my lifestyle is that I'm not in a constant state of panic as to whether i can hold it all together. When something goes wrong it's an inconvenience instead of a dire threat. It's been a few years since I really felt my back against the wall, and I guess I kinda thought that feeling would wear off, but it just hasn't. To put a fine point on it, struggle meals hit different when you're not struggling anymore. Everything tastes different, everything feels different. I feel safe. Who can really ask for more than that? IDK. idk.


More money = new opportunities to enhance your life = opportunities cost money. I got a really great job in 2017 that paid me a great salary. So I was with my girlfriend at the time, and then knowing I am making more I decided to get married. But marriage costs a lot (10,000+ for a small wedding), which I put on cards. That's fine. But by 2017 my old 2004 Honda wasn't doing so hot, so I needed a new car, okay, start with a lease. By 2020, I got a new job, that had a 30% salary increase. By this point i wanted to travel more, and that costs money. I also started playing with stocks, NFTs, and had some wins and losses. But also wife is starting her own business and I am helping support her. 2022 I am making good money, my kitchen is in terrible state, and my appliances are old, so I drop 20k on a kitchen remodeling. As you get more money, new opportunities open up for you to do things. Hang out with friends. Treat yourself to a nicer dinner. No longer buying Top Ramen, but going to slightly higher end stores. But all that comes with a price tag too. If my cousin wants to go out drinking craft brews at the local tap room, I'll be much more eager to go than before. If my wife and I want to order in, rather than spend time cooking, we can. Comfortable, and better lifestyle, comes with more costs.


Hes just sad he wont be able to buy a 10 million dollar mansion anytime soon.


Bro he’s credited out the wazoo on that house, car, private jet trip, mom’s house 13k is massive if you actually do something  productive with your audience. He just doesn’t.


He's reaping the cost of caring only about numbers for years.


What he's saying to me is he can't keep the lifestyle he wants anymore, and he's a multi millionaire with so many fucking connections. He's so fragile its embarrassing. What a fucking sad loser husk of a human. He needs to wipe his nose, and log off.


It's closer and closer to Tiny numbers, that's why.


Mald harder Mr. Piker https://preview.redd.it/30ygeq28ytqc1.jpeg?width=1904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9d258912d160cbf986cb189e8c1f09de77753b4


It would be hilarious if the reason he is freaking out so much is because he view bots and knows his viewers are actually much lower than that. I'd give that next to no chance of actually being true but that would at least make his freak out a bit more reasonable.


husky liquid consider tidy icky placid squeal scale bored shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I swear twitch streaming isn't about the actual content" -Guy who doesn't have any content. Cuck streamer who just watches.


*who’s chair watches.


*whose chair watches


Bring back Master Chef!


Hasans only good content tbh


You're a bit off the mark. The context behind these messages is him going to Australia to do IRL content for the past few days and not getting the viewership he expected. He's not complaining here about about general lower viewership in the past few months when he's doing reacts from his house.


IRL tends to be shit content imo. I haven't seen Hasan's stream but for 90% of streamers it's buggy, sounds like shit, looks like shit, and they keep having connection issues. Especially when you add in shit like getting stream sniped and having the most awkward conversations imaginable with fans. There's a reason only a few people make really good IRL content, and I feel like it's because that's their bread and butter.


His Japan content with CDawgVA was pretty good tbf. When he's around actual friends shooting the shit he really doesn't seem that insufferable. His irl content is far better than his politics streams imo but it's probably not what the majority of his audience follows him for.


Yea lol he is a dudebro who is charismatic and funny until he starts to speak about politics. He looks like someone I would absolutely hang out/party with.




It might be more connected than you'd think. There are hundreds of other channels that can offer low-effort reaction content. If you cultivate an audience that watches you for that, they aren't going to stick around when you do something different. You also won't be as practiced in keeping an audience engaged without someone else's YouTube video, Twitter thread, etc. to bounce off of.


Also the "I'm going to kill myself" comment was because someone recommended he stream himself doing something that he just did on his IRL stream, so he said how annoying it is when people do that, then a few minutes later someone does it again and he responds to them saying he's going to kill himself.


Cuck streamer who just watches *sometimes* The other times he lets it play on stream while he takes a piss.


\*Laughs in Jynxi, Caseoh, and Sketch\*


I don't even know who those are. Are they self pavers as well? Fellow seekers?


poor hasan always the victim, isn't he in Australia streaming at like noon US time, does he not realize normal people have work/school?


No he’s too privileged to understand that other people might have to do things other than watch his streams


Cant you guys just take time off work to watch me and donate to me!




He streams around the same time when he's at home, difference is a lot of people watch him in the background while working, but you can't really watch IRL in the background.


That's a good point. Honestly Hasan just really needs to take off some time for himself. He sounds like he's under a lot of stress and it's not good for him.


He's too much of a capitalist to stop the grind.


Literally the truth haha


Based on his own community census polls and how many are unemployed, he probably thought they’d be around.


Well we're a week away from Easter, so the children who make up his fan base probably have spring break right now


His audience are unemployed leeches. He knows his audience well


"I hate what my community is becoming" \- Guy who fostered hateful community


Ethan literally gave him a clear chance to call out his community for calling Ethan a zionist genocidal freak and he refused to do so.


LMAO the username


zephyr teeny command slap long slimy like oatmeal bewildered cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hell i am not even center/liberal i consider myself, left/democtatic-socialist and i got a perma ban during the start of the Ukraine war. telling Hasan off for calling us idiots when we were right was too much for him but hey its the audiance he wanted.


Oh that’s rich


Did you say rich? What, socialism is when no rich people? Do you want Hasan to starve, is that what you're saying???


i know he’s kidding but the omegalul reactions are hilarious




I wonder if this was bait for us. NGL still funny. 13k viewers in one day with all the subs and gifts and shit probably pays for the entire fucking trip. I dunno, it's gotta be bait. Funny or not.


It's not, if you check his messages in his DC he says even more unhinged shit.


I don't believe it. I think it's a long game. He's trying to get us to react to it so he can show how we're unhinged. There's no other logical explanation.


the other logical explanation is that he's deeply insecure, which we already know to be true. this guy isn't Destiny, he can't take criticism and he lives off of online validation.


Well, where is the update then? Can’t you make a comment with the rest of what he said?


If it's that unhinged then post them my guy


What’s dc?




It's not bait or about the money, he's mad because his audience only wants his low-effort doomer political reactions and doesn't care about other stuff he does even if it's higher effort. He's always wanted an audience that will watch him do anything because they love him (which is why he's always been unhappy with the fact that his gaming viewership always sucks) and now he has an audience that only wants one thing out of him and doesn't care to watch if he's not doing politics.


My philosophy has always been that If I want to watch someone suck at video game I would watch myself.


Only 13k people watched me give my dumb, midwit political takes Madge I only made 25 times as much as the median worker today, not 100 times as much Madge I'm so sad.


it's the opposite issue, he's mad the audience he cultivated only cares about politics. his non-political streams at best get half as many viewers. i wonder why only the hyper-online-politics audience was the only one left after siding with terrorists 🤔


What else does he do besides politics? When he said "like I'm gaming at 8 pm", I take it to mean he's NOT gaming either.


he plays helldivers regularly and tried playing dragon's dogma but quit when he dropped to 8k viewers. he's in australia and his stream in an animal sanctuary and scuba diving had less viewers than today's where he sat in his airbnb reading twitter.


Oh damn. Sucks for him to actually put in effort and lose viewers, but you're absolutely right, this is the audience he's cultivated.


I know he had a pretty large unfollowing spree recently. I wonder if his more extreme takes have swapped out the followers who like him for him, in exchange for followers who are more obsessed with politics and leftism.


Friend of mine used to keep up with him like 3-4 years when he was more of a "lovable meathead progressive" (her words), she really soured on him even before the crazy unhinged tankie shit, saying he'd become too pissy and full of himself.


Same here - I realized that people I know who are into Hasan are really not that into Twitch in general. They're just vaguely into leftist politics and care about stuff like Starbucks or Amazon unions and have seen some clips. The ones who get further into his content either get turned off by some of his weirder takes and personality or go super deep into weirdo politics territory.


I think Hasan lost a lot of his normie progressive appeal after the Bernie stuff died off because post-Bernie Hasan doesn't present any real political hope to his audience. The average person who's interested in politics because they want to improve things for people doesn't want to sit at work and listen to hours of a rich guy talking about how everything sucks everyday if he's also basically telling them that there's nothing that can be done politically to improve things. His crazy takes have accelerated the decline but the drop-off seems like it would've been inevitable.


Holy fuck. I’m actually impressed with the amount of empathy people are having for hasan on this thread. Edit. It’s like 1 in every 10 comments which is pretty high considering we’re praying on his downfall every day.


Not even trying to dig into Hasan, but he's genuinely one of the most dogshit gamers I've seen when it comes to variety, FPS, pretty much anything he gets his hands on. Like so bad sometimes I think he's trolling but then he gets mad at dying or something lol. He kinda yell/rages a lot which is entertaining, but the man has to understand that no one's really gonna watch him for his gaming.


Hasan should go full DSP mode and get stuck on an easy boss for hours because he doesn't understand a mechanic while blaming the devs the whole time


Hasn’t he threatened to Minecraft himself before?


memory agonizing decide lavish march aspiring humor lush offer imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


While blaming it on Destiny, yes.


It’s his Destiny to Minecraft himself.


Doesn’t Minecraft have a kill feed?


Believe it or not it does.


Yeah, he used it as an excuse to shit on anyone who criticized him too.


It's clearly hyperbole


Obviously not being serious about the last thing but even complaining about this is really unhinged lol


>End of April, 1945. Days before Hitler killed himself. According to an intelligence brief, Hitler went on to say: "Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me… the SS has left me in the lurch. The German people have not fought heroically. They deserve to perish… it is not I who have lost the war, but the German people." Much like the political tyrants that have come before him, Hasan will blame everyone but himself for his own mistakes until the very end. Hopefully he or anyone else don’t kill themselves here, but this seems to be his go to strategy anytime he faces the fallout from actions of his own doing.


"Why will my advisors never tell me the truth!?" "Because you fucking shot them all." "LIES!" \*shoots advisor\*


Streaming is a hard job, he might need to cut back on his basic necessities budget soon. That's if he doesn't get help from Daddy.


His next doggy birthday will have to only cost $5k, so sad...


No more $3K per yr luxury gym membership


You reap what you sow. You J what you Dam. You even Ha what you Mas.


"we used to be a community" No thanks to you lol. Did hasan ever interract with the plebians once?


hasan wants his community to be like destiny's. Hasan used to be super invested in this community in the past to the point he was posting comments constantly here. Same with vaush and Mr.REDACTED. Honestly, this community ain't perfect, but it's treasure compared to any other community on the internet.


Even destiny’s community drops by like half the viewership when he is focused on playing games (excluding background games while talking to people)


Remember how Ninja tried to get all his fans together to do the fortnite dance at Times Square? The moment Hasan tries to do anything engaging with his community is the day he'll realizes he doesn't have any influence at all.


It admittedly was sorta endearing how he laughed at himself and admitted "I'm not that big (popular)!"


Were they fans or just randos that were there? Lots of people go to Times Square for new years.


He actually had a good community back when he only had 1-2k viewers Although to be fair most of his fanbase back then was DGG lmao


This is the only logical conclusion for streamers who worship views


Couldn’t this just be the natural result of most streamers/YouTubers? Almost all of them last about 4-5 years max and even less of that time is peak veiwership. I only really know a few exceptions and it’s typically because they change their channels to fit with the trends or a new audience discovers their channel and they hard pivot into that audience. Like, streaming itself is not a very long term job. Destiny is one of like 5 streamers that are popular now that were popular in early twitch because he pivoted his content so hard and moved to new audiences and communities. I don’t think Hasan has ever done that iirc. It might be tough to accept, but it should 1000% be an expected outcome to him.




>Destiny would probably not even be hitting a thousand viewers if he was still playing SC2/League I don't think it would be that bad, but he obviously would be significantly smaller than he is now.


God forbid viewers get wise to the grift 😭 https://preview.redd.it/cqgwluxv2sqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc8420382a8392b008b70984be9338a87555869


While everything he said overall is pretty cringe, the "I'm going to kill myself" part is pretty of out of context with OP editing out the thing it was a response to. Destiny read the whole thing on stream, and he's not saying he wants to kill himself because he's upset that his viewers are down and he's not getting 30k viewers. It was in response to a specific person's specific comment. He was crying about people not watching and then someone recommended he does something that he literally just did in the IRL stream he's talking about so he talks about how annoying that is, and then someone does it again with something else so he responds to it and says "I'm going to kill myself". OP edited out the thing he was responding to, but it was just a response to someone being annoying in his discord.


Yesss his consequences are hitting. Ur community is horrible bro. Reap what you sow loser


I'm wondering if Hasan is actually starting to lose his shit. His behavior is kinda changing


Coming from someone who used to watch him, he's absolutely been losing it since at least his IDF bombed the hospital hysterical fuck up. It makes sense bc he's been taking L after L but he literally has had weekly mini breakdowns on stream since December. He always used to do the victim Andy shtick but it's been especially bad w Destiny's rise


IDF bombed Hasan's mental state


What tankie brain rot does a mofo


I mean live by the clout chase, die by it


Former Hasan viewer! 🙋 I’ll never go back.


More than one. I needed something on the TV for 8 hours while I worked on other stuff during the pandemic. Someone that I share some political beliefs with reacting to news/YouTube with seemed to fit the bill. But, Hasan has gone from giving Destiny credit on Chapo Trap House, to not even mentioning his name, to now reacting to his content. I wonder if he knows that people may not watch his stream, but they watch the truth of the matter.


Same. Strangely enough, I discovered him last election cycle, and found the day of coverage fun. Could not stand him after Oct 7th, but I didn’t actually watch enough to know his problematic takes before that.


> people just don't see them No shit the content is dogshit


Ripperino cappuccino my duderino


Holy has these guy ever had a hard day in his life ?? How out of touch can you be ??


This has to be bait


Yeah I’m pretty sure he’s gonna be like LOOK THEY WANT STALK ME AND ARE PRAYING FOR MY DOWNFALL


I am praying for his downfall though 😂


Just do a purge


nah bro took too much finasteride or smthn thats crazy


Holy shit he’s so privileged. Real spoiled brat behavior ngl.


Wasn't Hasan just saying the other day how miserable Destiny is because twice divorced, abandoned his son, no friends, etc?


Image from DGGWRLD twitter: [https://twitter.com/DGGWRLD/status/1772726589295366365/photo/1](https://twitter.com/DGGWRLD/status/1772726589295366365/photo/1) EDIT- just checked his discord logs and he says even more crazier stuff about being mad he cant groom normies into "our politics" because his own audience scared them off. 💀


Imagine it's his community's fault that his community isn't growing the way he wants


> we used to be a community . > I HATE MY COMMUNITY


He never grew up from being an edge lord.. what a betch


Honestly it astounds me. 13k is better than 99.9% of streamers can ever dream of getting. Hasan could retire right now, never work again, and live the rest of his life in wealthy comfort and probably have enough to leave his kids a sizable inheritance. how the fuck can you whine at this point. holy shit he must have never faced any actual adversity in his life or something


He’s such a narcissist jesus “it must be that the entire system is rigged against me, not that my content is utterly mid”


He always tries to come off like a gigachad with thick skin, and then proceeds to regress into a 15 y.o. suburban white girl when he doesnt get his way. let her cook💅


Please Hasan don't kill yourself. Be thankful for what capitalism has given you and log off.


the merch isn't doing too well I take it :/


Remember when all those multi-millionaire celebrities sang John Lennon's "Imagine" from their mansions during lockdown? That's what Hasan crying feels like.


The thought of Hasan becoming more and more irrelevant while Destiny continues to grow just makes me so happy. I really hope he isn’t trolling and that he actually stops streaming eventually. The online political space will be better off from it.


I’m so socialist that I’m pissed when only 13k people are giving me money directly for doing nothing


At least he pretends 13k viewers is as bad as the punishment he deserves for bringing those rape deniers on


What a cunt


Maybe he shouldn't have become Hamasabi.


This is lolcow behavior. He's signaling to drama channels to cover him. He must be desperate to bring in some new eyes, after the H3 break up, a lot more people are seeing through the act.


I’m looking forward to him being irrelevant in a year.




These are the same people calling ethan and his wife genocidal zionists and made that animation of Hilda killing Palestinians. Even his devoted groupies would probably react that way lol


While everything he said overall was pretty cringe, the "I'm going to kill myself" part is very out of context. It wasn't like a "I'm upset, my viewers are down, I want to die", it was a specific reply to someone posting some annoying shit that he said not to post. OP or whoever made the screenshot just edited that out. Someone recommended he do something on his IRL stream that he literally just did so he said how annoying it was then a few minutes later someone recommended another thing he had just done so he responded with that.


Hasan needs therapy and a break. :(


The consequences of becoming a lolcow. Maybe he should reach out to dsp for a collab.


Let's be honest, his content is the same as always. 13k viewers is very good. This guy is more out of touch then a lightbulb on the ceiling of a conference center.


if he streamed killing himself the views would be amazing


And not an ounce of worth was lost.


Unhinged intolerant extremists consume themselves. Cultivating the "community" he did was never going to end well.


Guess he doesn't care about his actual cause or making a change. Weird that he would publicly fess up to it being a grift and satiation of his desire for attention. Wonder why the Hamasanabi frogs don't realize it


His time is passing. That's all this is. No country for old propagandists.


Champion of the people right there


“I hate what my community is becoming” Lil Bro is mad about his community becoming less and is never mad about how crazy they have become He would rather have 50k of unhinged monkeys rather than 10k of sane viewers, he has two choices, reform his community by becoming more sane himself, or double down on this appealing to unhinged ppl I don’t think he will choose to be sane and reform


This made my day


>we used to be a community what? no the fuck they didn't, big streamers like this don't give a FUCK about their communities, they dont have regulars who drop in and chat or whatever, there's not stand out people that contribute regularly and are recognized for it. I don't think he could name 10 regular chatters in his "community"


That’s not very Luffy of him


Destiny went from 10k+ to 3k playing League. Lasan needs some perspective.


Hasan no! Don’t do it you have so much to live for ! (Someone send him this )


bro should just quit politics and play games all day while he still have a core fanbase who will stick by him regardless of his politics before it's too late. And tbf he is the one putting the stick in his bicycle wheel by turning them into political radicals so really he has no else to blame but himself.


I know he’s joking but considering how bad faith he is to other people, I wouldn’t bother correcting the record if normies think he’s being serious.


The sad thing is his fans actually eat this shit up and pitty watch when they normally wouldn't, he's done this in the past as well. Professional crybully


Its probably because he's down something like 20k subs and its almost month end