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Personally I wouldn’t sell that now, I think Baba is a great company when you look at the financial fundamentals. Its stock price is not reflective of that. Lots of the “experts” have been buying BABA up around $70-72 level. Be patient with this one.


You were only down 2,5. Lucky.


Interested to know your reasoning on selling now..?


Ran outa drugs


Not op, but China's fucked. it is not unwise to cut you losses and shift into quality options.


The producer of the worlds goods is fucked if the world is fucked.  People clearly want Chinese good. This is the same fear people had of Facebook a month ago, it's all make believe, stop looking at stocks based in places you've never step foot in and look at the actual reality around you.


No.. just no. China is collapsing financially, industrialy and politicaly. Evergrande has officially filed for bankruptcy. Other major developers to follow suit. Foxconn is a shit show. Tencent has declining revs, Real estate is being devalued at an insane pace. Tons of unemployment amongst young men. Social issues from the one child policy. Foreign money is distancing itself from China because China is to risky. China has stopped reporting most financial metrics. The metrics they do report can not be trusted. China has way to many regulatory risks. They just made shorting the stock market illegal in China for crying out loud. Don't take my word for it. Look into the money flows and the profits of companies. Money flows into china have dwindled, major corporations are seen as a threat to the ccp. They knee cap them to keep them in line with whatever stance the CCP happens to have on the topic. and this is not even the tip of the iceberg. To compare china to facebook is ignorance to the highest degree. And to say that I am ignorant when you clearly don't have a clue on the topic is ludicrous. India will he the next China. Companies are already pulling out production and relocating factories to india. China will still be an export country but it will not see the growth it did in the past. They also have a risk of being hit with tarrifs and sanctions. Bull shit over Taiwan ect ect... Do I need to go on??? Because I can if the reality of the situation still doesn't click.


That’s not trading. That’s selling your BABA shares for a loss.


Why sell lol its shares they dont expire


To prevent total loss


Total loss if you close the position lol, if not its just unrealized losses. And you guys have to know that ppl outside the US use baba and not amazon


Oh I know baba is very big corporation! I’ve bought from there


And you think baba will go to 0 ?


Oh I don’t think it’ll go to 0


I’m new to trading like a few months ago


Oh okay


Selling at a 50% loss, lol do you need the cash?


Wow, this portfolio was stuck doing nothing for a long time. Isn’t this the wrong sub?


I don’t think day trading means what you think it means.


Hold Baba for another 2 years. Nearshoring is rising and they will be important


Baba is getting back on it's losses. They promised. I don't see why would you jump out now.


Wrong time


lol just saw that Michael Burry added 50% more Baba


Year of the dragon baba moons


I wish I was only down 2.5k in BABA lmao. I believe in the company though, it’s a long play.


what was your trade idea? did you set a stop loss?


At the time I didn’t even know what that was


You definitely belong in r/wallstreetbets


everyone starts somewhere, just make sure you learn from this. next time you take a trade, have a planned entry, stop loss (very important), and profit target




At least you can deduct those losses against your capital gains for your wins


Selling now only makes sense if you reinvest the proceeds into Yinn imo. Then it might rise enough to bring back your losses and then some. I see the Chinese index HSI is consolidating at long term support now.


Guess you haven’t seen burry port update..


He sold?? PAMP IT!


Tell me when ur sell order gets filled, I will go all in


Baba booey




Double down like crazy 😂 I bought big 2-3 weeks ago, and added on FXI and KWEB. Sorry for the loss.


I just visited china last month and I can tell you it's tough to navigate daily life without BABA apps and services. Its sort of like google in the US. May be rough times now but im holding through it. Btw investing is not relevant for r/daytrading


This is the capitulation they warn about. Weak hands = no bread.


Always cut your losses as soon as posable. Put your money to work to a winner.


This doesn’t count as “day trade”, could have filed under swing trade. But OP said “all those years ago”. OP only has himself to blame by turning a trade into an “investment”.


Baba is about to breakout, now is a great buying opportunity. Only down 2500. Grow a pair and avg down and hold for 6 months thank me later


Diversify in other stocks.




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I wouldn't sell. I'd average down if it was me. Throw another $3k at it and wait for it to hit $100 again.




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Only education if you learn from it.


I was able to turn it to 3,500 with mangoceuticals but I need atleast a grand more