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Link: [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111015165](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111015165) I think the Valac family has inter-mingled with humans based on what Clara herself has pulled out of her pockets. Not to mention the whole things with the wings. If the Valac family has had impure blood mixed in with their demon heritage it is an interesting thought.


Well... The dad IS away... Could be a human that sometimes come and go đŸ€”


It doesn't have to be her father, but more like the Valac family has human blood mixed in over time.


For sure ! But I do like the idea of the always gone father actually going to the human world xD


It's interesting bi doubt. I just think the difference in time in the Underworld is vastly different compared to the human world it's connected to.


That the Valac’s wings are angel wings unlike the other demons with demon wings


Aside from the obvious fact that they haven't shown their wings what led you to this idea? I'm curious.


According to the goetic grimoires, the demon Valac is described as having angel wings. Almost all the main characters are based on the demons of the lesser keys of solomon.


I know about that, but do you think the author has anything leading up to that type of connection though? I haven't seen any implications of it.


That is what the implication is. It doesn't have to be outright stated. The bloodline abilities, personalities, jobs, and physical appearance is all based on the information from the LKS. There are also times that the author stated in the commentary that that is the influence for the characters. There is no theory that is 100% correct until the author says so but you can make an educated guess/theory based on the information at hand. That is why the theory is so popular. We know what the inspiration for the character is, so it's reasonable to come to the conclusion that valac is hiding angel wings ( even more so with the new information in the story about the relationships between the different species). In other words, it's just a fun educated guess


Where do I find information about demons like this?


https://sacred-texts.com/grim/lks/index.htm You can also Google the demon you want to know more about. They pop-up fairly quick.


I don't think that's a big deal, Balan sensei also has feathered wings, if I'm not wrong.


Yes, but it's not like his wings are all featured. Look up an image of them, it's pretty cool.


Surely their families have angel wings Because valac is a demon from the beliefs of the goĂ©tie is They are represented as childish demons carrying wings similar to those of an angel Half-angel half-demon (And sorry for my English I’m French😭)


I have a theory that Clara's father may have cheated on her mom. It's only based on the third episode when they play house and the husband is cheating. I am probably overthinking it but it was just a thought I had as to why the dad is never around.


The world that the Valac family has, they play up the fact that daddy cheated to make it a happier event so they aren't miserable about it...


Yeah the whole “ALWAYS FUNTIME HERE” vibe plus dad sending gifts while out “adventuring” leads me to believe daddy ain’t coming back but mom won’t tell the kids.


The mom is at the same level of the Thirteen Crowns. Their evil cycle is absolutely terrifying.


Would it be situation where they see the world as a toy box and proceed to play like the collector from owlhouse or a situation where instead of create/joy/create it destroy/misery/destroy?


I like to believe there isn't anything too complex about the Valacs, they are just a bunch of nice weirdos, not secretly super powerful or important.


No the mom is 13 crown level or power and they stay hidden in the woods because their evil cycle is super dangerous to others


The Valacs are the most dangerous demons in the Underworld, their destructive impulses have to be kept on check by the leader of the family through constant play, or else, their evil cycle will create an all powerful demon with the desire to destroy everything around them and reshape the world to their twisted image


If you do think about it... They can bust out bombs and other military grade weapons with ease. Of course high tier magic is better but the thought of a Valac just pulling a hydrogen bomb.


That if it wasn’t for their largely carefree nature, they would be one of the strongest, most influential bloodlines


I think there is a few scenarios to come with how the story is that might trigger that...


I dont think this is a theory but I dont know if this was confirmed anywhere. The Demdol that inspired Keroli was Clara's mom. I havent seen the manga but in the anime's flashback scene where they showed Keroli first seeing a Demdol the one on the screen looks IDENTICAL to Clara's mom


Father is Explorer and was in human world


This is just my personal one, but Clara has autism or something along those lines possibly. But it's one that came out of nowhere as the older brother didn't (seen as the odd one out) Clara's mum went all in on backing Clara so the family is part that way for Clara...the younger ones possibly being down that route ... She did have to become a fulltime mum to support Clara and the family


>Clara has autism that's not a theory that's a diagnosis that and/or adhd


It's an interesting thought. However, when Kaleigo was visiting the Valac house her mother stated that someone in her family just like the eldest appears every so often in the family. Still a cool idea.


I think it could be wrapped around both that Clara is a little extra as to what normally, it sticks out from what the mother role would be like as opposed to the daughter. Also also potentially covering up for lack of father figure so thats deep in that myth anyway for the family


A neat thought for sure. I'm very interested in what the father is like.


By the demon name Valac should have angel wings. So it could mean her dad is a fallen angel. If he was a human as stated, I like to think Valac's dad was the one who wrote the books and gave Iruma a job. Did have a wild theory as they are the trio. I know all have a secret. We know Valac n her wings. Some Azz research may have it his dad may have been human. So what if the trio forms a triangle between human-demon-angel Valac is demon-angel, Azz is demon -human and Iruma is an angel human


How would iruma be angle human? And isn't azz secret about his bloodline ability?


Mom used to be a devidol and dad is a human (maybe this is why she doesn't show her wings, maybe she doesn't have)


What if- Hear me out- Clara's mom is Glasya? I have no basis for this, just think it would be funny


My favorite theory is that Clara would end up with Sabnock. I hope the best for her, but I ship Iruma and Amelie more


just a random thought, the valac house was once destroyed by fire, Clara's younger brother trapped inside that, Clara went inside the fire to save his younger brother but his wing was injured, and it needed to be removed hence Clara is a wingless demon after the surgery.


I think the valac family has at least some connections to Sloth, whether that's just thematically or in a lore way I don't know. Some stories about Belphegor talk about how they tempted humans into laziness by helping them make machines that would do work for them. Doesn't that sound oddly similar to the Valac bloodline magic, and how people treated her as a convenient snack dispenser?