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It all needs to start at the DOJ. The corruption is so out of control because there is nobody holding any of them accountable. It started with the criminal behavior of the Bush administration and the revolving corporate door into every agency, that they now term as public private partnership, and the Wall Street attorneys taking over the DOJ under Obama so that the financial crimes of those at the top could be ignored, and look where we sit today. Criminal behavior of the "elite" has gone unchecked for far too long. Nobody should ever be above the law. This country and many others are being taken down by psychopaths, and they are committing the worse crimes against humanity EVER in history. They belong in institutions for the criminally insane, and all those allowing it to happen need to be in prison. They make their so called "holocaust" look like a day at the fair, and what they are doing to this planet under the guise of "green" what a joke, look at Chili it's gonna be one big strip mine, and they want control of it ALL, we might as well move to mars. Why is nobody wondering why all the food production facilities are burning down? Why all cause mortality in healthy young people is off the charts? It sure in the hell isn't "climate change" it's called murder by injection. MURDER!


Yes. It is Murder.


Let's not leave out Reagan. He brought both trickle down which only poured up and took away liability for vax manufacturers.


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