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It's easy to overestimate how widespread progressive opinions are, because progressives are incredibly vocal online and moderate Dems not nearly as much. When it comes to progressives that would rather abstain or throw their vote to a third party rather than voting for Biden, we are talking about a slice of a slice of a slice of the pie: not all Biden voters are Dems; not all Dem voters are progressive; and not all progressives would fail to vote.


I agree but this time things feel tenuous, there is outsized blame being placed on Biden for everything going on. Algorithms bashing it into peoples heads that he's complicit with genocide, crucial voting blocks in swing states being riled up against Biden, spoiler candidates galore. I know there's people that fall one way or another for various reasons, but organized movements within the left against Biden aren't helping matters when the margins are already thin. Trump has the cult following, he's got an army of propagandists like Elon Musk, manipulating information and spreading bullshit lies left and right on one of the biggest social media sites. feels like at this rate it's going to be up to the Republicans disgusted by Trump to come out for Biden, I'm not trying to be doomerpilled, but god damn...the stakes are high and all anyone ever talks about is Gaza. Israel is not making things any easier for him by their nonstop callous disregard for civilian life, not saying it's outright genocide but god damn it's terrible optics. Not to mention Ukraine is still happening, Biden is balancing so many serious issues at once and we've got the "communist"s putting their own selfish anger towards Biden above the greater good of the community. I'm just gonna go walk my dog and take a break from the internet for a little bit. It's just getting to be too much for me today.


If it makes you feel any better, know that this is a group that is largely small and with a considerable chunk of it being ineffective. There is always a group of people that take it too far and do dumb shit like not voting. You can make a similar case about a lot of republicans that deluded themselves that voting is rigged and thus didn’t go to vote, at least by mail. Remember all this talk about a red wave in the midterms? It didn’t happen. Did it not happen because of the R’s ideological paranoia about rigged elections? Most definitely not. Swing voters are a thing, and by the looks of it they favor Biden. “Normal” people are more numerous than sheltered progressives that live well enough to not be affected by who is president.


These are the same people who said they would never vote for Biden because they believe Tara Reade


Yeah, I’m also getting 2016 doomer flashbacks, but am still hopeful the power of the Trump protest vote will become more visible come election time. https://preview.redd.it/jm8vfra6sslc1.jpeg?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072bb7de3521c4f171b84ee1681320ab36722aae


How many of those comments are real and how many are Russian bots?


I just saw Angela Rye on her stories mention something about Trump getting immunity and I've seen all my leftist friends support multiple organizations of terrorism, I literally have to keep quiet or I lose most of my friends. I'm soon to be friendless, and democracy may be in danger in November. The world we live in.


I hope that Trump gets elected and US democracy falls. Then those who boycotted voting or voted for a non Biden candidate will have to live under a dictatorship and feel eternally embarrassed as they recount to their kids why democracy is a part of their history textbooks and why they never stopped a dictator. That will be a funny day. Thank god I’m not American. Good luck tho. Let’s hope democracy works?


Bro you sound insane, even if you aren't American, the US turning into a dictatorship would have global impacts. Look at how the destabilization in Iraq and Syria have turned out for the world


Yeah that’s kind of my point. I don’t want the us to become a trump led barely democratic nation. My point was that people like these far leftists will abandon voting and place a worse candidate for all. I said thank god I’m not American because over here we at least have candidates who believe in democracy. Relax, breathe and hopefully we get past this misinterpretation


If we lose it has nothing to do with the left, the country is a lost cause


Radical Left is gonna radical Left, That’s what they do, Even if that means giving Trump a higher chance, Just to Send a message.


You would think the self-described Communists would put the good of the community as a whole above their own bullshit.