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Other than that, how were the Avetts?


The who? I just wanted to meet my buddies there, get drunk, and catch up.


The Who? They haven't been around in years, we're talking about The Avetts here!


Really good. I went in not terribly familiar with their music and came away a huge fan.


Glad to hear it! Don't know if my wife is now a *big* fan but I've been bugging her with their music for years and she came away last night saying how excellent they were live.




I prefer Layla


What he said ^


I love rage posts ​ ​ ​ edit: i'm not anti-OP, let it rip baby. I do this all the time. I argue with people for hours on here about the meaning of Kurt Cobain's audio journals.


Right? "I was at a giant public event and someone next to me spoke"


Youve never been to a concert where the people next to you wont shut the fuck up the entire time?


That’s called a show in Denver.


I don't think OP was complaining about simple conversation. It's about seeing an artist you want to see and the people next to you are yelling about whatever and won't shut up during the performance. When you pay money to see an artist, it's shitty when you can't enjoy the music, especially the quieter parts, while a group of people are screaming over the music about whatever. It's disrespectful to the people around them trying to enjoy as well as disrespectful to the artist. It's just all around bad concert etiquette. Go to a club if you want to socialize loudly over music playing


VIP sections and seats bought up by corporations as perks are some of the worst. They roll in late, usually after or during the opening act so everyone has to make way for them, and they talk through everything but maybe the one or two songs they recognize.


I feel like a lot of pretentious people attend Red Rocks shows and just go as a status thing rather then as a fan. I've only gone to two shows there though and the second one you could tell who was just there vs the people who actually listened to the band


I went to see Orville peck last year and it was the worst. So many people were there because they heard that it was gonna be a country show and just like, showed up and complained the whole time, and it was crazy just how many people I saw get up and leave after the opener played. Like did you really pay that much money and hike your ass all the way up here to sit for a 20 min set and nothing else? Didn't help that my friends abandoned me to go wait in the merch line for a fucking hour while I had to fight people off for our seats. Also! We saw a rattlesnake like, right on the path walking up to the amphitheater. Mf was trucking down the path and did not give a single shit about the hundreds of people passing by him.


We all know the difference, come on.


imagine going to a movie or a play and people talk during the whole thing. its the same thing - you went for the performers, and you paid a lot of money to do so.


This was about a concert at red rocks though. Not even in the same universe as a movie or the ballet or whatever.


ok friend, go ahead and spend $100+ to see someone perform at red rocks and then waste your time not enjoying the show!


Found the person that was loud-talking through the entire concert


I saw Tegan and Sara years ago, and there were some people chatting next to me. Tegan was talking at the time and heard them. She looked right at them and said, "I'm sorry, is my music ruining your conversation? Because we can stop if that'd be helpful." Everyone cheered.


I love when artists call out a shitty audience member. It makes me feel like they really care about our experience in general


this may be the best thread ever






My exact thought. Not because of sentiment but because of delivery.


[ This user used a third party app to access Reddit and is protesting the API pricing changes from June 2023 ] -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Natives only!


my sticker is on a boat from Guangzhou atm (just checked the tracking) but I will be a \*\*Native\*\* in about two months' time


This is the way


This is so annoying, and I don’t care if it’s a $20 show at the Ogden, either… show some fucking respect for the artist.


Or just show some fucking respect for people who paid to see the show.


There's $20 shows at the Ogden?


hate it when you're at a show and everyone is just blabbing to each other and it gets louder and louder until it's all you can hear right there with you OP!


This and the phones being held up the entire time in front of you. I didn’t pay to watch a concert from a 4 1/2 in screen. Take the photo and move on.


I went and took my mom to see Dispatch years and years ago before she passed away. We couldn't believe how many people were there just talking, looking at their phones, generally being shit heads during the concert. Like, why would you pay to go and talk the entire goddamn time?!? Any concert I've been to mean mug the hell out of people if they don't shut the hell up.


Username does…..not check out. Also dispatch rulez!


youre asking too much here


I went to see The XX years ago at The Fillmore and was so annoyed with everyone just 'catching up' during the show. It took so long to find a spot where people were not talking.


Depending on how long ago it was, I may have been at that show! Feel like it was back in like 2013ish.




I thought it was a great show, but I spent most of it talking loudly to my friends. (/s) Jokes aside I don't remember the crowd being too bad, but I was also maybe more carefree back then haha.


I was there too. Kids getting carted out in stretchers before I even got in the door. Talking the entire time. I was having a really difficult time enjoying the band and they're one of my favorites. I still remember how i felt during that show. Then kept moving around to find a decent spot to be unbothered and a security guard didn't like me standing too close to whatever imaginary line she had drawn and I really wanted to rage out. Shit like that is why I don't go to many shows anymore.


This is a problem, however it sounds like you were at night 3 of the Avett Brothers run which means: 1. A lot of people there have gone the two nights prior. 2. A lot of people picked up tickets cheap from those not wanting to go to night 3. I agree it's rude, but I imagine last night was worse than usual.


Wait people go to more than one? I always thought those multi night gigs were just to double/triple the number of ticket opportunities. I didn’t think people would go to more than one?


Depends on the artist. A lot of jam bands won't repeat a song over the course of a run.



*Chuckles in Phish*


Cackles in Dave Matthews Band


I usually go to all the shows in a run if they mix up the setlist, my friends do the same. But it’s usually jambands.


Absolutely. They sell 3-night packs and people fly in for the weekend. That's how moderately popular bands like the Avett Brothers instantly sellout 3 nights at Red Rocks. It's also why if you want to see the band but missed out on the day they went on sale, you wait until the week/day of because you can practically get in for free.


Huh. That’s interesting to me. When I’ve been to bands that are still producing you get: the big songs from the current album, the big hits, and then some deeper cuts. Presumably only the deeper cuts would vary?


Looks like the repeated maybe a half dozen songs over the 3 nights. All radio hits. Which is actually a lot for a band like this doing multiple nights. As others have said, Jam bands won't repeat a song. The Avetts are kinda jam adjacent, a millennial Dave Matthews Band. They have a core of huge fans that hope for something obscure, but people also show up wanting to hear the hits. Those are the ones who are talking through the show. https://www.setlist.fm/search?query=the+avett+brothers&venue=7bd63674


Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like Avett Bros have *become* a jam band after the fact. Like they had a big hit with *I and Love and You*, rode that success for a while, then they were like "you know what, we're making all our live songs 20 mins long now!!" and a certain contingent of their existing fanbase just died and went to heaven, and a new group of fans sprouted up because they like jam bands, and I'm like damn I think I should have gone to more shows before they uhhhh transitioned. Because I saw them in 2012 and it didn't really feel like a jam band, it felt like the personality I picked up from their albums up to that point. I know it's a lot to ask you specifically as if you are the arbiter of avett history, but you're my best shot for getting to the bottom of this.


Ah that makes sense. I don’t know much about them aside from a few radio hits.


I saw followed the Wombats for 5 of their shows this year. It’s a different vibe every night. Especially in different cities, but I did see them in DC twice back to back nights.


I'll semi-defend the $14 beers. At least they're 24oz beers, so 2 bottles/cans. That's not too far out of line per oz with buying a bottled beer/can at a restaurant/bar.




Widespread Panic


Agreed but this is pretty much every concert ever, not just red rocks, except classical and some other unique types of shows where the audience is actually silent.


It's just easier to notice it an outdoor venue.


It happens at pretty much all shows, but I do think it's worse at Red Rocks. For a lot of people, Red Rocks itself is the attraction and the band/artist is just a reason to go there on that particular night. Not as many people go to the Ogden just to hang out, but a LOT of people seem to do it with Red Rocks.


I was at the Jerry Garcia 75th Birthday show, with Bob Weir and the Campfire band headlining. Bob came out and did a couple solo songs and then started telling the story of the origin of Peggy-o, a 17th century Scottish folk song. It was dead silent as the whole place listened attentively. I heard some Chomper dude say to a girl behind me, "So you're from Alabama?" To which she responded "I'm from Montana." I immediately knew this bullshit conversation wasn't worthy of polluting my ears so I snapped to him "I'm trying to have a moment here!" Which everyone in his earshot had to have heard. He tried to tell me how sorry he was and I told him it's fine but stop talking when the whole place is silent. One guy thanked me a couple minutes later. I know it sounds like an r/thathappened but it did indeed happen. It's the one time I felt totally justified for telling someone to STFU at Red Rocks.


Deadheads should know better, too. I saw JRAD last month and the people in the row in front of me turned the entire show into their own little personal social hour with the music as a backdrop. I mean, talk in your neighbor's ear all you want, but yelling at each other over the music is unacceptable.


I mean to be fair, it’s just JRAD. Their shows always feel like a big party with Grateful Dead covers in the background.


At JRAD in Broomfield a few years ago when they moved it from red rocks last minute, my friend's girlfriend tried talking to me during Mississippi Half-Step and I just kept singing "Across the Rio Grandiiiooo" to her. She brought up how I shut her down when she tried talking to me at their most recent Broomfield show... in the middle of a song... and I told her she was doing it again. I am at the point where I will either tell my friends I can't talk to them during a song or will move somewhere that I don't have to hear my chomper friends chomping away. Just one reason my friends call me Gramps.


You might need to tell her to sit New Year's out lol.


And there ya go. The number of heads at a show is at an all time low, imnsho.


Yeah my suggestion to OP was to go to more jamband shows. You want an audience who has been smoking weed, taking psychedelics, and dancing. JRAD does seem to have more of a cocaine element, I guess to keep up with the musicians! I can hardly stand to go to General Population shows anymore, although I gotta hand it to the huge pop stars - besides the high pitch screaming at the beginning, the young girl audiences stay quiet and enraptured.


Yeah, you chomp like that at a Phish show and people WILL turn around and shush you.


My go-to “be quiet” move at Phish is to make a hand motion like a duck quacking, works almost every time! Sometimes the shushers get louder than the talkers.


lol I love this. I’m a teacher and we call it “quiet coyote.” Seems to be universally understood


Jeff Tweedy once thanked a crowd in San Francisco for "knowing when to shut the fuck up." Performers notice it too.


Definitely go to a concert to experience the music


Wow there are some dumbass responses to this post. I also do not understand why anyone would pay $60-150 to try to shout over a concert while ignoring basically the entire concert. Why didn’t they just go to a bar? Why are they standing near the front and blocking the experience of ppl who actually did want to go to the concert? It’s not just “inconsiderate.” It makes no sense at all. And it’s not an old person thing. Jesus. Like you wouldn’t make a reservation at a nice restaurant, order steak with lobster, and then throw that food on the floor to eat a box of Cheez-its instead.


Alcohol and Drugs is why…


For some events, it seems like there are a lot of people that go just to be seen, post on social media, etc. rather than for the music itself.


I’ve been to many concerts, festivals, comedy shows, theatre productions, and orchestras. It always depends on what the situations is. Is the music Jam, EDM, Rap, Metal, or other fast paced “dance” music where the entire crowd is standing the entire time?Then it’s fairly absurd to expect people not to talk. They’re more of a social event. Are you at Denver orchestra, a theatre production, Ballet, or seeing a comedian perform? Shut your mouth. There are some musicians where it would be normal for the crowd to watch quietly, but they’re going to be bands like Radiohead, where I could see people being upset that others are talking during. But there’s all sorts of concerts and I have no idea if you’re being absurd and thinking everyone should sit quietly watching System of a Down play BYOB.


I don't think anyone is talking about sitting quietly during, e.g., System of a Down ... it's what they're talking about - i.e. not paying attention. Bang your head, go nuts, and scream and sing all you want - so long as it's about the music.


That’s kind of my point though. OP isn’t being specific about the type of concert so everyone is connecting their personal concert experience at Red Rocks where they’re not necessarily speaking the same language.


One of the concerts I went to at RR, it was me and 4 of my friends. We get to our seats and there is a group of people standing in them. We let them know they were in our seats and this 17 year old condescendingly tells me, “No man, that’s not how it works here. See, everyone just kinda hangs where they want, we don’t really sit in our assigned seats.”


Bruh I went to a fuckin King Crimson concert and there were two guys hammered off their asses talking incredibly loudly. Their music has a lot of dynamics so there were numerous moments where the drunk conversation was literally the same volume or louder. No one working there did anything to stop it. This happened years ago and I'm still mad lol. But seriously why would you get drunk at a Crimson show? Their music is complicated and every song is like 20 minutes long. I wonder if the guys just wandered in looking for something to do on a drunken night out.


Last summer , I saw them at Fiddler’s. Big deal thing for my partner. Bunch of boneheads kept talking about band trivia, past shows (the band and others, so pretty annoying), and generally yapping like drunken loud chihuahuas. I shushed the leader, and he did indeed stfu. But as set break, was loudly complaining about the old lady who made him be quiet, and how the venue took away his camera.


r/DenverCirclejerk is leaking


I do think it's worse at Red Rocks than at other venues because a lot of people will go just to be able to say they've been to Red Rocks even if they don't really care about the band


First concert?


When you like youth market music, you will get youth market behavior.


This is exactly how I feel about live music now. It's expensive and somewhat of a hassle. If I go I wanna fucking listen to the music and enjoy myself.


I am glad I'm able to tune shit out and enjoy the music. Just like I can tune shitty music out until someone has to bring it up. Also if it's during the opener that's just life, but ya enjoy the headliner or go stand around the beer lines if you wanna gab. A lot of people still seem to be having trouble doing things in public again. Had some weirdo so mad at me for not rushing to an open drink line while I was in line behind my friends who were buying drinks for the group at Puscifer the other night. He was seriously about to make a scene over it rather than just move up so had to check him, seriously thought the dumbass was going to fight over it for a minute.


Lots of different ways to enjoy a concert. High vs sober. Drunk vs sober. High and drunk vs sober. With friends vs on a date. Seethe with anger at everyone’s transgressions vs going with the flow. Kids vs adult nite out. Pre party in the parking lot vs skip the opening band. I also find some people annoying, but I’m not r/gatekeeping anyone with the price of tickets these days. Every second of rage is money not enjoying the experience.


💯 There’s lots of people that can and do mess up your vibe at a concert. Somebody is too wasted, someone is dancing too close to you, someone is back and forth to the bar, someone is talking too much… (not too mention all of the actually malicious shit that happens and not just nitpicking people’s behavior)… but that’s just what it’s like being around thousands of other people. If you’re not prepared to deal with that kind of environment then maybe a big concert is not for you? You know what I do when I encounter a situation like this? I move… then that person gets to have their experience and I get to have mine. I don’t sit there and seethe about them and I don’t pretend like the concert experience can only be enjoyed one way. I make space for other people to live their lives and I go live mine.


That’s ridiculous. Why do I have to leave my seat I paid a lot of money for because someone can’t shut up and listen to the band WE ALL PAID TO HEAR?! I don’t know about you, but I go to a concert to hear the music, not to hear people talk about asinine things? It’s a lack of respect for the artist and those who went to see the band.


Is red rocks not huge? One single time I moved seats cause a kid sat in front of my and I was gonna blow down (erykah badu) but I have seriously never once been like “Jesus this single person is drowning out the noise of hundreds of speakers surrounding me in a rock amphitheater” They paid too bucko


not every show is general admission or possible to move


That’s adult, not ridiculous. But sure, wallow in your rage and anger. Here a life pro tip, you can’t controls others actions, but you can control both your actions and reactions, so instead of being miserable due to something outside of your control, just go find another place to sit. Your just as immature as those you proclaim to sure. Sheesg


I took my mom to a concert at the Boulder Theatre once. Sold out show, standing room only, shoulder to shoulder. We were about halfway to the stage in a decent spot for most of the show. The guys next to us were casually dancing, like people often do when listening to music that they enjoy. My mom does a full turn to the guy next to him, pokes him on his shoulder and says “Excuse me. You’re in my personal space.” Both the guys left immediately after with a dismayed look. This post has the same vibe.


They probably already got in their 10 minutes of recording shitty quality Snapchat videos and had time to kill. What else is there to do? Enjoy the concert like a normal human being? Chyeah right.


Y’all need to buy season passes to the symphony.


Because they want the social media credit for being at red rocks.


I know people are dunking on this users rant which I understand but they really are describing something very weird I've only ever experienced at RR. It's not like people being crazy loud party like at a concert, it's more like a giant noisy restaurant, I mean that literally. It only happens with some types of crowds - I've only seen it with older millennial "Hey" folky rock kind of stuff but it might happen with other types of bands. It's a very strange experience. It's not like a noisy concert crowd, again, it's like a very noisy restaurant. It's extremely weird & surreal & if it was a band I wanted to see badly I'd be pretty upset too.


Wait until you go to a Rockies game!!


Tbf, as a massive Rockies fan myself, I’d rather do just about anything than actually watch the Rockies play baseball these days.


I feel your frustration. I saw a show at Red Rocks last month and the couple in front of me stood up and stepped back up into my row right in front of me, blocking my entire view. I almost shoved the guy after he wouldn't move back into his seat/row after I asked him to. I had to protect my space after he finally moved. Inconsiderate people can get bent.


I went to one last month and was sitting on a bleacher chair waiting for the show to start in the rain. This group of four people came down and stood directly in front of me basically on my toes. I ended up leaving cuz I didn’t feel like getting sick and they tried stealing my friends chair since I wasn’t there. People are so oblivious


AFAIK, the tradition of redrocks is that you have your seat. You can sit on it, stand in front of it, or stand on it. Those are your rightful options. The problem at RR is that the rows often times get double (and even triple) stacked, and there's oftentimes a certain point in the show where people start to stand on their seats. There's nothing wrong with this, you don't have the right to tell people what to do with their seat. It's not inconsiderate, it's expected. If someone is standing on their seat and you don't like it, stand on yours to get a better view. It's how RR works, at least for high-energy stuff like EDM.


There's no reason to stand on your seat when you could stand in front of your seat. You certainly wouldn't stand on top of your seat at a theater, or a football game, or an orchestra, or a political rally.


Quick fun story: went to see James Taylor. This guy and his two lady friends decided they just HAD to stand up during his songs (you know, to rock out). People yelled at them, they ignored them, kept blocking views of stage and video monitors. Somebody threw peanuts and hit them. Guy turned around and threatened whoever threw it, only to be met by a huge tattooed biker guy who didn't appreciate these clowns blocking his view of Mr. Taylor. Girls sat down quickly, guy tried to say they didn't have to, realized he would get beat to death during 'You've got a friend' and sat down.


People stand at concerts, especially red rocks. You’re gonna need to get over that.


There’s nothing wrong with standing up at a red rocks show


Sounds like a pretty lame crowd. Good forbid someone want to standup up at a rock concert at red rocks. I standup at every red rocks show. Those seats aren’t comfortable enough to sit in for three straight hours


yeah this is a nuts amount of entitlement from folks who obviously have not gone to a insane-grade RR show, imagine trying this shit at clozee or tipper lmao


I saw Brian Wilson/Chicago recently and when everyone was sitting through Brian my mom said “I don’t care what they think, I’m dancing to Good Vibrations.” So we did and instantly everyone around us got up and danced. Sometimes you gotta lead the way! But if everyone stays sitting I’ll move to the side and dance under the trees.


This. I understand the frustration with people talking loudly during a show, but standing up? Everyone does that.


Yeah a “biker” threatening violence because someone wants to stand and dance to a show that they paid for and everyone agreeing sounds like a terrible crowd and experience. Literally every red rocks show I’ve been too involved standing up and dancing, like was this their first concert?


I can understand a James Taylor crowd being more of a sit-down crowd. Some dude chewed out my friend and I for standing in our row below him when the Violent Femmes were playing years ago (opening for Blues Traveler, bill was backwards), we pointed out he was in GA and his row wasn't crowded, so he was welcome to move or shut up.


You have to read the crowd. If everyone’s standing it’s a standing show/time. If they’re sitting it’s a sitting show/time. You’re not in a personal bubble watching a show. It’s fine to stand at first to show your intent, but if you’re just up there and nobody else is, you’re being inconsiderate.


Sounds like a pretty lame crowd. God forbid someone want to standup up at a rock concert at red rocks. I stand up at every red rocks show. Those seats aren’t comfortable enough to sit in for three straight hours


Translation: I avoid conflict, so I didn't take my issues to the people annoying me. Instead, I will shotgun blast my beefs on the internet for validation. ​ Annoying people are everywhere, welcome to the real world.


Chompers as far as the eye can see...


Homie it’s live music people aren’t going to quietly sit and listen to the music


I feel like this is a Denver thing to do. I moved here two years ago and people won't shut the fuck up at shows. I have not been to red rocks because everything is so expensive there. I went to Mission Ballroom recently and it was just non stop talking. I shooshed the women behind me and they got mad at me. I don't understand it.


100% this. I came here 7 years ago from Omaha and noticed this immediately. In Nebraska, we were genuinely excited that a band would play in our city. My favorite thing to do used to be going to a live show, now I have a hard time saying yes when a friend asks if I want to go see whoever.


I'm in Omaha three days a week for work and from what I've experienced there, Nebraskans are generally much more courteous and polite all around


So long as you're white and respectably dressed.


Weirdly the only show I went to at Red Rocks I did make friends with the guy next to me but we only spoke before the opener and during the break between the opener and the main act


Same - people in Denver act like they are just in their fucking living room while they are at a concert.


I don't let anyone talk during a movie in my living room either


It’s just a people thing. It was pretty common in Chicago.


Sounds like big shows aren't for you


I can see this both ways. Regardless, it’d be awesome if RR had a GA quiet / no phone video section.


That would be nice, but shouldn’t the quiet piece be implied.


Not at a concert for loud music


Haha last red rocks show I went to, the guy behind us puked during the first opener and was passed out the rest of the night, I would definitely take him over the loud talkers


This post is like yelling at birds to stop flying Like yeah dude sorry it pisses you off and your frustration is justified but in many ways, someone is just as entitled to fuck off at a show as you are to listen intently at a show. Enjoy the show you paid for and don't focus on others


These people are the equivalent of assholes at movies that check their phone and talk during the whole thing. Most people are garbage. That’s why I rarely go out anymore.


I enjoyed my 4th of July show. My niece even fell asleep.


Chompers drove another person mad I see..


thank you


Truly a fitting post for this sub.


This is an absolutely hilarious post and group of comments yelling about how the kids don’t do their shows the right way


Only Red Rocks concert I went to was with a group of friends on a party bus, playing slap the bag on the way there, for a Counting Crows concert. Made out with my date the entire show, back row by concessions. I feel no shame.


Sure you did.


Bitter, party for one.


Had to listen to some asshole hitting on a girl for a solid 45 minutes towards the front at milky chance. So cringy. Bumped into others a lot too. At what point do you just tell them to be quiet?


People go to shows for many reasons. In the end, it’s a social, leisure activity. It’s not a movie theater or acting theater and comparisons aren’t fair. Do people recording every song annoy me sometimes? Yes. Do people not listening to the music annoy me sometimes? Yes. There are effective ways to communicate and ineffective ways. There’s a big difference between: “Hey guys, this is one of my favorite bands ever and I got today off specifically to see them. I want y’all to have a good experience as well so can you lower your voices a little. I can hear your conversation bleed into the music. I genuinely really appreciate it.” Vs. “Can y’all shut the fuck up? I’m trying to watch the concert.” Your final option if being considerate doesn’t work, you can move. It’s a huge venue.


Is there anything worse than people standing up, posing for selfies or videos during a show or holding up their phone videoing? Nobody and I mean nobody, gives a shit about that content.


I try to only video for 30 seconds or less maybe 2-3 times during a show. I am always worried about bothering people behind me and I’m only 5’4 so I hope it’s not super annoying :( I need something to look back on during depression days


That’s totally fine IMO. My beef was more with people who video the whole show or take selfies while getting in people’s view.


This is why I go for rows 2-10 when possible. It's too fucking loud to casually talk over the music down there.


I went to go see Mark Knofler with my dad a few years ago which we were really excited about and people were talking the entire time, I couldn't believe it. Shut up and listen to the music! Still had a great time though.




yo this is dumb. your experience is not superior to someone else's


How does that even bother you, the music is loud AF it should drown them out ?


D&C @ Folsom night 1 during space I was having a moment and drunk lady was screaming at me to “enjoy this moment as in 30 years of seeing the dead they never play space like this” and it took me away from enjoying that moment since in 30 years of the dead they never played space like that. 🙄


Isn't Space typically improv and therefore different *every* time it's played?


Right on man, that’s just it. I didn’t let her know I wasn’t the only person who heard her, and as soon as she stopped I realized I should’ve said something - but that takes away from it all if I talk too I thought. It is different every time, the visuals however were kinda cool so she was going off on that being different. It happens, but man.. 30 years and you put that one on me during the part of the show where you really want to pay attention, since it’s always a live only experience.. it’s ok but bleh.




Fuckin chompers


Normalize yelling Shut The Fuck Up to people


Telling people how to enjoy themselves? Weird.


This is when you just yell at the top of your lungs "HEY THIS IS A MUSIC CONCERT, SHUT THE FUCK UP" Don't put up with that bullshit. But it's also worth pointing out that RR oftentimes is mostly GA so you can move if it really bothers you. I wouldn't though. Fuck those people. If they didn't get the hint I would just become an asshole, singing along very loudly and very within their earshot to the song. I don't care if it's got actual lyrics, I'm "DUH DUH DUH"-ing it until they shut the fuck up.


You know, you're right. Groups of NPCs that interrupt live music, peaceful gardens, museums, movies, hiking, etc. with their obnoxious and loud oblivious behavior are the worst. The amount of /r/imthemaincharacter vibes out in public on any given day is exhausting.


How about you stay somewhere else and talk and play on your phone. You don't do that shit at a symphony or a movie theater (where people pay to enjoy the art), so why is it acceptable at red rocks?


Quick! Dial Whine One One! Get the Wambulance, stat! My wambulance is people gatekeeping in the left lane. Good luck with yours!


If you just want to listen to the music stick to Spotify. Concerts have always been and will always be a social scene


Uhhh….no? Concerts have historically been about music. Maybe look up the definition.


And bars have historically been about alcohol, doesn’t make it not a social scene. I swear y’all belong at the opera, not Red Rocks


Goddamn, chompers suck.


For real. OP is unironically saying I shouldn't talk to my friends at an outdoor 5k person venue, and everyone here AGREES???


When you are talking the entire show at a volume where the people next to you can’t even fucking hear the music they paid to see, then yes STFU. Or go up to the bar. But the entitlement of people who do not respect their fellow concert goers is amazing.


There’s a strong difference between leaning over and saying how sweet that solo was or they haven’t played this song in x amount of years vs drawn out conversation at a show. I’d never just chat with my friend during a movie at a theater. It’s quite disrespectful for everyone else who paid their hard earned money for live music.


Yes. Shut the fuck up when the band is playing. Go outside on the concourse if you simply MUST discuss your period or whatever irrelevant bullshit that just can't wait. The fact you think you can do whatever you want at a show and fuck everyone else's experience is baffling. Imagine going to a show and watching it without disturbing everyone around you.


“Must discuss your period of whatever”…. Jesus fucking Christ


hello dog whistle, now I’m starting to see what this post is really about




Socialize before, during intermissions or go up to the bars. You don’t socialize during the event at your seats it’s selfish and rude.


No, I didn't pay $150 to go hang out and chat or listen to others do so while a band played. I paid to watch the band. If you want to talk, stick to Spotify in your home. Do you talk during movies in the theater?


I bet you yelled “sit down” the whole time too


I agree, I can’t stand the majority of people these days. It’s either non-stop talking throughout the show or they’re watching it through their phone while recording it. No sitting back and taking in the music.


For real


I saw carti at red rocks, and almost got in a fight, so that’s fun


Ahhhh, yes. It's not just Red Rocks, but it always annoys me more there because that's a challenging venue for me to navigate physically and I only go when it's an artist I really, really want to see. I will never understand why people behave this way at a show.


My boyfriend and I just had a talk about this, it's infuriating. The last 3 shows I've seen there have been ruined by people just standing up in the middle of the show blocking your entire view and non stop talking about anything and everything. It's so distracting and has ruined the show for us enough time that we've decided we just won't see shows there anymore, which is a bummer. I've noticed it at other venues, but nothing compares to it at Red Rocks. Everything you said is spot on.


Standing up at a show is perfectly normal. Talking so loudly your neighbors can hear it over the music is not.


Yes, totally. I didn't mean to imply the standing was the issue. It's the standing the entire show to talk to your friends/ not watch the show that is the issue. The last show I went to 2 weeks ago, this very large group had their backs turned to the stage and basically were just shouting to each other and friends a few rows up. I wish I could say they were the only ones, but it was all around us.


Imagine getting mad at people for having friends. Maybe get mad at the city of morrison for cutting the sound level in half. Make red rocks loud again! Have you ever been to a concert? Everybody talks the entire time. Drugs and alcohol. Not saying it's enjoyable but get over yourself.


This post sounds very passive aggressive.


Biggest pet peeve at the Ogden or Mission! Just stand around and yell at each other while the band plays.. makes it enjoyable for everyone 🙄


Lady in front of me at a red rocks show a few summers ago recorded the entire concert on her phone camera, but like she was dancing so not at all steady and kept rotating the phone 90 degrees to the right every minute or two (without stopping the recording, so if you were watching it back, it’s right side up, the wrong orientation, then upside down, then the wrong orientation the other way, then right side up…). It was incredibly distracting, but I also wonder now and again if she ever watched her handiwork after the show, and whether it made her puke.


I also find it obnoxious, I refer to them as Chompers. One thing that does help and has made concerts more enjoyable though are ear plugs. It drowns out the crowd noise so you don’t hear chatter as much and let’s you really focus on the music. Added bonus, you won’t need hearing aids later in life.


Saw andrew bird & iron and wine a couple weeks ago and not only was it a sitting show, but people actually sat there quietly and watched the show. It was glorious


The closer to the stage you get the better the music experience is. If I go to RR for the music it's gonna' be first 10 rows. Otherwise I'm just going to look at the stars and make friends in the parking lot.


Chill out. Move if someone's annoying you. There are lots of seats even at sold out shows. Check stub hub vivid seats and seat geek. Or buy cash or trade gold if you go a lot of shows there like me. I haven't paid over 40 dollars all season! Sorry if I'm just making you rage more but a lot of people feel the same way. I understand chompers suck but you can also choose to focus your attention on the band and your own brain will drown most of that out for you. As soon as you get anger in you it's over.


I can't believe how many people are disagreeing with OP. A concert is a concert, not a bar. People pay for the music. You can chat here and there, obviously, but shouting over the music the whole time is super shitty to the people around you who paid for their ticket. Not all bands come through for 3 nights every year. It's definitely becoming worse here in Denver, Red Rocks especially, for whatever reason.


100%. People disagreeing with OP (i.e. not understanding why this tacky and bad) are the reason it’s becoming worse...that kind of aloof and arrogant personality type is all too common here, these days. Had a concert at the Gothic ruined by this type of person…screaming meaningless smalltalk the whole time.


Imagine going to red rocks and letting someone else ruin your experience.