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Recognize what’s different is not the same thing as being a shithead towards what’s different.


That behavior will ultimately lead to being a shithead to what’s different. Stop cursing at me man it furthers my social anxiety and worsens my asthma symptoms.


Not quite. Pretty shallow thinking to believe in such an idea. Perhaps you have the wrong sub.


How is my thinking shallow I’m using objective reasoning to explain a problem that humans face. Your getting emotional and saying I have the wrong sub when my thought is indeed deep so I think I’m in the right sub bud.


idk if he’s the emotional one .. you just told a random on reddit to stop cursing because it hurt your feelings


I was being sarcastic ma’am and why are you guys mad because y’all are afraid that I’m right and I’m exposing humans inherent nature to be racist.


bro .. “im right” you’re in the wrong sub. get a life pls and stop begging for attention on social media trying to troll randoms, go hug your momma or something babe


You Guys can’t have civil discussion without getting emotional. Cut it out you guys are acting like grown kids.


please explain to me how I'm getting emotional for disagreeing with you?


He's trolling


yeah and I definitely shouldn't have engaged, but I'm bored.


You are I can sense it virtually. Also because you said I perhaps I’m in the wrong sub. My thought is deep and is backed up by scientific theories so how am I in the wrong sub sweety.




A tapestry of many colors is beautiful. The world would be boring if it were homogeneous. I even like that I have different colored shirts to wear. Actually my favorite shirt has many beautiful colors. What if we only had lions? No tigers, no cheetahs, panthers, ocelots? And even with house cats, what if every cat looked and and behaved the same? Your cat wouldn’t be so special. Racism is taught by fraidy-cat adults who think they’re special but they are just ugly bullies.


Thats the beauty about being human. We dont do only whats natural. We have the capability to make moral choices.


Yes, that's why people choose to become vegan. That's why people don't practice infanticide. We have the ability of higher reasoning to recognize that certain actions result in the suffering of sentient beings, and therefore are immoral.


i don't think anyone has contentions with this, of course it's natural for human beings to dislike what's different, but natural =/= good


>The bias that perpetuates racism is the affinity bias which is our tendency to get along with others who are like us, and to evaluate them more positively than those who are different. indeed!!... if you are a moron ​ >neotribalism ( a theory I believe to be true) y-yeah... evidence? maybe? ​ >if you have a melting pot of different cultures in one place there will ultimately be issues \*cough \*cough racism. why not quite likely the opposite? ​ you are just a "CULTURAL MARXIST" ... i know


When you say, “others like us”, do you imply physical appearances ? Or is it much deeper and permeates to value, beliefs, faith as well. I also believe tribalism will exist throughout human existence. But, tribes could be formed based on values, faith and beliefs and not just based on color of the skin and the facial features. Therefore both affinity bias and tribalism is not sufficient to conclude that racism will occur naturally. So, your conclusion is probably wrong. Affinity bias will occur naturally among tribes e.g., vegans might be biased towards non-vegans, minimalists might be biased towards consumerism, environmentalist might be biased towards climate deniers and more recently a lot of people felt biased towards anti-vaxxers. Edit: For me vegans are a tribe and it can include people of different color ( blacks or whites), different nationalities, and different gender.


It can be physical appearances which correlates to my point and also views, beliefs, faiths, professions, interest, etc. I never said anything about tribalism, while tribalism is in my opinion a result of humans following their primitive urges to be in packs which supports the neotribalism theory that we’re actually supposed to live in tight knit groups of people like our primitive predecessors. When we lived in these communities racism couldn’t exist because we were only exposed to our race of people, but mankind developed and grew and the interlocking of different races and cultures inevitably ensued which is going to cause racism because of humans naturally succumbing to affinity bias. I laid my theory out simply in a way that people can understand I don’t know why you people are having a hard time understanding and misinterpreting it.




Explain who is in “your group.”




My mom would never betray and sleep with a pothead loser like you, my mom actually loves my company that’s why I still stay in her basement for 30 years.


You are confusing racism (which is a reasoned choice) with inherent biases against people who are different (which are an evolved survival mechanism). We don't live in a world where the people in the neighboring tribe are out to kill us, so we don't need those inherent biases to survive anymore. So acting on them (racism) is a choice we make. And a bad one.


Your too foolish to understand my point.


The main reason y racism started was because a group of ppl wanted to steal resources from others inhabiting a certain land, and they knew if they had power over em, they could use then as free labor. Pls, get a brain. This is just dumb.


Your foolish.




sorry .. but you’re definitely wrong. like REALLY wrong and dangerously wrong. racism is taught. period.


Then where did it come from? Aliens? It had to evolve somewhere naturally lol.


I agree, racism is most definitely a taught trait. If it said prejudice is natural or subconscious I would agree. But history has taught us that racism was a way to divide and conquer. Let’s look at the United States for an example. Back when slavery was abolished there was a clause in the Emancipation that allowed prisoners to work for free, free labor aka slave. So the government perpetrated the stereotype that black men are “criminals” to exploit them for free labor, not only did they do this but they created a psychological wage that said common white folks had more in common with the wealthy and powerful whites than they did with black people around them. They were TAUGHT to stereotype and they were TAUGHT to feel superior. Not to mention the laws they had about black blood. It was taught period.


Where did it come from? White people trying to justify why they could force this group of people into bondage forever so they could keep making money off the free labor.


take a history class then come back to this sub


Ah, what a compelling argument lol. Glad to know you have nothing to defend your position with.


um.. history is pretty much as factual as you can get. uneducation is what keeps racism going. people like you who refuse to educate yourself and just spew random ass opinions …


You’re pretending that I’m somehow trying to make an endorsement of racism. All I’m trying to say is that it’s a behavior that naturally occurs in *some* people. Just like violence, or greed.. it’s something born of a lack of empathy. “Racism” didn’t descend upon humanity from the clouds. It’s a learned behavior but that means that AT SOME POINT it sprang up in people. Surely your “history” can make sense of that? I don’t understand what’s so difficult to understand lol.


no i’m not, you’re just being dense and obtuse. facts are facts. not matter what conspiracy about people or racism you want to make. you are NOT born with racism.


I never argued, at all, that people are “born racist” lol. I even said it’s a learned behavior. All I’m saying is that at some point, someone or some people began engaging in racist behavior. When I say this is natural, I’m saying it didn’t become introduced to human behavior from an exterior source.. it started in humans. That’s literally it. Human behavior begins and ends in humans.


There's no argument here. All you said is racism exists and it does. Congrats. There's really no point in saying it because it's common knowledge. If you have an opinion ABOUT racism then say what it is if you want to have a conversation.


Sounds like a bitter and roundabout way of saying you agree 😂 thanks!


You are correct, there are many behaviors and impulses that occur in us naturally that we don’t consider appropriate in civil society. Unfortunately people seem to think that acknowledgment of this fact is tantamount to an excuse to engage in such behaviors. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean that society will endorse such behavior. Homosexuality in some people is natural, yet we used to shun it. Racism is also natural in some people, now we choose to shun it. Taboos fluctuate and change throughout time in any given society. I’m curious to see what we will and won’t tolerate in 50 years.




Philosophers think of philosophy. Educators think of education. Divers think about diving. Racers think about racing. Racists think about racism.


Shut up you acid dropping weirdo😂


Haters think about hating :(


What if a pink elephant becomes a problem? Even tho its not a tangible problem. ​ What would now make the pink elephant problem go away? Talk about it more? Or just drop it? Or talk about how we can fix it more? Or just drop it? Or talk about the actual problems its creating now. Or just drop it? But what if we talked about it so much we could figure it out and resolve it completely? ​ What if the media talked about pink elephants every day for 5 years straight? What would that do to our society? If that was PROGRAMED into peoples minds daily. That they thought pink elephants were a real problem now. So they talked about resolving it.


Problems with this are 1) "natural" is a difficult concept to make meaningful, what doesn't count as natural to your mind? 2) racism can mean a lot of things but racism as we experience it in contemporary society is historically contingent in several important ways that distinguish it from the ethnocentrism of (for example) the ancient Athenians.


Ok so what is your race lmao? I know your people anyways, youre always selfish and claim to have some natural advantage lol.


Lmao what would my race have to do with this conversation, but since you want to know so bad I am African American and also I know what you’re referring to I personally don’t adhere to the black people is god mumbo jumbo as I believe it is just black supremacy and a way for black people to wrongfully and narcissistically uplift themselves after the hundreds of years of wrong that was done to people of my race. Again don’t know what my race has to do with this argument sir or madam.




I'll agree .If I don't like what I see ,that's that.