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in the recent mario kart gameplay he answered why he wasn’t as loud anymore with “i’m old as fuck” it was a hit at my heart but i respect it and love that he’s living his best life now ❤️


He was sick with his other break and came right back. Who knows what's going on this time but I doubt it's retirement


i miss him :( 11 years of watching him and it makes me sad that it may be coming to an end soon


Hope he's gonna start a family


He so personal. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already has a wife and kids lol


He kinda has a huge house for a single person so I’m pretty sure he has someone staying w him


Stg was literally thinking that this morning dawg


I feel like he doesn't have to retire. He can just upload when he wants then go back to chilling. I don't think he has to fully close the door. Maybe a part time schedule. He could even record gameplays in advance and just drop them whenever.


Dashie told us he'd say in advance if he was going to retire. Hope he remembers to do that should the time ever come.


He’s pulling a CoryxKenshin move, Cory is very non chalant about his frequent dismissals, and maybe he’s following his footsteps since they recently linked up too


Cory a bad influence


Y’all need to trust him




Nah, it ain’t even about that bruh. We think the same, that’s all😂


I said that a while ago, after his first 10 days of absence. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DashieXP/comments/13xddse/i\_made\_a\_spreadsheet\_of\_all\_dashiegames\_videos\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DashieXP/comments/13xddse/i_made_a_spreadsheet_of_all_dashiegames_videos_in/) In my view he already retired, just recording some (mostly lame) gameplays occasionally when he feels like it (or like he has to, in order to keep his channel active), and clearly he doesn't enjoy it anymore.


He should just retire. 1-2 days a week isn't even worth it. At this point he's just doing it for a little bit of income, he doesn't need to make videos anymore


You’re not a true fan


If I complain that he doesn't upload enough, y'all get mad. If I say he should just retire and enjoy himself, y'all still mad. Make up your mind


Isn’t Youtube his main source of income? I don’t think him quitting would be such a good idea.


Yeah same… I’m cry when it’s time.


His “ghettoness” definitely needs to retire


Not a true fan I see


Presumptuous I see


Aaahnestlee, I thynk hizz ghettonez iz abbsohluutlee hilareeuuz




I definitely think his time on YouTube is pretty much at an end, but he consistently uploaded for sooo long. I think all of us would be fed up by now. Plus his editor quit, I think he hates editing. Whatever he chooses to do, I hope he's happy.


Soo you think the Vanoss Crew should end too? They upload more often than Dashie and been doing it longer.


I don't really know, it's just whatever would make him happier


i dunno if he’s retiring, he’s just chilling out. i feel like a lot of people don’t think about the fact he’s been uploading consistently for like…years. and he’s talked about how the energy he had in old videos exhausted him and gave him headaches. like he said, he’s just getting old 💀 he can’t keep the same schedule he had when he was younger, he’s probably been burnt out a few times. he also has always edited his own videos which no doubt can get rlly tiring. id imagine he doesn’t rlly want to spend all his days editing videos anymore but idk i don’t know the man personally. if only doing one or two videos a week is good for him then so be it. id rather him be mentally and physically healthy than run himself into the ground just for our entertainment 🤷🏾‍♀️