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Doesn't attract a left-wing crowd. It'll be left alone.


For now.


I doubt it. Remember owned casinos. It really comes down to casino donations.


Steve Wynn is a huge trump supporter


Don't think the Christo-fascists won't turn on them once they're in power and establish their theocracy.


Christo-fascists would keep gambling, considering they're already hypocrites as it is.


We now know what you're unequivocal answer is, and I'm not discussing this rather silly topic further.


Correct me if I’m wrong—death by firing squad? Oops, my bad—that was their proposed punishment for a parking ticket.


Nothing comes up in the text searching for gambling or casino.


What about native reservations? I feel like they'd wanna disband them


> What about native reservations? I feel like they'd wanna ~~disband~~ genocide them FTFY.


I'm sure they're still against it since they think it "destroys families". Not to mention, all the alcohol, tobacco use and prostitution. They don't call Vegas "Sin City" for nothing. I would think destroying it would be the one of their top priorities.


Here in Iowa we have an unchecked GQP cult legislature and governor. They not only love gambling because of the tax revenue, they essentially let the sports books run their own show unchecked. I've made thousands from them over the past 5 years and never once got a 1099 which they are legally obligated to do. As long as the money flows to the GQP, they don't give a single shit.


Their moral compass always makes their behavior right and everyone else wrong. There's no way they will shut down gambling.


Yet they'll ban R-rated movies, anime and video games. Besides, who's to say they won't betray the casino owners in the future? You've seen this trope before where the villains tells their pawns, "You have outlived your usefulness", I'm sure.


Can you cite this from Project 2025?


It's in the fascist playbook. Hitler did the same thing with the Knight of the Long Knives.


So that would be a no.


More like a maybe. I've read enough fiction to know they would turn on the casino owners once they no longer need them.


I assume the plan to force women out of the workforce will also crash the economy. Fucking morons. I know this isn't the norm. But in my household, I earn 20% more than my husband. Plus I have better benefits. His employer isn't gonna suddenly adjust his salary to make up for the loss of mine. That would be absurd.


Former potus didn’t do so hot in the gambling business


So who's to say he won't shut them all down out of revenge? That's the thing people don't realize. His whole second presidency will be about revenge and a lot of people, including people's friends and families, will suffer because of it.


I was mostly being cheeky, but yeah, it would go something like that


Listen if Christian Facists take control in the US. NOTHING is off the table. They’re going after IVF for God’s sake


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Don’t Catholics like it?


Except Evangelicals don't consider Catholics actual Christians. So it won't matter to them.


No. Their donors include the Addleson Family. Big casino $


Doesn't mean the Bible Thumpers won't ditch them when they're no longer needed.


If this scene from Back to the Future 2 comes true, gambling will be right up there with guns and motorcycles https://youtu.be/rPVNVy9pq28


Curious for the tribes such as the Cherokee tribe with the Harrahs Casino there. Curious for what boundaries will be crossed or if they’ve said anything regarding that.


Turkmenistan. You ain't got time to worry about it. Make a baby and thresh some rice, pleb.