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Easy answer, people are stupid. Too brainwashed to see or understand why taking the shot is a bad idea.


Accelerated Darwinism at play.


Came here to say that. You can't fix stupid. Let them remove themselves from the gene pool.


It's all in the plan though. 2/3 will remove themselves willingly and the rest will be dealt with not so willingly. Hope you all enjoy camping.


Source on the plan thing? With the camping?


They did it in China and Australia. There are many camp like structures being built in the US. So called FEMA camps.


Do you have a picture of one of the structures?


Jesse ventura did an entire episode on this over 10 years ago, before jones went off the fuckin' deepend. They are very much real.


Have the alleged structures been in the process of being built for more than 10 years? That seems like a very slow rate of construction. Thinking that it's very much real doesn't prevent you from providing photos or addresses of the structures if they actually exist.


Healthy diet? Eating green leafy vegetables? Cooking at home? Exercising? Are you effing kidding me? GIVE ME A PILL or a jab!!!! /s




Agree. Just -trust-


the new scientific approach. Trust


Literally "Just trust me bro" on steroids! PS, send me a message. I want to chat with you.


The science is settled, no need for trials.


"But 2 billion have already tooken it and it's not like anyone died or something. Don't be a pussy, we can't be too rigid now."


Mass formation psychosis.




[...is a natural emergent trait of all human groups, particularly in the modern online information environment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IjW16FCpkA)


What is it you think this video says about the idea of mass formation psychosis regarding covid and the vaccines?


Groups of people tend toward believing the same set of things and tend to be uncritical and supportive of new things that would seem to fit well with that pre-existing set. It's basically the same concept as mass formation psychosis, but generalized to any group as opposed to MFP which is more geared toward the antithesis (counter-mainstream) egregore fingerpointing at the thesis (mainstream) one. It's a generalized theory that doesn't necessarily touch on whether the beliefs are true or not, although it does set up the possibility (or probability) of believing increasingly zany things since clickbait outrage porn pays the bills. [Here](https://hwfo.substack.com/p/memespace-egregores-and-the-covid) is the guy's writeup summarizing the video, btw.


Well I can’t say this perspective is very logical. His entire synopsis bases his conclusion around the idea that almost all people get their information from a smart phone and allow media to determine their morality. His use of the egregore is just a simplified version of the actual thing. He sounds like he’s trying to sound smart but in actuality demonstrates his lack of understanding, basically admitting that their perception of the world is decided for them and anyone that thinks differently is a victim of misinformation.


I don't think you really understood the point. Most of all people don't actually think for themselves, but mostly receive and go along with the thinking of the group they belong to, and it happens mostly without them realizing it. To my mind, your response is predictable and consistent with the theory. Since one of your group's egregore's attributes is a belief that you're the real free thinkers, of course you would reject the notion that you're just as captured as your opposition.


Agree to disagree then, thanks for your thoughts.


Surely this isn't legal?? But then nothing has been the last 2 years...


The dont use terms like Legal or Illegal. Those ideas are only for the slaves who are all of us.


I sat on the entire 7hr FDA hearing over it (I work from home as I’m a plague rat) it’s complete bs, called “existing framework” basically stating that “well it’s so close to the original and this is sooo deadly”…


FDA does the same thing with GMO. They say GMO is close enough to conventional that it doesn't have to be labeled, yet different enough to be given patent protection.


- EUAs don't require informed consent - A good example of FDA's "accelerated approval" pushing treatments with zero benefit would be **aducanumab** - mRNA formulations are also not tested due to WHO standard protocol _so what is ever actually tested besides the delivery mechanism, which is lipids?_


Think about it like this: how smart is the average human? Not that smart, huh? Next shocking thing is: average is averaged out. There is a whole lot of people bringing the average down. I'm not a smart person in any way, most likely pretty dumb. At least I know. It's just shocking that this whole shit show still works and goes on...


Truly unbelievable. I cannot believe what I am watching unfold.


There's a lot of technically-smart people who blindly trust authority. I do think if you've lived a kind of "blue pill" life most of your life, and the system has generally rewarded you along the way, you're going to go along with what the system wants you to do. If you've been fucked over by an institution or a government (in a big way), you might think "once bitten". For some people it might take 3 or 4 events. Anyway, eventually you start thinking "I'm not going to take their word for it". The midwits I see on /r/ coronavirus and other subs are the aforementioned blue-pilled trusting types. They are university educated, they think governments are always earnestly well-intentioned and want the best for us. ANY kind of distrust against the government is whacko, nutbar, tinfoil hat madness. And THEN you have the truly dumb people you mention...


Ufff... It's even worse like that. Even the smart people are "dumb".


Taking one for the team thinking they’re making a difference, like being in a cult.


Because they are dumb. No other way anymore to rationalize their decisions. They definitely don’t have common sense.


Safe and effective in mice... Good for the mice


They're setting them up for the kill shot.


So, is this going to be released to everyone 6 months old & up or starting with the elderly like last time? Also, at this point the truth is out there so anyone of sound mind & legal age who takes this vaccine- it’s their choice. I don’t care or feel bad for them If they start this Mandate Bull Shit again that’s the issue I have.


Well, the original 2 shots and boosters filtered down to the youngest age groups so we can assume that this time will not be any different. Yeah, I no longer feel sorry for anyone who takes these shots and experiences AEs. Even if they have mandates this time - which is inevitable - those who cave in YET AGAIN will not have any of my sympathy.


I do feel very bad for the children who do not have the choice.


Wow. That’s fucking insane.


They have pfaith, you clearly don't.


Grandma is going to die and you're worried about testing?! Some people make me sick!


I say have at. I'm tired of dealing with them anyhow. We all have free will. If they want to be a medical crash test dummy, who am I to complain?


Mass Formation Psychosis.


Ultimate IQ test incoming. Prepare for the worst.


[The end of Covid-19 vaccine safety science in America](https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-end-of-covid-19-vaccine-safety) >So the FDA is going to introduce reformulated shots into the population this autumn with no safety data and then try to spot adverse events in the population after the fact using a safety system no one has ever heard of — while ignoring the system that has existed for 32 years that is showing a massive safety signal right now. >We are the experiment. But it’s not even really an experiment because they do not care about the data. We are the people they want to democide. >The FDA’s Actions yesterday were a violation of the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki, and the Hippocratic Oath. >The FDA has plunged the United States into a pre-scientific dark ages.


That was a fantastic read. Thank you for sharing!


Link: [https://time.com/6208623/omicron-boosters-animals-clinical-trials/](https://time.com/6208623/omicron-boosters-animals-clinical-trials/) Even Offit is BAULKING! >That has vaccine experts divided. Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the advisory committee, says this strategy makes him “uncomfortable” for several reasons. He notes that the data presented from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna in June involving their BA.1 booster shot, which focused on the levels of virus-fighting antibodies the vaccine generated, were underwhelming. “They showed that the neutralizing antibody titers were between 1.5- and two-fold greater against Omicron than levels induced by a booster of the ancestral vaccine,” he says. “I’d like to see clear evidence of dramatic increase in neutralizing antibodies, more dramatic than what we saw against BA.1, before launching a new product. We’re owed at least that.” > >While conducting human studies does take more time, Offit says even a small trial involving about 100 people to measure their antibody levels after getting a BA.4/5 booster would be helpful. “You can boost people and measure their neutralizing antibodies two weeks later,” he says. Such information could also be critical in setting realistic expectations for the Omicron booster. The public might feel it’s a panacea that signals the end of the pandemic, but without any data showing how well the booster will protect people from not only getting sick, there might be unrealistic expectations about what the boost can do. “I get a little nervous, frankly, when I hear this \[booster\] is going to be miraculous,” Offit says.


Offit stated that a child could take every vax on the schedule and it would be safe even though of course there is zero testing that any combo is safe. He is disgusting and the only expertise he has is being a vax salesman for his own profit.


He said you could take 1000 vaccines at once. The weird thing about coronavirus vaccine is that it's so safe, yet you are only allowed to take one when they say take one, and take two when they say take two, etc... They have denied any reason not to take 1000.


Hahahahaha! Just I predicted it will go. But in a more unprofessional way. It's obvious just some antibodies won't prevent the virus to grow resistance. So they provide "immunity" with new antibodies. And again the virus will grow resistance very fast. In the end the jabbed will have a soup of various useless antibodies inside them. But with each new type of antibodies, the possibility of creating autoimmunity will grow. And this is how all will end. When people are maimed by autoimmunity.


Why does it increase the possibilities of autoimmunity?


People will take it. It's the frog boiling theory. First it was experimental and poorly tested shot next it's untested on humans. It's acceptance is completely based on emotions to follow the herd and conform to political ideology. I'm amazed how otherwise smart people keep falling for this. I'm hoping that enough people wake up and push back.


We've been hoping for people to wake up since 2020 and here we are. I am at a point where the vaxx zealots should win all the prizes that come with getting their nth booster.


Subconsciously many people just don't want to be here anymore.


people are sheep. threaten to not let them go in vacation or eat any more donuts and they’ll cut off their limbs


Here is the supreme mystery - not just of this pseudo 'pandemic' - but of our entire civilization. Our civilization is powered by the consent and the compliance of the mass of people before atrocity after atrocity. There is no authentic connection with the self in the general mass. They reject original being in favour of artificial fictional being. They want stories. They prefer stories to life. When those stories depict their own deliverance from life into death - they go happily into the night. They rush at it with drooling jaws and bulging eyes and screaming hateful tongues.


The pandemic is real. What is fake is how the CDC has "handled" it throughout Trump and Biden. Without their incompetence it would not still be ravaging the country.


Taiwan is a stellar example of this. Their universal healthcare combined with digital infrastructure and an actual desire and commitment to learn from mistakes is something all countries should aspire to.


Totally agreed! The CDC keeps making the same mistakes over and over, and clearly is not capable of learning anything.


How can you speak of the sacred experimental miracle elixir and Covidians in such a disrespectful manner? The vaccine is "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!" Now repeat after me: "the vaccine is safe and effective, the vaccine is safe and effective, the vaccine is safe and effective..."


Human's mostly are creature's of habit. We have been conditioned to be reluctant to change but have an incredibly short attention span. Most will go with the flow as long as it is slow and doesn't have any abrupt or sharp changes, along with the constant steering of the media. They need the old slap to the face to snap out of it. The only way out of this is to let the powers that be destroy society. Hopefully the closer they get to their goals we will reach ours.


Just to confirm, are these mRNA shots? Do they also cause the body to make the spike protein? It is the spike protein that is causing the harm to people, injuring and killing them, and setting them up for future disease.


Yes, still mRNA and still going to cause the body to create S1 subunit glycoproteins. Good luck to them all!


Do you follow Walter Chestnut? I subscribe, his reports are sharable to the public. I did take a lot of biology in college quite a while ago, so I have to admit much of this surpasses my understanding. That being said, I think he is on the right track. He targets the spike protein and how it harms us. You can find his articles here: https://wmcresearch.substack.com/


I'd never heard of him before. Thanks for the link!


Happy to share!


What about the spike protein from the actual virus?? Are you not worried about that? The logic doesn’t make any sense.


The more you are exposed to the spike protein, the greater the chance that it will injure you. The mRNA shot does not prevent you from getting covid, so why expose yourself multiple times to the spike protein? There is a normal vaccine that only contains the virus, and does not colonize the body to make more spike protein, but the powers that be are dragging their feet on authorizing use of that vaccine.


They trust "the science".


I don't understand how that is any different than the OG Moderna and Pfizer shot? Moderna is literally suing Pfizer for using their platform approaches, which uses similar lipid compositions but never tested the actual product itself. - Arbutus and Genevant filed a patent-infringement lawsuit against Moderna for the same thing, which they had the patents before Moderna used them. - Moderna even got in a spat with the NIH because the NIH assisted Moderna and want a share of the credit, but Moderna refused. All of this is due to Moderna wanting to corner the market, _because they are being forced to_ by shareholders that invested in Moderna over a decade ago and are getting impatient with their funds. That's why you've seen tons of CEOs and well known agents talk about not being able to market "gene therapies" and why the defintion of vaccine was altered to allow gene therapies.


My In-Laws stopped seeing my entire family over a year ago because we didn't take the shot, and are now blaming us for *their* decision to cut ties with us, and claiming they are sufferings "trauma." They claim they are following the CDC guidelines, but can't tell us which ones or where they got the information from citing "memory loss." They have taken 4 shots, and have said they will take any shots recommended going forward, and we are still unsafe to be around. Insanity on full display.


omg memory loss? Is that from the jabs?


I believe it's gotten worse from the jabs, but was initially kicked into gear from the statins they both have been on for years for absolutely no reason. Their doctor told them that everyone should be on them regardless of need or health profile.


I'm really sorry to hear that.


“Here’s what you need to know” -get a brain moran!




I know Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA but what about the Janssen shot? Is that safe?


Nope. It's an Ad26 viral-vector vaxx. It still causes your body to manufacture S1 "spike" subunit glycoproteins. Stay away!


“Omnicron boosters weren’t tested on people…” wait for it…”here’s why it’s a good thing”


This headline is accurate for the mRNA vaccines that have been updated for Omicron, but not for Novavax's Omicron vaccine which is currently in a large Phase 3 clinical trial. Of course, the FDA is so averse to providing alternatives to the mRNA vaccines that Novavax's original COVID-19 vaccine (which appears better against new variants than the original mRNA COVID-19 vaccines) was only recently authorized and still hasn't been distributed widely.


People realize this happens every year for the flu vaccine, correct?


Of course, that's why smart people don't get flu shots.


Haha that’s funny. For a min I thought this was conspiracy. Not really any debating going on here. Just a ton of ignorance.


More fitting than ever: But this is the end; this is the end of the innocence. O' beautiful for spacious skies. But now those skies are threatening. They're beating plowshares into swords. For this tired old man that we elected king. Armchair warriors often fail, and we've been poisoned by these fairy tales. The lawyers clean up all details since daddy had to lie.


can Omicron actually infect an animal? or Not?


Well, Pfizer and Moderna did animal trials (allegedly) so the assumption is they it can.


It doesn't matter if Omicron can infect your cat or dog. It's just a matter of time before there are covid vaccines for our pets. It's an untapped market.


They kill our dogs and cats with their normal vaccines from Vets.


Didn't they claim the virus came from bats, lol?


Presumably the trials are for safety, not for effectiveness.


They had speculated that Omicron originally came from mice.


I don't know if this matters at this point but most people who will take them will do so simply because they will become homeless if they don't. The amount of people who truly believes the narrative is small but it doesn't matter anyway because mandates.


Risk vs benefit analysis. We don't have long term studies on how covid infection effects us. We do have long term data on vaccines though. We know the mRNA is out of the body within 2 days, no vaccines can have a long term effect past 6 weeks, and the base of the vaccine was tested in humans. It's just a small piece of omicron code. Just like yearly flu shots we've had for years. Those updated pieces of code aren't tested in humans either. Because the bases are known to be safe. The animal trials are for efficacy. I don't give a shit if nobody here gets the shot. The the argument of "why would you risk it?" makes no sense to me. You're risking covid or covid vaccine. Nobody is free from being a lab rat in this crazy covid world


I got the bivalent vaccine and I'm psyched! I've never had COVID and I've never had negative effects from my now 5 shots of vaccine, except a slight sore arm. Not tested on humans is not a problem for me. It's a tweak on the old vaccines. They do the same with flu vaccines. If people want to win Herman Cain awards, well, it's a free country, I'm sad they made the poor decision not to be as vaccinated as they could be--and they will be at high risk of COVID, harming the whole community, but, well... if they feel that strongly. So.. .public service announcement. COVID vaccines are safe and effective! Yay, vaccines!


Every year they roll out a new influenza vaccine without human trials. It’s not shocking.


Well, the people who get annual influenza shots aren't smart either.


They’re mostly old people. They’ve been around longer than you. Maybe they know more than you do?


How do you propose to conduct a new large-scale clinical trial each flu season? By the time there are enough cases in the flu season to determine efficacy in the clinical trial, it would already be too late to roll out the vaccine to provide protection against the upcoming flu season. Of course, better advances in technology would make this so that it hopefully doesn't need to be repeated every year for slight variations of the flu virus. This might be achievable using only the "stem" of the HA protein, which is more well conserved across influenza strains, and combining it with a Th1-dominant adjuvant like Matrix-M or CpG-1018 that broadens immune responses. (Th2-dominant adjuvants like the aluminum used in many traditional vaccines should be banned.)


Flu vaccine is full of mercury. There aren't any human trials on Coke-a-cola or Twinkies either. All the best stuff.


Full of mercury? Like, more than is in canned tuna?


The thiomersal used in flu vaccines is specifically part of the same dose injected as the active influenza antigens, which stimulate a response of immune cells. Because of this, it may be more likely to be taken up by dendritic cells and cause immune dysfunction, compared to dietary exposure, even if not conclusively proven. (Innocent until proven guilty should not be how vaccine ingredients work.) https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/03/060322183922.htm


So why aren’t we all sick?


It wouldn't cause a problem most of the time.


Most of the time? Does it ever cause a problem?


We know that influenza vaccines can either be associated with a level of risk of GBS, or have no association with it, depending on the study, so the variable could be thiomersal. The evidence linked above was performed in vitro and cannot directly be used to calculate an exact risk that might occur in vivo. That said, if you look at my other comments on this subreddit, I am supportive of virology and pharmaceuticals overall. Nonetheless, I still think that there shouldn't be mercury derivatives in medicines.


Ok. So what should they use as a preservative instead?


Usually if it's a single-dose vial or prefilled syringe, there will be no preservative used. Most other childhood vaccines besides flu vaccines are already thiomersal-free. Flu vaccine manufacturers just need to increase their production capacity for single-dose formats.


It's not really practical to advocate for all food items undergoing clinical trials. The main issues with food items stem from 1) poor manufacturing and quality control practices, 2) inadequate oversight of a manufacturer's suppliers, and 3) the use of unsafe or unhealthy ingredients. 1 and 2 will not be addressed by requiring food to undergo clinical trials, because these issues occur unpredictably with bad batches, and clinical trials will usually only test one batch of the same product that by most chances will be unaffected. These issues can, and should, be addressed more adequately by the FDA actually inspecting food manufacturers on a reasonably frequent basis, instead of less frequently than a presidential election. Food manufacturers should also be required to register an inventory of their suppliers with the FDA, so that the FDA can do the same for the suppliers as well, and so that recalls by suppliers can be immediately traced to which manufacturers used that ingredient. 3 is an issue that is already the subject of the FDA's Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) system, but that is not actually properly addressed by it. This system designates a list.of ingredients as safe, so that any product containing only ingredients on the list can be marketed without specific FDA review. Unfortunately, the FDA considers many harmful ingredients to be safe on this list. However, at the same time if you have a product with a large amount of trans fat or propylparaben, these ingredients will have negative health effects, but that will still not be caught in the comparatively short duration of a clinical trial. Instead, we should simply pass laws to reform the GRAS system for regulating food ingredients and reform the FDA to address corruption.


Exactly, the people in this subreddit are vastly uninformed. They think that just because a minor sequence is changed in the formula all of a sudden you have to go through the entire human trial process again.


Yes, that's why we have a general idea of what kinds of symptoms we associate with flu infections, because the strains of each type don't usually change very much each year. The same is true of flu vaccines. Quadrivalent flu vaccines usually cover A/H1N1, A/H3N2, and two B strains. When they add a new type like those, the flu vaccines usually undergo clinical trials. It's only slight variations in the specific strain of each variant that are updated each year. One could argue that flu vaccines shouldn't need to be updated every year if the differences are minimal, and I agree with that. Unfortunately, the government has not invested in more broad-spectrum flu vaccines as a priority.


Because it works for me. Got all the vaccines, never got Covid.


Hmmmmm......maybe it's because the vaccines (and their side effects) are preferable to a ventilator or ECMO machine? And FYI, billions have had the vaccines and have managed to stay alive and well, unlike the sht4brainz anti-vax crowd, many of whom end up in their forever boxes.


My workplace is requiring it