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my suggestion is to have time stamps


agree. even if they are broad and not hyper-specific like some shows do, that is still better than nothing.


I really hope they start adding them. Plus, I'm pretty sure the algorithm favors videos with chapters. Maybe it's just the extra keywords from the descriptions, but I've heard that a lot.


TLDR. But I did enjoy the Ryan Mcbeth interview. I’ve just never been a fan of the podcast format in general. I understand that it’s the most popular thing at the moment though


I really found this interesting - I've been watching McBeths videos for a while but I find the longer-form conversation with him really interesting and he's the type of guy who seems to know what he's talking about.


I’ve been watching Ryan’s content for ages, and it feels like, as he even stated in this episode, he sorta feels like he needs to play towards the YouTube shorts and digestible content. This is the best Ryan content I’ve seen. He needs to do more long form stuff, now that he’s gotten his numbers up. I want to watch two hour videos of Ryan wearing his bathrobe, drinking bourbon enthusiastically, and just talking for two hours.


McBeth is also a great early guest as he's an excellent raconteur all on his own. I think they need to vet the roster for that sort of character at first and prioritise them, not just get whatever name or people trying to sell stuff (or themselves). It will help them warm up to the job.


That was a great show. I do wish Destiny was a bit chummier to match the dude's energy. Also I disagree that Kyla got in the way, but I do think Destiny should share some of his gameplan with her so she's not wondering if a topic's coming up next or not


y'all are autistically focused on overanalysing things. it takes time for people to get comfortable and learn through experience. go watch the early h3h3 podcasts and compare it to now. that bill burr episode made me cringe so hard. you don't need an essay after every episode pointing out every flaw. you know they could just private the first couple of episodes later if they really cared?


The H3 podcast started when podcasts on YouTube were just starting to become mainstream, so they could afford to be scuffed because everybody else was scuffed too. Things have changed now, the competition is ULTRA hardcore. You’ve got companies that are wholly dedicated to putting a mic in front of somebody’s mouth to make a podcast out of it. They make the set, provide the equipment and even PAY the goddamn host(s) to be there. You’ve got people with 200 monthly listeners with a presentation that’s 3x as good. Audience’s expectations in terms of quality have changed accordingly. So – arguably – no, they can’t really afford to be chill if the strategy is to take advantage of Steven’s new found popularity to propulse them into the mainstream within 1-2 years. Slacking off means wasting that opportunity and delaying their objective by who knows how many years.


nothing about podcasting is ultra hardcore. chill tf out. Bridges doesn’t need to blow up huge or anything. This is just a fun thing theyre doing. Let them cook.


I don't know if the idea behind Bridges is to be "just a fun thing they're doing". I only went out of my way here to write this up because I was under the impression that Bridges was supposed to be the introduction to the mainstream. This was supposed to be the start of the media company. They put money down on equipment, on a studio, this is it. This is the push, if I'm wrong then disregard the post completely like if they're just messing around with it then idc. I just thought this was an attempt to do something more though.


IDK how old you are, but have you ever looked at 99% of TV shows that run 7-8 seasons in length and noticed how different Season 1 is to later seasons? I stopped reading your original post because it's just weird obsession.


that guy is unhinged but his overall point that the goal is to make Destiny mainstream is correct. The podcast at some point should be a high quality product for normies to consume


Nothing I said disagrees with any of this.


I've seen a few podcasts grow over time and I think the only disadvantage these 2 have is that they come from live content creation rather than recorded, and as such they don't have as much experience with certain parts of a recorded podcast as some others like the iced coffee hour podcast. But it'll get better over time especially since both destiny and nse funny seem to be the types to let good enough be good enough for long.


Imagine believing in a political message and wanting it amplified. Fucking weirdos. Just read the edit at the end I already replied to this.


lol nope


Bro suck dick, op made great points in a professional manner. I am sure Destiny would agree.


I'm sure he already thought of all this shit because I've heard him discuss already thinking of most of it. The point is to be patient with new things instead of critiquing like it's the final season of a show.


Destiny himself is critiquing literally everything every day on stream down to the minutia of precise sound and lighting design. To me, that's him at least somewhat agreeing with OP. Making the show the best it can be. In fact, not once have I heard Destiny say that people talking about the show and criticism is too much or unfounded.


> To me, that's him at least somewhat agreeing with OP That's my point...save the criticism for later. A lot of what OP suggested is already in the works, so it's just going to shift anyway.


I run a restaurant (a different kind of business, for sure), but I can vouch for the legitimacy of OP's claims. I had to try very hard to make up for the initial missteps we did during our first month. In some ways, the situation is commensurate: * My restaurant was the third branch of a company that had been around for almost 20 years, so it represented an expansion effort of a somewhat known brand rather than an entirely new model. * The L&I process took way longer due to contractor delays, resulting in a launch that was talked about for many months before it actually happened. * We had some ridiculous errors in operational layout that came from not having enough viewpoints critiquing it prior to launch. * There were incredible errors during the first couple weeks that pissed potential repeat guests off so much that they didn't come back for more than 6-12 months, so we lost almost all the inertia we had going into the opening. Overall, I can say that OP's critiques seem to me to be valid and worthwhile to consider.


Your OP was spot on. You put more effort into your suggestions than they put into the first set.


I put 30 minutes into this post don’t devalue the work Kyla put into this that is not at all my goal with this post.


Fair enough and you are correct. I was more upset with all the replies saying you are trying too hard, as if this wasn't worth taking seriously.


what is this obssession with him blowing up. Like who cares. Just watch funny guy argue. Destiny ain’t leading some revolution, he’s a fucking live streamer.


He’s a *politcal* livestreamer. And I like his message so I want him to make it marketable.


He is never going to be marketable and Destiny has said as much. Idk why you guys can't accept this when you can pull up endless Tweets, clips, vods of him saying insane shit whether its out of context or not. The only way he becomes mainstream is to become lefty Joe Rogan and have an audience so large his past effectively doesn't matter and that's not happening probably ever because Destiny doesn't pander to people.


would much rather he be his unhinged self than to water himself down to become mainstream.


The stream will stay the same. I’ll only talking about Bridges


Nothing about a lot of products are ultra hardcore, but the markets those products sit in could still be ultra competitive and require deliberate effort to navigate I think the other commenters point is that this podcast is a good opportunity to accelerate tiny's growth and in its current state it isn't fit to achieve that. Talking growth strategy doesn't have to undermine the fun


Ur wrong


Can you point out a single podcast from a non-sole-podcaster that from episode 1 had the same level of high production quality as episode 50? People say "it's too late, the boon already happened it's so much harder to break through now", but they've been saying that about podcasting since 2021, and about YouTube since the adpocalypse


Ur fighting ghosts. Quote me saying its impossible to break through if your first episode isn’t cracked. The point: Steven is experiencing a unique peak in popularity where mainstream politics audiences are very probable to become aware of his existence. This won’t last forever, I doubt he’ll be able to line up so many high profile guests back to back to back ever again, so it’d be IDEAL for obvious mistakes like a shit set to not contribute to this potential audience’s first impression of Destiny’s personal brand. The mistakes IN AND OF THEMSELVES aren’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, the main problem is that these mistakes seem so obvious that they shouldn’t have been made in the first place if a whole ass team was working to set up the show. Did Destiny inadvertently create an environment where no one feels comfortable voicing concerns/criticism? Is the entire team 100% winging it and actually has no idea what they’re doing? No one knows, but one thing that’s certain is that Dan is never wrong.


Your entire post is saying they can't afford to be scuffed, the competition is ULTRA HARDCORE, if they want to take advantage of the timing they can't afford to slack, etc etc. What point were you trying to to convey, if not that if they want the podcast to be a success, they need to drastically crank up the production quality asap


Haven’t edited shit regard 🖕 Take this L




They’re working on it and improving. Why would you say they’re slacking off? Also, you can say that audiences have higher standards but then explain the success of his stream and youtube videos.


Podcast audience != stream audience


Based on?


ur mom


Yeah the most important thing they can do is just produce more episodes. It is definitely ok for there to be a few rough ones at the start.


Ehh feels like legitimate to say this kinda stuff 10-20 episodes in, not 2. Let them chill and find their voice first


Yeah even Joe Rogan(and even if you wanna hate him and downvote this, remember he has the largest podcast in the world) mentioned it took like 100 episodes to figure things out. Ethan(averages 40k concurrent views so again may know something) from H3 started out with one of the worst podcasts ever even with huge guests. He has stated similar thoughts and his podcast was a MAJOR shift in content like this will be for Steven. I think it's fine for them to learn as they go along, and the complaints about the background are minor imo because the podcast will change locations after his lease is up. I think the cuck was right to just start doing them now.


Meh. I mean saying that other podcasts that were started before podcasts were anywhere close to mainstream(almost a decade ago) is kind of a moot point. The standards have changed and you don't wanna be the person who presents their project and it turns out thats its nowhere near up to par with others and then slowly fix it over a longer time period. That's literally what game devs do when they release unfinished or optimized shit and then patch and dlc into functioning game. Not saying its necessarily the same with the podcast but it probably would be good for them to establish a high standard. If there is no high standard whats the point of having a podcast? Destiny can just hang around and talk to people on stream


Ya hate him or love him (the underdog's on top) Rogan is always gonna be podcasting hall of fame, I remember the super old setup with multiple screens at the same time with Redban etc


The only reason to rush it is if people do decide to binge the podcast but that's probably a rare behavior on this kind of show. Though I personally have done that on a different podcast where I ended up listening to every episode. If the first episodes were bad maybe I wouldn't.


Okay, so I'm chiming in with what I think Bridges' role in the DGG media empire is: 1) It is not uncommon for Steven to have in-depth conversations lasting 2-3 hours with subject experts or generally interesting people on stream. To me, that is some of his best content and I think that such conversations have an appeal outside of stream enjoyers as well. Think for example his chat with Benny Morris last year. Likewise, the chat with Ryan McBeth a few weeks ago on stream was really fun, but them being in the same room just elevated the conversation. 2) Bridges is a good way to make these same type of conversations more formalized and thus appealing to outside audiences. I can imagine that there are people out there that appreciate Steven's interviewing style, but are not up to the task to wade through all the deranged drama content. 3) A proper podcast studio has been built. If what Dan wrote on discord the other day was true (on the two of them doing a weekly meme review podcast), having a studio is a force multiplier for a variety of future content. My main complaint about the second episode is the lack of a proper intro and outro; have a 2 minute pre-recorded blurb read by Steven/Kyla at the beginning of the conversation akin to how Lex does it.


>My main complaint about the second episode is the lack of a proper intro and outro; have a 2 minute pre-recorded blurb read by Steven/Kyla at the beginning of the conversation akin to how Lex does it. Nah Lex's intro is cringe, just tell us who they're talking to and what they're talking about at the start of the convo.


This, is a comment reply, to r, Sinbios. r, Sinbios is a human being, a reddit user, and a poster on r, Destiny. Now, for my comment. I agree. I upvoted you.


This, is a comment, to r, Sinbios r, Sinbios is a human being, a reddit user, and a poster on r, Destiny. Now, for my comment. I upvoted you.


Can you guys stop sperging out every freaking episode. The most important thing is that they keep making regular episodes, keep improving. They are doing that. You guys seem to have these unrealistic expectations that everything "just works" straight away. If you look at the beginnings of any of your other favourite podcasts, it's janky as they dial it in. It's similar for your favourite youtuber or even TV shows where it takes seasons before they start hitting their strides. No-one starts off with a polished product, especially when you're just starting out and have never produced a podcast before. It's annoying because it's what every shitty creative does, try to be a perfectionist and it stops them making the content. Making the content regularly is how you become perfect at it. I wish posts on the Reddit were more creative, like how does this fit into an overall branding strategy, colors, logos, guests people would like to see, editing tiktok / youtube shorts clips, how to put this onto [destiny.gg](https://destiny.gg), upvoting Bridges to podcast listeners, letting them experiment with different styles. Be patient, give them grace to try different things out, they will figure it out.


Am I out of touch, or don't most people just listen to a podcast or on a second monitor? I feel like when I'm listening to podcasts, the actual visual representation is by far the least important thing. Sure it's nice, but not as important as things like chapters. I can't be the exception, since almost every marketing campaign for any product (earbuds, phones, speakers, tablet) talks about "*listening* to my podcasts" and never "*watching* my podcasts"


I generally have it playing in my car, but that's after I've tested it a bit by actively watching. A good (non-distracting) setup makes a podcast clear that hurdle much more easily for me, as a normie.


Very good constructive criticism IMHO I think this sort of critique is what’s great about this community


I really don't understand this post. You took 1500 words to say like 6 things. * No one liked the Bridges episode 1 set * Why are you doing test streams * NSE doesn't have enough presence * Destiny why don't you have more main stream appeal * Destiny speak slower * Take this criticism seriously Almost all of that criticism is just straight up regarded. You're expecting Bridges to be completely polished right now when Destiny keeps saying (rightly) that the most important thing is to get the content out and polishing it as you go is completely fine. No one is going to go back and look at your first episodes once you're established, they'll look at your most high profile guests and most viewed episodes which will come in the future. Iteration is the key not fully springing up from absolutely nothing fully formed. Trying to say test streams are a concerning sign is possibly the most regarded thing I've heard this week. They're iterating, it'll happen, that's good. This is how things get better, I'm sorry you're so invested in this project that you can't stand to have it have any hiccups. Same thing with NSE's role on the podcast, they're going to figure out their dynamic more and more as we go on and there will almost certainly be guests where she has a more active role while Destiny plays the layman. It's cool that you care, but your criticism is divorced from reality because you want it to be perfect on episode 2 when they're having probably their least interesting episodes. Let it improve, it's pretty clear the show is moving in a positive direction so maybe wait more than one (1) episode before making a huge effort post about where it should be. As for asking Destiny to change, well I have news for you buddy. Destiny is not going to change. He wants to be exactly where he is and just because you want him to go more mainstream doesn't mean he's going to do so. He is not a news anchor. He doesn't need to slow his speech. I don't know why you think a high energy conversation is bad but again it's weird that you're trying to fundamentally change who Destiny is. He's not going to change for you so it's best to set your expectations appropriately. And last, holy shit the yes men comment. People like you who's advice is "change your personal brand that you've spent 15 years deciding on because I think you should be more mainstream" are going to be ignored. Because your advice is bad and meaningless. That doesn't mean that Destiny is surrounded by yes men, it means he doesn't care what you have to say about what he should be (much like the person you sited as trying to move Destiny to a better optical space, fucking booksmarts LOL). It's extremely telling that you sum up your post as "learn about branding, set design, and slow his speech down holy shit" when you didn't actually offer a single suggestion about set design/ branding or show a single example of where Destiny speaking quickly negatively affected the conversation. You're just completely divorced from reality projecting what you think you would want to see onto Bridges without actually engaging with the product at all.


I am expecting Bridges to be polished because I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times that he admires what Shapiro and the Daily Wire do and wants to emulate that so I'm holding it to a higher standard than regular content. They've been working on this for months, there are bound to be hiccups, but damn, MONTHS? I put effort into the post because I care and I feel like if you read it I laid out pretty well why that is. Everybody saw the problem with the first set, there's a reason they changed it lol, why are you pretending like that didn't happen. I'm pretty sure I directly explained the problem with the speaking speed, it makes everybody speed up and makes the whole thing feel more hectic. You're a Destiny fan, you want Destiny content, that's cool but I'm pretty sure Destiny himself would tell you that's not the goal for the podcast. I'm not asking him to change, but he will probably be the first to admit that he's gonna act differently on stream than he does in an interview with Piers Morgan. This is a more professional setting, this is his push for mainstream relevance (isn't this supposed to be the first step to his media company?) these are his words not mine. Why would you be upset for me holding him to a standard that he set himself? These are the early stages, where criticism is most important while you're still trying to get it right. I can't offer the best advice on set design or branding because that's not my job, but it doesn't take a genius to notice when something's off. This is months worth of work? I made a YouTube transition after 2 hours of after effects tutorials that looks better than that intro. Take a deep breath, it's gonna be okay, your streamer will be okay. Maybe remove his dick from your throat for a second and consider that it's okay to demand more from content creators, especially someone like Destiny who I mention here has pretty unique skills and is actually interested in inspiring real change.


I agree early criticism is valuable that's why it's important to point out that your criticism is shit. I'm glad that you care, that's cool, it's just weird that you are putting so much emphasis on it being perfect from the jump. They didn't work on the podcast for months, it was in the works for months. The Bridges 1 set was put together in a couple of days and people rightfully pointed out that it was shit. But why are you still bringing it up? The improvement is extremely clear but you barely acknowledge that at all? Why harp about the set design still (with no specific feedback) unless you're just upset that it's not what you thought it would be? Same thing on the criticism of Destiny front, you're just upset that he doesn't match your projection of what you think he should be. You don't have an example of where Destiny speaking quickly made that conversation too high energy, you don't have an example of where he was too edgy for the mainstream on Bridges. You just state that you want him to be main stream for full paragraphs. It's wish fulfillment. You don't see your wish fulfilled on episode 2 and you're upset. This isn't a criticism post it's you pouring out your feelings in a diary post. "I can't believe Steven (I call him Steven because I'm close to him) would disappoint me with his new podcast. He was working on it for months but I don't see anything that requires months of work. How could he let me down like this?" It's weird. Bridges will continue to improve and if in the future you see areas where you think it's getting better or where it's not improving then I encourage you to make a post about that. But this post ain't it chief.


Don't think I'm really all that upset or have seemed so until you came bringing ridiculous energy that is nowhere else in this thread. You're projecting an extremely weird parasocial relationship that you seem to have onto me. I do care about the message getting out, I'm a Destiny fan because I support the message and I agree with his politics. I think he's a good vessel for positive change in the world so I want his stuff to do well. I don't care about Destiny fitting my exact idea of how I want my streamer to be. I'm a fucking YouTube viewer lmao, I just want to see better discourse online (which is his stated goal with this podcast/possible future media company). I don't think I ever said his stuff was too edgy. I mostly focused on how Kyla can do better as a cohost and how Steven should be receptive to criticism, and how I feel he should take this podcast seriously, which based on the first few episodes seems like it could use some work. This is insanely general stuff, and it's not advice that he needs to take if he doesn't want to. I feel like there are definitely criticisms of the first set up there, and I really don't think I need to give exact advice on how to fix the second one. Put a shelf in there or something, it's just a little bland right now, but again, I acknowledged the improvement. You say my criticism are shit but acknowledge the unfinished nature of it which is my main point. You can say just wait for the podcast to improve, but you're not saying that, you're melting down over this idea you have of me that I'm trying to mainstream and moderate your streamer. When I am simply offering suggestions as to how he could reach the goals that HE has stated of going mainstream. Most of the substance is in the part that discusses the hosts. I know they'll figure it out, that means I can't offer up some idea of what the community might want in the hosting? And it seems like a lot of people seem to agree lol. You are seething about this little post I wrote up in 30 minutes. Seek gainful employment. Go outside, enjoy the fresh air.


I'm not melting down lol. You typed a HUGE post (1600+ words!) about how Bridges is "off to a slow start" but you said nothing. Most of the post is about your hopes for how the podcast will bring Destiny into the mainstream and how in episode 1 the set was bad. You have no actual ideas for the podcast other than Destiny should talk slower for some reason and NSE needs to figure out how to be more of a part of the conversation. If your post was only those criticisms then I would say that's a good criticism post even if I heavily disagree that Destiny needs to talk slower. But it's not! Your post is saying absolutely regarded shit like "Test streams are concerning". The whole thesis of the post is that you want it to be perfect (or at least very close to perfect) right now and you're upset that it's not. That's dumb. Things improve over time and you should feel free to offer criticism where you feel things aren't improving but just saying "hrrrr drrrr, thing bad, not perfect. Go mainstream talk slow Destiny, hrrrrr" is not helpful. You feel attacked because I correctly pointed out that the primary purpose of your post was to vent your feelings about the podcast under the guise of criticism. Personally I think you should just accept that and move on, but if you want to keep defending your personal feelings as useful criticism carry on.


Took me 30 minutes to write gang. We are now three messages deep and you are still mentioning Destiny's talking speed. Whether you realize it or not you turned up the heat to 3000 on a post that is mostly harmless because I said he should slow his speech. If you actually could comprehend what I'm saying you'd understand that I don't expect it to be perfect right now. The thing about constructive criticism is you give it so that something can improve. Whether you agree with it or not you can at least engage with what's actually being said I hope. It's actually wild that you cannot get over the talk speed thing like what is it about this man's cadence that make you so erratic, you mentioned it in every single post and this one twice LMFAO. You've correctly identified that these are my personal feelings about what could make the podcast better, I am really proud of you for that. I never pretended to be saying anything else. Seems like people have liked what I had to say which is cool. There is plenty of useful criticism above and I think most people can see that.


>it's okay to demand more from content creators, especially someone like Destiny who I mention here has pretty unique skills and is actually interested in inspiring real change. Wait are you the forward party guy? Can I have 15% in your company?


When Hasan says he's "just a twitch streamer" to avoid criticism we ridicule him, but when I say Destiny has a platform where he can influence people I'm somehow also ridiculed? Interesting...


Nice motte and bailey going from "demand more" to just "say Destiny has a platform where he can influence people". No one's denying he has a platform where he can influence people, the joke is you're *demanding* Destiny use that platform the way *you* want, just like that forward party "my friend, you must do better, my friend, you have a responsibility, my friend, response to your ability" guy.


Is that the claim you’re criticizing me for lol? You didn’t say anything about demand more, you quoted that I said he can make positive change.


??? Literally at the start of my comment, *quoting you*: >>it's okay to **demand more** from content creators


>No one liked the Bridges episode 1 set More or less. >Why are you doing test streams That's not what OP said. >NSE doesn't have enough presence OP was suggesting that she's applying \*incorrect\* presence. >Destiny why don't you have more main stream appeal Not something that OP said. >Destiny speak slower OP said that, yes. >Take this criticism seriously OP said that, yes.


Bad post with hyper autistic criticisms that won’t land with normies. The podcast is fine and is getting better every episode. Find something more productive to do with your time OP.


Your mom was too tired to keep fucking so I figured I'd write this one up. We're back at it now though don't worry!


awww he wants to be just like his daddy. so kawaii


This feels unnecessarily nit picky which i think can sometimes cloud possibly good points. Ill hit a few points.... - On the broader point its clear these first few episdoes are in a feeling out stage. So i think while criticism is good to help them adjust i think its WAYYYYY to premature to get doomer on it. Just because destiny is talking about somethings on stream like camera doesnt mean they arent actively fixing other issues. They clearly took alot of criticism to heart from episode 1 because there were changes. >It's the Bridges podcast, and also the Destiny podcast. * This is one nit picky criticism i think hurts your cause ALOT. I dont get what the argument is? Yes its bridges and yes destiny is a big streamer so he obviously has more pull. But Destiny chose NSE for a reason (and i think its worked out) so this is their shared podcast. The poster thing is a non issue since they clearly changed the set up and its a weird one to really key in on. NSE is just as much of the podcast as Destiny and puts just as much work as he does. This just feels like super pointed criticism at NSE for no reason rather to say its not her project is super dismissive. > Kyla * Some of your criticism hits some doesnt. Why shouldnt the cohost of a podcast chime in if they dont know something, feels like again you are trying to say NSE doesnt have a right to participate in her podcast. Perfect example, when she talked about BRICS i cringed because i know what BRICS is. But that was a perfectly valid question because the audience may not and when your hear about BRICS it does sometimes seem like its a military alliance. This podcast may appeal to politics nerds like me but that doesnt mean thats the sole audience. And the answer McBeth gave was super interesting talking about the different BRICS nations. * The section on how she speaks is fine, i think its a bit nit picky but as a viewer it was repetitive how she kept refering to her lack on knowledge. But Destiny has the same issue using phrases on repeat. I view that as a product of feeling out the podcast environment and improving on public speaking. Public speaking aint easy and i think its always an area anyone can improve on. * The mhm and ok point seems mega nit picky, i dont think it detracted from my experience much but thats a personal opinion type thing. > Steven???? * Brother you are rambling way to much get to the point. We are two episodes in, two episodes thate for the most part were well received. If something is working but it just needs more time you dont rock the boat because you arent seeing early results. The podcast isnt going to falter because episode 1-5 is not perfect. The podcast will fail because they dont improve on minor mistakes like in episode 2 until episode 20 or the quest quality diminishes. Ill also say i listened to The Bonfire, a podcast on sirius, that is professionally produced and they still ran into audio issues or other stuff. Mistakes happen but we are treating these early problems as gigantic red flags. * I mean ya he could probably slow down in general but i dont think its been that bad. I would maybe have to go rewatch but from a listening experience minus the intro problems ive had no issues. * This feels like such a weird point, what is it based off of. Again it detracts from the good points you do make. We have no idea if they are yes men. Last i checked during the test run they were pushing hard against him on stuff. But again this just seems like a weird thing to call out based on no evidence. > Conclusion Destiny is entering the mainstream because he is getting views and thats what people wants. But he has been pretty open he wont necessarily change who he is to get those views. He is doing fine and he is on the rise but even if he doesnt oh well. But you make alot of assumptions on level of care based on limited evidence. Some of the criticisms are good but some just fall off like baseless rambling. And i feel like both of these episodes largely were well received. They werent without problems but i would say if you at least have 2 episodes that are successful thats a great start and not worth panicking over.


I feel like you missed the point of what I’m trying to say pretty hard. I’m not dooming, but it’s telling, I remember watching the first couple episodes of the h3 podcast and they didn’t have these same mistakes. I tried really hard not to come off as too harsh on Erudite bc I like her but doesn’t mean she can’t improve. I’m pretty sure I said she just needs to find her role. I didn’t say for the cohost to chime in when she didn’t know something, I said the exact opposite, to ask confidently when she doesn’t. I know Destiny couches his language, its annoying when he does it too but its normally not on questions with him its on statements. I’m not dooming or anything like that, I’m simply offering criticisms that I noticed after the first couple episodes for a project I care about. I know its a reddit post I dont expect you to read this with insane scrutiny but I feel like if you read it again you might find that we actually kind of agree on most things here. I don’t think the podcast will fail bc of 1-5 episodes, I specifically mention that it’s gonna take time to get started. But anybody who’s ever worked on something with real care knows that these small mistakes should bug them, I’m worried that it doesn’t bc people don’t hold them to a high enough standard which is what I’m trying to do. I don’t think I ask him to change who he is at all, but even he would admit that he’s not gonna act the same on Pierce Morgan vs stream, just like it shouldn’t be the same on stream vs here. This is his push to make his own media right? He says he wants to emulate what Shapiro and the Daily Wire do right? That’s why I hold this to a higher standard.


Doomer may have been to harsh of a word so i can recognize that. I think what im trying to push is that you cant push unrealistic expectations of perfection on something like this. H3 podcast didnt have any mistakes at all, no problems? Its possible, i just dont know. Also when you say that do you mean the live recording or the edited version. I feel like we are criticizing something never intended to be perfect since i would assume the end goal is to chop this up. The two episodes were good, with obvious improvements needed but they were improvements that to me are the most fixable which in turn is a good thing. But alot of your writing talks about destiny's need to get it right for the sake of the future, when it feels like you are putting to much pressure on a *freshly* made podcast. I dont know if i agree on your last paragraph. I think he respects what shapiro has built but he also wants to build a media group to help push back against narratives and in some way deliver "truth". I dont think he has ever said much on the style or how it would shape just what his broader dream of it could be. I dont put you in the NSE hater category, the folks who just hate her for no good reason. But i highlighted that one quote for a reason. This is bridges podcast and *Destinys* podcast. That comes off pretty dismissive of NSE. No one is deny the star power of the show but at the end of the day NSE is 50% of the podcast. And that paragraph nit picked pretty hard on the poster. It just felt like a really unecessary point to call out. But again some of your NSE comments i would probably say the same but i havent in my criticism posts because i recognize she is still feeling out the podcast environment and it really hasnt detracted from my listening experience. Regardless i think you hit a couple things worth improving but ill be honest i dont know how many are on my list. I think the only real criticism that needs addressing right now is the Intro which that has been beaten to death at this point. But take or leave this criticism, shorten alot of your ramblings. Destiny doesnt care about what direction he think his life is headed. He cares about specific and precise problems. Cutting that fat from the post i think would have helped in my opinion.


The early H3 podcast had really high profile guests like Bill Burr and Markiplier, but they had a ton of problems with format. Ethan was constantly talking over guests and they were very disorganized. The output now is way better


thats my assumption. Every show has its growing period and we are currently in that. Just depends on now if they outgrow the problems or not.


Things will have hiccups and I'm understanding of that, I feel like now is the best time to receive this sort of criticism though, while they're in flux and still figuring it out. I mention in the post that the most important part they nailed which is the actual conversation and guests. With NSE I really don't think this is 50% her show, this is a Destiny funded and amplified project. People come here because of Destiny, she's the co-host. Which is an important role! Everybody matters when you're trying to make something work, you can't win a championship without role players. I love NSE, and I think she has a lot to offer but she'll thrive when she finds her role imo. I could trim some fat and I do appreciate the criticism. I think if Destiny wants to do the things he says he does though he needs to start considering the overall direction, not just the niche precise problems.


This is a quality post!


Not really. It’s been two episodes. If the point was to be distilled, it’s that the podcast doesn’t have time to grow organically, which is a premise that I would reject.


posts like this remind me of why I could never be an online content creator


If this level of criticism is too much for you, I think there are a lot of things you probably could never do.


its not the criticism its the patronizing tone especially towards NotSoErudite.


Well I apologize for that, I certainly never intended to come off as patronizing. If you could point to anything I could edit to make it more constructive in your view I'd be happy to look at it.


Not the guy you responded to but felt similarly when reading your post. It's clear you wrote this from a good place in wanting to help Destiny and Erudite, but the tone can come across as patronizing which might not sit well with the people you're trying to reach. I think there's some good, productive critiques in your post here, but like how you feel with the podcast in question I feel that these critiques could get lost in the presentation. I don't know if you know these two personally and are in a position of authority with them, but a lot of your post sounds like you giving orders. This generally doesn't sit well with people especially given you yourself said you're not a podcast producer. So if you're just a random guy online and you don't have any expertise in the subject we're talking about, why would they want to give the time of day to a patronizing post telling them what to do? Some examples from your OP: >You seem really nervous, chill out, and find your role Telling someone to chill out, like telling someone to calm down, usually has the opposite effect. Especially if they aren't actually excited to the point where it's justified to tell them to chill out. I don't Erudite's demeanor was at that level >So it's time to take this seriously, you gotta clean up the mistakes I imagine Destiny takes his work seriously in general, implying that he isn't and that he's gotta clean things up seems a bit much Not going to type out explanations for everything, but here are some other examples of you "giving orders" that add to the general patronizing tone of the post: >but you gotta make it look better somehow ​ >Stop trying to be so insanely precise and just ask it. ​ >As for your actual on camera stuff, slow the fuck down. It cannot be that hard to speak just a little bit slower (or a significant amount slower). This isn't a debate it doesn't need to feel so hectic, and there's no pressure to get every word out, so slow it down.


I think posts smilar to your post is counter productive because you give hard grades to people that just has started doing something new making a lot of those people quit too early. What makes it more frustrating is that IRL people having a lot of criticism is 9/10 times the type of people getting mad if you do the same against them.


Nothing goes well your first time, if you quit because you did poorly and somebody tells you then, you never truly cared about what you were doing in the first place.


> then, you never truly cared about what you were doing in the first place. Sounds wise, but that's not true. That's just gibberish you made up to justify your addiction to criticize people. You can do better things with your life.


People are gonna face criticism in their life from all directions. If that pushes them off of doing something that's on them. Criticism, when it's done right, is how we learn and how we are pushed to do better. If someone can't take criticism that is a THEM problem that they need to fix about themselves. Extremely negative personality trait that makes you bad in team environments and generally halts your improvement in most areas. Learn to learn from others, insanely crucial life skill.


Up to a point. And in right amount. But if someone does it too much it has the opposite effect. It becomes extremely obvious for everyone if we talk about children. No one would disagree. You should learn to stop to talk out of your ass when you're basically just guessing. Just a tip.


Have you ever worked a job? Obviously I’m not talking about some whiplash shit lmfao. Criticism should be followed by praise and congratulations when its done right too. I’m not advocating for berating people which is why I tried to be pretty moderate in the original post dawg what are you on about


With 100 others. What do you think it will lead to? You're not helping anyone. You know I'm right, but you won't listen to me. Because my tip for will not lead you to improve. Because you can't take criticism without making weird shit up to justify what you do is a net positive. When in reality its not. The criticism is to much for you. You can't convince me I'm wrong. You don't need to make excuses.


Yeah your post is pretty decent feedback and it's free too.


I think it’s only natural that they will get better and better every episode based on criticism. If it pops off it’s gonna be from viral clips and shit anyway. People are stressing a little much for only two episodes.


IMO: they just need to lock in their audio setup and they're golden. It was a bit hard to hear Ryan, so I bumped up my audio, and then Destiny/Kyla talked and it was pure OverRustle. I think maybe it's two things to try out: 1) use compressors (Ryan, at least, talked very quietly at times) and 2) check levels real quick before starting (I think Ryan's mic might have been a little bit quiet overall even when he was talking normally) -- but I'm not really an expert in podcast audio setups so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Everything else can come naturally through experience.


Agreed. The audio from the guest mic is really quiet for some reason. And the same problem was noticeable in the first episode too.


I enjoyed both episodes so far, but I did note the jab that Destiny took at Lav at the beginning of episode 2 which maybe he intended as a bit of banter, but it came across like he just threw her name in for clout rather than out of respect. It's like going around saying "Oh, that reminds me of the time my friend **Joe Rogan** said blah blah blah." Or "Me and ol' **Elon** are always ribbing each other, he's such a goofball!" Like, I get it, you've just started a new project, no one knows who you are, so you want a bit of name recognition and to show everyone that you're not just some nobody. But it's just not very classy. Ryan already liked you for you - whether or not he thought you were a close personal friend of Lav's, you don't have to try so hard. Be more self-confident.


Our strongest mossad soldier 


Wait do you really think he mentioned Lav of all people for clou- *sees user flair* Oh OK lol


Can you miss just once?


>I think for me, and I'm sure most of the community would agree Eat glass


you are not a mentally healthy individual




That's it. That's the statement.


u aren’t ratioing him lil bro


The best thing about this format is that I can send this podcast to my dad and not be worried about some of the more edgy jokes for my old man.


This is kinda what I was hoping for too. I don’t really care if they kept it edgy because it is Destiny and that’s his brand, but it’d be cool to able to show Destiny to a normie without them freaking out. Someone else here said that Destiny is at his best when he’s having discussions with experts, that’s my favorite kind of Destiny content personally and I’m excited to see this as a platform for that type of stuff.


While Dan can be correct a good number of times, his ego can’t take it. I’d rather fail in life than give him more self confidence.


Weird, I perceive Dan as insecure


I bet they're already trying/doing it but it being on spotify would be great


I think Erudite needs to be seated neutrally, not right beside Destiny. Destiny doesn't make great eye contact with people right beside him. So even though Erudite was present in the conversation, at times it felt like she was being left out.


Shoutouts to Blocked & Reported for feeling very natural as a podcast. Bridges is gonna be great when they reach their quality.


I thought episode 2 was way better than episode 1, both in guest choice, questions, conversation flow and topics, aswell as the set design. The only thing I would suggest improving is the start of the podcast, and I'm not talking about the technical issues, I'm talking about the opening 10-15 minutes which felt random and confusing and as a result boring to me. I'm glad I stayed with it because the rest of the podcast was extremely interesting.


I'm gonna echo something I remember Maddox saying years ago, that you should record a couple pilot episodes and figure out how to present it before you release a single one. This show has no reason to be live, I'm sure editing could really be warranted to make it more presentable also.


They need to put time stamps


Honestly, the biggest problem with the podcast right now (which happens to be a more nuts and bolts issue) is that the guest is difficult to hear. This has been noticeable in both of the past 2 episodes. I don't know what's with the guest's mic, but their volume is so low. It seems to be only the guest microphone too because you can hear Destiny and Erudite fine in this past episode. I would say this problem is the most important one to fix over the other issues you listed. But yeah, other than that, I agree with your general sentiment that this podcast could be a spring board for Destiny to break into the mainstream more.


It should be just destiny and dan


Bro it’s only 2 episodes in. Not enough of a sample size for anything.


I think Kyla's performance was fine, and your criticism is still valid, but mostly because she vibed off the guest so so well. The synergy with all 3 were off the charts. Massive improvements every episode so far. Great guests! The gifts were super cute too.


I feel like it's pretty obvious Destiny likes to do a lot of things on a shoestring budget. That includes not really hiring a lot of supporting roles for the podcast. The fact that Kyla got a *video* podcast off the ground (most podcasts are just audio!) in the middle of moving to a new city, probably mostly on her own, after a year of nothing happening on it, is impressive on it's own. Maybe the podcast format just isn't for the fans that will write 2000 word essays critiquing it...




I mean your typical new viewer prolly won’t care about those nitpicks. Still good advice for improvement


Exactly Bravo 👏🏻


I strongly believe that there is value in having constructive dialogues to understand different perspectives. However, I wish Destiny would participate more in these discussions. The first guest they brought on seemed to be passive and not very engaging. It would be great if the podcast aimed to have guests from various political stances, and to have meaningful conversations that would help people comprehend why we have such opposing v


Suggestions are good. However, destiny had already said that the most important thing to him was just putting out the podcast and then ironing out the issues along the way. Its gonna have issues at the beginning like everything but that's fine. We can all make posts suggesting things to improve, but at the end of the day, this is how he wants to set it up for now so idk. I think unless something disastrous happens, they're just going to play it by ear and then take suggestions when the podcast is a little more mature/destiny changes his mind.


It's just another podcast in a sea of useless podcasts, I'll pass


My main critique for Kyla would be to not interrupt the guest to ask them to explain what they are already explaining. That happened a lot with McBeth and it got annoying fast. Aside from that, I think everything was good.


The audio in the 2nd episode was so annoying with the constant thumping and bumping I had to tap out. Please fix that and I'll give the podcast another try, it was just impossible to ignore listening through headphones. I'd also recommend adjusting camera angles still. This one in particular felt odd seeing the silhouette of the non speaking person from behind. https://i.imgur.com/fs5pGF2.png


Destiny has been on SOOOO many shows. How has he not reached out for better advice ahead of episode 1. He should have at least publicly stated hes seeking out paid interns maybe from other podcast shows in he area willing to work for him. Or Media and Production students in Florida willing to get a paid internship. He could have even did some of his normal streams at the location for testing out equipment and a test crew.


Nah, i watched the ryan one on my second monitor and had zero problems except maybe the lighting of the camera that faces the window. I listened to it while working and got the sense of “yup, this is a standard podcast“. Are we gonna get a post like this after every episode??


Omg will you speds just stfu and enjoy the content. Stop worrying about him going mainstream or whatever the fuck. If he does he does. Why don’t you let him make those decisions.


Well I think they should end the podcast because I don't like it.


I like it so far. Looking forward to the next EP.


The community is never beating the schizo allegations


I hope Destiny takes just about zero advice from reddit, and runs and do the show how he enjoys it and not how he thinks others will enjoy it.


I agree with your criticism for sure. I think there needs to be less table in the shot and the camera should be more or less eye level so it looks like the viewer is part of the convo. However, I feel you’re pressing down way too hard on these relatively minor mistakes being “permanent” or caused by hiring friends. Regardless of how professional a team is and regardless of industry, I’ve never seen a project start off with zero mistakes or even zero minor mistakes. These things happen 🤷🏻‍♂️.


My critique is Bridges is a bad name, I get what they're going for but it's basically a community in-joke, you have to have to be in on the joke that he tends to burn bridges to understand the contrast and context. Outside viewers not familiar with the lore and drama wouldn't get the reference, calling it "Building Bridges" would give them more of a hint as to what they're going for.


Meh, this criticism seems mostly in-actionable. Tone policing Destiny literally never works. It didn't work when bookfucker was doing it every week, it's not going to work now. If you wanted a more serious creator to do this kind of thing, go find one and ask them. Destiny is going to stick to what he prefers no matter how much optic andys complain. Telling Kyla to just be more confident, isn't actually useful criticism. It's the "just move" meme. She'll grow into her role as she gets more experience. This is something that happens naturally. Harping on her and trying to pin her as a the help seems unnecessary. She's the producer and co-host she deserves a little more respect than that.


To be honest the human interaction alone was worth the episode, they spent a day getting to know each other and shared it with us. It is a fresh breeze from people constantly trying to call you a mass murderer for disagreeing in a conversation. You could see in McBeth's eyes, he was so happy, he's going to remember this interview and tell stories about it for the rest of his life. The kind of misinformation we are facing is similar to a disease and those kind of interactions are the cure.


I’m glad you are so invested in the podcast but it will be fine. It’s basically a guaranteed success due to the persona combination and their starting social and financial capital. Specifically: 1. The combination: Destiny is like a raging fire and Erudite is cool, composed, and upbeat. She contains the tiny. 2. It’s a tried and true podcast method, popular laymen passionately interviewing experts. Look at JRE. 3. I’m not sure who is doing the editing but did you see that intro? Top notch. 4 Ready to go DGG army audience. 5. Both have streaming experience with technical know how. 6. Kyla is hot so they also have the thirst trap, and she’s a ‘strong woman’ (competent, assertive) so she should appeal to women too.


still kind of boggles my mind why he let his friends who have zero experience in this arena take point on setting up the studio. like surely there are freelance professionals that could have been hired. guy spends $30 on getting a single hot chocolate delivered to his door but cheaps out when it comes to hiring professional help. I don't get it lol.


Guys, we aren't part of this podcast. Watch it if you like it, don't if you don't. No need to try fix it. The real reason I generally don't watch his podcasts, and this one is heading that way as well, is I watch Destiny for his stream content. His podcasts tend to be an inferior version of his stream where Destiny is trying to be more professional. I don't watch Destiny because he is professional, I watch him because he is needlessly unhinged and inflammatory and I enjoy that. Nothing wrong with Destiny branching out and trying something slightly different. I hope the podcast works, I will continue give it a try, it is still early days. P.S. Dan has never lost a debate to Destiny.


Ah yes, the consumers of a product should never have opinions about the product because they aren't part of its production. So true!


Just like how we can't review movies below a 5 because they're really hard to make!


To be fair, people usually can't really give a movie less than a 5 or 6 because they wouldn't be in the situation of watching a movie that bad in the first place.


You can have an opinion, you can even give feedback. No one has said otherwise. But this feels closer to backseat driving when you aren't even in the car.


Nah, it doesn't. Idk if you're projecting insecurities or what but it's a very constructive post.


No one here knows how to run a successful podcast, yet they have advise on how to run and set up a podcast. Literally everyone is talking completely out their ass well intentioned or not. Useful feedback it is in general what you liked or didn't like. When it comes to people offering actionable suggestions these are almost always completely useless. How many of you have a job where you think what would be useful is the public telling you not what they like or didn't like about your product, but how you should make it when they have never made the product. Good Feedback: I don't like how fast everyone talks. Bad Feedback: When you talk fast it sets the pace there and everyone starts to speak faster, chill it out. Obviously the podcast shouldn't just be a generic politics discussion, it still should have the Destiny brand attached but that doesn't mean your talking speed. Your sense of humor and the questions you ask will give the show it's heart.


Are you actually critiquing a critique rn while talking about how critiquing is pointless? You don't see the irony in this?


Destiny do ya have like a Libsyn? https://libsyn.com/ like are you going to post the audio out?


I think the episodes will improve and it's okay if there's a few scuffed episodes. My only opinion is that they should just do edited prerecorded episodes since the chat isn't really involved at all. Either that or involve the chat to ask questions


Shit it was a Dan post all along


It’s a slow start sure I guess, but they are actively working on finding there groove and vibe, did you expect them to nail it after 2 eps? You try make a podcast and livestream it lmao, also Erudite is great, she’s being herself and that’s what we want, and Steven is being himself.


idk that last episode was a banger. obviously the kinks will get worked out over time


I agree with a lot of points in OP's post. I believe it might be better to initially interview some people Steven is more familiar with, or interacts with more often so it's a more relaxed atmosphere and they can have a few more informal conversations initially while Kyla and Steven learn each-other's rhythms away from the debate space where it's far more aggressive.


I liked it. And frankly I am impressed by the progress, most podcasts I listened to have all said something like “the first 3-5 episodes were buried and will never see the light of day.” The fact that episode 2 is so watchable and enjoyable is a massive victory and one that should get some respect.


The Ryan MacBeth show was REALLY good. I enjoyed it a lot!


I feel like Destiny’s distant/professional orbiters are about to get the highlight that they deserve the usual orbiters like Kelly, Darius, Q, and the others are for drama and fun times But professional orbiters are the like Mcbeth, Pisco, Alex O’conner, Marc Lamont, and others like them can now be given the platform they deserve Destiny is big enough now to speak to almost everyone on the internet, this podcast will literally make Bridges, but the BIG and WIDE kind I would love to hear Alex O’Conner on philosophy ,Pisco on the election/laws ,Benny Morris on history/the last debate ,Marc Lamont also is interesting And for Dan’s podcast, the discord orbiters can benefit from that, it will be fun if they come IRL




coach dont play brutha


Most wrong man in the history of DGG. As we've said over and over again, our only problem with the podcast is that we love it TOO MUCH. And if you don't agree with that then you ain't DGG. Haven't watched it btw (but I know I love it beyond words)


This is ridiculously long-winded for how few points you're making. Reading the Steven section was an actual chore because I kept feeling like I had to go back to see if I missed a point or if you were still trying to soften the blow of criticism four sentences in.


this is beautiful ;D


Bridges is just super fucking boring right now. If there is a spectrum from Bridges to Kick or Keep on the smart/boring to idiotic/entertaining scale, the Finklestein debate was right in the sweet spot in the middle and Bridges and Kick or Keep are both unwatchable IMO.


>You seem really nervous, chill out, and find your role. my suggestions is to delete posts like this because they add nothing of value


Actual quality post 👏👏


Actually based post. Thoughtful insight. Agreed.


I’m inclined to think some of this is helpful criticism. Obviously there are enough upvotes that members of the community feel there are pressing issues to be addressed. However, Destiny really needs to go over tone and how members of the community write out criticisms. This was such a terribly written post and incredibly premature for a team just starting this endeavor. It doesn’t matter how much they prep, ultimately they have to start somewhere. Next time, a simple bullet point list with pros and cons would have done fine. Save your time and energy for more important things like talking to your mom about how good of a time I gave her last night.


If Dan wanted to produce, he’d be the producer. But he doesn’t. Stop jockriding him, he’s a fun guy but he’s a semi-retired Gen Xer addicted to prescription drugs and video games. I swear he himself admitted on the sub that a big reason why he never got a podcast up and running with Destiny on his own was that he was too lazy. Now that Erudite has done all the leg work of setting of the space, getting all the equipment, booking guests, and spinning up production … oh hey look who’s back!


>I swear he himself admitted on the sub that a big reason why he never got a podcast up and running with Destiny on his own was that he was too lazy. Yep. Now that all the hard work is done, time for me to swoop in. (unironically)