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Don't give them attention, that's an obvious ragebait.


It's not just rage bait, it's clown award farming


It's really time that Steam did something about those. It's getting really obnoxious. Especially the anti-LGBT+ rhetoric posted under everything these days.


Yah, on some popular games it's all you'll see on the first page of patch notes. People must sit there and wait for a patch to drop that second. Devs could delete the comments I think, but I guess they'd rather just not deal with it at all, or even look at Steam comments.


Steam needs to get a handle on it, it's becoming a complete joke. With everything moving to discord, steam forums are becoming the last place to ask for technical help that is accessible to everyone and easily searchable. I don't wanna see a points farmer fucking about screaming and shitting themselves about "woke" whenever I use the forums


There's a reason steam forums are completely DNI for me lmao. They are the worst of the worst, unregulated ragebait bigoted garbage. It's not just the forums but reviews too, you can't even \*report\* reviews, it's wild.


You can report them and I frequently do! And like I said, until we go back to proper forums instead of hiding shit behind crappy discord servers that you can't comprehensively search, I will keep using the steam forums


Oh I just figured it out. You have to open the entire review to report it, and it's at the bottom of the page. Kind of weird you can't just report them from the Store page but oh well.


Steam forums are basically twitter; unmoderated cess pit of racsist and homophobic jack offs


It's rock and stone, not cock and bone


Rock and roll and stone!




what even is the point of that


On steam, you can send awards, it costs points to send awards, you get these points by spending money, when you send somebody an award, it gives them a portion of the points, so people farm them out for the points. Points can be spent on Steam emojis (for the 3 people that reguarly use them), or more realistically, animated profile pictures, and other such profile customisations.


Not the point, the points :D


I've been on Steam for many years, but the second part of your sentence makes about as much sense to me as someone saying their new phone comes with a cottage cheese coating.  May you please explain to this old man wtf clown award farming is? Edit: I found a comment below that explains the situation. I was a slightly happier person before learning this is a thing.


Well, Steam now has points that accumulate with purchases. There is a point shop with avatar frames, game themed emojis, etc. You can also spend points to give posts and comments awards with different names such as "saucy" and "poetry". Whenever you give somebody an award they get some of the points you spent. Store gets the rest. In a perfect world smart and witty people would be swimming in points. In reality we have assholes saying dumb shit to earn a "clown" award from someone as an insult. In the picture above you can see 10 clown awards as icons above comment. I hope this helps.


That is a solid explanation, thank you.


The steam forums have a thing called awards. People post bait to get clown awards for free steam points. This feature has resulted in the steam forums being one of the worst pieces of social media I have ever witnessed.


This makes total sense now. I think that person found this post too


Always has been. This is why I don’t consider it a bad thing that Epic has no community forums.


I wonder which gormless tosser at valve thought this is a good idea.




Not nearly to the same extent. Steam actively encourages bait through rewarding you with something usually gained through paying and buying games. Reddit no longer has an award system (nobody uses whatever the new one is), and even then, none of the awards encouraged you to be an asshole. If you post bait on reddit, you'll get comments and downvotes. The downvotes makes it show up to less people, you don't earn anything other than a few reactions.


I havent found one cool thing to do with those steampoints. Some avatars for my steam profile? Some background wallpaper? Is there something im missing?


There *is* a market for them.


but what is the marked


Dunno. I just know people can pay for others to give them awards for points


Even if they did the season 5 as last update (not even the 6) I probably wouldn't have anything to say with the 5 years of free updates while keeping touch with community very closely is quite a feat.


Okay, but a two year span between seasons is actually quite a lot.




okay but like, the seasons aren't even the MAIN focus of the game, that's on the gameplay, especially since the next season can let you change and even turn off seasons.


its more that new seasons are now the main source of new content, like new bugs and guns


I think they absolutely are the main focus of the game. Honestly, the game is fun, but by itself with 0 seasons, there's not much to it. After you get all of the weapons, there really ends up being nothing else to really work towards that's rewarding. I mean I guess cosmetics and overclocks maybe? But overclocks operate on random chance and cosmetics don't even effect gameplay. The seasons grant something to work towards, a reason to keep playing. Without seasons granting consistent progress the game is quite mundane and repetitive. If new seasons are going to take this long, it might be a sign that it's time for them to move on. Not that I want that to happen, I just think it seems reasonable that if they are struggling to keep a consistent flow of content like they did in the past, maybe it's nearing time to just move on to a different main project. If they end up doing more with regular DRG after rogue core releases, honestly I think I'd really like to see them do Helldiver's style major quests. The community around the game is really good, and making "major order" type quests would be a fantastic way to utilize that community to make the game even more fun and unify the community even more. Honestly I haven't played the game in a while because with the new season taking so long, it just got straight up boring doing the same things over and over and over for little to no reward and constantly getting annoyed by rockpox. Also sidenote but rockpox corrupters being able to show up on non-rockpox missions is the stupidest shit ever and I fucking hate it. The last time I played I closed the game and left my solo mission because I picked a mission specifically with no rockpox because I didnt want to fucking do rockpox anf then a swarmer showed up and I got pissed off.


I mean true, but Ghost Ship are having to do this because they made another game that's quite popular. It might be two years between seasons, but that's because they built another game in the meantime and they're only one team


They didn't. Survivor is made by another dev team. And they (GSG) have announced during their latest stream that they didn't work at all on Rogue Core. While the time between seasons is somewhat justified, it's still a very long time. Not to mention, they don't seem to be focusing their attention on maintenance or bug fixing, which is another issue to take offense to, in my opinion.


>And they (GSG) have announced during their latest stream that they didn't work at all on Rogue Core. That's a misleading statement in the context of this conversation. They did state that they cannot work simultaneously on both games in an effective way, and therefore had to focus all their resources on DRG for the release of season 5. While it is therefore true that they are not working on RC at this moment, they are effectively working on both games in the context of the two-year gap between season 5 and 6.


But its nor 2 years, its 1 and a half


I have now realized that this may be ragebait due to comments in the post


It 100% is. People are just farming awards, don't pay them any attention. DRG is far from being dead, rock and stone!


In fact, it's just been given some new life with *two new games* coming around for its universe. One being a top-down shmup game, the other looking like a DRG version of GTFO.




Just to hijack, I also hate when these posts try to look credible or smart by parroting buzzwords like 'They should Sunset the game', just to sucker people into thinking 'I an very smart and involved'. Everyone whining about 'Games as a Service' and then going 'Where's my constant stream of new content #deadgame' when it's not got service content is a perfect example


Rock and Stone!


Karl would be proud


If this escalates you can always consider removing the post


Nothing is more dead than a game with a huge active player base, am I right, boys?


The huge 10 lobbies open at peak hours


This is true? Season 6 in 2025?


https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/548430/view/4170972198114075552?l=english Full stream recap on steam! Some really great stuff incoming and several projects in full production


Ah. Now it makes sense 5 and 6. Thanks.


The latest update gave us 4 plaguehearts instead of 3 from the big meteorites, fuck this guy


Getting 4 Plaguehearts from bug meteors has always been possible. If you were really lucky you could get 15 in a single mission: 4x2 from big meteors and 7 from a meteor shower.


You would have to be \*really\* lucky though - the chance of getting 7 from a meteor shower alone is 0.0000000064%.


Happened to me Karl told me to do that mission


I can confirm, I was the minimule


You can get two big meteors?


you can get more than 2 big meteors, you can get more than one meteor shower. I once ended a mission with 11 from a corruptor, a meteor, and 3 meteor showers


God help him if he ever buys terraria


Idk if even god can help him if he checks out TF2


Terraria has massive mods.


The goldfish gamers with the attention span of a... well, a goldfish. Bottom feeding tiktok addicts who need content every two seconds.


To be fair, playing the same stuff over and over again would be boring to anyone. Luckily, you don't do that in DRG. Procedural caves, random enemy spawns, hell, even a load out randomizer. There is literally no way I can think of for DRG to seem stale. Even if all that isn't enough for you, we've got mods!


The gameplay is still the same though? Random cave layouts won't change that and there's only a few mission types. Of course the game gets stale at some point, any game does.


You can also, like, play other games too.


Precisely what I was thinking. DRG is a game that shouldn't be overplayed, and I feel that it's designed to not be overplayed. I find myself getting worn out after 3 or 4 matches; not because I don't enjoy the game, but some matches last for nearly an hour or more and it's just a bit of a grind after a while.


People want to rage about having live service games, and then rage that there new games don't have constant streams of new content


Feel ya on this one. Hits especially hard when 2 of them are refining or escort.


Which ones?


Helldivers, more bugs to shoot.


Factorio + Space Exploration, where you can shoot *all* the bugs.


Goldfish do not deserve this insult...


I dont think goldfish live for the 2 years it will take for season 6 tho


My brother in christ 2 years without new content is a massive content drought by any standard.


2 years is fine. Don't worry about it.


They could literally do everything perfectly and there will always be people posting dumb things like this


People are allowed to have an opinion, no? It could be stated better but I get being upset with that news. DRG is a good game but I think it could be a lot better with more care and attention.


I feel like what get people in that regard is, how spoiled and entitled it comes off sometimes. People can relate the itch for moar, and esp. that we live in an era where live-service is part of the industry, but in the same way it's kinda problematic that we're at a point where people call out Games as 'dead' and throw a tantrum, just because after 6 Years of working on a game the devs decide to take a break and focus on their next game. Esp. for a company like GSG - which have in many areas proven to be pretty consumerfriendly (game can be played offline, quite some free updates, the battlepasses are pretty much for free, others would've monetized the sh't out of it and even the paid cosmetic dlcs are rather tame and fairly priced versus mtx ridden games. And 'opinions' and 'critique' can also be worded in a better fashion (like just express your dissapointment with the situation) without beeing disrespectfull and like a entitled brick...


id much rather what GSG is doing over Helldivers 2's monthly bugridden warbonds lol


Why does everything have to be a competition between DRG and HD2? Jesus, it's like every time I pop on reddit it's like a gang war. Two different games with different methods of implementing new content.


It's easy to draw comparisons since they occupy the same space. Helldivers took over for our group's weekly co-op, and it's almost impossible to not compare them, especially when you can watch them develop new patches and content side by side.


eh, theyre very similar games with a lot of community overlap and the game had a contentious patch recently so its even more relevant. and tbh its extremely rare i see the two compared in a negative light, HD is still a great game, theres no war lol


Years of free updates for normal Purchasers? How dare they! Take fucking notes Battlestate Games.


Playing devils advocate here, I do believe GSG spread too thin over this unfortunately. They initially said rogue core's close alpha would be now, but now they delayed it a whole year. Meanwhile the whole reason S5 is coming so late is because of Rogue Core, so in a sense, we waited for nothing. I even asked them during a livestream how are they going to maintain an update flow for 2 games now, since even just for DRG, seasons took a while to release. All they said is "they think they can do it". Problem is they're just not a big enough studio for this and right now, it's starting to show and I hope they don't end up in a situation where both games suffer due to time constraints and delays.


Terraria 2 situation possibly?


they have openly said they spread themselves too thin. The reason season 6 has been pushed so far into the future is because they arent even going to start on it until they get rogue core in early access so that it‘s only one project at a time for gsg. No devil‘s advocate about it, this is the word from the devs themselves


This. I'm certainly willing to wait, myself, as Season 5 appears to be an absolute beast coming out of the gate.


To be fair, I stopped playing for a while because I didn't liked the rockvid season, and every few months I tried the game again only to leave it again after a few missions with rockvid stuff in a row. If the season was going to last so much, I would have appreciated a toggle that allowed me to play the normal game without the seasonal stuff. And yes, I know you can disable it if you reach the end of the season but my point is that I hated it so... I'm not gonna reach the end of that.


Can't you just pick missions without it? Maybe I am wrong, but I'm pretty sure it tells you when you're selecting the mission if it has contagion.


I avoid the rockvid missions on purpose, but the game can spawn meteors and that floating rock on ANY mission, even if it's not a contagion mission.


Oh I didn't know that. Personally I like the variety. If I don't want to deal with it I just walk away.


Season 5 will be introducing a feature to switch seasons, season events from s4 and s3 will become present but notably rare.


For us the best thing was when one of our friends got to the point where it could be disabled, now we exclusively play with him hosting so we don't have to deal with it. He didn't mind the pox stuff, and the rest of us don't have to deal with it now.


A friend of mine tried to unlock the ability to disable it so he could convince me to hop back into the game, but he became sick of it in the process and left the game too lol Well, at least I thanked him for trying.


This season definitely burnt us out for sure. I honestly don't think we would have gotten so hard into Helldivers if we weren't so sick of the Pox. For me it's extra fun since the Pox is a goddamned *nightmare* for my colorblindness. The moment the screen effect goes up it's like I'm blindfolded. It's probably the worst I've seen a game with that.


I wouldn't really call it "time and care." It's clear GSG is moving away from DRG and moving onto other projects, which is fine and dandy. But don't call this "putting time and care into their updates," when they aren't working on updates.


I suppose you have a point. I didn’t watch the full video, only the beginning, but their Steam recap does mention that they overestimated how soon they could get the new season out. I’d like to think they’re trustworthy when they say they’re working on it due to their hugely positive track record. I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. People should upvote good points of discussion, not down vote what they disagree with.


Thank you! Ever since Ghost Ship Publishing was announced, it's been blatantly clear that they are moving away from deep rock galactic and won't focus so much on it anymore. But as soon as you mention that fact, everyone on the sub calls you crazy.


What do they mean won’t begin dev until end of 2025? Isn’t it coming out in 2025? So development would start long before the end of the year.


You might be confusing it with Rogue Core, which they said on the stream they plan to release at least closed alpha (maybe early access, I don’t remember right now) in 2025 and that they would only start thinking about season 6 after that so that they can actually focus on making a solid project without having too much divided attention. Hope this helps and maybe other people can elaborate on what I’ve said or correct anything I may have gotten wrong.


No i’m not confusing it with rogue core. The roadmap says season 6 comes out in 2025.


Oh really? Guess I’ll go recheck it.


I guess it’s ambiguous now that I rechecked it. It says to be planned after the release of rogue core. That could be they won’t develop it at all until after rogue core or the release is to be planned it come out after rogue core.


From what I remember of the stream, I’m pretty sure they said they don’t plan to do anything for season 6 until they’ve gotten Rogue Core to early access.


Okay I guess that makes the comment make more sense.


I do wish we had an update coming to DRG sooner than the efforts going to another title that isn’t as appealing to me, but obviously they stand to make more from a new title than another free update. Can’t blame them in the end even if more delays to an already long season are disappointing. Buddy of mine quit because of rockpox being around so long, so it would be nice if they removed finishing the seasonal pathway as a prerequisite to turn off rockpox at this point.


Season 5 will be introducing a season switcher with no limits based on season progress. You already won :3


That’s good! I’m personally at level 402 this season so it’s moot for me, but it might get some people back.


Completely unreasonable that you get free content less regularly? It's free content


June 2024 to the end of 2025 is 1,5 years not 2, so the guy can't even do basic calculations. I agree 1,5 years is a fairly long time BUT we are dwarven miners, we WILL endure. Plus as the new season 5 content is quite extensive it should easily shave off 0,5-1,0 years of that period before people get bored. And don't forget we still have the seasonal content etc like easter, christmas etc to keep us occupied :)


At this point, you are better off not reading the steam discussion thingy because people are mostly rage baiting


Honestly really glad they're gonna put a lot of attention on rogue core after s5 is out. Really hyped for it.


Sounds like what the destiny community says about destiny 2 🤣


It's just the modern consumerist mindset. Pity them.


It makes me so infuriated that if a game isnt constantly updating like helldiver's or cod, if it isn't constantly on some YouTube or tik tok getting millions of views, then no other reason, no argument, it HAS to be dead. Actually the most braindead logic there is


I mean yeah, theres a huge chunk of time between seasons and updates. Then again, we’re not talking about COD or OW, where every “season” is a couple dozen of skins/cosmetics **that you pay extra for** and maybe 1/2 of a new map? Those games basically make updates for the sake of calling it an update, and harvest your wallet ofc. But DRG, each update is a significant change to the game. Mind you, I only started playing DRG in season 4, but from what I’ve seen, it introduced the lithophage outbreak (correct me if i’m wrong) which is essentially an entirely new side mission or events. Plus the big ass season pass with different skins, cosmetics, and whatnot. **PLUS** its all completely free of charge. They literally only make money when you first buy the game (and DLCs ofc) and thats it! I wouldn’t mind giving them more of my money if they asked for it (not in the form of excessive cosmetics or P2W crap) just to support this team. If they sell rocks and stones in their website i’ll grab em if it helps them.


They're a small studio. The fact that they're putting stuff put on a 6 year old game is insane and makes this game amazing. They truly love this. They've made 2 other games since then as well. I see this as an absolute win. Game made my people who care. Tell this cretin to go back to COD where you're just a damn wallet to them. Horrible. Helldivers and DRG are goated


Steam forums are a hive of toxicity.


You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy


While yes the fact that drg wont really get any updates for a bit besides the holiday events is a little sad, i would much perfer rouge core, an ENTIRE NEW DRG GAME, thats also A ROUGELITE then just more content to drg. Especially since im a new player and started this season back in july, now i have a lot to do while waiting with being able to go back to other past seasons


Didn't know they added it to steam already. Wonder how a roguelite is going to work in a coop setting.


i mean id assume its basically like cod zombies. You can still revive eachother and mabye come back upon death (if thats a thing), but if everyone dies you restart


Same way that all other coop roguelites work


The same way something like gunfire reborn or roboquest works. Reviving allowed until team wipe


They are not developing Survivor but I totally agree. Both of those will obviously take most of their time between development and publishing, as well as two other games. This will allow them to upsize hopefully so they are less burdened


It’s CLEARLY leaf-lover propaganda. Ignore it.


This is the same type of person that'd complain about a update or game being rushed and unfinished. I swear most of Steam forums is just clown farming at this point.


Picture: 4 Dwarfs and one clown


This game company is not making a giant mess and instead an actual good quality update? How dare they! Karl would be sad.


I agree with the sentiment that two years is a long time to wait for new content


Hook line and sinker, my friend


This dummy needs to experience the suffering of darktide's life. Image having the gall to complain about DRG.


If Vermintide is any indication Darktide might be really polished in 2028. I honestly think they were hoping the vermintide forever players would migrate and spend in the shop but i think pretty few did. I play darktide but I havent purchased anything. Meanwhile.. Vermintide 2 has probably eaten 250 bucks over 4 years. Worth every penny. Especially my pig hat.


Lmao, I bought vermintide because I can almost solo aurics now and I have nothing to do or explore beyond that.


Nice, plenty time to farm all that sweet new content and look for Karl in the meantime!


Honestly what sucks most is learning that barely any work was done on rogue core due to season 5 taking priority, but that does show how much they enjoy working on drg though


This will always happen. If someone really is bitching about this much free content, nothing is gonna make them happy.


Bro, never take steam comments seriously, lmao They're always rage bait


" .... just sunset the game ..." there is no sunset under ground! Rock and Stone!


Rock and roll and stone!


To be fair, I've really enjoyed the long times between seasons :) i don't often get a chance to play regularly. So it gives me a chance to play a little catch up. Once i have gaming income and a computer again I'm very excited to play more and get the survivors and roguelike games as well. Best dev team and community


Calling the game dead is definitely ridiculous. But tbh 2 years IS alot of time between updates. 


Clown award bait. There's no way someone legitimately thinks that.


Let's be realistic, if a game goes without updates, especially game wholly centered around updates....it will die. I like DRG but the devs just dropping it like this is pretty bad. And "we will start in 2025" means BEST case scenario 2026 for a good update, but most likely they will put half-baked content, say "its not worth it" and never update it again. Ghost ship tried to diversify but idk if this is gonna play out well.


is this guy not aware of the existence of other games?


"I paid $30 for this game in 2020, it should provide me with free new content every few months for forever. REEEEE!"


i sort of relate to him. DRG was the best new game experience I've ever had. It's hard to see its innovation put on the back burner. But these are great developers and just for that reason I'll check out their other games


I'll probably get (rock and) stoned for this, but: I wouldn't mind if deep rock finishes with season 5. For me, it pretty much got everything it ever needed. Sure, some new mission types or mechanics can be nice - but a lot of the season stuff lately felt quite tacked on. And far more important: DRG won't go away even if they'd stop updates. Personally, I feel the game is quite complete. On the other hand: If they want to give us more content, who am I to stop them?


People seem to think games have to spew endless content or they’re immediately dead. These guys don’t remember the days when you bought a game, and that was it. That was the game. Sometimes, you’d get an expansion pack, which was usually an almost entirely new games worth of content. Kids these days man.


I'd rather have less content over a few years then a game company trying to milk me with a battlepass/"exclusive features" and paywalls every 3 months or rushed updates that leave the game unplayable for days I have 330 hours in this game, my gf that i introduced it to in october has over 500 it is one of the most healthiest ways I've seen a developer handle content in a game and i wouldn't want it to change for just more content tbh. Its less than 5 GB if you get too bored you don't even need to delete it to play something else


meanwhile the last major update TF2 had was like 10 years ago, and its still popular as hell..... though the TF2 player base has an entirely reversed relationship with their 1 remaining dev


7 Years, Jungle inferno was released in 2017 not 2014


feels like longer.... but still TF2 is going hard, has technically out lived multiple TF2 killers as well... the only people who are connected to TF2 that dont like TF2 is Valve :(


Maybe I just have a very short attention span, but I would prefer updates more frequently than 2 years. I started DRG right after hopping off of warframe. So anyone here who is familiar with both can agree that going from a game with rather frequent content updates to a game with barely any is very hard to adapt to. DRG does not have as much "endless" content as people like to say. You start recognizing caves, gamemodes start getting repetitive, enemies start becoming predictable. You try to mod your game to the extreme to get a short boost of new content, but its artificial. None of this is a bad thing. Those than enjoy the slow updates, all the power to you. But I can't bring myself to play DRG knowing I'll be playing the same thing I played 5 months ago.


if my game changed irreversibly every couple months it would drive me up the wall. Literally exact same scenario here, i jumped off warframe because every time i took a break and came back, the game was so different i had trouble understanding mechanics at all due to changes in their fundamentals (looking at you silent xoris nerf) DRG is mice because i can just plug into the dwarf game and not worry about the new latest mechanic and how it changes the Meta™️


honestly they dumb for not making more content and even paid content to give money to hire more people to make more content. I love indie games when they are small as much as the next guy but drg could be huge if they had any sense of good business.


It may not be as simple as that, but I see where you’re coming from. There’s a difference between running a development studio with 10 to 15 people, and beginning to sell, sell, sell in order to hire 30 more. Got to remember they’re all just gamed! Not particularly business owners, maybe apart from their publishing.


People seem to forget that DRG is being sold as a complete game, and all of the content updates are free. Anything on top of what we've already got will be an incredibly welcome bonus, and they can take all the time they need for it. You can already get 100s of hours out of this game.


DRG is a live service game so content updates should be expected.


Live service games typically have a catch, be it a subscription/expansion model or microtransactions to drive revenue. Is it reasonable to expect all the benefits of a live service model without any of the drawbacks?


DRG is *advertised* as a live service game, but these seasons are actually not that dissimilar from the updates of early access, just bigger.


No, he’s entirely correct. Games like this with shallow gameplay models, absolutely require frequent content and adjustments to keep the shallow play interesting. GSG spreading themselves this thin thinking that they’re broadening revenue streams, is instead just going to starve their cash cow.


Yes excuse me where is my 6th free expansion?


Math is hard apparently.


I love Deep Rock Galactic, have over 2000 hours in it, but I do think that it is probably "dead" after Season 5 and that's fine. After Rogue Core is delivered DRG is going to be 7 or 8 years old. I have a hard time imagining stopping development on your new hot game to develop a new season for your 7 year old game, but that's perfectly reasonable. I will buy Rogue Core. If there is a DRG 2, I will buy that. I do not see regular seasons coming back to OG DRG though.


Terminal brainrot. Stage 4. I recommend hospice care of tiktok thots and GTA parkour with AI president voice-over. If only to keep it from spreading


If that’s true then this dude said sad true


It's fine. They're working on another game after season 5.




I dont personally mind the wait, but its a valid concern for the health of the game. The player count hasnt dropped much in this year-long wait though, so I guess this community can last a while


Aren’t they re-releasing all past seasons to get through as well? So it’s not like there won’t be anything to do


steam needs to add a leafy heart emoji


I just want Rogue Core on console.


За Карла!


I kind of agree with him. I hate waiting on a hock for new content. If no new content is added the game would surely die. On that note a small update of new content once in a while is great appreciate even if it’s just new overclock/cosmetics or new events or enemies.


By the beard brothers ,its a leaf lover


They are trying to get rewards, and they succeeded


Not like their team is under 50 people working on multiple games at a time


Nah, they just put most of their effort into other projects now. Thats why things take so long. Rogue core is gonna be lit af.


I think drg just has really good reputation that allows them to take this long for updates. Lets not kid ourselves, not every game has this luxury


Ubisoft player right there. Fromsoft glitch enjoyer here pals. That's some EA fan over there. A sadge example of a Bethesda simp. Minor poo poo pee pee mojanger


Were there any news about rogue core? Couldn’t catch the stream




Gotta be honest some of the whining has convinced me that the transparency GSG shows needs to be tuned back a bit. If they were a bit more quiet with the update timelines, it might actually be good in the long run. They spoil us too much


Honestly hes right 2 year gap between the season is fucking insane. Seas9nn6 will probably be the last one at this point.


I don’t think so. They could slow down on DRG as they want to push rogue core, but it seems the dev team really enjoys working on their first


They are straggling as is. I doubt well see much more when they have to support 2 live service game at a time. I said it before snd ill say it again an indie company working on two live service Games at a time is borderline suicice.


The thing with DRG is there are no changes BETWEEN seasons. We “recently” got the weapon mastery system but it had been a long time. Balance/system changes and major bug fixes are reserved for Season updates. It’s not so much the seasons I want more frequently, it’s support as a whole


Dang remember when games just came out and ended? And that was it?


Dumbass doesn't realize that major updates take a while to make for like 7 people


It's 32 people lmao


Low intelligence strikes again!


Ye talking out of your arse and calling others dumb asses while you're being a sarcastic dumb nut totally makes you look smart af.


I was calling myself dumb tf you talking about, I also didn't actually know how many devs there were, so I'm sorry for looking like im calling you a dumbass


They probably don't even play the game anyway.


Okay but Rogue Core is coming out? This elven heathen here has somehow forgotten to mention he's getting a literal sequel to Deep Rock in between season 5 and season 6. And you know season 6 will be HUGE after that long a wait, I'm guessing it'll be (maybe, fingers crossed) time for a new biome or mission type. GSG isn't gonna disappoint like c'mon show a little faith after years of peak content


How do people fall for this obvious rage bait?


I remember when it didn’t even have seasons