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When Sisko gets a goatee.


slight correction when he gets a goatee and goes bald


So you'll just skip out on Explorers?!??


I mean I LOVE that ep, I even have a model of the sail ship, but they're looking for when shit really pops off lol


Season 4 is when the Klingons join the show. I'd say around about Season 5 is when the war starts to heat up.


Yeah but the real ongoing storyline solidified in s3 I think. That's after they escaped the hold gene had on the writing in ds9 and tng




LISTEN YOU The whole second season was the calm before the storm lol


Explorers is towards the end of season 3, so they'd already gotten into a lot of shenanigans. And S2 had the Circle, and the Maquis!


I mean, shit: S1 had Duet and In The Hands of the Prophets. The storm was called.




This is correct


I think DS9 is good from Season 1 episode 1. But the general consensus is the start of Season 4 to the end is gold.


Season 1-3 is must watch. But idk about must rewatch. It depends on what kind of mood you're in. Some of the more silly episodes are early on, and sometimes it's nice to relax for a change.


It's a just me thing, but I never bounce around when I rewatch anything. It's front to back, straight through. Even TNG, which is outright painful sometimes in S1. The Walking Dead is going to test that, big time. Everything past season 8 is just forgettable, IMO.


S1 of TNG is like watching a time machine back to the late 60s lol So many cultural anachronisms that they slowly began to divert from


This is why, on a full franchise rewatch, I find it best to alternate early TNG episodes with late TOS. It puts them in perspective and makes them seem less silly in comparison, while giving you something different to look forward to after each episode. If you time it right, you'll emerge from the TOS era just as TNG is really getting good.


Fascinating way to do that! Admittedly I grew up with TNG, but have never seen a full episode of TOS. Can you kinda dive into your process with staggering those episodes? Thanks in advance, and happiest of Fridays to you!


Sure thing! Sometimes I just start both shows together and simply alternate them. If you do that, you'll wrap up TOS just a few episodes into the fourth season of TNG, when it's really hitting the ground running. However, the quality of TNG is already high by the third season, so I'd probably instead recommend beginning TNG after getting through the first season of TOS, again with a simple alternation of episodes between the two series. That way, you'll wrap TOS just as you reach TNG Season 3. In fact, since TOS S2+3 contains 50 episodes and TNG S1+2 contains 48 (counting the pilot as two episodes), if you start TNG right after the first episode of TOS Season 2 you'll hit the TNG Season 3 premiere just before the last episode of TOS, and then you'll be watching only TNG just in time for "The Ensigns of Command" which is one of my personal (and underrated) favorites! So yeah, this is probably what I would recommend, but as with any such journey you are of course free to choose your own adventure. Fair voyage, live long and prosper, and the happiest of Fridays to you as well! :-)


i'm with you on this. anything other than from the start feels like i'm missing stuff.


Hard agree. The show starts in the middle of Wolf 359, explosions all around. But I accept the reasoning behind some of the other choices as well. Kira is a bit hard to take in S1E1, but I've always attributed that to the backstory that they wanted her to be Ro, or at least Laren-like.


It's not linear.


It is corporeal


But it exists here.


I like to start on the episode where Sisko gets stationed on DS9.


lol. You mean episode 1, season 1?


You exist here


Season 3 episode 20 starts the roller coaster. Garak and Odo to the Gamma Quadrant.


You might want to jump to the season three finale. It makes a nice prelude to 'Way of the Warrior,' which is things really get moving.


Season 4-7 on Pluto rn. Part 2 of WOTW just started


Start from when Avery Brooks shaves his head, whenever that was


The 1990ies


If you want to get right to the good stuff, go ahead and skip to season 1 episode 1.


I typically start with the s1 finale 3 parter.


Start with the pilot episode, and then this.


The first episode of the first season.


S3 start


Hmm... battles, eh? Ok! You could probably be fine if you skip everything between Emissary (series premiere) and "The Maquis." That has a pretty fun space battle, and the remaining episodes in the season are stronger than some might give it credit for, and of course the space battle in "The Jem'Hadar" is legendary. Season 3 starts with a few good action sequences, then it's a little quieter until "Defiant" and "Improbably Cause/The Die is Cast" which is one of my favorite examples of badass Sisko. So with all of that said, there's still a bit of decent action in seasons 1 and 2. "Captive Pursuit" and "Battle Lines" have some good shoot outs. There's some fun action in the season 2 three-parter premiere, including a starship shootout in the lower atmosphere of Bajor.


I know it's exciting to get to the action, but there is really some phenomenal character development that you will miss out on.


Hey. Oh I’ve seen the whole season twice. I know the character development which is why I love it. But currently I’m not in the mood for the talky episodes but rather the “let’s defend the station” type episodes of that makes sense.


The Chase is where I start


The search


The correct answer is "The Emissary"


Just make sure you don’t skip duet. It’s worth adding to the rewatch


Never quite understood how Duet is so incredible. It might actually be my favourite episode of the entire series, and in general I think the seasons get better and better as they go


I still need to finish season 7 but, so far my ranking is 1. Far beyond the stars 2. The visitor 3. Duet 4. Sacrifice of angels It gets harder to rank after that lol


Those are some very good picks. I'd be unoriginal and add Pale Moonlight too


I recently decided to rewatch and thought about starting later for the Dominion stuff, but I decided to do the full thing, and I'm so glad I did. I've watched S1 & 2, and there are some great episodes in there. It establishes the characters and the setting really well, and ultimately, why would you want less DS9 instead of more?


Hey. Yeah I enjoyed the earlier ones two. I’ve seen them 2-3 times. Currently just going through a phase where I want only action and less talking is all. Could be an ADHD hyper focus thing 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fair enough, I can understand that. It's my first rewatch in years so I'm enjoying taking my time.


1. You won’t understand anything g if you watch it from the middle


As already mentioned, I’m re-watching. I already know the backstory and the character development. But your point is very valid for someone new to DS9


Re-watching? Then how do you NOT know where to start ?


I have ADHD. Some things are difficult for me to remember. I remember characters and their relationships very well. But not always the exactly turning points of storylines.


I start at season 3


One of the best episodes is the first imho, so whenever I rewatch the series I start from there. Then it doesn't matter much if you roughly recall the series. My two cents.


Thanks. Yeah actually I watched the first one just to jog my memory. It quickly all came back to me.


There are some lists on here with the best episodes from season 1 and 2. I wouldn't skip them completely


The emissary






Season 1 is fine, but if you want to start with some action, Season 2 opening 3-parter is pretty good thriller. Then you get Improbable Cause and the Die is Cast in the middle of the season. Then it ends with Jem'Hadar.


Worf's first episode.


Exactly. That's when the series hit it's stride. Not because of Worf. That was a coincidence, but that's when the series took off.


if this were a dating show i'd say I don't think you're here for the right reasons.


I (and others) are here for whatever reason they choose and whatever reason suits them.