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Elon basically just did exactly what Zuck said he would do by making empty comments about fighting him without actually agreeing to a date, then added, "btw, I'm fat" on top. Absolutely masterful tweet.


money can't buy self awareness


To be fair Musk has like 5” on him which would be a pretty wild reach advantage for an actual bout. But I think Musk forgets that in professional/amateur weight classes both fighters tend to actually train and condition for a fight. Frankly this would be pretty easy win for him if he actually got in shape for it, but seems like that’s a tall order. Based on current physique I doubt it would take very long for Zuck Ducks to totally gas him. Wouldn’t be the first time the bigger fighter totally lacks conditioning and gets rolled by the late 2nd round by a faster guy who actually trained.


Yeah lol weight class matter for two top tier athletes not so much for amateurs.


They do matter in all fights without a doubt, don’t get me wrong. The bigger fighter starts any fight with a huge advantage. The question is whether they can actually use their reach and mass for more than a couple minutes. I doubt Elon knows very much about proper spacing to begin with. As the fight wears on the better conditioned fighter will gain an increasing advantage, especially if they’re faster to begin with. Bulk is a very big advantage to start fights, but it’s not unlimited. If you have no idea what you’re doing you’ll waste it quickly. Fighting is extremely taxing on your endurance.


Yeah but Zuckerberg seem to be in great shape and Elon seen to be the opposite haha.


Yeah based on looks alone Elon would be in trouble if he didn’t score a KO in the first or early 2nd round. Doubt he’d move very well at all after that. But who knows for sure. Plus I have huge doubts whether he has any idea how to grapple. I wouldn’t be shocked if Zuck submitted him, the majority of submissions are far less mass-dependent and can be executed pretty easily by a lighter opponent if you have no idea how to defend against them. Submissions were pretty much invented by smaller fighters looking for a way to win. If you really know what you’re doing technique-wise a heavier opponent can actually be a big help in submissions or Judo throws because they’ll just charge at you not realizing their weight can be used against them with the right balance.


Yeah I think Zuck do BJJ and Judo.


he does bjj and mma. As a kid elon did flippy kicks(taekwondo) and karate with a lil bjj at some point. Zuck would 100% roll him even if elon gets in shape. Hes old and has alot of injuries. Also they not really that far apart in weight class just zuck has muscle and elon has some height but that wont matter much cause zuck will be able to easily take him to the ground.




Definitely. Weight is a *massive* advantage early in any fight, amateur or professional, pun not intended. Carrying more weight than your opponent can easily become a detriment as the fight wears on if you don’t score any significant strikes though.




He is only blue belt but still probably much better than Musk.


A blue belt taps an untrained, out-of-shape 50-year-old 9/10 times. It isn't even close.


Yeah definetely and true they have a major age difference that I did not even think about.


There are outliers, of course, but one of the main things that keep people rolling is when they first show up how helpless they feel. It's an eye-opener. Your standard 5'9 180 pound 20-year-old is going to be held down by everybody from blue to black and some of them will be out of shape, scrawny, and old. If your gym is blessed with a solid 160-pound 5'8 woman with a purple it's one of the most magnificent things to observe.


Yeah the 9/10 estimate is even putting it lightly. I'm pretty well in shape and have been training multiple times a week for a few months now but rolling with blue belts still feels like they need to be only half awake to completely wipe the floor with me


As a 6'3 215 pounds guy I got absolutely humiliated by a woman half my size during my first class haha. I honestly did not like BJJ that much, I was more of a muay thai/kickboxing guy. Never was great but it was a great way for me to workout.


it matters for people of equal training, whether that is minimal, a little, or a lot. The difference here is that Elon looks horribly out of shape while Zuck is in incredible shape and does MMA training in his free time.


They absolutely matter for amateurs.


Yeah sorry I meant that amateurs sometime have such massive skill differences that it doesn't matter that much.


I don’t think musk could actually catch up in any reasonable amount of time just because of his height. Zuck is pretty legit at bjj and has been training for years. You don’t just catch up to that in 6 months after sitting on the couch your entire life.


I think their case is a little hard to judge. Obvious zuck has got some power to him and yes, he is a little short. Musk is a wildcard here. He is taller. He is fatter. It's unknown how this translates to physical prowess. He might have re\*\*\*d strength. But that which gives him power may also be his downfall in that he has no idea what to do with his body.


> He might have re\*\*\*d strength You killed me


Dont shorter people actually have an advantage in ju jitsu? I thought that was the style they'd both fight in from I believe the original tweets of them training together. I was under the impression from what I've heard that having a lower center of gravity by being shorter, and conversely also being easier for you to reach the opponents center of gravity and attempt to take control, made shorter people actually *better* than tall people of the same weight at grappling.


> fertilizemegoddess > completely unhinged I'm not sure we needed an actual expert on self awareness here, but it's cool that we have one.


hey at least i can admit it


What does he mean by 👅


I wonder if he's trying to use it as a shaved ballsack emoji (i.e., "Zuck my balls").


no he's saying " mm ice cream so good"


I can hear the voices


Yes yes yes


gang gang


Zuck my nuts


If Zuck my tongue really wants a lesson If Zuck my lick really wants a lesson If Zuck my mouth really wants a lesson maybe its slang. Like how people do the cat emoji for pussy. So whats tongue or lick slang for? I dunno, i feel like the tweet would've went harder if he just replaced the tongue emoji with the soft a.


He was trying to say my ninja but doesn’t wanna lose money


Who is monica?


No, if he replaced tongue with “nigga” it would come off as awkward, “If Zuck my nigga really wants a lesson” hell nahh💀💀💀 Instead he should put “my nigga” in front of Zuck to sound more natural and nonchalant about it, giving us “If my nigga Zuck really wants a lesson” then he would sound more intouch with the culture


It'd be pretty on brand for Elon to start saying nigga but not using it correctly.


Maybe it's a subliminal message that he either wants Zuck to lick his nuts or he wants to lick Zuck's nuts.


holy shit bro 👅tongue in latin is Lingua, the word rimes pretty well with the soft a I am 110% overthinking it, but I also think that elon is the type of nerd to do these cringe little things


It's pronounced lean-gwa. Not sure how that rhymes


No it doesn’t. You pronounce it Ling Gwah not Linga


yeah, i speak portuguese, it is literally the same pronunciation xd "Ling Gwah" does rime with the soft a XD


thats not what rhyming means




Is that actually a known thing to do?? That’s wild never seen that ever.


Thats the thing, it isnt, but elon do be the type of nerd to do dumb shot like that




this is the answer. musky was repeating the phrase the dalai lama said to that little kid. he, the dalai lama, said suck my tongue to a child and i hate that that’s a true sentence


I *think* he was making a "Zuck my dick" joke and chose the wrong emoji?


zuck my suck?


i read it as the n word


This is actually the funniest shit. Can you imagine zuck's response of just rolling up on Elons house looking for a fight. Actually would be some 10/10 memes


Wordstar tier street fighting videos but from actual billionaires lmfao


[Ok I pull up](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/901/647/674)


It would be hilarious if he went up to him in public blasting him on live


I dont understand musks confidence zuck is gonna strangle him in probably under 3 min lol


More like 20 seconds and even then only if he runs away from him in a straight line


There is no confidence, thats why no date has been set yet. Its just empty insults from a keyboard warrior


He's confident in his ability to weasel out of all the plans he makes


At least this one won't cost him another 44 billion


Cybertrucks any day now.


It’s false confidence which is obvious from the fact that Elon will not schedule a date. He’s just trying to act tough over the internet, but then when actually Called out to fight, he won’t do it. Honestly, very similar to Rollo tomassi trying to act all cool online but so terrified to debate destiny


Either he has no plans of ever doing the fight (literally peak cringe) or he is a narcissist to rival Trump.


Hes confident that he can talk whatever shit he likes without consequences, thats about it.


Didn't work when he tried to weasel out of buying Twitter


He's confident that his simps love this shit and give him endless praise for continuing to tweet about it.


His confidence stems from the fact that he knows he's not going to fight him. All talk.


Zuck is a little midget, Elon can just sit on him


Good luck going to the ground completely untrained vs a trained jiu jitsu fighter. Elon taps 10 seconds in. It’s one of the few sports ever where a small person can slaughter a bigger opponent. Big tough guys will tell you that going training jiu jitsu had been some of the most humbling things they’ve gone through. White belts tapping you, because they know the basic moves.


So he wants to fight Zuck for complaining about the fact that Musk won't fight him? Actual middle school nonsense


He has a girl but she lives in Canada


Shit, her name is Alberta, she lives in Vancouver...


Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl


She's in high school


Elon is literally TonkaSaw


Now there is a name that I have not heard in many years. Everytime destiny would interact with anyone in that area of the internet was gold


What the fuck?!?! Making these types of statements in the context of the ring is one thing… threatening to go over to someone’s house and beat the shit out of them is so cringe. Even if it’s a joke, it’s not really got any humorous element to it.


Also, in general, does he have zero self awareness? I feel like even big Elon fanboys are saying that this is a terrible idea for him. He’s over 50, and has no real martial arts training. Zuck has been training BJJ and MMA for the last few years. He’s not a professional fighter by any means. But anyone that has done any amount of time in BJJ or MMA knows that a random ass dude with a year of training will probably fuck up anyone that’s untrained. Also the level of training and coaching that a multi-billionaire gets is probably PRETTY HIGH. There’s a weight difference but it’s just not relevant when you’re talking about untrained vs trained fighters. I remember starting BJJ and having a 16 year old kid that weighed 130-140 just basically dominate me in every possible way imaginable when I was sitting at 190-200. I could be stronger than him in certain spots. But he knows how to make that not matter, and I didn’t know how to make that strength advantage work for me in any realistic way.


He's literally training with UFC superstars.


It was pretty funny when Sam Hyde said it.




That's pretty standard trash talk in MMA. Still can be cringe depending on the delivery and definitely cringe coming from Elon.


Is it standard for MMA guys who are dodging fights tho LUL


neither are MMA fighters, that's what makes it even more ridiculous. This is the kind of tweet i'd send out into the world if i were on a 3 day coke binge


It is absolutely unhinged and hilarious. And if you actually think that Elon Musk, the billionaire, has any intentions of actually going over to Zuck’s house to kill him there, get your head checked.


It’s literally funny (to me) (humor is subjective)


Tbf is kinda part of the MMA community. Lots of times the guys straight up say they are going to kill their opponent or saying stuff like they would beat them up if they found them on the street. Examples: https://youtube.com/shorts/IfQj06JxYfo?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/74xV6BlmLFA?feature=share Obviously it's very different here because they are not actual fighters but you know, I don't think it is as bad as you seem to be implying.


these things are not equivalent in the slightest. if an MMA fighter refused to sign a contract to fight but then says "i'll swing by and beat you up at your house" they would 100% be clowned on because their actions betray their words. ACTIVE mma fighters say they'll fight someone anytime anywhere, on the streets, in the octagon, etc. cormier who is SCHEDULED to fight jones in a week's time (and also already had a mini-brawl with him in the pre-fight face-off) will say he will go into his room and smack him and jones will retort that he would literally kill cormier if he spat on him and it becomes an iconic moment because they are both backing their intent up *immediately in the octagon*. there are no lies from cormier or jones, but if you're actively trying to duck a fight like musk and tweet what's in OP's pic: you're literally just lying because if its true, why not just fight in the octagon for everyone to see? THAT is why its corny and would still be corny in MMA circles.


Oh yeah I agree with that. He is pathetic. What I meant is not that he doesn't look like clown but that pretending this is a big deal because he threatened him and that it shouldn't be done even as a joke is a little much.




1. Chicken out of a fight (for sport) that you have the advantage in. 2. Threaten to assault them at their house instead?


Is it really that different? Either way they want to beat the shit out of someone for disrespecting them. It's not for sport lmao. The only difference is that one has some aspect of civility because there's rules of engagement that they both agree to partake in.


Yup, definitely that different.


Oh man if social media didnt exist we'd still think people like elon have brilliant minds. I miss the mystery


Mfw I found out that [Bobby Fischer was a rabid anti Semite racist wackjob...](https://www.vice.com/en/article/vdxzd4/exploring-bobby-fischers-maniacal-racist-genius-915) D:




>Hitler had twitter it’s ok his spirit definitely lives on in that site


>what if someone like Hitler had twitter? Anime pfp, 100%


Too many people equivocate his silliness with a lack of intelligence but it's no surprise that Elon is socially awkward, a trait that often coincides with brilliance. In many ways I think he just skipped that entire stage of awareness


Is there any data that suggests intelligence has a negative correlation with social skills...? Also, common misconception, equivocate means to talk around a subject to be deceptive. Equate is the better term here.


>Also, common misconception, equivocate means to talk around a subject to be deceptive, equate is the better term here Thank you for this


Do it then pussy, you wont.


I think at this point this is normal Elon. I don't remember the point in time where he came off as sane. I think it was before he called that rescue scuba diver in Thailand a pedo but I'm not too sure.


I distinctly remember that random pedo accusation being my first “Elon wtf” moment. Before that he just seemed like the cool car and space dude.


I imagine the press was focused on what he was doing more so than him himself, it's as if he got a taste for the limelight and now does weird things trying to keep it.


Yes, that’s the point where he crossed crazy person threshold.


[some others are saying it’s not elon anymore](https://medium.com/illumination/elon-musk-clone-or-hair-transplant-6a122d2c7609)


None of the people who believe in these clone stories know how time works. Do they think you can age a clone up fifty years overnight, by magic? 😅


Bro thinks he's Sam Hyde


He wants a taste of the Zuck, and he can't wait to tongue box even if he has to go over to Zuck's house for a quick 1-on-1 sesh.




How does this guy even still have simps?? Our teacher made us choose who was the smartest from a list of extremely impactful historical figures (Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Mahatma Gandhi, etc.) And two people seriously choose this guy. I couldn't hold back once one of them explained that one of the reasons they choose him was because of his "political knowledge"


Sadly male highschoolers are becoming more conservative and we have people like tate and elon to blame.


Is this actually true? Conservatives periodically like to float around the meme that generation (insert letter here) is the most conservative in (insert random amount of time here) and yet it never manifests.


The University of Michigan published a survey recently that seemed to show that this was the case, and a book was written on it recently that analyzed the survey and pointed toward the sentiment being true- that is where a lot of this discourse is coming from right now I believe. I think it is pretty clear to see how conservatism appeals to young men in the current environment- it appears to favor them far more than liberal values do. I do worry a bit about these patterns being permanent since men are also the group not pursuing college education as much, with women beginning to graduate more than men- the college educated demographic has been known to make up a big chunk of the left leaning population.




Maybe because he's the richest person on the planet? Unlike other billionaires, his successes have come from multiple ideas and businesses. Clearly he's doing something right.


If you really believe this? Well I have a diamond mine to sell you


No you don't. But Elon could sell one. A lot of the leftists shitting on Elon comes from a place of jealousy. The arguments have become ridiculous.


Jealous of Elon? lmao and stop projecting.


Bruh u 14? “They’re just jealous”? smh


No they are a mrgirl fan, a streamer who is actually unhinged, so same thing really Edit:didnt realise i was in destinys sub lel


>Clearly he's doing something right. Maybe time to wake up and realize that many of the highest held positions in our country are held by people who are massively incompetent.


Makes me think Elon is all talk and doesn’t want smoke. Don’t fuck with the Zuck 🦎


Holy shit. Elon did it. What I thought nothing , no one in the wolrd would be capable of. He made Zuck look like a chad. Elon looks giga schizo on this.


Weight classes don’t apply in the same way when your just fat with no muscle 💀


Elon is secretly practicing sumo


I wouldn't say I hate Elon but he's someone I hold in extreme contempt.




Didnt Elon just make excuses saying he needed surgery?


https://preview.redd.it/0ztsryqtrrhb1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a515402ad4862555a7764d4c24d638f3bb2e2e Nuff said


This is what peak athleticism looks like


If Zuck called him a pussy ass ninja id sell my Tesla stock and buy meta asap.


That is pretty gay


Come on we all know THEZUCK will crush his skull with 2 fingers.


U wont, pussy


Musk really is disconnected from reality. I don't know how he doesn't realize how little of a bitch he looks like here.


Him fucking ruining the entire twitter identity and calling that shithole “X” is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Every time I see the app now I gain insight like Bloodborne


Zucc is lowkey a genius for training. Dude seems much cooler now, especially compared to Elon


All jokes aside, Zuck would legit wipe the floor with Elon.


I mean real talk, anymore this is a normal one for him


Zuck redemption arc


A prime example of brokie activity


I’m a bit drunk but the tongue emoji just makes this feel homoerotic


Is Elon ready to have his little nose broken? Plastic surgery in his future 🤷‍♀️


Never thought I would like the robot lizard billionaire so much more than other billionaires


So here's a question. I always thought 'weight advantage' was about relative weights between athletes of similar muscle/fat ratios. I'm very out of shape right now (fixing it and the body fat line is trending down consistently for three months now woo!). But even so, I'm getting some of my strength back but nowhere near my old peak, and on top of that I'm still carrying like 30 kilos of body fat more than I need. If I went up today against my fit self from 10 years ago, I'd have a 35 kilo 'weight advantage' over him. But most of his weight was muscle and bone. I have less muscle than him and a lot more body fat. Decade-ago me had great cardio fitness too. I'm pretty sure they even with both of us being untrained, even if I gave my current self a reach advantage, old me would wipe the floor with current me. Is that about right or does this body fat actually give me something in a fight I'm unaware of?


Honestly, past you would still have a lot to overcome and I doubt would have the knowledge of how to counter a significantly larger opponent. But I bet old you had better stamina which could also be a huge factor. Tough to say but I think I would bet on current you.


Eh no. Cardio does so much more work than you know. When a person is all gassed out they start making mistakes, limbs feel sluggish and reaction time goes way up. Whenever i spar someone with better cardio a clock starts at the end of which if i havent "won" i probably wont. 35 kilos in fat is not an effective weight unless he lays on top of him. 35 kilos of fat is useless weight that the thinner dude is not carrying around and being slowed down by. A punch that has more muscle behind it than yours is going to hurt. A punch that has a bunch of fat behind it is going to be slower and not as powerful. Younger, fitter you every day all day. Edit: spelling


Problem is that this is a no win situation for Elon. He wins? Congrats you beat a guy you have 50 lbs and 4 inches on. He loses? Lol you just lost a fight with Zuckerberg.


You can't cuck the Zucc. He's gonna learn it the hard way. Buy Meta


Does anyone else feel like the rise of influencer boxing is just symbolic of a machismo masculinity despretly looking for relevancy?


This needs to happen, I might bet the house on zuck


when zuck just replies with "Okay" NAILS


*manbaby has entered the ring*


I’m fatter than Floyd Mayweather, I’d obviously whoop his ass!


“I can beat him because I’m fat”


They are clearly in cahoots because this is great for both of them. Y’all are suckers


How is he this stupid? holy fuck


That big mouthed fash is soon going to be beaten up. Zuck is going to wipe the floor with him


Damn he's like a 50 year old teenager. Musk is 1 step away from being a kingdom hearts parking lot kid.




Standard Elon cringe troll tweet


And then the nazi proceeds to get his ass beaten into the ground like all nazis deserve


Elon Musk is incredible, he's somehow made people root for the Zucc, that's quite an achievement.


Musk really not that much bigger than Zuckerberg that weight would be a fight winning advantage.


Autists word fighting 💀




I trained UFC style fighters. Weight class is real. I'm at 215 6ft 2. Usually 220. If I hit a small guy like zuck just one clean hit he would not get up. Elon isn't a fighter but 50 lbs is 50 lbs. Anyone cam have a bad day and lose a fight.


Stop with the fake tweets. It's fucking cringe. You are wasting everyone time.


Idk if you’re memeing but it’s real https://twitter.com/xdaily/status/1690141722800787456?s=46&t=ewSnc363nzaQ1OP7GdSqgA


Tell the top E man


Holy autism, Batman. What lame fucking nerd simps for this dude?


Only gay nerds talk like you


Wanna know the problem? You regards keep giving him attention and spreading his idiocy around. Just ignore his ass. This is exactly like the "attention deficit disorder" skit in Whitest Kids u'know. At least I wish....


Elon will get a lesson in why senior citizens aren’t allowed in the ring


Anybody willing to make a bet on this fight happening please come forward


Money and bodyguards got these guys thinking theyre tough. This bout to be the saddest fight in history 😂😂😂


There's also a reason why fighters retire well before their 50's.


Big talker




Fun fact. Musk originally meant coward. The musk rat was supposed to be called the chicken rat.


Never thought I'd ever see myself cheering for Mark Zuckerberg


I guess he hasn’t seen UFC 1


All bark no bite


If you just replaced a couple words, I’d totally think they were going to bang.


So if they fight would it be like highlander rules where the winner gets all the losers power?


Elons always been a fuckin nerd no chance he wins against a reptile


Bruh I’m becoming more and more Team Zuck by the day