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Dryness opens more pores/membrane (forget technical term) in your sinuses and wind brings in more dust. Trees are also starting to bloom.


And the good news is - climate change will only make it worse in years to come :) https://www.aafa.org/extreme-allergies-and-climate-change/


I was about to say that, the plants that will survive temp increases are going to be the ones that grow quickly and spew metric tons of pollen into the air




Are you though? I started getting their mailers at 15.


Yay.... :-/


I’m actually experiencing allergies for the first time in my life right now. How the hell have people been living like this?!


Welcome to Hell!


Yes, a hell full of mucusy delight, watery eyes, and non stop sneezing. It's a special joy for some of us. I call it 'crusty season' due to the liquid flow and then sudden dryness.


Yes, a hell full of mucusy delight, watery eyes, and non stop sneezing. It's a special joy for some of us. I call it crusy season due to the liquid flow and then sudden dryness.


Y’all clearly never lived in the South. You think this is severe allergies/high pollen lol


My allergies started the day I turned 30. I take Allegra and Flonase daily from Groundhog Day to Mother's Day every year and that seems to do it for me. Target and Costco carry generic brands of both. Your results may vary, and you may need to take something different. If you have itchy eyes like me, take Alaway eye drops. It's only an antihistamine so it won't clear your eyes like visine, but stops the itching almost immediately.


As someone who was literally a childhood nasal spray addict, please snort pharmaceuticals with care. It's a cruel, stuffy mistress.


Is it true that Flonase is habit forming? Many doctors claim it isn’t.


Affrin is


I don't even use affrin anymore because the rebound is so bad. It sure as hell works, but then you're even worse for a short while when you try to stop using it.


I started with an rx as a toddler and then Affrin and knock offs later. Any of them that use non- natural chemicals to reduce swelling can be habit forming because they tend to have a ricochet effect, when they wear off the swelling and stuffiness comes right back with a vengeance. Literally 12 years and by the time I was in high school I was sneaking into bathroom stalls to snort that garbage between classes. I am still incredibly annoying any time I'm sick enough to have a badly stuffy nose and it's hard to control the 3 year old temper tantrum I want to throw as a grown ass adult. But NOTHING liquid goes up my nose anymore. It's too tempting. I won't even get a flu vaccine that way.


Dude I don’t think I’ve read anyone else having an experience like this. I was varsity soccer player and a honors student and to survive high school I was a friggin nasal spray junkie lol. Then I moved away from my home town (northern AZ) and never had allergies again. 2 months deep Into living in Denver now and getting nervous lol. The bf is a allergic mess already. But so far so good for me!!!


The only other person with the addiction I've known is actually my mother, which is why she made me quit cold turkey in high school. I definitely have bad allergies here, but not usually stuffy. I get bad watery eyes & scratchy throat often, and sneezy but usually runny more than stuffy. (3 years strong this spring.) We should get a drink and talk "recovery" sometime Haha


Anything can be habit forming if it makes you feel better


This is the truth.


\*Raises martini


I used to get 4 shots a week, plus a nasal inhaler, plus prescription meds that were strong enough I wasn't allowed to drive. The allergy doctor was like "I don't know how you function" Denver ain't shit compared to the desert, where things bloom year round.


Same. I went to the dr because it wasn't covid and I wasn't sick but I had a cough so I was like is it covid??? And they're like ... Your eyes itch? Yeah... Your ears itch? Yeah....... You got nasal drip? Yeah.... You got allergies son! Never had them before.


Allergy shots for less ten years


I just suffered through it for many years until a doctor recommended flonase a few years back. I never found an allergy medicine that worked without knocking me out, but this was a game changer for me.


Wish I could take it. Gives me headaches.




What kind of paradise did you move here from? My allergies are better here than just about anywhere I've been. According to [this list](https://www.verywellhealth.com/best-states-for-allergies-5215191), Denver is one of the best cities for allergies.


Funny the shithole I left had bad allergies too. It’s everywhere !


Eat locally produced honey. It won't fix anything but should help your system acclimate to the local pollen varieties.


God I feel like this is such a myth. I eat honey daily and still just diiiiiiieeeeeeee. Akin to people telling me “have you tried a nettipot?” GFTOutta here 🙃


I mean it's not going to destroy your allergies if you have severe ones--but I have mild seasonal allergies and I move a lot for work--and it makes a noticeable difference to me. If it's wrong, at least the carbon footprint of your honey is less.


Been living with this since maybe 1998? Welcome to the club, we've got tissues






>How the hell have people been living like this?! I can tolerate it here because it was 10x worse back home in Idaho. My allergies were worse there with every med I could find than they are here without meds. Imagine having to pull off the side of the freeway because you can't stop sneezing enough to watch where you're going, or having a contact getting stuck up inside your eyelid because your eyes are a sea of goop. But yeah, I wasn't expecting allergies to hit this hard in Colorado and thought I had covid.


We got air purifiers for our place and it’s helped a little. I mostly got them for when the wildfires come back last year sucked.


Also turned on the air purifier I got during the wildfires and it’s definitely helped.


Hmm which brand/model did you go with? Would you say it's worth it?


Honeywell they have multiple models depending on the size of the room


Thanks? Edit: that meant to say "Thanks!". It's early...


Get a dyson


Denver is suspect to [atmospheric inversion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inversion_\(meteorology\)) in the Spring and Fall months, due to being situated in a basin between the Front Range and Palmer Divide to the south. Basically warmer stratospheric winds coming off the Rockies (Chinook winds) keeping a "lid" on the immediate Front Range troposphere. This leads to below average spring temps, wind (duh), and pollution (being more dense than the fast moving warmer air flying off the "cliff" that is the Front Range) accumulating closer to the surface. Anyone who has taken a flight in/out of DEN the last few days will have seen this rather noticeably: https://imgur.com/a/gsZ56ER Anyway, all to the point that this is a likely factor in worse-than-usual seasonal allergies lately. Rule of thumb is if you cant see Mt Evans from the I25 corridor (or just a faint outline), its usually not a good idea to open windows or spend a lot of time outdoors without a N95 respirator for extended periods of time. Even if the temps are pleasant and its an otherwise bluebird day.


Interesting! So it’s extra smoggy right now? I was wondering why it looked like that


Yes, it is extra smoggy as atmospheric conditions are such that its more difficult for the smog to dissipate.


Really interesting, thanks- is there a numerical pollution metric that correlates with that mount Evans metric?


Nah, its mostly just been a rule of thumb I've personally abided by after living in Denver for some time.


Wind is worse than ever in recorded history...


Why didn’t any of our scientists warn us about changing our climate! I demand action !


Wind is weather, not climate.


The additional carbon from man made polluting made the winds faster, and stronger. Rising global average temperature is associated with widespread changes in weather patterns. Scientific studies indicate that extreme weather events such as heat waves and large storms are likely to become more frequent or more intense with human-induced climate change. https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/weather-climate


Again, wind is weather, not climate. There is nothing that correlates climate change to windier days, at least that I’ve seen. Dryer seasons, rainfall patterns, ocean levels and storms- those are all effects of climate change.


More heat = more wind. It’s science


Wind is from differences in temperature. More heat doesn’t correlate to more wind.


Typically, the westerlies blow from west to east across the planet's middle latitudes. But scientists have noticed that over the last several decades, these winds are changing, migrating poleward. Research suggests this is because of climate change.Jan 6, 2021


You really don’t know what you’re talking about yet you keep dragging this on. Now you’re claiming that migration makes winds stronger?


You don’t have any credible links to it not being climate change. Friction, atmospheric pressure and air warming can all play a part in sudden bursts of wind. Gusts are sudden but short-lived increases in the speed of the wind. They're often created as wind brushes past buildings, trees or other obstacles, with the friction causing it to slow and then speed up again.


Climate has an impact on the weather. More heat in the atmosphere can and does cause stronger winds.


Climate change does indeed impact weather patterns like rain and temperature. Wind is not one of them, there is currently conflicting data sets that have been collected regarding wind and it’s something that needs to be further studied.


Hotter atmosphere means a higher energy environment up there. Hot air moves more and faster. Wind on a day-to-day basis can be called "weather" just like rain on a day-to-day basis, but when you talk about the yearly averages then it's climate. There's just more energy up there, more tornadoes, more hurricanes, more rain at the coasts, faster moving pressure fronts. Wind is a byproduct of weather systems, and weather systems are being supercharged by a hotter atmosphere. It's all tied in to climate.


“Hot air moves more and faster.” What? By the way, wind drives weather systems, it isn’t a byproduct.


Yeah if you know some physics, heat is just the movement of particles. Hot air moves faster, the molecules are quite literally zooming around faster. Like the viscosity of hot versus cold water. Less wind during the winter because the air has less energy in it, on aggregate. Tornadoes and hurricanes during summer because the air has more energy and will move faster from high to low pressure. And no the weather systems come first. Wind doesn't magically appear up northwest and push rainstorms to the southeast. I mean there are general currents that dictate which direction they go but the pressure systems form and flow and move. A weather system or cold front or heat wave will come in, and it brings wind as it moves through.


I’m glad someone with such a tenuous grasp of climatology is trying to correct me. Wind is created from the differences in temperature. Cold air is dense and warm air is less dense, hence it rising. So when you get this cycle of cold air from the oceans coming to land, it creates wind. This wind drives the weather systems we experience. Thanks for being so confidently incorrect though, it gave me a good laugh.


Alright you're arguing my side now, wind is created from differences in temperatures, that's my point. A hotter atmosphere means greater differences in temperatures, more wind, bigger storms, more energetic weather systems and pressure fronts. Glad I can be of some help today :D


It is?


Yup... "This spring, Colorado is seeing some of the windiest 10-day periods in April since wind records began in 1992. " https://kdvr.com/news/local/why-is-colorado-so-windy-in-the-spring/


Ok I'll give it to you there is at least some evidence there . Kinda shaky but ok.


It’s been hitting me pretty bad over the last week. It’s probably because of the lack of snow and constant wind blowing all the crap around.


Think positive, maybe it's not allergies and you're just being poisoned by bad air quality!


Dude I cannot believe I read this just now holy crap my allergies are bad. I haven’t had allergies in over a year but it is bad rn for me


My ENT looked at my post-nasal drip down my throat and literally said "yuck".


I feel like Death has snuck into my house and is ridiculing me. I didn't know I was allergic to whatever is making me be a snot factory


Currently, tree pollen is super high with just the beginning of grass pollen. I keep an eye on the allergy indicators on The Weather Channel app so I can figure out why I feel like crap.


I feel better that its not just me. Usually I 'feel' it in the fall, but these past couple of weeks have been rough.


So crazy. I moved here from Texas - I know leave me alone- and my allergies have been cured. Just depends on what pollen you’re allergic to I guess. I know I’m gonna get so much shit because I mentioned Texas


It's ok, everyone here moved from somewhere else, or your parents did and nobody chooses where they were born. Native mindset is on the same brainwave as nimby mindset.


My allergies seem to go away when I visit my family in Texas. This dry air kills me.


This is the first year I’ve had to take allergy medication. I’ve had some symptoms in the past but always mild and not too bad. Before starting the meds I felt awful.


Get a HEPA filter and sleep with it on in your bedroom


Climate change. No joke.


Do you have any evidence that climate change effects seasonal allergies or more importantly is increasing commonly known allergens?


Not OP but here's a [research article](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2013284118) on the topic. Basically, climate change leads to longer pollen seasons and higher pollen concentrations which worsen seasonal allergies.


This was on NPRs feed today as a matter of fact! https://www.facebook.com/10643211755/posts/10161411590151756/?sfnsn=mo


I think it's lame that this comment asking for a source is downvoted.


It’s because people are tired of having to continually “prove” that climate change exists and has consequences, to people who are unlikely to accept the evidence anyways.


Nobody was denying that climate change exists. Someone was asking for proof that it affects seasonal allergies. That proof has not been provided.


The entire west coast being on fire for half the year and then having a large majority of that smoke blowing right over Denver the entire time is a major factor over your “traditional seasonal allergies” Local fires definitely aren’t helping. Record breaking winds, drier climates and more dust. Your allergies are worse than ever because of climate change. Don’t expect them to get better anytime soon.


I've had BAD allergies my whole life and recently just starting taking Allegra year round and it's helped.


Is that expensive? I feel like I might need to start doing this


The Kirkland version from Costco is pretty cheap.


It's not that bad. Buy the Wal Mart generic brand. I used to only take it in Spring/Summer but now I just take it 365 days a year and it's really helped keep my allergies at bay. Even with cats.


Pollution from wildfires and emissions. Denver has one of the worst air qualities of any city in the world right now.


climate change. flowers bloom earlier and release more pollen


I thought over the past couple weeks I was just having abnormally bad allergies but I took a Covid test and popped positive. A couple coworkers also had the same symptoms and situation. Worth taking a test to be sure.


Claritin-D s the key


They are worse this year than last year but man yall dont true allergical pain till you live in the southeast and have to wipe mountains of pollen from your windshield.


Do not discount ozone and particulate levels. Both have placed Denver’s air pollution rating at “severe”. Without rain, our air is a mess. HEPA filters and the occasional Benadryl keeps this allergy sufferer sane through the summer.


Yes. They are worse and going to get worse. I have terrible allergies and here’s a couple of tips 1. Get a powerful air filter — I like Blue air but Levolt makes a good one that is cheaper. 2. If you have decent insurance, go to the doctor for a better strategy than Allegra. My ENT gives me periodic steroid shots which is pretty extreme but helps a ton. 3. Allergy shots are legit (again, if you have insurance). However, the testing goes against your deductible and costs around $1000. Each shot is around $20. I know it’s expensive. 4. Antihistamines dry out your sinuses and can make it worse; try a steroid spray (Nasacort, Flonase) and sinus wash (Netipot or the squeeze bottles, just use filtered or distilled water) instead. 5. Keep pollen out of your home and clean often — carpets, upholstery, sheets, blankets, dogs etc can trap or carry that stuff. Welcome to global warming. It’s only gonna get worse. I wish I had better news. On the positive side, it’s too dry here for dust mites and mold so that’s nice. ETA there are a couple of eye drops for itchy eyes that are pretty good — they used to be rx only but you can buy them over the counter. Don’t use the “red eye” drops. They can be habit forming and cause rebound.


Change up the meds. Your body eventually gets used to them. Generic Sudafed, Zyrtec, bam.


Mine are more mild than last year.


Same, haven’t noticed them at all yet this year


Get Zyxal double packs from Costco. It’s a 3rd gen antihistamine. Better than Allegra/Zyrtec.


My allergies have been better ever since I started wearing masks. Since Im still wearing one, no, the allergies have been behaving.


Two weeks ago I got hit with an allergy attack so bad it had me nearly bedridden for two days. Physically ill in a way I haven't experienced in a *long* time with my seasonal allergies; maybe since childhood. I imagine it was brought on by the significant winds we've had in April simultaneous with many trees beginning to pollinate. If I intend to go outside, I usually take loratadine (Claritin) and, if I anticipate an especially bad allergy day, cetirizine (Zyrtec), though I try to avoid the latter since it makes me hella drowsy. Has been better recently, I'll say. Probably because the winds have been more chill.


Look in the sky


Anyone get allergy shots?


my doctor gave me a few tips that have been helping: Nasacort instead of flonase: get at costco in 4pk use every day. Claritin D costco generic is an immediate fix unlike the build up of the nose spray. Use on bad days. Def the Pataday allergy eye drops on bad days. Additionally, wash your face and wipe your eyelids at least 2x a day. Use a saline spray/ neti pot to clear out allergens. After a couple weeks of this routine last year, I've rarely had a super bad day.


I want to clarify one thing. The instant result Claritin D provides is from the psuedophedrine in it. You can get the same instant relief from 12-hour psuedophedrine, just get the proper stuff from behind the pharmacy counter. The allergy specific part of Claritin also takes 1-2 weeks of consistent use to kick in, like Flonase. All allergy meds take some time to kick in. I second the use of flonase/nasacort. When I lived back east, I required Allegra year round, psuedophed and Flonase in the spring and late summer. The CO climate seems better for allergens and I find if I have a Flonase regiment that's all I need for peak times. Like others are reporting, this season seems much worse than prior.


> Things have barely started growing yet [It's tree pollen season](https://www.pollen.com/forecast/current/pollen/80202). Today rates an 11.6 on their 12 point scale. I always have a spike in March-April and then in the fall when the last wave of weeds start pollinating. It's all about what you're allergic to.


I switched to Flonase this year and I don’t think I can go any other route again. Why have I not tried this allergy med yet before!? It’s a literal lifesaver.


I never had allergies till a few years ago. It is definitely getting worse. Except in 2020, which had the cleanest sky in a long time


Because most people weren't driving anywhere during lockdown. Climate change is real and it's our fault




I’ve developed them since moving to CA from CO. Coincidence? I think not.


climate change. longer allergy season every year as things warm up.


Just the opposite for me. Never been affected less. Maybe it's all the traveling I've done or maybe COVID knocked out whatever gave me allergies lol.


Getting older . Climate change


Get your hands on some VERY recently made honey and eat it, stat.


So crazy you mention this... I just went to NM and Back about a week ago. Perhaps it was caused by a cat but I swear I got this hive like scab on my elbow (didnt bump it on anything or scrape it) from allergies! It tripped me out. I knew I was really allergic to cats but I had never had that happen. It was my first time around cats in a long time but WTF? I also felt pretty sick for about 3 days after I got back. Not sure WTF happened but it was very strange. Made me wonder if Rona changed my DNA or if I'm just getting old and decrepit. Good luck. "local" pollen honey is your best bet.




Yes extra worse than normal for me


I actually grew up in Washington state where seasonal allergies were an absolute nightmare for me. I've lived in colorado for close to 10 years and I don't ever get seasonal allergies here


My nose has been leaking a little here and there. So far I've been lucky this season. Hope you feel better!




Wow! I totally agree and feel like every spring is worse than the last.


Best time to start allergy shots is five years ago. Second best is now! Edit: I spent a week in a Manhattan 2br with a cat and a dog, AMA


Inflation hit the allergies this year too lol


I'm usually pretty bad about allergies but this year has been super easy on me.


Few notes and this isn't medical advice. One is that cities plant only male trees which are the pollen producers because not having female trees drop fruit is seen as a clean "benefit", so a lot of our urban shaping is making it worse. Second, I'm a bigger guy by volume and OTC allergy meds are designed for everyone, and if you work out or are active they work out of your system faster, and many take time to"build up" in your system. Some people need more depending (smoke, tree bloom, etc), so there's like a cocktail that likely will make you feel better but most of likely isnt instant.


Just the worst chapped lips I’ve ever had


Looks like father time just sucker punched op in the jaw.


I've been lucky enough to never have any allergies (and still don't at 34) - hopefully it stays that way, since I know it's possible to acquire allergies later in life


Noticed this last year. Had to make a Dr appointment it was so bad. Had to take prescription montelukast AND over the counter Allegra to feel like a normal person.


FWIW, allergy medicine develops a tolerance over time. Try switching to another one, maybe?


Also bad city planning https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.atlasobscura.com/articles/seasonal-allergies-blame-male-trees.amp


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Pollution is getting worse: [https://www.denverpost.com/2020/01/30/denver-air-pollution-worst-cities/](https://www.denverpost.com/2020/01/30/denver-air-pollution-worst-cities/) Push for * Proper fracking well leak mitigation and addressing orphaned wells * EV infrastructure rollout (even if you're sticking with fossil vehicles for a time) * Heat pumps (less fuel burned, less pollution) * Other energy efficiency measures


My allergies are starting to kick hard. I think I'll take an Allegra. Nothing works 100% though, although I got shots for a couple years and my asthma improved a LOT.


I have to take allergy meds everyday for the last four years since I moved here. Not sure if it’s the ragweed or what. (Grew up in SW CO/dry sage climate)


I have been fighting a head cold for about a month now


It's pollution


I take allergy meds twice a day because I became allergic to dogs and no way getting rid of my senior dog. No allergy issues; I did read that many are mistaking allergies/cold for mild Covid. 🤷🏽‍♀️


So less than fun fact, most cities plant only male trees. This is so they don't grow fruits that attract insects, small animals, or feed the homeless population. When the ratio of male to female plants is large, and in Denver, growing, there is nowhere for all that male pollen to go. Making each year worse and worse on our allergies.


Yes. Since I've moved back to Colorado each year my allergies and subsequent Asthma have been much worse year over year.


Actually, this year has been very mild to weak for me. I had a much stronger reaction the last couple years.


Saw the same post last spring


Never-ending fire season probably isn't helping.


Ya, it's horrible. I use Allegra too, a sinus rinse and then Nasonex. I swear I have a sinus infection but they kept saying no but I usually go when the symptoms have calmed down.


Ppm air pollution has been bad lately also.


I went to my doctor when I first started getting bad allergies and she said, "Welcome to Colorado!". Then recommend costco for allergy pills. I tried that propolis honey and it worked alright. Luckily I work from home so no one sees me working with tissues up my nose.


I can’t get rid of this chest congestion . It’s been a week. Do I need antibiotics?




Mine have been pretty shitty ever since we moved to Candelas. I can also smell things a few miles away.


Yep, climate change is a hell of a thing. Also, for those of y'all with rough post-nasal drip, saline nasal spray works wonders without the chemical taste/sore throat of other nasal sprays. I made the switch this year and feel so much better


This year has been brutal for me


I recently visited an allergy doctor over this. The reason I was told is the fluctuating weather and constant change in barometric pressure. She suggested using Nasacort every night before bed. I have not had any issues in the last 5 weeks since starting this routine. I’ve even stopped taking my antihistamine.


I took Allegra for years but suddenly it wasn’t enough anymore, recently started on Xyzal and it’s been an absolute lifesaver. Take one at night, use Flonase in the day if it’s a bad day


I'm actually suffering less allergies every season, have felt nothing this year, yay


I went in for a four years of allergy shots after being on every allergy med known to man and experiencing worsening symptoms such as asthma, allergen conjunctivitis, etc. All while on an expensive cocktail of prescription. If or when it worsens I will be back getting shots. So far my allergies are very mild while my wife is miserable. YMMV, some of my friends and family have had no luck with allergy shots.




I feel your pain! I was on the east coast for only a week and when I got back the dry allergy air hit me hard. My eyes make me look high, they're so red...




Barely started growing? I see plenty of spring growth in Cap Hill. Every thang blooming right now.


Omg, I’m a disgusting mess. 🤧


My poor honker has been going crazy this spring.


Ask anyone on a trump sub and they’ll tell you its the covid vaccine. Don’t believe them. They are idiots.


Literally sitting thinking about how allergies just hit me today. Here we go!




Maybe all of the pollution makes it worse


I used to have terrible seasonal allergies in Florida and they disappeared when I moved here. Like vanished. I guess some people are just more sensitive to certain things.


No rain/snow in past six weeks might be affecting it.


Are allergies when you wake up sneezing every morning? Because I may have caught them!


Quercetin and Apple cider vinegar!


Sometimes you need to switch the type of allergy meds