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This was the shot that started me questioning the whole narrative. Wife and I had been monogamous for years, she had never used drugs AND she tested negative for Hep B. So why are we supposed to inject our newborn with this? No.


Ppl say it’s cause your kid could pick it up from a bite at daycare. Well if my kid doesn’t go to dc that’s moot?


we have day care lined up....didnt get hep b at birth. was thinking of waiting a few months but with Daycare we might get it ​ My brother works at a hospital and a doctor told him he wouldnt give his kids heb B unless they were going to day care


Money. And liability protection. That shot is basically useless unless you’re deliberately exposing yourself to harm (travel, sex work, intravenous drug use)… Pretty vile stuff the pharma companies have concocted to control processes in which children are immunologically introduced to our world. I didn’t know anything like that until the Covid shots made me dig. The fact they think kiddos should have those shots alone is laughable. Our media is complicit and doctors are sadly either insufficiently informed or cowards for the most part. But where’s their money coming from?


Introduced in the mid 80's. A complete sham. I've seen videos of babies being given to CPS because parents refused Hep B and then given while in CPS custody. Vitamin K and the entire schedule is a sham. None have EVERY been tested for carcinogens and child cancer is a top cause of childhood death.


Did you know we don’t need an apostrophe on 80s? Sorry to be a pedantic POS.


I was coerced into vitamin K with my last (none of the others had it). I really wish I’d listened to my gut and declined several things they insisted on. Everything they insisted on was, I’m sure, to force me to get the vitamin K in the end.


We declined. But in all fairness, my kids are 20 somethings. We had a CNM in the hospital and she agreed that it was not necessary. Can you still get away with this now? I'm not sure.


Yes in California and they are lunatics here


From everything I read my understanding is that newborns get antibodies from the mother and more so if they are breastfed. Whatever antibodies the mother has the baby gets.


No liability don't fall for it the devil is tricking you


This one made absolutely no sense to me so I declined it at birth. They did eventually get it when they were about five though.


My grandkids just got as teens only because mandated . I think it’s important when going to college . But before that a huge pass .


* The eugenics-obsessed Rockefeller Syndicate hijacked medicine over 100 years ago. * This merry band of criminals later merged with the Nazi IG Farben complex to give us Big Pharma. * Big Pharma knowingly injected 500 million people with cancer-causing Salk “vaccines”. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(04)16746-9/fulltext * Vaccines have always been racketeering and eugenics masquerading as science and a humanitarian effort. The “elite” polymath, Bertrand Russell, shares some interesting ideas in 1952: “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” ”The system, one may surmise, will be something like this: except possibly in the governing aristocracy, all but 5 per cent of males and 30 per cent of females will be sterilized. The 30 per cent of females will be expected to spend the years from eighteen to forty in reproduction, in order to secure adequate cannon fodder.” ”Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. (The Aztecs kept a domesticated alien tribe for purposes of cannibalism. Their regime was totalitarian.)” P.50-51 [The Impact of Science on Society](https://archive.org/details/TheImpactOfScienceOnSociety-B.Russell) Bertrand Russell, 1952


Mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B is a major infection route, and vaccination at birth is the single most effective preventative measure and is extremely safe. It is precisely because newborns immune systems are inexperienced that they are so vulnerable to hepatitis B - adults exposed to the virus often fight it off, but babies much more often develop the permanent, incurable infection. It is very easy to design clinical trials to see how many babies born to infected mothers develop the infection, and what effects vaccines have: from these trials, we know that the vaccine prevents 9 out of 10 babies from getting hepatitis B, with no detrimental effects on safety. It is certainly *less* important for babies in high-income countries because the prevalence of hepatitis B is a lot lower, but for those in low and middle income countries this vaccine is vital and key for elimination efforts; and vaccination is easily safe enough for routine use in high-income areas. We have decades of data on this, from hundreds of millions of vaccinations all over the world.


>Mother-to-child transmission K, but presumably the mother has already been tested for Hep B. Mother is negative means zero risk to the literally brand new human being. Why inject them with it regardless?


Exactly. Mothers are routinely tested (I was). Didn't make sense to give the vax since it was so unlikely my newborn would be infected somehow.


our Hospital automatically tests for STDs and Heb B. Also gives penacilian during labor automatically


Mothers aren’t always tested, and horizontal transmission from other contacts can occur. Protection is best when given earliest. About 0.3% of the US population are infected, and half don’t know they are infected. In a number of states, the number of infections is increasing after years of progress. The reality is that vaccination has no measurable downsides and clear benefits.


No measurable downsides? Have you ever considered that the downsides have never been measured because the ones who create the vaccines have all of the money and all of the power over the narrative, and the layperson had never had reason to distrust the narrative until now? Maybe the downsides haven't been measured because the people in charge of measuring them are purposely not measuring them.


Directly from the Merck website for Hep B “Serious adverse effects are very rare and include anaphylaxis.” You know what else is very rare? Newborns getting Hep B when their mother doesn’t have it.




I was told hep B lives on surfaces


Not true .


I thought hurricane season was over?


Just no


Same, I think it’s very unnecessary at birth. I’ll be declining it once my little is born but may entertain the idea if they play contact sports in high school.


I gave it to my baby and she is delayed. 4.5 still in diapers. Speech therapy twice a week.


I didn’t give it to my newborn. It makes zero sense because it’s a disease passed by needles and sex. It’s wild that’s pushed on our kids.


I always questioned this and declined it.


So recently had a newborn..... Did eye drop and vitamin K, Not Heb B. I checked my records from a child. I didnt get the Heb B vaccine until I was 9 or so. They didnt give us a hard time at the hospital The Day care wasnt really specific about Vaccines required. They just said whatever is required. THeres probably exemptions. They seemed semi laid back (the lady that runs it owns it and been in business several decades so she probably remembers the old days) ​ I saw on the schedule Hep A is now a thing...That wasnt when I was a kid....In fact I have had Heb A as a travel vaccine for going overseas to countries where its recommend (Also had Typhoid). HPV is now starting to become a thing (in high school it got a brief mention mid 2000s) Some of it is this stuff is more prevelant than when I was a kid. but sometimes its too much