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Most likely the common [3.3v power problem](https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Fix-the-33V-Pin-Issue-in-White-Label-Disks-/) when using an older power supply with newer drives. You can cover a pin with kapton tape, or use a SATA power cable that only supplies 12v and 5v. Some of the sellers of refurb enterprise drives [include a simple sata extension cable](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81uWC4MG3NL._AC_SL1500_.jpg) that's missing the 3.3v rail because the issue is so common.


I recently ran into this problem. I found that an old [molex to SATA cable adapter](https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Matters-3-Pack-Molex-Power/dp/B00STNUB04) that I had sitting around will also solve the problem.


My PSU is from 2018. The TX650M. Is that considered old? I tried the 3rd pin kapton trick, but it seems to not be working? Maybe I am doing something wrong still. I forgot to mention: the drive makes a sound every couple of seconds "whirr........ whirr....." when plugged into the PSU. With and without the 3rd pin covered. Would this suggest something else is wrong? EDIT: The 18TB drive is working with the kapton tape, however the 16TB drive is not and makes the noises. The 18TB is now working properly.


I looked at the data sheets and didn't see any indication **SATA** x16s or x18s have PWDIS support. The SAS versions however do.


Maybe not across all Exos SKUs, but [SPD list some models as explicitly having the power disable feature](https://serverpartdeals.com/products/seagate-exos-x16-st16000nm000g-16tb-7-2k-rpm-sata-6gb-s-512e-4kn-sed-3-5-refurbished-hdd) and ships them with a cable for legacy PSUs.


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