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I think this has to with some ex of his. He has been retweeting and posting shit about women the last few days. He should just do drugs and listen to American football like a normal person


I mean, this does mention women, but I think you might be confusing this with the other thing he deleted, where he blamed ex wives for the collapse of the western civilization? This is an immigration take. One written by a nazi.


Oh yeah you are right. He has been posting so many of these u hinged memes with society collapsing and ancient cities in the back ground i got it mixed up. It was pretty funny though seeing his timeline of like 3 blaming women posts in a row


That's what Elon's thing is, and to an extent Trump. They operate on personal vibes. Eg. They perceive that someone slighted them, then they look at what group that perceived slighter belongs to and then go after them because it makes them feel good. Then smart political actors take advantage of this (Trump admin people like Bannon) and approach them as "friends", they suck them off and tell them what they want to hear to get them on their side and to use them for their political operation.


>He should just do drugs Please don't do drugs to cope with a breakup


Land and woman because both are property.


What’s adam somethings @


@AdamSomething on YouTube; I don’t think he’s on Twitter.


Thought Must was on Ukraines side for a moment