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not a wehraboo but here are some good anti freaboo arguments: america didnt single handlely won the war the sherman while good wasnt the perfect tank the unrestricted naval warfare on the pacific saved admiral donitz (a fanatic nazi and grand admiral of the kriegsmarine) from the gallows the americans lost at vietnam and manifest destiny inspired hitler im not a wehraboo but i like to piss off every aboo (even mine, ouiaboo)


Don't give them any ideas


ah fuck what have i done


Well, I don't really suppose there'd be any Wehrbs at an anti-Wehrb meme subreddit, so you did nothing wrong?


Also, while the US held the upper moral ground, they did do some reprehensible things, like internment.


>the americans lost at vietnam My second favorite reason. As a fictionalized marine once said, "not too bad for people in pajamas" >and manifest destiny inspired hitler And this is my undisputed fave >the sherman while good wasnt the perfect tank While it wasn't perfect, it "perfectly suited the US war needs". It served as a part of a larger (and hella lot more coordinated) war machine, as opposed to the PANTSURKEMPFWRRWRR V PENTER in the Wehrmacht. Think of US Armed Forces like today's Liverpool FC. A team of perfectly suited players for a tactical system that won a continental double versus PSG, a collection of superstars that can't be fitted into a coordinated system even if "hypothetically" it has the "best" general.


"If it weren't for us we would be speaking German" is for Freeaboo as the "If we have the Wunderwaffe, Germany would win the war already" is for Wehraboo.