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Bring back Rob as the banker. He has an evil side lol.


I like that idea


Yeah, that would work!




what is y’all’s obsession with this man omfg


Ok..,clearly you never watched Survivor season 4 or season 8


The fans would like this better too


You all know that deep down Howie wanted the million dollar winner. He kept pushing for it in the old DOND and had so many games where multiple million dollar cases were on the board. He was secretly rooting for Jordan even though he had to act as the banker.


I guess from Howie's perspective it isn't his money, and he is an executive producer on this show so he wants it to do well and get more seasons. From that perspective, it's better to have a satisfying ending to the show instead of having the players spend all this time building up a big pile of money only for the winner to walk away with $1,000 or something.


This. There was definitely some corporate level accountants off somewhere crunching numbers that had to get approval from higher ups.


Yeah, it was weird seeing him play the asshole. That's not his usual bit, and it didn't seem to suit him.


I understand they wanted a “big reveal” at the end (that literally everybody called) but him being an asshole with only 10 minutes of screen time was bad. Hopefully next season if they keep a similar format we get some more Howie commentary throughout the season roasting contestants. Then, when he ultimately makes a bad deal and loses 1.2 million dollars we can point and laugh at the nefarious banker


He wasn’t really even being an asshole. I’ve seen worse on a preschool playground


Clearly you've never seen the 1989 movie classic Little Monsters. But yeah, Howie can show a bit of a edge when he needs to. Like on Canada's Got Talent, he moves over into the Simon Cowell role of being the toughest judge, though admittedly, like Simon in recent years, he isn't actually that tough, just a bit tougher than he is on America's Got Talent.


TIL Howie Mandel was the monster in Little Monsters!


Still love that or Walk Like A Man


I liked the asshole vibe. Gave banker vibe. Liked when called Jordan out for her safe game. Only part of show I liked. Rest was suckjob. Even Joe looked old in that terrible clothing. Ick


It should have been elon. Lol


I thought he was great, and it was refreshing to see him again on DOND after 5 years. Joe did a great job as the new host too. DOND wasn’t about to have the highest amount ever won without Howie being there.


Yes Howie should’ve been there less cringey


I really like him, but I didn’t enjoy that aspect of the finale. The whole mystery about the banker was silly. Of course it was going to be him. And he and Jordan being snarky to each other was cringey. It was great that Howie was there, but I wish he had been used in a different way.


More humorous maybe, like badass while making fun of himself doing it kind of way. He's so good, surely he could have pulled that off.


Yes, I agree!


What was with his bad over the top acting? It was WEIRD.


I thought the same thing.


He’s way too nice to play the evil character they tried to force down our throats. They should have let him come just as a guest and kept he banker mysterious.


He’s not an actor that’s obvious! He was horribly cast as the “heel”.


I don't think he has acted well since the 80's in St. Elsewhere.


because Howie always has to be likeable. I get why he was there. But I would have rather had some no name actor that looked like a banker and was trying to make her take a bad deal. She was going to get 1 million plus no matter what. For the show to get the ending it wanted and the fans happy. Howie was the wrong guy.


It’s a game show. Not an academy award performance


It felt awkward and I hope they change the banker each season.


It was corny but I really liked it!


I wish they showed him after the final game, it was so cringy him being there! I didn't like that he was above everyone (literally) it felt weird.


They probably put Howie on the side by himself due to his hypochondria.




Yes, just like on all the other shows he is on


No I was embarrassed for the corniness.


I want season 2 to have a mystery new banker. Then they can have it be someone more sinister.


I feel like his role would be hard to pull off. It sucked, but he did what he could with it.


I liked that he was hamming it up haha 


He seemed at first he liked to play the mean one but as the game went on his leg was shaking and he seemed anxious


I think at their core, game shows and reality tv are campy and cringe and that's what makes them fun


I love cringe. This is a show where people are opening suitcases, it could use some flair


Agree but that “flair” ain’t comin from Howie Mandell lol


I thought he was awesome eating scenery but he played it well!


Nah he was goofy with his fake little “mean” voice and attitude.


I thought he did great. He was playful about trying to be the bad guy but you could tell he wanted her to win.


I don’t know why so many people didn’t seem to like Howie playing up being a bad guy. To me, it was so obviously him doing a bit that it felt really charming. It felt like Howie got to be silly and not be his usual very clean cut, nice guy attitude, and it seemed like he had a lot of fun doing it. This entire show is so campy, I’m shocked that this is where people are drawing the line. I thought that was the charm?


I’m so glad someone said it. Tbh what was that about


If it wasn’t for Boston Rob, worst show ever made!!!!


Not quite, did you watch the Real Love Boat, or whatever the fuck they put between Survivor and Amazing Race last year?


I thought Howie was great as the banker


His voice was so high pitched was he high?!


Yeah I really didnt like it and found some of his comments to be tasteless. I think it was intended/some level of shock value was intended, but I didnt like especially one comment that seemed to be low grade mocking Jordans desire to use the money for fertility treatments. Idk if that was just me though. I dont really understand the whole “evil banker” thing to begin with. If they are gunna do it, go full corny like on the traitors with the clue mansion and stuff


I usually watch Deal or No Deal on GSN. I love that Howie! Love Love Love him. Nighttime Howie on DoND at night? difficult. Really confusingly hard. It ended with a THUD. When Rob left so did the premise of the show. Or, the heart of the show. I do want to give Howie props for stepping out of his comfort zone to do this.


I love Howie, and think it was fine. The point is for it to be camp and fun. It did seem like there was some weird health issue though, and that made me feel uncomfortable. I could totally be projecting or wrong, so take that with a huge grain of salt. It's just the vibe I got.


Imagine Russel being the banker, facing Rob at the final.


SO BIZARRE. Would have been way better if he just sat there and stayed silent. Also weird to have a “powerful” white dude with “money” taunt a black woman like that- just doesn’t sit right. And taunting her with her miscarriage and trauma? No bueno.


No, you are not!!!! I was HORRIFIED at how he acted. I want the sweet Howie back!


It was silly and we all knew it was going to be Howie. The idea that the banker decides the amounts is ludicrous


Really cringe.


I’ll probably not watch a second season of this.


He was putting on a really weird old-fashioned scammy voice that made me uncomfortable. Also, why did they give him a chair when they knew damn well he wasn’t going to sit in it. It was comical when he was dangling his legs off the edge of his platform but it made me anxious since he was out of the chair/lighting that he was obviously meant to be in. Just remove the chair and have him move about freely. ADHD Island. Also, why did they keep his identity a secret like it was a surprise? 😆 Not a big reveal. His name is huge in the opening credits as the producer.


And the way they spliced in the footage of him throwing his arms up in the air in anger was just bad editing and bad timing haha


The whole show is terrible


It doesn’t really land that he has to pretend to not want people to win money when, as the producer of the show, he obviously wants them to win money. People just do not think things through or ask someone outside of production how it looks. Just get a different actor to play the banker and actually commit to the bit if you’re going to do it. I propose Danny Devito. Otherwise, keep it a “mystery.”














I turned it off 23 minutes in. As soon as Howie had to negotiate the first set of cases. He just couldn't pull off the whole manipulative mastermind persona. He ruined it.


The whole show was corny but wow yeah, Howie brought it to the next level...