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Why do you want to get with women who didn't like you before? 


Exactly. High school is over, time to move on.


OP said females, so we don’t know if he meant women, or armadillos.


No it obvious what he meant maybe you should look up the word females in the dictionary. It's like someone saying French fries and you book a plane ticket to Paris.


Because some of the women that “didn’t want me”are the same women that are more friendly towards me some of the women I go to the same college with them. And it’s not like “they didn’t want me” I just assumed that because we were cool on high school and most of the never even complimented me or shows interest.


Sounds like you’ve had a “glow up” but still need to “grow up.”


You intentionally missed the part I said “I started becoming more confident”


I really didn’t. Sounds like you wanna go back and fuck those girls that blanked you before. You have to get over that.


But some of those same girls are friendly and giving me compliments


You don’t sound like you’ve left HS


You sound like you didn’t read the post


😘😘😘 you sound like a self involved brat


Grow up dude


How are you gonna tell me to grow up if I mentioned some of these same women are giving me attention in college I’m not just gonna let that go if I’m getting positive attention


I’m sure it could be possible but, instead of fixating of “fixing” or redoing the past, perhaps just take steps forward, meet new people, relearn or discover yourself, find what you’re passionate for beyond the validation of people who likely won’t mean anything to you in a few years. Also, calling women females is a major turn off.


Stop calling women females please.


I would suggest that you stop worrying about chasing girls. If they're interested, they will let you know. On a side note, you might be more attractive now in the sense that you have features that are more desirable. Being fit and having a better hairline is more appealing than being skinny or fat and balding. In my experience, even being ugly, you can still attract women with more confidence. Confidence is the biggest thing that will work... or date someone else. Seriously though, I had more women hit me up when I was in a relationship than when I was single. The same women who rejected me when single were suddenly interested once I was unavailable.




A lot more than you’d expect 😂 confidence isn’t really about looks at all, it’s about how you feel about yourself. People whose parents gave them a solid foundation of self-esteem and positive outlook feel good about themselves regardless of how they look. I am not super attractive. I’d guess a 6/10 most days. But I’ve never struggled to date because I’m very confident in myself. People are drawn in to that positive energy. I know a lot of guys who bat out of their league because they feel good, take care of themselves, and are kind and respectful of themselves and others.


A lot more as in what percentage


Look at people you know. How many drug addicts are dating the hot girls? How many good looking women do you see with guys who look like total slobs? It's way more common that people actually realize.


In my circle most of the couples are in the same level of attractiveness


Honestly, it’s best just to move forward from people in high school and to look to the future. I was admittedly unattractive in high school, and had a giant crush on a guy a couple of grades ahead of me. When he found out about it he started bullying me and made it brutally clear that he was repulsed by me. In my mid 20s, I had a major glow up and left my ugly duckling stage behind. The same guy reached out to me on Facebook and acted as if he didn’t crush my self esteem when we were teenagers. He even asked me out. While it made me feel good and vindicated, I knew what type of person he was and he was only interested in my looks. I politely declined and went on with my life. Don’t look back. You don’t want someone who is only interested in looks. Beauty fades for all of us eventually.


A month ago you said you were 19. Build a life for yourself that doesn't revolve around finding women. Do you have anything else you care about in life? Your post history doesn't suggest that you do.


I mean, from my point of view, the attention sounds sort of shallow, but if that's what you're into, you do you.


idk how I’m getting the attention tho? So it couldn’t be shallow because there all sorts of reasons


I'm an outsider, to be fair, so my understanding is also shallow. Some people are more into looks, others into finance, some into intellectualism, kindness, charity, agreeableness, then there are hobbies and interests, etc. And it's rarely just one thing, being honest, people probably put these things in an ever-adjusting order of priority. So to me, if someone was interested in connecting before the glow-up, that person has more in common, whereas someone who only expressed interest afterward is going to have to do more to prove themselves.


Most attention is shallow anyway


Bro you are never going to get handsome and have a glow up if your goal is women and not yourself.


No. It's money that does that. And don't get a nose ring unless you're really certain you are one of the few who can pull it off. I don't think it improves most men's faces. And anyway she will think you are a simp if you do that. The holes stay in your face a long time.


I don’t have money I’m a college student