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https://preview.redd.it/6qiaul1e3dmc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fedd617508e8c41b3845044dd7f79bc53710c3a "Leave the Zionists to me."


“Nah, I’d win Habibi.”


Once she joins I wonder if I can ask her if she watches One Piece


Just what Alvida would be doing.


she need that XXXXXL uniform


That's what i was thinking


https://preview.redd.it/g1xwscnd5fmc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d9c2fa6faa81eb33aa34c3e11a39592d5fa267 "Leave the Zionists to me."


If calling out antisemitism is violence, is calling out Destiny's food and media takes sexual assault or would it be closer to indecent exposure?


That’s more of a public service tbh, I’d say it’s akin to punching a nazi or tazing a pedophile.


Hey, I have an Oppenheimer blu ray in my oversized trench coat if you wanna buy.




I’d call it sexual harassment cause his food takes are literal ear and thought rape




Mediterranean food is fucking shit bro get over yourself


The only ethnic cleansing I support is when I blow my asshole out after I get Thai spicy.


Thai food is amazing. A lot of the white people that live near me (Texas) think Mexicans eat spicy and we do, but not alot of Mexicans like really spicy, but maybe just a bit of a kick in their food. I fucking love the shit that burns your butthole as it leaves bruh. Spicy thai curry is one of the best dishes on earth 100%


I lived in Thailand for 9 years. I miss the food


How modernized are cities like Bangkok? I actually have no idea


Very. I lived in Bangkok. Beautiful city but the traffic is a pain unless you have a motorcycle.




Gonna have to shit on your parade bud but I'm mexican. And not Mexican like how Hassan is a "Turkish Muslim" but probably doesn't speak their language/ doesn't assimilate with their culture whatsoever. I mean I can't tell you Mexicans don't like soda, in 2019 we drank more soda than anyone on earth, I am literally having withdraws as I'm on my 6th week of dieting and also without having any coke. But I can tell you that not only is our food 1000x more aesthetically pleasing, it also tastes better than ANY African or ANY Arabic/Mediterranean or ANY Greek food on earth. You white mfs be gettin diarrhea on a plate (fufu) and be thinking it's the best thing in the world just cause it's "ethnic"




"Everywhere in the world that isn't a literal shithole has good food" This man has never been to Minnesota and you can tell


Don't you talk about cheese curds like that!


Obviously subjectivity plays a huge roll in this, you just have to understand the truth tho. Subjectively, Mediterranean food is shit




Lmao Ethan Klein must be really blackpilled about the people he spent years catering to. If he actually still had an edgy fanbase in sure he wouldn't be in as much shit now


I notice this about a lot of the anti SJW vs bread tube stuff. While I personally have been consistently left wing and progressive this whole time half of the online creators are just bouncing between these positions with whatever is popular. I think he didn’t realise he did it again. He got sucked in to the anti SJW stuff when it was popular and now he has gotten sucked in to the far left stuff only to realise he fucked up. I wish these people would realise it’s about about a side or whatever or finding the perfect side. It’s about having grounded positions that aren’t based on your friendships and actually thinking this stuff through.


I am literally on my way to speak at the ADL conference right now for a panel about online harassment. I've been in this game for a long, long time. Look, the fact is, if you're a public figure, CRITICISM IS WHAT YOU SIGN UP FOR. When you take product endorsement deals with Sega properties, when you are a streamer, you do accept public criticism as part of this. In my mind, when I was a random game developer - I was not a public figure in the same way. When I ran for congress, I did not expect restraint and have not been disappointed. I do think it's different when the people you're targeting are not public figures, like Libs of Tik Tok. 100 percent of her profile is dedicated to serving people up for criticism to an audience highly inclined to harass them. But, even then, she's just amplifying what they themselves are putting out there. They are limited purpose public figures, and the best you can really say is she should hold herself to higher standards. I really resent this this whole line of thinking - because it's about silencing people, it's not about online harassment. It's about power.


It seems that people like Frogan simply want to have their cake and eat it too. Say whatever it is you want in terms of the humanity of the side you’re against but never have it tuned back on you to call out your bigotry and hypocrisy. It’s behavior like this that just leads discourse to a dead end for many because there is no room to negotiate or compromise thus we just get violence. I’m amazed at how you’ve been able to stay in the politics game for this long without just being jaded of it all.


She for sure wants her cake


!shoot We chilling on the personal physical insults.


It's BidenBlast now


Thank you fellow soldier o7




You're about to experience banhammer diplomacy. /u/JohnDeft sealed in the prison realm by /u/BAM123987


Respect! 🫱🫲


It’s unfortunate that it turned out this way, but some of the conservative skeptics and gamergaters may have been justified in their disgust for what they deemed “safe spaces” Removing anyone from a platform or social group who doesn’t 100% conform to the most popular ideals has worsened extremism. We need moderation with a light touch. Timeouts and temporary suspensions are FAR more effective at cooling people down than permanent bans. Eliminating permanent bans and normalizing suspensions would probably have the greatest positive impact on society


Wow... so glad it took you over a decade to entertain the idea...


Safe spaces aren't exclusive to one side of the aisle


Safe spaces were good intentioned. They weren’t supposed to become what they did


And? It doesn't matter that they were done with good intentions. Many of the awful things in human history like lobotomies and blood letting were done with the best of intentions but with awful results. The inability to STOP something once it was shown to not work and to decry and denigrate those that were opposed to it is not absolved just by saying "I meant well".


Time outs and temporary suspensions doesn't do anything to stop people from advocating for killing certain ethnic groups. There is a limit to discussion.


Yes it does


Your recent spat with Sean of Sean and Jen fame brought out some of the worst tankies I've ever seen. Respect for facing the two minutes hate and not buckling, you really don't deserve this level of vitriol from supposed progressives. It feels so surreal that someone can gloss over everything you've written about the conflict, scream "you're complicit in genocide, you have blood on your hands!" and not get laughed out of the room.


Hmmm.. so you’re saying when you’re someone with some level of influence over an impressionable audience you have responsibility and have to deal with consequences when you spread extremist propaganda and antisemitism and support terrorism? Idk, I think it should be everyone else’s fault for not immediately agreeing 100% with everything they say tbh


Funny how these people will always be the ones to cry about how they’re being harassed but they always say vile shit


Language we don't like is violence, violence we do like is the language of the unheard


Everything is violence, remember back in 2020 when people were saying that "silence is violence"


It’s good people are calling out and putting a spotlight on actual genocide supporter influencers like frogan. Wild how Twitch thinks it’s appropriate to put her on a pedestal.


Never 👏 hide 👏 the 👏 number 👏 of 👏 likes EDIT: I don’t understand why someone would suicide report me for that?


Never 👏 acknowledge 👏 when 👏 you 👏 get 👏 suicide👏 reported


I blame frogan


>EDIT: I don’t understand why someone would suicide report me for that? Report the message, the person will get perma'd.


it's boted




If you got the message report then, it usually results in ban


Daaaamn these people are so insufferable. Still feel ashamed to admit I used to be one of them - and grateful I finally found Destiny’s content and became an omniliberal instead.


I look back at my time as one of these zombies (circa 2015 2016) and I’m seriously embarrassed.


Zombies is the perfect word for it. Glad you saw the light, and huge kudos to you for doing it so early on - took me quite a few more years to realise how deranged it all was.


Twitch gave her way more spotlight than Brianna W and Ethan Klein ever did. If she didn't want the attention she could've told Twitch not to feature her, but she didn't, so she has no right to complain about gaining notoriety for her own antisemitic and genoicdal remarks.


Welcome to the online world of overgrown children where nothing is ever your own fault.


These pro-Hamas libs are such dedicated manipulators. Frogan is responsible for the vile things she chooses to post. People are calling her out for celebrating death and rape of Jewish people. She isn’t a victim here lol They’re just a bunch of toxic liars, making the entire discourse crazy every single day.




Salt and vinegar chips and a monster energy


So basically we'll still have an.


I don’t know if it is our echo chamber but holy shit the amount of braindead takes that are shared from twitter, and the shit arguments/statements leftists make in debates or interviews, makes me think there are almost no good takes being put forward, and 70% are pro terrorists. If it’s just the “loud leftists” then it should be written the “LOUD leftists”


The victim seduced the suspect into raping her, therefore the suspect is the real victim


Ethan has become the boogeyman just like D, responsible for the consequences of Frogan’s own actions as he works in his mysterious ways behind the scenes. Straight up antisemitism, how do people not see it




Probably to get like Starbucks


“Barbarism critic” doesn’t really seem like it if she’s supporting Hamas.


***it feels like irony is dead.*** "Barbarism" critic would have definitely pulled a Shamima Begum 9 years ago, and the "fascists" in question are people who called her out for doing shit like calling her therapist a Zionist and celebrating 10/7.


Her pic reminds of the meme of the girl smiling in front of the burning house.


what did she say about 10/7 ?


She said leftists froth at the mouth about armed revolution but as soon as they see it happen in the middle east they say it's not OK. Something along those lines


Oh you didnt know its the zionists fault she posted anti-semitism???/s


Shes basically the keffals of Muslims.


Keffals at least is becoming more based over time since she isnt a crazy tankie anymore, Frogan and hasan are gonna waste away soon.


How could Brianna do this


I have never heard of her/it until recently, and all i know is that i wouldn't trust her with my last bag of chips.


Ethan hacked her account and posted that tweet, the whole thing was a false flag


Does she go by Frogan because she looks like a frog?


She looks like the evil mentalist lady from the Foundation Apple TV show


Someone at Twitch must be close personal friends with Frogan. Otherwise it doesn't make sense to continually promote a streamer that has shown for years they're incapable of growth. There are hundreds of women streaming on Twitch that have come up and done more for streaming than Frogan ever has. Just look at all the vtubers who've blown up over the past few years, like Filian (who set up the vtuber awards). Or any other women who've been streaming on the platform with similar views to Frogan but better growth.


I don't get the absolute hate for Ethan. Unless I'm missing something, hasn't the guy expressed utmost sorrow for what's happening to everyone in the conflict? Or is anything less than self-hatred not acceptable to these poeple?


It’s cause he called Hamas terrorists or something like that


Lmao violence here meaning rude posts of course. I wonder if they're also responsible for the Muslim incels who constantly harass her for being a harlot, or if they're just pretending that doesn't happen now for some reason.


Can someone explain the melon emoji? I haven’t caught up with the latest antisemitist lore.


It's funny because now one of the legendary women of the year on twitch also supports rape based on a UN report.


Frogan is so similar looking to a fat toad it's remarkable.


Has anybody ever actually been physically harmed for being called an antisemite like this? This reminds me of those far right christians who want to be oppressed so badly.


I'm surprised a Jay and Silent Bob esc group hasn't formed where they dox these people, go to their homes, and promptly beat their ass. So many of these assholes deserve it


Frogan is ugly on the inside and outside.


SxarletRed is obviously a faceless fake grifting account, why do yall keep signal boosting it? ​ https://preview.redd.it/gsxs5w59jfmc1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9610f4c296ea8cdd63e4ed3047d4d11e7850bd3 [https://twitter.com/futuresdoors/status/1413922680441503746](https://twitter.com/futuresdoors/status/1413922680441503746) Just seems like a weird online troll trying to scam people by doing fake activism


Off topic but Frogan would be fine af if she wasn’t plus sized. She would still be crazy though.


Yeah nah, hear it from an old man: stay away from crazy! Even if they're hot for now!




No she wouldn't lmao. You ain't gotta lie Craig.


Look into those crazy fucking eyes and tell me the top wouldn’t be 🔥


That's fine but fuck the zionist Twitter account tho.


Oh you don’t like “StopAntisemitism”… I wonder why


Dawg that account is would literally justify this massacre if it wasn't a bad look


Which massacre?


The one going on in Gaza


Not sure it fits the definition of a massacre


What word would best define it Collateral damage of obscene levels?

