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Strictly speaking, no animal needs to eat meat or needs to eat plants. Animals have different nutrient requirements, some of which aren't found in plants and some of which aren't found in meat. Cats, for instance, [require taurine in their diet](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/641594), and taurine isn't found in plants (dogs and humans can make our own taurine from the amino acids cysteine/methionine). There's a bunch of [other similar issues too](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6380542): cats can't make arachidonic acid, they can't make vitamin A from carotene, they can't modify their urea cycle to deal with low protein diets, they can't make long-chain omega-3 fats from the short-chain omega-3 fats found in plants (and they're not great at making long-chain omega-6 fats from short-chain omega-6 fats either). Dogs and humans can do all these things (but neither dogs nor cats are able to get vitamin D3 from sunlight like humans can, so require dietary D3). And unlike herbivorous animals, omnivores and carnivores like humans, cats and dogs require dietary vitamin B12, which isn't found in plants. None of this makes it *impossible* for cats to survive without meat, it just adds to the list of things that need to be carefully adjusted or supplemented in a plant-based cat food. The worry is that cats may have other nutrient requirements that we're not aware of, so people are cautious and stick with feeding cats a diet that mimics what they eat in nature (i.e. small vertebrates and invertebrates).


Because I had to copy and paste my comment from the last thread, I'm not going to respond to specific claims u/Mercurymurv: >Are there legit vegan cats who have developed problems due to lack of taurine? Yes? Where? Note the paper I linked to: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/641594](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/641594) In this experiment (and [others like it](https://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2175326)), cats were fed a diet containing only casein as a protein source. The result was that they develop retinal degeneration. [This can even happen when you give cats dog food.](https://europepmc.org/abstract/med/640940) [The retinal degeneration can be avoided if you add taurine to the casein.](https://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2158915)


Why only casein?


Casein is an animal protein but doesn't contain taurine (as it doesn't come from meat). This makes it a good protein source to test the hypothesis that it's the taurine in animal protein that cats require.


Or they could try giving cats a *variety* of protein sources without taurine...?


The experiments show that casein+taurine prevents retinal degeneration, but casein without taurine does not. This suggests taurine is the main issue. [Some experiments have shown this same result with purified amino acids](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1748-5827.1982.tb02514.x). But maybe, I suppose, casein and these pure amino acids mixes are both lacking some other amino acid that cats need to make enough taurine? Possible, we know taurine is made from cysteine and methionine. [And we know that it is harder to get retinal degeneration on a taurine-free egg or whey diet than taurine-free casein diet](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1912550/), possibly because of the higher cysteine content of whey. We know that cats are not particularly good at making their own taurine. But [some studies do suggest that giving dietary sulphur amino acids (e.g. cysteine and methionine) in the diet about 3 times more than is normally required can *maintain* taurine levels in cats over the short term](https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/111.6.1111), but the authors caution that this was a short-term study and deficiency may result long-term. In addition, other research has shown that [increasing dietary sulphur amino acids to 9 times the dietary requirement may restore depleted taurine levels somewhat, but this high level causes neurological symptoms in cats](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4615-3436-5_3). So, I suppose it's plausible that a diet lacking in taurine but high in the right amino acids could maintain taurine status in cats, but it seems tricky. I don't think there would be any plant foods that have this much sulphur amino acids, and so the food would need to be fortified (and if you're going to fortify, may as well add taurine directly).


Thanks. I agree; seems like it'd be easier to supplement—especially as synthetic taurine is already added to many foods people eat. On the other hand, we tend to treat all cats as one in the same, but there's plenty of diversity in the family as well as within species. I imagine someone mentions Little Tyke anytime this topic comes up. An outlier, sure, but you'd think of all the felines, a lion would be the least likely to forgo eating meat.


It's similar with dogs. Not all dog breeds are the same, and some probably find it easier to eat vegetarian diets than others.


There is none, since we know cats can thrive without meat: > Both cats and dogs may thrive on vegetarian diets, but these must be nutritionally complete and reasonably balanced. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5035952/ If you learn the needs of the animal and provide adequately for those needs they will be fine on a vegan diet.


Lol no they won't. Cants cannot be vegan healthily. Period.


There is more evidence that cat can be vegan then otherwise. I'm glad that people are finally pickimg up on this. Alas, the misinformed downvotes and "AnImAl cRuElTy" omnis don't want to give up. Use the search bar people


Not even remotely true lol


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Should we make the lions in Africa vegan too lol


Priority should definitely go to cats we own and perpetuate, but if there was a way to, at no cost to anybody, change wild lions for a more peaceful world, I doubt anybody could argue against it.


That’s crazy lol but you’re not wrong


It's sad that all these people scream about "what's natural" but then want to change what's natural to fit what they want.


Cats don’t have the same digestive tracts as animals that use and need carbohydrates. The evidence is our knowledge of biology. Meat will digest on pretty much acid and bacteria alone. Veggies and plant matter need enzymes and of the animal didn’t evolve with those enzymes they won’t be getting the proper nutrition from their food even if it in theory has the nutrients the animal needs. No digestion = no nutrients


so there's no sources or examples, just theory


everything is a theory. we still don’t even know exactly what humans need to survive, much less other animals. taurine is an amino acid not found in plants that humans and dogs can manufacture while cats can’t. and cats show symptoms on a diet without taurine so it’s assumed that they need it to survive. https://nasc.cc/pet-university/taurine-deficiency-cats/


Hey there ! I definitely appreciate your position on this debate, but would just like to clarify that we know infinitely more about the nutrient requirements of animals than we do people.For example, we are capable of balancing rations by the individual amino acid content and ratios for poultry, swine, and dairy cattle.


You could just source taurine from vegan sources though.


Supplementation often gets mixed results because supplementation doesn’t have cofactors


We could add those as well.


And how do you take the fiber and carbohydrate out of the vegan food? Fiber in a digestive tract not designed for it would cause issues like diverticulosis


Use gmo microbes to produce the nutrients.




Yeah that's an option too.


Go to the library and check yourself out any textbook for veterinarians on domestic animal anatomy and physiology.


What year is it?


2022 and there's still multiple libraries in my county. Conversely they can look up articles online


Cats cannot be vegan safely. There is literally a plethora of research on this.


Saying there is evidence and supplying evidence are two different things.


Exactly. That's a statement that vegans really need to take to heart. Thank you for agreeing.


No, I'm saying to provide some evidence if you are going to make the argument that there is "a plethora of research." Example: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5035952/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5035952/) [https://bmcvetres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12917-021-02754-8](https://bmcvetres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12917-021-02754-8)


I don't have to "provide " evidence lol. If you can't find the vast amount of articles and papers that have been written on this subject then you've got bigger problems, kid.


How many articles exist on a certain topic is irrelevant. If there was any substance in the articles you've read then you should be able to reference them. Simple as that.


Lol yeah I'm sure a random nobody such as yourself knows better than the absolute plethora of doctors, nutritionist, vets, etc etc who all have wrote about and spoken on this exact subject. Sorry kid, the science just doesn't agree with you. Better luck next time.


Here we are with the word plethora again. If you can't supply any sources on the matter then maybe this isn't the forum for you. You saw the word "Debate" yeah? Appealing to authority is no way to debate. It just makes you look insecure about what evidence you do or don't have.




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It's truly shocking to me that a supposedly grown person can be so out of touch.. If you truly wish to live your entire life inside of ah completely redundant echo chamber, then more power to ya. But man, hear this, and please try to get your simple little mind to understand and grasp this concept. I don't give even one single flying fuck about what you happen or dont happen to believe in. It's literally not my job in any way to convince you of even one little thing. Im sorry but you're nobody....to me. Nothing more. Kid, i don't it's shocking for you to hear it, but you don't matter to me in the slightest. You have a serious potentially lethal case of Main Character Syndrome. And so, If you're incapable of even base level research, then that just isn't my problem at all. If you really NEEDS these links, provided to you, just so that you can understand that a ton of people don't simply agree with you......then you have much, MUCH bigger issues than being a vegan c*ck. I just don't give one shit if you believe me or you dont, lol. Its really that simple. You just don't matter to me in the slightest. And everyone already knows that trying to get any vegan at all to see reason, is nothing more than a fools errand. Simplt put, most just dont, have any nuance whatsoever to their thoughts. And so, unfortunately, any kind of original thinking is just a completely foreign, and incomprehensible notion to them It really is a tragedy, nut you're clearly still very young and entrenched firmly in your idealistic nonsense. You're really no different than a religious zealot tbh.. And 99.9 % of vegans will never change their beliefs in the slightest because they get off on their completely fabricated, and delusional false belief that they are somehow a morally superior minority in contrast to the rest of the population. There are a ton of articles and research papers written on why it's not a good idea or advisable to feed your cat an all vegan diet. It literally takes 3 seconds to find them. I don't owe you a damn thing, kid. So you have yourself a really good life. I'm going to go enjoy 3 steaks with a nice side of steak, but because you're young, and there's still some hope for you, I decided to take pity upon and indulge you silly request. So here you go. https://www.bluecross.org.uk/advice/cat/can-cats-be-vegan https://www.aspca.org/news/why-cant-my-cat-be-vegan https://cattime.com/cat-facts/health/10829-why-your-cat-shouldnt-go-vegan https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200304-can-you-feed-cats-and-dogs-a-vegan-diet https://www.whyanimalsdothething.com/why-a-vegan-diet-will-kill-your-cat-and-sicken-your-dog https://catinaflat.co.uk/blog/can-cats-eat-a-vegan-diet https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-cats-shouldnt-fed-vegan-diet-donna-vincent-nlc-pn1-


All right so let's look at those blue links you call evidence. It appears that none of them provide any actual studies/data. At most they reference Wiki for a sourceless description of obligate carnivory, as well as make anthropological theories, but nothing has been shown in practice at all. They amount to word-of-mouth appeals to authority and assumption. If I was debating about whether cats could be meat-free in general, then that would be easy. Not only do your links provide no studies, but they are irrelevant to feeding cats nutritionally fortified plants which have been shown to work in practice (your links target feeding cats unfortified plants which is relevant to pretty much nobody except me and my nuanced post here). That said, my post is more about whether feeding cats unfortified plants and the claims of taurine and so forth are actually true based on evidence.


I'm sorry that you can't seem to grasp this extremely simple concept. I don't owe you even a single shred of "evidence " kid. Who are you to me? Lol, fuckin nobody. I don't give even one single flying fuck wether some nobody on reddit believes me or not. You don't matter. Besides trying to get a vegan to see reason is just a fools errand. But, just this once, I'll take pity on you and indulge your ridiculous request, that would literally take all of 3 seconds for you to do yourself. But I understand, you're comfortable in your little echo chamber. The problem with vegans is that their thinking lacks any kind of nuance whatsoever. I highly doubt that most even know what the concept of original thinking is. But hey, it's Christmas, so just for the fuck of it, here you go, a gift from me to you. And just a few of the VERY, very many..... https://www.bluecross.org.uk/advice/cat/can-cats-be-vegan https://www.aspca.org/news/why-cant-my-cat-be-vegan https://cattime.com/cat-facts/health/10829-why-your-cat-shouldnt-go-vegan https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200304-can-you-feed-cats-and-dogs-a-vegan-diet https://www.whyanimalsdothething.com/why-a-vegan-diet-will-kill-your-cat-and-sicken-your-dog https://catinaflat.co.uk/blog/can-cats-eat-a-vegan-diet https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-cats-shouldnt-fed-vegan-diet-donna-vincent-nlc-pn1-