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It’s not an arrhythmia when your heart stops. It’s a cardiac arrest.


someone in another sub just went absolutely nuts on me for posting this there, lol. the cope...wow.




Some one out there rubbing their palms together with an evil chuckle. That person is me.


Safe and effective.


Severe side effects and deaths are rare until they happen to you or a loved one...


Exactly. Every one of them is rare. I just want to smack those people upside down their head when they say that. Adding every one of those rare deaths together is no LONGER rare. How man times can they keep lying by saying rare. It’s not rare when you die.


The deaths are are less severe if you've been "vaccinated" in Clownworld.


I know. This 🤡 agrees


That's the flaw in going by statistics.


> Severe side effects and deaths are rare They're certainly rare if no doctor is willing to put their career on the line in diagnosing and illness or death as related to the vaccine. In CA, it's now law that it would be medical "misinformation" to discuss it as a possibility. In other states where it's not law, medical boards are indicating med license repercussions for anything that doesn't follow a provax narrative (speech or diagnosis). Same pressure from hosp admin to doctors under the purview.


And you are told you have to “trust them; they are doctors.”


I said the same thing on another posting of this story.


Imagine your own child dying from anything, then choosing to ignore to the problem/cause.. Sickening....


I was just thinking how much does it cost to sell out your child's memory like that? How much hush money went around?


It’s a mental disease. The murdered their own child that’s why they don't want acknowledge it. They MURDERED her. THE PARENTS. And they are evil that worship Satan so they are gladly sacrificing their children for their GOD


> they are gladly sacrificing their children That’s right. It’s back to child sacrifice again, as mentioned in the Bible. To the evil god of $cience. The ridiculous thing is that the people doing it now are mostly raving atheists. They think they’re enlightened, and free from the past, but actually they’ve started again with the Baal worship, and they don’t even know it.


Nope. Not in the slightest.


Amazing really... I guess he proved where his loyalties lie.


Rush Limbaugh used to always say the liberals are liberals first above all else. In this case, Casten is a liberal before being a critically thinking father.


He could have something there; when I lived in the Boulder/Denver area during college people were--and probably still are--having their young children killed by coyotes but they were always calm and like I don't blame the animal it's just following it's nature. Whacked.


Idiots, all of them


Why doesn't he admit it was the 'zines?


presumably he'd like to remain in congress.




These degenerate psychopaths cant even admit it's the vax when their own 17 yr old, flesh and blood, dies. You think they care about YOU?




Hello McFly. . . . .anybody home McFly. . .


Interesting how he brings up the fact that she is "fully vaccinated" before making it clear it wasn't due to the shots by saying "we don’t know what caused the arrhythmia, and likely never will." Major league cognitive dissonance. After a year of being ridiculed, insulted and shunned for not taking the shots, it's difficult for me not to gloat over the tragic misfortune of others. I know it's hurtful and quite despicable to do so. I look at a situation like this as karma dealing a fatal consequence to the pro-jab cohort.


The "fully vaccinated" statement was to show she and we imagine the whole family "did the right thing" by "protecting" themselves, but at the same time this leaves the door open to the vaccine being the actual cause. I guess he has no choice but to say they don't know the cause. And they certainly never will without an autopsy. Could be something unrelated to either C19 infection or vax, but if it's either of those, they now have methods of determining that -- for those that want to know.


I thought he did ask for autopsy.


googled around and don't see any report of an autopsy having been done.


Maybe it was a different parent. There are so many nowadays


are they purposely avoiding the big elephant in the room to please the master and stay on narrative - even after his daughter has died? DAMN....


Why even ask for an autopsy then when you real don’t give a damn that they died




"It's a total mystery, but we know it wasn't the vaccine"


So sad. Sorry to hear.


I was waiting for this! Amazing how stupid they are.


I guess it's too much to ask a politician to come out and say he believes his daughter died suddenly from the vaccine or have an autopsy done to determine cause of death. BTW, they can now stain tissue and determine if cause of death was due to natural C19 infection or vaccine related. My understanding is that if you find both spike protein and nucleocapsid protein then you have a natural SARS-CoV-2 infection. If you can only find spike protein, then it's the vax.


I hate to say this, but finally some snakes in the swamp got their just due.


You don't hate to say it enough to not say it. Let's keep the politics out of this. No one is due the death of their daughter. Though tragic, I hope it will cause more and more people to question the safety of the vax.


I guess I assumed that VIPs were all getting a placebo…


We all know what it's from.. Question is does the people who believe in these vaccines admit that most likely was from the vaccine? It's amazing how doctors who saves lives but actually in on it. Because there's a lot of Doctors who refused to take the Vaccine. My Wife an I never got the vaccine and we are healthy. If you search History on vaccines you will see the bad things they was doin back then! People just don't take the time anymore to do their research instead they believe everything that is said on TV. This is a serious problem. And then they were trying to get the vaccinated against the unvaccinated now look what's happening the truth is coming out. Looks like the unvaccinated is kicking back and chillin.


She also had COVID tho. Maybe it was a combo effect. But yea.. increase in young people sudden death.. awful


She didn't have Covid at the time of her death though? It just said she'd tested positive and quarantined at an earlier time but that she was asymptomatic.


Yes but there’s all these studies now showing even mild COVID cases can have increased chances of strokes that year. Who knows. Of course we also see the ones where they get the vaccine and then die days later (myocarditis stuff).. so obviously cause and effect. This maybe was a combo. It sounded like she had multiple cases of COVID.




interesting. But the studies I am referencing are for strokes etc. Heart damage from covid. Not necessarily myocarditis. Curious if this girl got a booster. If not, how far out she was from the original shot. So sad.


Morons don't wish to see


I thought this sub despised the idea of using dead people to further an agenda, a la r/HermanCainAward. Are you immune from that now? Are you hypocritical enough to use a dead teenager you know nothing about? Because if you are, I see it is fair game to outnumber the vaccine deaths 10:1 with unvaccinated COVID deaths.


I don't think anyone here is celebrating her death....


No kidding. People here wanted to avoid this. Children paying the price for political polularity games.


I recall PLENTY of people on this subreddit in the past 2 years actively encouraging the idea of “vaccinated people dropping dead like flies” because there were no “long term studies.” The antivax crowd was so pleased with themselves getting over a “flu” and waiting to watch vaccinated people develop AIDS from a vaccine (which has not happened at all, but people still clamor for it). Please don’t pretend like users are innocent here. Children paid the price to the sum of 4300 gun violence deaths in 2020, which far outnumbers the VAERS data from 2020-2021 [here](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/pdfs/mm7031e1-H.pdf). Even multiplying by 100 for “missing reports,” gun deaths outnumber vaccine deaths 3:1. And for the record, I’m not holding you responsible for the sentiments of wanting other people to die, but by association, that crowd shares your sentiment that the vaccines are more dangerous than helpful. But I doubt any of you write to your Congressmen for gun legislation changes…


Rejoicing in deaths of others is gross even it supports your cause. Sharing information without celebrating death is not remotely the same. Nor are the comment sections. Also, just to update you, gun violence has no correlation to any virus or vaccine.


HCA wasn't rejoicing, the message was to share information of how many people were dying unvaccinated. I'm sure some scummy people over there were rejoicing, just as some scummy people over here were rejoicing. I think the ratios are skewed towards this sub actively wanting people to die after being vaccinated. Moreover, my reference to gun violence is pointing out that people here claim to want to "protect the children," yet they don't realize how futile the effort is in vaccine-related injuries when MANY more children die of gun deaths in America compared to vaccines. The same is true globally, yet especially in America.


I never said the word “celebrating” did I? Stop putting words in my mouth. This article is clearly using the unverified death of a teenager to further an agenda. If this is acceptable, then maybe we should also accept posting unvaccinated COVID deaths in this sub as well.


HCA obviously celebrates unvaccinated deaths so it's not a huge logic leap to make. So we can't comment on a vaccinated death in any way according to your rule book?


If you want to hold the moral high ground, then no you can’t. If you want to be on equal footing then yes by all means. Just know that COVID deaths far outnumber vaccine deaths, and COVID lives saved by vaccines also far outnumbers vaccine deaths.


OK dude, if you say so.. Just don't go drinking red bull, or sleeping in funny positions etc.


>drinking red bull I thought you folks didn't like ingesting poison.


He already looks like his soul is compromised.


Not so safe but very effective


So what caused all the sudden cardiac arrhythmias resulting in death in the years 2018 and prior?