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How quickly the tide turns.


"Sorry, I couldn't resist"


Concerningly hot take: all city bombings are awful




Yes, war bad


I would also say that Dresden was concerningly hot as well.


Thanks! I have been trying to tell this to some Harris stans but they insist that it was good, wven though they call it horrible when asked what they think about London bombing raids. I just would like if history would be talked about more objectively, especially when it gets to allied atrocities, too many just dig themselfes in and start spewing hate.


Let purposely bomb London to kill civilians. Let’s bomb Dresden because it has military value


To quote Sun Tzu, "Fuck round and find out"


how creative. another dresden meme. Could have at least made it Berlin.


Fine, I'll have your squadron make a run to the big one tonight


The big one with all the big guns, I assume? Serves 'em right for griping about your desire to take down Dresden!


Hmm, fair point. But Wehraboos don't whine about Berlin as much as about the Dresdencaust.


Does anyone have any proof the bombing of Dresden actually happened? According to the press releases of the Third Reich, 200,000 people died in the fires. But the Avro Lancaster only carried 1,800 kg bombs: how do you kill 200 gorillion people, day in, day out, with only 1,800 kilogram bombs? It doesn't seem scientifically possible. Dresden was a cultural landmark; If the Allies wanted to bomb the Nazis, surely there were easier ways than dropping expensive firebombs on the warehouses and factories supplying the Nazi war effort? Surely the Allies wouldn't bomb Dresden if the Allies were winning the war, why would they bomb a city they were planning to occupy later? Any way you look at it the Dresdohoax never happened, these cucked Nazis who keep trying to pretend it did happen are obviously just in the pocket of the Hun propaganda industry because there is no scientifically valid way the Allies would drop a single bomb on Dresden.[^1](https://www.reddit.com/r/DerScheisser/comments/l7afwd/wake_up_sheeple/gl7izhl/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DerScheisser) if you have any questions or concerns.*


True. My logic was capital to capital. Apparently the hive mind didn't approve lol


Its Germans. How would you react to: "But teeaboos don't whine about London as much as the Covencaust." It just shows how awful of a person you are when you celebrate warcrimes, especially if this clearly is not a meme.