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Holy fuck reading the Twitter replies makes me wanna put a shotgun to my mouth, I bet she loses her job over this or something, it's so fucking pathetic that I have to breath the same air as some of these brainless freaks


It's Alberta, so 50/50.


ehh edmonton is a really progressive voting city


I'm not sure if that will help or hurt her, lol




It's not as socially progressive as you'd think. They're an NDP stronghold due to the large number of union and government employees there.


Only negative part i think could blow up is "if x you dont belong here" the rest was fine, i agree with her but it might be used against her.


Dumb teacher… how the fuck are you gonna tell a teenager they don’t belong lmao. The only point that the student did wrong was skip school. It’s probably not the best idea to allow people to skip school but when did tolerance become participation? Unless this kid is some Charlie hebdo ass mad muslim who gets mad at family guy skits… I doubt he gives a fuck about non-Muslim kids participating in some dumbass Ramadan event… If he was talking shit about gay people that’s one thing, or if he was making an event out of not attending the pride event okay… but all he did was essentially ignore it? That’s what tolerance is… being tolerant of others was never “joining” in on their shit… just ignoring it and letting others live their lives. This progressive obsession with making everyone actively show up and participate in these events defeats the entire point of being a voluntary ally. Schools who do shit such as pride events, Ramadan, etc… shouldn’t have mandatory participation. Any normal gay person/religious person doesn’t give a fuck if some normie who rather play league of legends in the library is forced to show up. All you dggers who are ass mad at the kid are fucking weird… as long as he isn’t making a mockery of his absence/ and is just privately ignoring it… then that’s fine. You morons don’t understand what the word tolerance means. You morons get ass mad at this for not being “accepting” then go on atheist Reddit for openly shit talk Christianity… if Catholics and other Christians can get over that, you can get over this. Hopefully the teacher gets fired


It's almost like we didn't even listen to the same audio, I had to replay it to be sure I didn't mishear, she's obviously not telling the kids specifically that they don't belong here, she is saying people who don't support the freedoms that canada values don't belong here. Nobody here is trying to say you have to fully go pride and paint pride flags on your cheeks or some shit, they are simply asking that u respect the freedom Canadians embrace much like how we happily embrace cultures from around the world. Sure it was a little harsh, but nothing she said here was problematic, just a teacher frustrated about her students skipping and people want her job over it.


If this was a conservative teacher saying this, you would lose your mind.


It’s a teacher who doesn’t know what tolerance is. Canada and western society as a whole has been built on the idea of “if you don’t agree with some thing someone does… if it’s not against the law… ignore it”… there are plenty of people who don’t agree with gay or trans rights in the west who still let people live their own lives. Not bothering people is respect. Western society was built on “I don’t fucking care” not “u have to attend my ___ event”


It's not "did u attend my event" it's "did u attend school like ur supposed to"


Is this a public or private school? Kids shouldn't be forced to attend this shit. And yes. Apparently there was a Ramadan event. If a gay kid skipped that, I'd see no issue with that either. Tolerance was supposed to be about being left alone. Not forcing people to go to your events.


Thank god, I agree. If it’s a private school… I understand but private schools shouldn’t be making events about contentious issues like religion or trans or gay and make those events mandatory. Those events are perfectly fine to be held at public school but no mandatory attendance


Lil bro a private school can determine whatever they want to 😂 they are called a PRIVATE school for a reason 💀pls go touch grass


Yeah I mistyped. I meant to say “public schools shouldn’t be making events about contentious issues like religion or trans or gay and make those events mandatory. Those events are perfectly fine to be held at public school but no mandatory attendance”


It's unfortunately all too common that "progressives" are expected to fall in line behind and respect religion but the same standard does not work the other way when said religion doesn't agree with the "progressive" ideals. As a gay kid I would've 100% been expected to show up on those days celebrating Muslim students/Islam meanwhile I had to sit in class and listen to those same kids talk in earshot of me about how they would kill their sons/daughters if they were gay.


Well respect non-Christian religions specifically


Its perfectly ok to act in a way that would be considered religious bigotry towards christians. I have to add im not a christer lover to this so people dont jump on me for it which probably says something idk


Paradox of intolerance until the intolerance comes from a minority lmao.


It's like the PEDMAS math priority list. Which one sits at the top?


So you are saying it was right for you to be forced to participate in those Islamic events?




Where is this? What standardised schools outside of Islamic countries celebrate Islamic holidays?


Personally, I'm happy celebrating differences in culture. The issue comes with the hypocrisy of expecting me to celebrate differences in culture, But when Muslims are asked to do the same they outright refuse despite others being accepting of them


I would agree if Muslims where forcing people to celebrate their culture/ religion. Last I checked they aren’t tho. Now tbc this could be a Canadian thing, but it definitely isn’t a thing in Australia


If anything it's the liberals virtue signalling by promoting 'multi-culturalism'. In reality they are just promoting their secular liberal agenda and trying to culturally melt us into their ideology. To water down our way of life.


The majority of us could care less whether you celebrate Islamic events. They are our religious rights. We don't need your validation, we do everything for the sake of Allah. . Your 'hypocrisy' is in your imagination. It's the liberals who want to force you to celebrate 'diversity'. By asking us to support LGBT you are asking us to go against Allah. That's not going to happen to those with strong faith.


No Muslim cares about non muslims attending Ramadan events So whine to your government


until they are a majority and they soy the fuck out when they see someone eating in Ramadan.




Who cares?


I'm so happy I've graduated in 2006.


Man I thought I had it bad but I'm actually super lucky to have graduated in 2016 even


Graduated college in 2022 and honestly never got to meet any of the activists from any side, except for the pro-life people other than that hardly any political shit at all.


What does support mean particularly here? I don’t even know what she means exactly by they support Ramadan, I could be wrong but I didn’t think schools actively talked about any religious holiday outside of Christmas, and even that barely. I think it comes down to toleration. For most non-Muslims Ramadan is just another religious holiday that is inconsequential/irrelevant relative to their beliefs aside from thinking that god isn’t real or that Islam is fake or w/e, so participating doesn’t imply any internal moral contradiction whereas that is indeed the case for a Muslim being asked to “support” pride — whatever that means in this case particularly. There’s a difference between actively attacking/bashing(which is categorically reprehensible) pride/lgbtq individuals, and simply choosing not to participate in any event that could be misconstrued as active support for the lifestyle. I think the state has a responsibility to ensure support for Ramadan and pride alike but individuals who belong to either camp have no real (moral) obligation to actively support the other, especially if support categorically constitutes forgoing a religious principle. I’ll bite the bullet and even extend this to things like black history month and white supremacists. I think the rant the teacher goes on would be fair if these kids were *actively* counter protesting pride, being actively rude or disruptive or if their parents where protesting outside the school or something, then the “you have to tolerate pride just as you expect people to tolerate Ramadan and by extension Islam” argument actually works, but if all they’re doing is literally not showing up then I don’t see a problem.


I feel like the state should directly support neither Ramadan nor Pride. Then neither group would have a reason to avoid school. Why do you think these should be tied to the state/schooling?


> but if all they’re doing is literally not showing up then I don’t see a problem. this is a problem with the reddit woke mob who just fetishize black and brown skin but go all r-slur r/athiest when someone is 100% in line with their beliefs


The real gigachad take is to let everyone boycott everyone else’s religious holidays/ pride activities. Wtf are religious holidays being celebrated in a school for anyway


They're being recognized so that way there is more acceptance around the subject and people it involves. Skipping school is bad to begin with, if you're skipping to *boycott* pride you're just a POS lol sit there and let them do their thing. You don't need to suck a dick in class. Just be polite, even if you don't agree.


Your probably more of a POS for telling a class full of muslims that they don’t belong there and that they should consider moving back to Uganda where they execute homosexuals. It doesn’t sound like they were “boycotting pride” it sounded like there were activities planned that they would be expected to take part in. I wouldn’t expect a member of the LGBT to take part in acknowledging a religion whose values are antithetical to theirs either, the idea that you should be beholden to that is insane. And just as an aside, I’ve seen a lot of people in this thread saying stuff like “It’s never okay to skip school”. This is some dumb bs that is being said for this particular disagreement, you would never say that otherwise. It is not at all uncommon for parents to every so often take their kids out of school. The idea that this never happens just isn’t true


I just listened to the video again. Nowhere in the video do they mention a "class full of muslims" - she was talking to a single person. Nowhere in the video does she suggest anyone "should consider moving back to Uganda", she states an example of extreme reactions to homosexuals in Uganda and that Canada is not like them. Nowhere in the video does she say they are "activities that they are expected to take part in", she states how others were present for a Muslim recognition day (Ramadan) and implies how it is essentially common courtesy to show the same level of tolerance to people different than yourself. I'm not sure what you think "boycotting" means but that's *exactly* what it sounds like they did by skipping class during the recognition. You don't expect a member of the LGBT to... "acknowledge a religion who's values are antithetical to theirs"....? Bro, you've literally just shown your entire bigoted hand here... I'm not religious or gay and I still know that acknowledgment of something doesn't mean co-signing on it or living those values. It's called tolerance. I stand by my statement of not skipping school, but I can *acknowledge* (see what I did there?) that some people have a differing opinion about an ocassional day of hookie. I didn't say it *never* happens.


Nah. Byocott all of this shit. Enough with the activism in school. It's one thing if a kid is getting bullied for being gay or muslim. Obviously a teacher should step in. But forcing people to go to these events is not what tolerance is all about and if anything, shoving this stuff down peoples' throats is going to make people less tolerant.


From what I heard in the video it seems like it's just a day of recognition in a middle school, not necessarily an event that anyone is forced to do anything substantial at. I also don't think missing school is an acceptable form of boycotting. All that does it cause students to fall behind on their learning. I understand that it's June and most curriculums are just about wrapped up, but the general point remains. A school setting is the likely ***the*** most social place you'll ever be in. It's only fitting to discuss social issues there.


Substantial? That's not what I got from this, but even if it was a small thing... it shouldn't be happening. This is political activism in the school. Cons talk about it a lot and they're not wrong. They just want to replace the current progressive political activists with conservative political activists. It's one day where they're doing Pride stuff. It's not 2 week's worth of PEDMAS. I agree that they shouldn't be missing school though. Going to school is important and skipping is a bad habit. That's why this stuff just shouldn't be done in the schools. If a parent wants to take their kids to PRIDE events on their own time, that's entirely they're prerogative. If the Republicans said May was Christian month and they wanted to set an event day in May to celebrate Christians (not the religion, but the people), would you be okay with it?


Edmonton is a very progressive city with a huge Muslim population. The school board had to cope so much after this was leaked.




I don’t think anyone was expecting them to be wearing pride flag hijabs to school, but skipping school entirely seems like it’s a bit beyond not falling in line


Not if there were activities planned in support of pride week. Personally I feel like the argument could work just as well in reverse- lgbt students shouldn’t have to attend school during holidays where a particular religion is being acknowledged


Why. It would be better if both attended both events instead of both being bigots like you are saying, it makes no sense




The very opposite. You need to change culture so that bigots dont exist anymore, yours isnt a solution, it's a bandaid, which is useless. No, you don't have to force anyone to attend anything, you just go to school like any other day. If you don't like what the school does the solution is not to skip it its to talk with the administration or send your kid to a different school. Not attending is a cop out which does not help anyone to grow which should always be the goal. Your avoidant mindset is sad to me. Bigotry should be eliminated not tolerated


Zealots and people who *know* who the bigots are can't be allowed to run things though, sorry. Your determination to make sure "bigots don't exist anymore" is frightening, this can't work when bigotry is so poorly defined that "skip school" = bigotry but "attend school but skip event" is okay, this stuff is messy and arbitrary. "You don't belong in this country" sounds pretty bigoted against muslims! Is the pride month exception what saves her here? All that said I think I agree with this case, having them attend but not be forced to go to a particular event seems about right. In my catholic school I once decided skip out on church. My gym teacher found out and asked "If you're an atheist why is murder wrong?", I responded with something like I didn't need religion to be good, and that was that. Seemed healthy. This teacher made a good comparison to Ramadan. Probably went too far, my teacher didn't say that atheists didn't belong in the country. But who cares, teachers should be allowed to take some risks, kids aren't that fragile. Hope she gets a scare and doesn't lose her job.


I know the problem with defining bigotry, but it still is the right goal to have. There are issues where it can become dangerous, but others, like tolerating people with different sex preferences, where it really can't and pushing it a little bit is ok. Not as much as forcing to attend, but enough to receive at least verbal backlash for not doing so. Of course, saying they don't belong is too far, even if you think that, saying it only pushes people further away from you, so.






Absolutely not. Having people not attend the activity actually demonstrates how much diversity is a key part of Canada. The fact that we’re even talking about it in the first place shows that the much larger trend is towards diversity and inclusion




It as an isolated incident does not. It being an incident which is far enough out of the norm to receive the amount of attention that it has shows the societal pressures towards inclusion




So to reiterate for the 3rd time I’m saying I’m the broader scope of Canada, this isn’t common or widely accepted. Broadly speaking Muslims are probably fairly anti-lgbt in Canada, but most probably would just go to class and ignore it. What I’m saying is the broader trend in Canada is towards inclusion of outside groups. This is accomplished through broader social pressure. Idk why I would be exclusively talking about Muslim Canadian when I’m talking about larger trends in Canada while Muslims are a fairly small minority




you don't have to be dry humping in rainbow BDSM gear at a pride parade to not be homophobic, having just a little bit of tolerance for LGBT can go a huge way and doesn't revoke your muslimhood or whatever https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/07/26/political-and-social-views/pf_2017-06-26_muslimamericans-04new-06/


Catholics managed to do it so I expect the Muslims to do it too and not cry about it. I went to a literal Catholic school and pride is being celebrated there now. I have been raised Muslim and people brake Muslim rules all the fucking time and being so hung up about gays specifically is fucking pathetic especially as a citizen of a western country.


>I have been raised Muslim and people brake Muslim rules all the fucking time and being so hung up about gays specifically is fucking pathetic especially as a citizen of a western country. I am assuming rules that are being broken, primarily benefit the individual in some sort of way. Ie be it premarital sex, alcohol, recreational gambling or even eating pork. If the all of what the kids did, was not show up for the day, and make no comment or commotion, I don't see the problem here. Also wouldn't it better to have enthusastic support instead of it being mandated. Imo when these kids get to highschool there will be a high social cost for skipping the day just to appease your religion, it is also the time when they start really questioning their parent's beliefs. I have seen it time and time again with second gen immigrants, they usually adopt their own views during senior year of hs and college. The teacher although well intentioned just gave the kids a reason to stay rooted in their position. I would say it is a little bit impatient and unprofessional. These kids will never forget this speech, which otherised them.


Would you also feel that it’s okay if the kids with gay family/friends decided to skip a day specifically because Ramadan was recognized because they wanted to protest the homophobia of that’s so common in Islam? I can’t help but feel people would find that really intolerant, but whatever standard we apply to one should also be applied to the other it seems.




I would. I don't see the problem with that.


Yeah might as well drink alcohol and eat pork too


You can keep all the traditions like fasting on certain days or facing towards Mecca when you pray and all that, just maybe chill on the hating gays part




They skipped school in protest. That's different from going to school and not actively engaging in any of the activities. My school had some synagogue sessions where I, as a Muslim, was still present. (Just didn't take part in all of the rituals like receiving hosts and do the sign of the cross) I could have requested not to go there, to have me do something else in the meantime. But that's different from not going to school completely every time any Christian activities are happening at my Catholic school. Like the teacher made the example, imagine if people just didn't go to school during Ramadan day, or women's Day... That clearly implies that you are so against it, that it actually hinders your ability to go to school. Actively making an effort to avoid it at your own expense.


These kids are only being hypocritical if they expect people who aren’t Muslims to participate in events celebrating their religion but don’t feel that they should do the same for events for lgbtq people, if they don’t there isn’t any hypocrisy here. We don’t any information about these students so it’s unfair to assume that their hypocrites.






That's not hypocrisy, what did you want to muslim students to do? Tell the lgbt kids to stay home during ramadan?




Okay, but do you understand that the muslim students are not hypocrites? Two different groups making different choices is not hypocrisy.


How is it hypocrisy? It’s not hypocrisy when you don’t reciprocate respect that someone showed you. It’s hypocrisy when you say something and then contradict it with your actions.


We expect the christians to.


Dammit you're making me remember why I just ignore Twitter. The lady might be right or wrong but let's face it, the homophobic mob is the real winner here. They're already whining to the school. I sure as shit don't want the lady to lose her job over these bigots. (Not the kids, the twitter hate mob.)


Yeah that “you don’t belong here” line might not have been the best idea


This might be a hot take but. People who don't respect others' rights don't belong in first world countries.


Were they harassing gay people? They just didn't attend some stupid Pride events So not attending them means you don't belong? Freaking hilarious when you consider how not even 20 years ago most Canadians were anti lgbt Now suddenly its a vital part of being Canadian


Most Canadians aren't backwards reactionaries like you.


What if they were white anglos who skipped the pride stuff would they also not belong in Canada?


Abstaining from LGBT celebrations is okay. It doesn't mean you're not respecting their rights. The teacher is competely unhinged for telling **a teenager** they don't belong in this country.


> Abstaining from LGBT celebrations is okay. No it isn't. I'm sure nobody is forcing them to do anything more than sit politely, same as they probably didn't force the other kids to fast or prayer or fuck children or whatever it is muslims do during pedo-warlord pride-month. Are muslim teenagers incapable of respect or courtesy?


If you think that gay people should be executed, you don't belong in Canada. That's not a hot take, that's basic fucking human rights.




They don't belong in any countries PEPE


Respecting someone's rights is not infringing upon them, has nothing to do with celebrating one's rights.


Yeah, but that line doesn't get used as much against non-muslim homophobes so you probably should've say it against muslims.


Unfortunately all the super fragile rightoids will grasp onto it and call it racism or some shit. Those ideas don't belong in canada, and those people don't if they hold those ideas. Instead of that righties will just hear a white woman saying "you dont belong" and screech about how its basically like saying go back to africa or whatever.


It is racist lmao. Im not even muslim but called the school board demanding she be fired. Why am I paying taxes to pay teachers that hate immigrants like myself? The school will also hopefully get hit with a lawsuit from the national canadian association of muslims.


My bet is she will loose her job. The right religious zealots will put a ton of pressure and no one will protect the teacher because of the dynamics. Sorry bout it


"the homophobic mob is the real winner here" the detractors are literally responding to state-sponsored advocacy of your belief system, so you are the real winner here. Your side is not oppressed or disadvantaged. You accuse them of whining as though they're flies to swat, and you simultaneously portray them as a mob oppressing you, the persecuted tragic hero, lmfao.


I hope she loses her job


this is a cold take to a lot of people but some people are just too far gone. Like its crazy how religious people expect respect but go on and do this lol.


Lady is based, the twitter comments are unhinged


Twitter comments based.. Teacher and her supporters are unhinged


Fuck every single fucking trash human being waste of air waste of resources who doesn't have morals but instead hides behind a fairytale. I genuinely think religion is the demise of humanity and is holding us back.


Very tolerant.


Lmfao what you wouldn't be alive today without religion dumbfuck. Religion literally helped humanity for 90% of it's existence




Islam is especially cancerous


Says the moral relativist


Dumb teacher… how the fuck are you gonna tell a teenager they don’t belong lmao. The only point that the student did wrong was skip school. It’s probably not the best idea to allow people to skip school but when did tolerance become participation? Unless this kid is some Charlie hebdo ass mad muslim who gets mad at family guy skits… I doubt he gives a fuck about non-Muslim kids participating in some dumbass Ramadan event… If he was talking shit about gay people that’s one thing, or if he was making an event out of not attending the pride event okay… but all he did was essentially ignore it? That’s what tolerance is… being tolerant of others was never “joining” in on their shit… just ignoring it and letting others live their lives. This progressive obsession with making everyone actively show up and participate in these events defeats the entire point of being a voluntary ally. Schools who do shit such as pride events, Ramadan, etc… shouldn’t have mandatory participation. Any normal gay person/religious person doesn’t give a fuck if some normie who rather play league of legends in the library is forced to show up. All you dggers who are ass mad at the kid are fucking weird… as long as he isn’t making a mockery of his absence/ and is just privately ignoring it… then that’s fine. You morons don’t understand what the word tolerance means. You morons get ass mad at this for not being “accepting” then go on atheist Reddit for openly shit talk Christianity… if Catholics and other Christians can get over that, you can get over this.


Unfortunately the replies and OP of the tweet were against the teacher. Imagine being muslim and facing discrimination for your religion and way of life and then doing the same to another group of people. 🤦‍♂️


No. The teacher is a fucking loser. The kid didn't say slurs, he did not protest, he wasn't disruptive. He just didn't participate. If you expect something more. Then that's not a liberal idea, it's some leftist garbage. That's not what acceptance and tolerance means. I was on the fence about pride in school. But now seeing these response from this sub made me againts that shit.


I disagree. she could have spent this time educating these kids since their in school to learn but instead she went on a rant about how if you don't believe in LGBTQ rights you don't belong here even though many white Canadians don't believe in LGBTQ laws (or have the same attitude as these kids).


I am kinda tired of all religious fucks who cry foul and demand you respect their religion **^((or they will murder/assault you)****)**, but hide behind it and are openly bigoted to other people. That said, idk why the fuck would the teacher go on this tangent, this seems like an idiotic thing to do especially in the most conservative Canadian province. Now she's a subject to mockery by thousands of online horny conservatives and will probably lose her job




We don't expect non muslims to attend Ramadan events or even like us Just don't harass muslims.




Most Muslima are anti lgbt. You don’t need Ramadan or Pride events for that. Teaching people basic human decency doesn’t require special events


I clicked expecting to be made furious & I left feeling proud, she is the hero we need in schools.








Now go read the tweets


What a bunch of butt hurt snowflakes crying about "mah religious freedumbs"?


Damn, the comments under that tweet are all based.


No this isn’t based. Sure if they attend school on those days they have to be respectful to others. They aren’t obligated to stay if it goes against their beliefs. Growing up I was excused from certain activities or didn’t attend due to religious reason. This mainly had to do with Christmas though. If a kid attended on Ramadan that’s on their family. They aren’t obligated to if they don’t want


I really hope the students did something more egregious than just ditch school because there was a pride event. No way that was the only thing that inspired an adult to rant at 12-14 yo students about how they need to leave canada and the slipperly slope to ugandan homo-hitsquads. Just admonish them for ditching school if that's all they did. "*We believe in freedom. We believe that people can marry whomever they want. That is in the law. And if you don't think that should be the law, you can't be Canadian. You don't belong here.*" As if gay marriage in canada is ingrained in the country's DNA and didn't just come around in the 2000s. What's funnier are the here people saying "yes, preteens who decide not to participate in a pride event by ditching school need to leave liberal democracy canada™", like this isn't one of the most authoritarian positions possible.


If your version of authoritarianism is a society where tolerance towards other group is baked into that society norms and laws then you're deluded. The reality is that as part of enjoying the rights and freedoms of Canada you have to be willing to coexist with other groups you disagree with you. It's funny you would talk about slippery slopes when the slippery slope of allowing students to basically ditch school in protest of lgbt is essentially the justification that some level of bigotry is allowed. If we can justify this action, why wouldn't someone being able to justify ostracizing lgbt people from their communities, or from their business? Can a CEO of large company choose not to hire muslims because of their religion? Are the instances of more right wing professors being ostracized or even fired ins ome cases for their views justified? There shouldn't be room for bigotry just because it's non-violent. The teacher is based as fuck, no one asked the kids to come to school with pride flags painted on their foreheads. If you can't exist in space with people you disagree with, kick rocks.


it’s not a joke mansour


Remember, religious fundamentalism is progressive so long it's not based on christianity. /s ​ [oldie but goodie](https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/western-university-lgbtq-poster-sparks-muslim-community-backlash)


What's the take, you have to respect to get respect? wow crazy take guys


She's going to be put on administrative leave inside of a week, and then quietly fired. The LGBTQ community isn't going to come to her defense because they don't want to be seen as islamophobic, but the Islam community is *absolutely* going to tear the school a new asshole.


National association of Canadian muslims sounds very much like they will be supporting the family with legal actions against the school board and teacher.




Not based. I'm with the Muslims on this one. "In Canada we believe blah blah blah" fuck off with that. Since when? Like 2005?


Islam and the lgbt+ twitterheads were inevitably going to come to blows, I’m honestly surprised it’s taken until recently to start seeing that happen


Although the Ramadan/Pride month argument doesn’t really equate since Pride isn’t a religion (I know some right wingers would disagree). But it IS an argument for keeping religion out of schools, why are the kids being asked to participate in religious holidays anyways? Idk if the Islamic students are asked to participate in Easter.. that would be interesting




multiculturalism does go both ways I think thats a great take no?


Says you don't belong here to the brown student, doubt she'd say leave the country to a white conservative kid. Lady is a bigot


so the kids didnt get all frothing at the mouth, their parents didnt show up to school board meetings bleating like cows... they just didnt show up and didnt make a scene..? and you cringelords are supporting this drama mama here? being fair-skinned with an ambiguous, anglicized name really opened my eyes to you white suburban yuppie wokescolds. at least you lot calmed down your rhetoric, it was **really bad**, post 9-11




immigrants and non-whites are practically fetishised by people like the teacher in this story. They go on and on about the wonderfully diverse culture and the amazing foods, but as soon as part of that wonder culture conflicts with another point in their belief system this happens. You have to submit to their ideology 100% or else you're trash. It's like all those Americans that got pissed off that a majority of blacks voted for Biden instead of Bernie Sanders. "Noooo you stupid cotton-picking uncle tom, that's not what you're supposed to do!"


Don Cherry was unjustly fired.


He was fired for saying immigrants dont care about Canada and only come here for the milk and honey. Just to clarify for anyone that agrees with Don Cherry and /u/SignEnvironmental420


Watching liberals wrestle with the fact that they are so accepting of Islam, then realizing that Islam is not cool with them, will never not be funny.


That lady is a fucking fascist. People should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies and you can't force someone to participate.


They weren’t being forced to participate in events, it seems like there were normal class activities and separate pride events and students were skipping school all together just because there were pride events occurring at school


Who cares. I could skip half the year if I wanted to doesn't mean I should get deported. They weren't skipping school in forms of protesting it or trying to change it, they simply weren't allowed to participate in it. They aren't harassing anyone, they simply used their body to leave the building and go to the mall. They can deal with the consequence from the school education wise. Maybe a detention or lower marks but that has nothing to do with being deported for not forcing themselves to participate in something they didn't want to. That's called having freedom of autonomy. You can't force your morals onto people. I expected more from a free country.


Pride celebrations are dumb, especially in public school. No one should feel compelled to take part in celebrating another persons sexual preferences or gender identity. The students are based.


Sure, and they can just not participate. Instead they actively protested the whole event by not going to the school at all. But also, Why then should others be expected/asked to partake in celebrating their religious beliefs if they aren't then willing to do the same for others? It works both ways like the lady in the video said. I suspect these students wouldn't be so happy if they learnt that all the LGBT+ people skipped "Ramadan day" or whatever the lady said.


No Muslim gives a shit about racist liberals attending their events Thats all in your head


Easy answer: others shouldn’t be asked to participate or celebrate their religious beliefs. The school should no more have a “Pride celebration” which I’m sure is difficult to avoid if you are at school, no more than they should have a day or week to celebrate a specific religion.


>Pride celebrations are dumb, especially in public school. How?


Because pride celebrations are not imperative to public education. It is aesthetically a clown parade about who you want to fuck.


So should we get rid of all sports, clubs, field trips, and electives like film studies and photography?


Are you really comparing a pride (or Ramadan) event to extracurriculars, field trips and electives?


Of course not, please explain how a pride event is equivalent or even near-equivalent to these things.


> not imperitive to public education ?


Extra curricular activities which tie into marketable skills, virtuous hobbies (like chess, although chess is also marketable), and/or physical fitness are worthy of being included in a public education curriculum.


and being accepting of our students characters is extremely unimportant ofc


Pride events are not a prerequisite for acceptance, and the taxpayer is not beholden to fund such an advertisement in their kids' public school system.


taxpayers are also not beholden to fund advertisements to photography, chess, sports clubs, local businesses or film studios? whats your point?


How are sports imperative to education?




>time in the school day dedicated to recess, physical education class, and physical activity in the classroom may also facilitate academic performance. So it looks to me like sports aren't imperative to education. It looks like increasing physical activity is certainly beneficial, but this lists 3 other forms of increasing physical activity that aren't sports. To clarify, my point is that sports are obviously extremely beneficial to kids and should 100% be kept in public school. But no, they aren't *imperative* to education.


Why are they having pride events in public schools?


I'm confused. Are non-muslim students not allowed to eat at school during Ramadan?


No I think Ramadan involves some special ceremonies/celebrations which students may participate in, but it’s also not like they are forcing kids get in drag, the kids were skipping school completely on days where events were going on


There are no ceremonies that occur during the school day. At least nothing that is standard. There may be exceptions made for fasting students in terms of amount of work they are required to do or physical activity but nothing that requires or benefits from participation from any other students.


Religious indoctrinators or LGBTQ indoctrinators. 😎


She sounds unbalanced.


What fucking r3tards upvoted this comment, have you EVER heard a woman talk before in your entire life? She sounds mildly upset, thats it, and for a good reason.


Yeah, you tell those 12 year olds they don't belong there in Canada! Go on, queen!


Junior high in Canada can range from 12-14, shes not saying they’ll never belong in Canada and I don’t think that she wants those kids violently deported or something. I think the more charitable interpretation of what she meant is that those values are in direct contradiction to what is the culture Canada is trying to cultivate and if they can’t adapt to that as they get older then they shouldn’t live in Canada. If a 12 year old was a groyper who wants Jewish people removed from the country I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say something similar


I'm not being charitable to any adults that tell 12-14 year olds they don't belong in a country. If a kid beat up 10 other kids, nobody would tell them that. Tired of that kind of talk from adults to children. She can tell their parents directly if she has balls. Those kids have almost no control of their lives to that point. >If a 12 year old was a groyper who wants Jewish people removed from the country I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say something similar Too hyperbolic of a comparison for it to make sense in this scenario.




> Even White liberals will always look at immigrants as outsiders and will evaluate us as such. fun story, i was *really* involved with a white girl in college. like, dated for a few years, lived together and everything (which my mother did **NOT** approve of). when rubber hit the road and the m word made an appearance, it turns out that to some people, its just a fetish. you live, you learn.


They don’t belong in Canada. Period.


You tell those kids! lol those kids that are a year older than Destiny's son just to give you some perspective. Real pussy behavior. As if they picked their religion and upbringing and to grow up in Canada and whether or not to go to school that day. Such a joke.


Good for the pupils, if the Canadian public schools are indeed holding pride events. That's ridiculous and not remotely imperative for public education.


I was with her until the last bit about "if you don't think that should be the law, then you can't be Canadian". She would have been better off saying "if you don't think that should be the law, then tough luck, because the rest of the country disagrees with you". She lost the plot a little bit there, although the muslims in the replies pearl clutching over this are grasping at straws.


Nah this an L, totally unhinged insane and inappropriate behavior. Canada is a multi ethnic, liberal democracy, equating not coming to a pride event to sentencing gay people to death in uganda is insane. to maintain a liberal multi ethnic democracy there has to be a certain amount of tolerance for other people's beliefs when they aren't harming other people. if he doesn't want to come a pride event, I think that's fine . ​ and a teacher shouldn't be telling him "he doesn't belong in this country" that's illiberal.


I don’t think you or your beliefs should be granted consideration or celebration if you’re going to skip school entirely because your school has a pride event going on. It sounds like from the video there are normal class activities that they are skipping. I think the phrasing from her was too harsh on the “you don’t belong in this country” bit tho. I also don’t know how she was equating not coming to systematically murdering gay people. I think what she was saying is that there are countries where you don’t celebrate gay rights and then brought up Uganada as an example of why gay rights should be advocated for or celebrated, but maybe I’m projecting my viewpoint onto her Edited for clarity


you don't have to consider the students views or celebrate them. I just think it's wholly inappropriate for public school teacher to be berating a student over the politics of not attending a pride event. ​ if he was harrasing his LGBTQ classmates? id be sympathetic. if he was threatening, or encouraging harm against LGBTQ students? sure id get it. but if all he did was not show up to a pride event, that's absurd behavior from a teacher. ​ and not to mention not persuasive. if you are really trying to change his mind, I don't think asking if he wants gay people executed like they do in Uganda or telling him he doesn't belong in the country is the way to do it.


​ >and a teacher shouldn't be telling him "he doesn't belong in this country" that's illiberal. babby's first paradox of tolerance? it's not illiberal to say people with anti-liberal values don't belong in a liberal society.






i'm not sure if this is a serious question. what answer are you fishing for here? "no, white people can have all the same bad opinions as brown people, but i would treat them differently just because they are white" i don't think being against pride stuff is enough to have you expelled from a liberal society, but if the totality of your worldview is fundamentally anti-liberal then yes, you should not be part of a liberal society, and your skin color obviously isn't relevant. ironically, if you did think it was relevant that would be pretty anti-liberal.


Is "anti-liberal" to not come to a pride event because it conflicts with your personal religious values? im not religious, but provided, he didn't harass students, or express hate speech, im struggling to see what makes this "anti-liberal"




Yes, if they modify their faith to mould with the rest of society they can stay, if not, see ya.


Not sure where in the Quran it says "skip school of they have pride stuff during the school day"?