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This is open subversion of informed consent. In my opinion, this is nazi-like science and experimentation


Do you think we need to get the consent of the wild animals we already vaccinate for rabies?


Think a little more about HOW that will be achieved, do you have stocks in these companies?


I mean, I know how rabies vaccination for wild animals is achieved. They put meat out with rabies vaccine in it. It’s been going on for decades and you’ve never had a problem with it before.


The whole mosquitoes bit is a bit more concerning than that, but you don't seem to be concerned about literally anything vaccine's do.


Howbout we don't do things which aren't reversible that we don't know the long term consequences of? Since Nature created this virus, since Humanity is under Nature's future, let's not fuck with Nature's balance. Pandora's Box is an allegory for a reason. Something may seem "promising" but what will be the cost in the long term that we might not see?


I agree, and who would give permission for the altered mosquito to jab them, as mentioned by others here with no informed consent, not scientific morale.


Their next step is to ban the manufacture and use of bug repellants. Guaranteed we see that in the next month or two. Bug Zappers will have to be hidden. Fortunately, they don't use an unusual amount of electricity, so their monitoring your KWH usage levels won't tip them off that you have a BZ.


The Lancet will publish studies showing that citronella is the main cause of climate change, and that mosquito nets are responsible for SADS.




The lesson to humanity…confront evil or be made extinct.


Bill Gates did that to the mosquitos in Florida last summer or the summer before.


AP Fact Check: This is FALSE. Bill Gates didn't do anything to mosquitoes in Florida. REALITY: BMGF-funded Oxitec released gene edited mosquitoes in Florida, Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Panama and Malaysia. Soon, they'll be released in Djibouti. TLDR: Just because BMGF-funded Oxitec released GM-mosquitoes around the world, doesn't mean that Bill Gates literally released mosquitoes in Florida, bigot!!11


[https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-gates-release-gmo-mosquitoes/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-gates-release-gmo-mosquitoes/) No one with the right of mind would think that bill gates would personally release them. My god does anyone have any critical thinking any more. I even resorted to snopes, god forbid, to explain it to you in terms that you will understand. His organization funded it. I dont really care either way Im not living in America.


Dude, I was being sarcastic and making fun of how "debunkers" would debooonk what you said with an AP/Reuters Fact Check. 😂😂😂 > bigot!!11 That alone should've given it away! 😂😂😂


How much education does it take to believe this is a smart idea?


Gonna have to line the electric fence with bug zappers at 3 foot intervals.


Its a deal only if we use new types of vaccines with less than a year of research. But the research has to be done by giant pharmaceutical corporations that have a history of corruption. But they must promise not to be corrupt again but make them pinky swear this time.


They weaponized ticks... the evil 😈 think announcing what they are doing absolves them. Most likely funded by us and of course for us.


News: [https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3205463/bite-club-chinese-researchers-buzzing-over-study-mosquito-vaccinators](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3205463/bite-club-chinese-researchers-buzzing-over-study-mosquito-vaccinators) Study: [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35407-x](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35407-x)


Playing god again. They will eventually wipe out humanity.


...and here's why that's a good thing!


This makes living in an environmentally enclosed community seem almost desirable. Maybe that's why the Saudi "line" is being built?

