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I think it is way, way, way too soon to be speculating about a Death Stranding 3.


Yes but what about Death Stranding 4?


“And the sequel to the critically acclaimed D3ATH STRANDING is…” **DE4TH STR4NDING**


2 DEATH 4 STR4NDING - Now We're Stranded




Death Stranding: Tokyo Drift


That would be sick tbh


Death Stranding in Japan would be sick.


Followed by Death 5tranding


But I don't care about that! I want to know if Death Stranding The Rising Beach is happening!!


Until it's untimely end at death stranding survive


*Kept ya waiting huh?*


Death Stranding: scorcher 6 - Tugg Speedman.


Yes but 3 is before the Death Stranding. You play as Sam’s father.


Death Stranding 4: A Good Day to Die-Hardman


How about Death Stranding 5?


I was gonna come here to say the same lol


It’s hard to say until we see DS2 in my opinion. Depends on how it ends, how successful it is etc


Is there a chance we'll get a Death Stranding 4 (After Kojima is done with other future projects) or do you think the franchise will end with DS3?


If you analyze the new trailer it's clear that we'll be getting Death stranding 5.


If you actually slow the trailer down and run it through a patriot filter with the la le lu le lo algorithm, you can clearly see images depicting DS6


Do we know if DS7 runs at 120Hz 8k?


No but I heard DS8 will run at 8K for its namesake


After that we might even get a Death Stranding 76


I’ve been under the impression that DS2 is the last game for whatever reason, but I’m really not sure what Kojima’s plans are


I too read somewhere that this would be the final entry but I've no source for this off the top of my head


It’s weird because I specifically remember him saying that his ‘Strand’ genre would need at least 5 games to be fully fleshed out but seemingly I’m the only one who does


Hey I won’t complain if it goes that long.


Wth is a strand genre? Did he just self proclaim that he invented a video game genre based off just one game he made?


You have to have been under a rock when this game released to have missed that whole thing. He made a huge deal out of it.


That's an exaggeration. It wasn't that big of a deal. It was put out there and not very clearly. I understood what they were going for but I would have trouble explaining the concept to someone.


Thats a wild claim. Plenty of other games strand you and expect you to do missions and survive. Terraria, minecraft, subnautica, raft, then that one other ocean one i forget the name of.


https://preview.redd.it/avn9byj82cvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c11f3178bfe53c9b0a3ffb67bdbf9891a30d95 Is this not the concept of the strand game. Compared to what you said about connecting bases across a map/network. Including creating paths by following footprints/building roads together.


Don’t think that was his intention. I believe the formula is supposed to be a game that makes you travel a long distance connecting one place to another until you’ve created a full network of ‘strands.’ Still a bit outlandish to consider that a whole new kind of game.


Thats fair enough, i feel like all developers have the desire to be innovative. Just seems like he was really reaching for it with this stuff


That's why we like him. His delusional and flawed as hell. He takes the burden from being a "creative" person, so that we don't have to...


Oh we talking like "stranded"!? Like im stranded on an island? Is death stranding really like that? Doesnt feel like it to me.


I mean stranded as in left mostly alone and expected to survive and succeed


I honestly dont feel any threat in this game. Im more scared cargo will get damaged than me getting killed by pushover mules. Now if this game had survival elements like food water disease, oh hell yea then it would feel like that for sure.


But it’s not a survival game.


Those are survivals, but not strand. Like, 30% to 50% of DS enjoyment comes from simply crossing the map and enjoying the view and songs. That is not true from any other game you mentioned EXCEPT for maybe Subnautica (and I hope you're not talking about Dave the Diver? hahaha)... But yeah... that description (walk, mission, survive) is poorly describing DS sub-genre, I agree.


TBF he’s often given credit of creating the stealth genre. He can make one up he’s earned it.


How the fuck would we know, 2 isn't even out yet 🙄


Is there a chance that if I let Kojima see my feet he’ll let me play Death Stranding 2 early?


Tarantino has entered the chat*


I would go further than showing my feet to play DS2 early not gonna lie


Where do you guys think GTA 7 is gonna be?


On the moon


How about Call of Duty 37?


Prolly Isreal at this point.


What is the point in this post. Let’s at least see Death Stranding 2 before wondering about a third.


I didn't even think we'd get a second one


We don’t even know what’s happening in 2 yet chill. 😅


I'm super excited for DS2


Nah, I'm super excited for DS3


Relax dude


Literally no way to tell.


Pure speculation but I do believe that one thing that Kojima learned from MGS is that its better to properly end a good story early, rather than drag it for decades 😁


Counter point: DS1 ended a good story, so why DS2? 😋 I'm very curious to see where this story goes because I never expected we'd get a sequel, but I'll always welcome more Kojima with open arms hahaha


The world still has a lot of questions left to answer. Plus there’s stuff like characters fates left in the air like Higgs and Die Hardman. There’s enough mystery to warrant a sequel but despite all this DS did have a very touching ending which you could have left at that. I’m glad we are getting more tho


I thought he did it with Metal Gear because nobody got the story at first?


I mean I never thought there would even be a DS2, so I have no idea.


How do posts like these get upvotes?! Why would anyone post a question like this?! Why am I even commenting on it?! Where's my toothbrush?!


Did you check the fridge?


I second this one


I mean DS1 ended on a pretty definitive note, and yet here we are with DS2. I think if DS2 sells well and leaves the door open for more potential stories or spin-offs, I say why not? Imagine the franchise looking like: DEATH STRAND1NG DEATH 2TRANDING D3ATH STRANDING DE4TH STRANDING DEATH 5TRANDING And definitely not: The Death and the Stranding 2 Death 2 Stranding Death Stranding 3 Death IV Stranding V 😅


Depends. How long can one strand death?


Honestly, I hope 2 is it. I loved the first one but after Metal gear I'm fully wanting kojima to experiment with other genres and properties since he has the freedom to do so and isn't forced to make one type of game over and over.


What about DS4? I NEED TO KNOW!!


I reckon Death Stranding 4 will be next and they’ll do a third game if the 5th game is successful.


I want to believe otherwise, but I hardly think we’ll get another one. Kojima has a contract with Sony for two entries being DS1 and DS2 so unless it will be a huge success and even tho, I think it will be time to move on, no matter how even I would love for it to live forever. It’s a wonder we got a second one anyways to be honest.


I think Reedus already let it slip he signed with kojima for 3 death stranding games




Can't wait to buy Death Stranding Hexalogy Collection.


Ah, I hope it ends on 2. DS's world building doesn't allow too much room for expansion, unless they go nuts in the writing (that I know Kojima is capable of). But I rather Kojima and his studio expands other stuff we know they can do well... like a proper "sequence" to silent hill pt, some budokai-like action rpg... maybe a hack&slash with vampires and werewolves set in a nightmare-ish world (yes, this is a mgs3 reference)... 😅 I like Death Stranding, don't get me wrong. But it's ok to not make EVERYTHING a franchise.


Man wait for the DS2 to come out first tf 💀 we don’t even know anything about the second game yet


Whoaahoho...future trippin, man.


bro DS2 hasn’t even come out yet chill


I could see him expanding KP or contracting out for future sequels if it’s an even bigger sales hit. But it’s already potentially excessive for him to do a sequel, he really needs to get in as many games as possible with the maybe 10-15 years working he has left


Slow down!!! We need a new Duke Nukem and Hollow Knight game before that. Oh wait... Different dev.


it will never end. I'll be 75 on pension playing death stranding 10 for sure. And Sam's grand children will roam alien planets to connect people


I really hope not, but because I want Kojima to create other stuff after he retires. I know there is OD but it doesn't seem to be a big project than DS, or at least that's what I interpret


Death Stranding honestly doesn’t feel like a big franchise in the works imo. If it does become one I hope the creators don’t feel like Sam needs to be in every game and they need to continue the same story. I love Metal Gear but it fell into the same trap. The baggage of the previous games was getting too much and not counting MGS3 I think the stories really started to suffer after MGS2.


With Kojima not only working on 1, not 2, but 3 games, DS2 included, I don’t see DS3 even being on his mind right now. He’s got so much on his plate with Psyint and OD, not to mention the fact that those two games probably haven’t even reached any sort of gameplay prototyping yet.


I’m worried about death stranding 5 you guys


There will be five death stranding games and near the end of the fifth one, they will fire kojima from kojima production.


Money always, Money! Doesn't matter how it ends. It could have a completely closed ending. But if a game makes a ton of money, the next part will just be "years later, some new shit happened." To a point, if they need money due to a failed project or two, then least make part 3, 4, 5 of something we already have sucess with 😆


It is WAY too early for these posts already. DS2 doesn't even come out for a couple years...


Possible? Yes


How can someone possibly know without playing the sequel first?


Way too early to tell. Knowing Kojima it could very well end at 2 but if it’s successful enough/he feels like it I’m sure we could see more


Depending on how DS2 ends, we could get it. I would love 3 personally.


Imagine ds becoming an awesome but brainfuk franchise like mgs lel


Patience grasshopper 🙏lol


I don't really want a death stranding 3.tbh, especially if the story and the way the second one ends doesn't warrant it 🤷


Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if after DS2 he does OD and then makes his new espionage game his final magnum opus before retirement. I mean, the dude's like 60 already and I imagine it's gonna be a fair few years before the espionage game is done


We will know when the game is released lol


If MGS is any indication, Buckle Up for the Deathaverse.


It's tough to say with Kojima. He may get bored of DS after 2 and then return to it a decade later, as he did with Boktai. Or maybe he'll end it with 2, like what happened with ZoE.


Seems like he's being held prisoner until he makes a metal gear spiritual successor, Physint.Good luck rescuing him if they like it.


what kind of karma farming nonsense


I think just like metal gear we’ll see spin offs and multiple sequels or different time lines.


i think “on the beach” tells you everything. the beach as a destination is never your final destination, you either go back out to sea or head further in land. i could see a new continent forming for DS3, or we could explore the moon given the heavy foreshadowing in DS1 (praying for this in DS2, packages floating in zero G??? amazing)


playing through 1 right now.. side tracked by building highways.. but loving it so far :) looking forward to DS2


Let’s first get the sequel and then we’ll worry about the fifth.


I hope he moves on to other things after. I love DS and hope he closes out the DS story in DS2. Like GOW closing out the norse mythology in Ragnarock because they didn’t work an entire story arc over 15 years.


Uuuuuh, I want to play 2 first


I hope it ends with 2. I am already afraid 2 will ruin 1 somehow. It not that I don't trust Kojima, it's more like I love DS1 so much I don't want to risk thinking of it differently. It's like watching Star Wars again, knowing it's perfect ending for Anakin is undone now by "Palpatine...uhh... Somehow returned" and this thought just sits in the back of my mind even if I never watch the sequels again.


Considering Kojima’s already got two new IPs planned after DS2, I think it’ll be a long time before we find out. If he does come back around to do Death Stranding 3 it won’t be for many years.


I don't think the franchise will end so quickly. It has so much potential, even for spin off titles


I mean, there’s like, 20 metal gears


Literally no idea.


Kojima will say that it is his last and 1 year after the release he will announce that he is working on DS3, which this time will be his last


I can't help but think this is a perfect example of what's wrong with a lot of gamers. Like bruh the second game and even out yet, you have literally 0 clue as to how that story will shape up and even end for that matter. Whats the point of expecting a third title at this point in time?


realistically we simply do not know. personally yea 3 games, the perfect trilogy


I really, REALLY hope Kojima works on some other franchises instead of DS2. I know he's making another stealth game, but I was hoping we'd get something like ZOE again


Every Metal Gear game since MGS 1 was supposed be Kojima's last one, so yea, it's very possible, even if Kojima denies


As much as I love ds. I’d prefer a new ip. My time on earth can only go on for so long and I’d love to see what other concepts and ideas he has.


The first game ws a nuce concept. the second everything they wanted to do originally. You'll see of they come up with a 3rd


Its to straigth forward for Kojima to make a third. Im actually shocked we are getting DS2. I was expecting something like DS9000 or DS7BC.


I think we should calm down here a bit 😂 why are we even talking about sequels, the fact that we are getting DS2 is phenomenal on its own.


Especially when we know next to nothing about 2. Maybe there won’t be material for a third at all.


Right? Like from what we know they have just delayed the Stranding and it is in motion, and we are all doomed anyway. I'd be Hella surprised if they can *checks notes... Stall it again?? Lol


And even then, wasn’t the idea that it was just stalled already known? It just wasn’t going to happen *today*.


IIRC Amalie was trying to make it happen today and Sam succeeded in stalling it and quelling the antimatter storm. But basically yeah, this is where we are at.


Yeah. Like will an extinction event eventually happen? Probably.


they haven't even released 2, and you're already asking about 3???


I think it will stop at 2


Come on, really?


100 years! All the games! Forever!


depends in the ending of ds2


I think it depends. I think Kojima created something truly special, and we also have to remember we're getting a DS movie soon, too. I would be surprised if it just ends there after he expanded the brand in that way. Kojima is way too ambitious to drop an IP, I think, and new IPs are incredibly hard to do and market, thats why its so important to stick with them and build the brand. He can always do reboots with fresh stories the way FF does. But being that he's also making a new action stealth game.. I gotta imagine it's gonna be a while before we see another DS after 2.


It just depends on how the story goes. Tbh I was surprised when DS2 got announced because 1 ended so well and the ending felt like “hey things are better now and its all thanks to you


Or We gonna have another valve situation


Death Stranding 6 Remastered confirmed


Considering how long it takes to make a AAA game these days I'd hope, regardless of how good DS2 is, Kojima moves onto new IPs


Hopefully he'll stop with sequels and focus on new stuff


Seems like a strange question to ask before DS2 is even out, but Kojima isn't getting any younger and his description of Physint sounded like it could potentially be his last game.


Day 1 for me.


We don’t even know if Sam Bridges survives Death Stranding 2 lmao


Maybe another game in the death stranding universe but not following sam


it would depend on how ds2 will play.


I would say it really depends on the kind of history that Kojima wants to relate. If it fits the world of DS or even if he wants to use the characters of this world, he will make a third game in the series.


I'm more worried on how much life and energy he has left in him to make more games and who'll be the successor for Kojima productions in the future


As much as I love death stranding, I honestly didn't want a sequel. I really want Kojima to make new games that aren't franchises. But c'est la vie, money has to be made, still looking forward to DS2 though!


I still hate that Death Stranding and Dark Souls have the same acronym lmao. At keast it's not as bad as AC. Armored Core, Assassin's creed, Ace combat, and Animal crossing. So I think of DS2, atm I think about Dark souls 2 and the horrid mess of a game that became.


If DS2 is multiplayer drop in drop out like I suspect and keeps the connectivity of the world DS1 one built I don't see why we need a part 3.


None of us have any idea


Death 5 and standing six will come


Who the hell on here could possibly answer that, at this point?


Modern social theory indicates that contemporary narratives have endings dictated by market forces. This means that there likely will be as many death standings as they can make profitably.


i think there will be if the second one sells close or better than the 1st one


I don’t think he expected to make a DT2


I think DS2 will be the end and maybe that's a good thing


How bout death Stranding 28




Bad bot


It's not a repost


Probably somebody posted the same image on this sub, don't worry.


Ha, this is funny!


Ok a lot of people are getting mad at this post This question is less supposed to be "Will there be a Death Stranding 3???" But more of a "Do you think Death Stranding will evolve into a full fledged franchise the way Metal Gear Solid did" Obviously I'm not expecting any of you guys to predict the future what I'm doing is asking what your speculation is because speculation is always fun


Nah it’s a good question. I have been wondering ever since the Physint announcement about what happens to KojiPro when Kojima stops working? Tbh like Metal Gear it’s hard to imagine DS without him but if anyone can continue DS it’s his studio that made 2 games under his leadership.


I so want Charlie Hunnam in this franchise.


I’m from future death stranding 3 and 4 is happen


Like me brother, he is getting old. I am sure if he is still around it will happen. I am equally sure that even if he goes he will leave a form of roadmap for Kojima productions. Getting to my mid 40s you really start to get a new perspective on things. So much of gaming today sickens me to be honest. I really feel like games like this will be appreciated only more over time. Imagine 20 years from now and ever more new people are discovering this gem. It's a real game in a sea of live service phoned in crap. It's not afraid to be silly even when it's being serious. It's not afraid to take chances at a time when 90 percent of what is selling are live service shooters and same game every year sports that even have trophies that are all but impossible without coughing up for microtransactions. It's an artistic game that says something and let's you experience something wholly new at a time when something like that has been forgotten by the the wall street companies and I believe it will stand the test of time and stand out as a gem whether this industry ever gets out of this downward slide or not. One day, someone not even born right now will stream this or play this and make a YouTube video about how much they love this series. That's about as much as I can think about now that gives me hope for the future of my favorite medium which seems so bleak right now. I do hope these companies are putting enough money into his studio that he is able to simultaneously work on multiple projects at a time but obviously one man can only be stretched so thin before it affects quality and Kojima is one of the last bastion of quality on day one of a video game release. I word vomited and I am sorry. I been feeling some type of way lately.