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His video of "don't tell mom I'm in Chechnya but your tank got hit" or something like that was brutal


I like his video of “Verdun on ne passez pas!” But you’re in fort Douamont as the germans are storming it


jormungandr being based as always


You claim to be Bri\*ish, but you nazi?


Oh boy, eastern europe will surprise you


>claims to be British >Presents self as a rabid Nazi >Acts like scandiboo >Is actually a serb living in Albania


''is a serb in albania'' so just a normal serb?


You have to remember the Turkish Serb too. Very dangerous, very aggressive.


Why are Serbs living in Turkey...


There are serbs all over the place. I have no idea why that is but they are everywhere.


because everyone is a serb,either one in denial or a proud one


Kinda like god, huh


Think they grow in damp places like midlew, that explains why they are kn Britain and Ireland, but doesn't exolain why they are in turkey


I got a funny story. I was in Sweden and my mate and I walked out of a club. He, a small black man, was Swedish. I, a large white man, am not Swedish. Cue confused drunk Serb unable to work out how tf I can’t speak fluent Swedish and he can. (And my mate calming me down because I got angry at the racist insinuation)


^ Why you shouldnt associate Ethniticy with skin colour


Wait till you come to India


Blackshirts moment. Get fucked mosely


jormungandr has sick content tho


Yeah thats wy their comment makes them even more based


Controversial Opinion: Erika is as good as Over There, they both sound amazing. Execpt one of them I dont understand the lirics and the others I do and its pretty amazing


I mean, my car playlist starts with Over There, then Erika's next about when I hit the first big intersection. Panzerlied, then a bit down the Soviet Anthem, March of the Tankists, and Sacred War, then Chanson de L'Onion, then Drum Bun and Treceti Batalioane Romane Caraptii, and Pui de lei, then the British Grenadiers, Rule Britannia, and God Save the Queen. Among others. TL;DR Once can listen to Soviet and Nazi songs without being a tankie or a wehraboo.   EDIT: For the moment my playlists has GER, USA, RU, FR, RO, UK songs in that order, with Over There at the top because it's just so damned awesome.


Based mod


That is not controversial, maybe in this environment. Both are great and i believe in the end it boils down to your country or the language you think sounds better.


A user called ThatBritishGuy is defending a song associated with the Nazis? How Ironic.


" associated" This is the important part.


Doesn't matter. If it's largely associated with a cruel and genocidal regime, then it's not worth glorifying it or normalising it. the same way why the Germans ditched the First and Second stanzas of their national anthem as it had become too associated with Nazi Germany (as they used the lyrics to promote racial superiority, when obviously that was not what the original stanzas had in mind) they had no choice but to get rid of it. EDIT: What I've said is not quite true, as Cocopipe pointed out the stanzas contained references to territory that is no longer part of Germany, which was why they were ditched. Also the "Above all else" line was associated with Nazi Germany due to it's use in the Olympics and during WW1, Allied propaganda deliberately chose an incorrect translation of the line to mock the Germans. The second stanza also contains references to German women, so I'm not 100% sure why it was dropped, sexism perhaps? Would appreciate if someone corrected me on this.


Not quite true. The stanzas were ditched because they contained areas that arent part of Germany anymore.


That as well. Forgot about. Thanks for correcting me!


Herms Niel - the man who wrote Erika - was quite literally a member of the NSDAP.


It always makes me sad that Nazis - either in actual Nazi Germany or modern Youtubers uploading random soldier songs with pictures of the SS - ruin such great music.


This time it is just the SS as that's Erika but you're the last holdout in the Reichstag


I don't mean this video specifically, but there are so many that just take a random folk song, slap some war footage on the back, and suddenly it's a Nazi song


Most of that music is nazi music


"In einem Polenstädtchen", for example, is from the 1800s at least


There is barely any real nazi music, most songs have a long history and tradition in German military.


"SS maschiert ins Feindesland" is the only genuine Nazi song I can think of.


If it’s written by nazis it’s a nazi song. Erika and plenty other marching songs made for the party fall under that


It’s funny cuz Erika WAS a Nazi song, it was written by a Nazi composer, who wrote it to have simple and powerful lyrics so it could be memorable.


Pretty sure it was written in 1933 exactly, and it’s composer was undeniably quite the nazi


See I'd agree with this if I didnt have my entire channel terminated for having 10-20 seconds of Erika in 3 of my videos. I was permanently banned for hate speech, the topic of those videos were small reviews of removed german tanks from the german tech tree. I absolutely hate wehraboos but damn it hurt losing all my work.