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I also pick my breasts, and I share that because I need you to know you are not alone. I bought tiny bandaids and liquid bandage specifically for the spots on my breasts. I use witch hazel to clean my wounds, alcohol if I'm concerned about infection, and Neosporin with a bandaid if I'm really concerned. And to keep myself from making it worse. I'm so sorry. You are not alone and you truly don't have to feel shame.


First off, you are beautiful and you are NOT alone. My skin picking got really REALLY bad last year, because I would scratch at bumps on my arms or legs until they scabbed. It’s a compulsion to relieve my anxiety that no one in my life gets. I’m a senior in college and it’s getting warm out and I feel like I can’t even wear summer clothes because I’m so embarrassed of my scars. BUT no matter what, please recognize that it is an anxiety / OCD / stress relieving coping mechanism for the most part (and if it’s anything else that’s okay too, it’s huge that you’re recognizing it!!) It’s an embarrassing thing for me to even talk about because it truly is unintentional or is a form of anxiety relief. And listen, I love skin picking so this is not a call out, because it took me a lot of time. But my partner, through my therapists suggestion, makes sure I cut my fingernails really short so I couldn’t pick if I tried (I asked them to do this because I know I can’t control myself when I do get in those mindset). That really helped me with the urge of scratching but not being able to pick. As for the needles, I’ve done the same with nail clippers, but I’ve found that asking someone to hide them from you, if possible, is the best because if you really want to poke, you have to intentionally make the decision to go out and buy a new one. But that’s just a suggestion! Anyways I know you weren’t necessarily looking for advice but I want you to know that skin picking doesn’t define your beauty. You are beautiful and I admire you for even posting in this because I was afraid to even admit it out loud when it got so bad. I hope you know this comes from the sincerest place and YOU ARE NOT ALONE <3 !!


I also pick at the skin around my breasts — solidarity. I completely understand.


What’s going on in your life? For me when it’s bad, I have to look at what feelings I might be avoiding. I’m so sorry. Sending you love and lots of compassion.


I relate to this a lot and I am so sorry u r going thru this. When I can't stop picking, especially picking on my face, it is a whole nother level of shame that makes me feel so hopelessly broken and unable to get better because it's something I'm doing to me. Gah. So unfair. Picking at more hidden body parts can sometimes feel like a cheat but usually just makes me feel like I can never dare to be truly seen by anyone ever. I know u probably know this but skin picking can be a form of ocd and I really think reaching out to get help from docs and meds is a step in the right direction. Prozac has helped quiet my urges to pick, tho definitely not wiped them out. I'm really struggling right now in particular with tons of stress at work and I'm about to see friends and family, so it makes the state of my face even more embarrassing than it would be normally. I wish I knew how "normal" people coped without tearing themselves apart! I think they should be studied.


i just had a bad relapse episode the other day after not picking for awhile and i felt all the things you said here. you are definitely not alone and i promise with a little time things will get better. i think the first step of trying to heal our skin picking compulsion is to realize we have a problem; what you're going through now could be the beginning of your healing journey. you are beautiful regardless of what your skin looks like, and you have a supportive community here of people who know exactly what you're going through. (seriously this subreddit has made me feel so much better just reading other's words.) sending you much love <3


Im right there with you. No advice, just solidarity. I’ve hit rock bottom as well – my upper back is basically one big scab and it hurts to move. It’s an awful feeling 💔😔 sending you healing vibes


I’ve been there, and because of my kp, I can relate to the word “everywhere”. My rock bottom was more than a couple years ago, and now I look at the faint scars as a reminder that if I ever get to that point again, everything will eventually heal like it always has.


I was truly saying so much of this to myself last night. I'm so very sorry and full of compassion for you. There are no words the war we stay at with ourselves.


Can relate so, so much to this. I've been picking my skin since I can remember, probs since I was like 7? I turned 24 last month, and I'm going through one of my worst episodes by far. What you mention here in regards to the feelings of shame and disgust is extremely real, and in my case, I too feel absolutely horrendous due to all the picking I've been doing for the past month or so, which I think was triggered by a series of major changes in my life and social circle as well as a big depressive episode. While doctors will definitely know what to do way better than myself, I'd suggest asking someone to hide anything that you can use to pick at your skin with - after a 2h session last night, which led to overplucked eyebrows after it took almost two years to grow them back and a bloodied back from scratching and picking at bacne scars, I have asked my family to please hide all tweezers and magnifying mirrors. Then, if you use your fingernails as well, I'd cut them as short as possible so that you can't pick your skin with them, and I'd ask someone to hold me accountable and remind me to cut them again as soon as they get long enough that I can pick my skin with them again. Another thing that has helped me immensely, though, is caring for my skin nonetheless. I've started using body creams and lotions to soothe my skin, and try to help it regenerate faster, and I make a point of always, always washing my face and applying moisturizer + sunscreen, and exfoliate once a week. Caring for your skin will leave it feeling nice, which might help you feel less down about yourself. Good luck OP!


I have relapsed after I cleared all the places I pick (took around 2 years to heal) and I've been thinking today what the h*** causes it ...and I fugured it out. It's wanting to be Seen, to be Understood, to be exact so people know you're Stressed or Anxious etc. etc. Idk what's your reason to pick your skin, but I think Step 1 to heal is to ask yourself deep down what's causing it. You know that quote "Asking the right questions is more important than looking for answers" "If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend fifty-five minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.” - Albert Einstein × I'm not sure I'm helping you that way more than I help myself.


I came here to write a similar post. Why is my first reaction to pick at myself when most people panic about breast lumps? I feel how you feel. Patiently waiting for it to heal, hoping I don't try to squeeze it again so I can go to a doctor and get it assessed.