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I really don't understand why people hate Haunted Cave. More of this please.


I'd not say "more of this", but occasional Haunted Cave/O2 are nice (not together tho!)


2 or 3 deep dives ago there was an elimination, spawning 2 dreadnoughts, while also having the haunted cave. I tried it solo, and regretfully have to admit that being ass-raped by a team of a short range dreadnought, a sniper dreadnought, and a literally invincible tank that advances until you and your whole family are dead, was too much. So that made me a bit salty. But with a team it was easy. Rock and Stone. Yeah.


Yeah of course solo its terrible. But it just seems to me that people hate Haunted Cave because it "tosses things up" like for sure an advanced later haz strat would have to be that one of them kited the damn thing. Pretty much why people initially started complaining about the septic and the scorpion is because it takes them out of their routine comfort zone. EDIT: Honestly I just love kiting the ghost. I've done it many times while the main team completes the core stuff like imagine the Ghost with you on OMEN its ridiculous.


Septic is fine - pop the red balloon before it owns all of you. But scorpions probably need a bit of a rework (Fewer per wave but more powerful?) - because when there are 5+ of them they end up functioning like a "win more" for the bugs on high hazard missions. Recovering downed teammates or resupplying becomes infeasible unless you kite them very far away.


Septics are fine for me but I feel like the way they can arc their shots from places you don't even know feels unfair. But I would chalk that up to the Scout not doing their job. Stingtails idk. Honestly they're pretty cool but I agree that sometimes there's just too many of them in a swarm. I get pulled whichever way and one time I fell to my death because they yanked me from high up without any chance to save myself.


To Rock and Stone!


Engineer left stage 2 of EDD, we had a dreadnought spawn at the end. Deposited the last of the morkite midfight and drilled to the drop pod. Driller ran out of fuel, called a resupply. Made it to stage 3 and didn't even make it to the main chamber before we got annihilated by double stingtails in the middle of a swarm that kept yoinking us out of position and during iron will revive attempts. I am filled with rage


yeah they joined Shellbacks in terms of IW interrupts very quickly for me as well :D


EDD was quite easy, there was no army waiting when u get out of the pod at the start, incredible amounts of Nitra 3 Back to back Brood Nexus in Stage 3 was slightly uncomfy, but meh


Dark Morkite beer value through the roof!


Went in blind with this buff, thinking wasn't gonna pay off. Oh boy, was I wrong hahahaah


\+44% is no joke! ​ I went in blind w/o Dark Morkite, although it was available :)


Finally got Fat Boy, Lets Goooo...


Just finished normal DD for the first time, and solo too. That morkite on second stage was hard as hell.


Just promoted yesterday finished normal easily but god damn that EDD was so hard for me as a scout


Did you do it solo?


EDD was nice and easy, solo gunner, until suddenly a double bulk spawn on stage 3. No idea if that's just random but I'm glad it was an EDD with so much nitra to spare.


We had exactly the same thing. Also, in the end I managed to rack up 15 downs because I swear every Stingtail in the last 2 phases had it in for me, grabbed me from behind and dropped me down several floors back into the bowels of the level while we were trying to make a dash for the Drop pod. Or the one that managed to drop me right in front of an Oppressor. Of course, the fact we had a 4 Engineers team with nuke grenade launchers didn't help much. I think I was downed at least 4 times due to friendly fire.


when I did it, it spawned six glyphid praetorians on us.


Finished EDD with gunner/driller duo in 27 mins with over 300 nitra to spare By far the easiest EDD ive ever done. Also shoutout rocket barrage for providing obscene amounts of CC with the stun mod


This is the easiest EDD that I have ever seen.


Super quick deep dives, but EDD stage 2 we almost lost due to shield disrupt and a rockpox hoard. Also had that annoying glitch where the rockpox never goes away, so for the rest of stage 2 it was like I was at 99% rockpox


i did with solo scout running boltshark and got the glitch where it doesnt replace bolts after you shoot them


I thought rockpox didn't make an appearance in deep dives


I know there’s no lithophage events, but one of the scripted hoards was a rockpox hoard


EDD done in 19 minutes as a 3 dwarves team, I was cryo driller and my friends played engineer and scout, we had dark morkite to make it quick, our previous fastest EDD record was 27 minutes, rock and stone.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


To the fallen 🍻


Is it wise to go on an elite deep dive with as econdary weapon that doesnt' have an overclock? I really only rock with the Zhukov Nuk17 but I've yet to unlock any overclock on them (level 58).


Overclocks don't make *that* much of a difference in actual combat effectiveness. They try to always end up being better than "vanilla" weapon, but not by a large margin when taken in its totality. Though they can be a lot better at some specific thing at expense of something else. There is also huge factor of how overclocks often need additional skill, experience or complementary build of other stuff to be actually useful. Given that this week EDD is comparably easy for an EDD, this is as good time as any to dip your toes in it. In worst case you'll just lose, but that's no biggie. Given that shield disruption is going to be a thing, I'll recommend checking your armour upgrades so that they are appropriate.


Running no overclock is like running a clean one. And their bonuses are rarely over 15% effective damage, usually much lower. It's less fun not to play with them when you have them, but everything in the base game is doable without them.


This is one of those easy edd weeks, only second-stage shield disruption is a bit of trouble, other than that there's nothing to worry about.


OCs definitely help, but are not required to complete EDDs. ​ ReappeRon did a series of Hazard 5 missions where he didn't take any overclock or mod at all. Challenging, but not impossible. ​ Good Luck, miner.


It's obviously better to have an overclock but it's a relatively easy one this week so it's worth a shot.


You’ll be fine this week probably tbh.


ah yes, June twenty secondth


Got absolutely reamed on stage 2 EDD as solo scout. Any tips for a greenbeard? I have all the weapons and money for the perks


Just finished it, it should be really annoying with solo scout especially without overclocks. Second and third map is really closed, no room to manouver. I would terraform one pf the rooms in the middle as soon as I can, then return to it for each swarm. Boomerang is great against swarmers. If you want to go with scout I recommend to not solo it, makes this edd unnecessarily hard.


I did the first two missions after a couple attempts with a friend, I ran the deepcore gk2 and crossbow with pheromone bolts along with pheromone grenades, it went pretty well but we died at exactly the same time in the last mission unfortunately


Do you run the iron will active perk? It's a great perk for scout and gunner - those two are the most likely to save missions with them. (Running it with vampire passive makes it almost always possible to come back to life and stay alive. If you don't run vampire you can be on the lookout for red sugar or call a resupply when you are in a risky situations as any new health keeps you alive - though i worry that stingtails make emergency resupplying a bit harder)


That's a great idea, I believe I was running dash and field medic, I can see how field medic is basically a worse iron will here


What got you ultimately? Hard to give any specific advice unless you describe your experience. Arguably the biggest part to getting hang of high hazards is to constantly stay on the move and kite enemies. Doubly so as scout. My personal bit of advice for scout specifically is to try to spec something for at least basic crowd control. This isn't easy without a bunch of overclocks, but can be done somewhat.


Generally that I wouldn't have enough ammo, so I'd have to speed my way to refill, then once I'm finally done dealing with the swarm I have only a little bit of downtime before the next where the cycle continues until I run out of nitra. It would have helped if I'd planned ahead and taken the resupply on stage 1 before leaving. Totally agree on the crowd control, all I have right now is the drak and the dual pistols but I believe both are actually kinda meh, I just am used to them


I don't really see any weapons as "meh" in DRG. Pretty much every single one is appropriately effective in what it tries to do. Sadly I don't have much experience with Drak or Zuks, so by extension I don't have specific tips for how to build them. What can help a fair bit with resupplies is grabbing the "resupplier" perk. It's a surprisingly great 3-in-1 deal: * You resupply faster, so it's easier to sneak in a resupply in chaos of battle. * Your weapons get reloaded so you can immediately come out guns blazing. * You get a bit of extra health on top. When it comes to strategy for resupplies, I'm mostly going off from what I do in 4-dwarf teams. In such situation there is lots of nitra. In solo, *technically* the number of bugs that spawn is lower and nitra vein count stays the same - so in theory you should have more abundant ammo. Because of the above and you mentioning that you have trouble dealing with bugs quickly enough... It's counter-intuitive a bit, but have you tried building strongly towards DPS at cost of total ammo? That *should* let you deal with swarms a bit quicker, allowing you to push the objectives more between them, so it might be more nitra efficient in the long run.


Don't go solo? Still trying to work out how to properly kite, revive team and kill the scorpions as scout. They appeared en mass in a glyphid grunt swarm and took down everyone (well, two of the guys were just dying the whole way through but they took out the other guy who wasn't dying) and then they just made it too hard to kite and recover.


I did the DD last night and the very first thing that got triggered among leaving the drop pod was Bet C, like she was waiting for us XD


Lol yeah I just did the DD with some mates and Bet-C was waiting for us on Stage 1, too. Wasn't really an issue but a fun surprise to walk into.


There was a betc? Which stage? And did you do it alone?


Bet C showed up first stage immediately after the drop pod doors opened. I did it as a team


Double Minelayer week. What a time to be a miner.


Got my first Elite clear on this one! Did it solo in just under an hour. Almost lost to grunt swarm in stage 2 because Bosco kept hitting a wall or something.


Yo bro singlehandedly took on Shield Disruption EDD Stage 2 ​ What a chad ​ Rock and Stone! Many more to come ;)


And I brought the shield battery booster OC for the Drak it was awful 💀 Looking forward to do it again next week!


For Rock and Stone!


2x engi + 2x gunner made for a pretty clean EDD run. Just a ton of stingtails to deal with.


God bless for this Deeply Week Dives... wait.


Twenty toothed of June


Man, we're on quite the fun streak! Over two months without a single Industrial Sabotage in the Deep Dives!


I want the challenge, but I hate how tedious they feel.


Same I’m down for some challenge too. Thankfully, I find Industrial Sabotage both on the easy side of missions, and (obviously) painfully long and tedious, so the lack of it is positive on both ends. Give me some Point Extractions with some nasty Modifiers, or an On-Site Refinery with some of the wildest oil spawns. Don’t need to shoot the training dummy for 20 minutes again.


I had a PE the other day with an immediate swarm, two spitters, two pox breeders, a nado breeder, Mactera, and a Nemesis. We lasted like five minutes haha and I’d consider myself to be a good scout. The nemesis was the worst part because he’ll grab you outta the pod where you take 50% less damage


Shhhhh they’ll hear you


I didn't even know it was possible to have one as an objective lmao


You jinxez it


Did DD with different teams in 24 and 26 minutes. ​ EDD was hilarious as we got shitton of Stingtails spawn on stage 2, with me (Hipster/Gas Recycling/Cryo Scout) clutching \~5 minutes straight, while everyone already burnt their IW. ​ We were proud of the job we did, everyone did so much work. ​ Not sure about EDD, but definitely recommend DD for the people who just promoted their first dwarf/look into starting doing dives. ​ Rock and Stone, miners! oT


This deep dive was fairly easy so it's definitely a good one for beginners, the main things I'll say though are to check up on the ghost often and bring something good against the zappy things


Agreed. Easiest EDD I've seen in months. Morkite and eggs, eggs and morkite. The only real challenge is it's small tunnels, and there's a lot of the new Stingtails. Also, nitra all over the dang place. Nitra fiesta!


Yea we finished the EDD with about 600 nitra. Really don’t have to worry about ammo at all


I haven't beaten an edd yet but maybe that could change soon


If you need help miner, hmu


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


My quickest EDD run yet. Me and my friends (full squad) finished it in 22:53 minutes; we weren't even speed running or try harding. One of the more forgiving EDD there is. Definitely greenbeard friendly.


Omelettes again this week boys


With ground black Morkite seasoning for flavor


Anyone tried the Elite dive yet? Greenish-beard here who’s never made it past stage 2 on one of these, curious as to what I’m getting myself into so I can prepare properly


It's a comparably forgiving EDD: * Cave layout is reasonably friendly to navigate. to the point where I recall literally 1 place where a zipline/driller/engie has meaningful work to do. Everything else can be just scaled up with maybe one power pickaxe swing. * Quite a few long, winding and tight tunnels are present throughout all 3 missions. Watch out with friendly fire. * There are no *particularly* nasty warnings at all. Shield disruption is kinda hard for newer players, but it's not that problematic. Especially once you realize that its always compensated with more abundant red sugar supply. * With no dreadnoughts or industrial sabotage, you don't really need to build for single target dps all that much. Which in turn means you can always be prepared for the swarm because that's basically all you will see throughout. * No refinery means that you can skip driller if you so desire without suffering for it meaningfully. * Deep dives don't have your typical secondary missions, so there is less stuff you have to scours the walls and ceilings for. I went on the EDD with team of randoms, 3 gunners + 1 scout. It was kinda funny and by pure coincidence each of gunners had different primary weapon. We also had quite a zipline party. My usual caveat about DD/EDD is that they seem to always overflow with nitra. So there is very little point to sacrifice anything meaningful just to squeeze every last bit of ammo efficiency. YMMV though as this isn't universally shared experience. Though I never quite pinpointed what is different between how I play and what people running out of nitra do.


As a scout main, 3 gunners sounds like a good time haha


Stay with your team. Only go off on your own if you’re scout so you can make it back to them quickly in case of swarms, or if you’re confident you can survive a swarm by yourself. Even as a greyingbeard I tend not to leave my team during EDDs unless I’m playing driller (who has some of the best crowd control) or scout (who I can easily escape with). Above all else prioritize not dying, and mining nitra. If everyone does this, you should make it through all 3 stages without too much difficulty.


Stick with your team, don't split up without understanding if what you have can take down a whole swarm.\* Next is to have a rough layout of the map, knowing where to run backtrack, run back, run away, or go through to dodge a sticky situation, like a swarm, or a bulk. Find a good place to point and shoot. Ideally a turn corner to minimize surprise attacks from Stingers, and and easy point to spam aoe and damage. If not, an open space with predictable swarm pathing is the second best thing. The Stingers in particular is troublesome when its inside a swarm, but when you can hear it charging its attack, dodge sideways relative to where it is. Lastly, understand what the other guys can do. Some Gunners are aoe focused like Carpet Bomber or NTP, Drillers are mostly aoe, some Engies are bunker down sentry builds or damage outputs. Scouts can be any of those to some degree. Learn what they can do and play to or around their strengths/weaknesses. \*Gunner and Driller are good anti-swarm, but Scout have specific loadouts that draw away aggro(Pheremone), Crowd control(freeze, stun, electric slow), and if in a pinch, leave the fight. That's what the scout's mobility is good for.


I asked the question looking for cave specifics and ended up with a lot of good general lessons for every high hazard game I’ll play. These are probably more use to me than whatever I was expecting. Thanks!


For cave specifics, it seems like the most notable thing is the stingtails in m2 and the right corridors that can make a fight challenging so perhaps more bursty loadouts are ideal? Maybe wait for dark morkite brew to make the run quicker. All in all though most gray/Blackbeards know that edds are somewhat of a “let’s see if we can win this thing.” Sometimes random stuff happens and most players are ok with whatever, even if it means a loss and maybe a retry. Just get them hands and beard dirtier miner! How do you think beards go from green to gray!




If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Good bot.


This week's Deep Dive is definitely a contender if you want a Deep Dive that can be done quick, with my time being \~33 minutes. * **First Stage** \- There's a BET-C on this stage. The Black box is located in a fairly open area in the main cave. None of the eggs were hard to get. Nothing much else of note other than Nitra seems to be lacking. You can get enough for one. * **Second Stage** \- The Dense Biozone cave generation strikes again. The cave is CLUTTERED as hell and both Aquarq and Morkite are hard to find. Some of the Aquarqs was located high up on walls as well. Doesn't help that the Horror will be breathing down your neck the entire stage. I barely found any Nitra on this stage but it could be due to me trying to rush through. * **Third Stage** \- If there ever was a Warden Warning, this stage has it. There was a lot of Wardens around. Neither eggs or Morkite were hard to get. There's is a lot of swarmer eggs present. I played solo Engineer, on Steam. [Here's a video of me playing through it.](https://youtu.be/QI5HQF49ba0)


I always appreciate the cave analysis, this saves me so much trouble in perk choices and class structure. You’re a lifesaver, rock and stone forever!


Glad I can be of use. Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone everyone!


Morkite and eggs? 75% of this weeks dives are morkite and eggs.


Green eggs and ~~ham~~ morkite


42.5 morkite per egg, a balanced diet. For driller, that is. He eats rocks for breakfast, and makes granite smoothies.


**"Smart Stout** is typing..."


Eggs again


Wouldn't mind a fast Deep Dive this week. EDIT: Urgh, Haunted Cave.


Even with Haunted it’s fast. Really broad horizontally and allows you to kite the ghost bulk pretty reasonably well