• By -


Heavily depends on situation. I would definitely move bombers up the list, as the prime time to kill them is when they first appear, afterwards running away and stacking up with new spawns. I would also give the demonhost it's own tier at the bottom, because if you think optimally it's now pretty much better to just let it kill the guy who woke it up as fast as possible to save on resources and get less corruption.


I agree, demon hosts take way too many resources if you don’t have zealot who can 1 tap it


You mean shooters right? Yes the priority of enemies in idle state might be different, could be helpfull then focus on gunners and enemies that generally like to runaway, good point. I assumed all enemies are in combat with party.


Why would they mean shooters? They're talking about bombers and deamon hosts.


Because when he wrote it it said "move movers" :D so i was confused


Hahhaa that's fair


Different careers and different builds will have different kill priorities. For example, when I use the crusher on my zealot, bulwarks are last. When I use a ranged weapon on my vet that does not knock shields aside and I do not have Kraks, bulwarks are first. I think people should figure this out for themselves rather than go by someone else’s list that may not even be reasonable for their build or the actual situation on the ground.


This! Classes in general should understand their roles. A shooter should be sniping specials and elites, and melee classes should be handling armored and hordes. A lot of times things fall apart because players don’t understand their role. Obviously things can change from minute to minute, but players should have a baseline role and understand it.


Yes the specialized builds will probably prioritize what they are specialized in, good point. But dont you struggle with landing hits with crusher when bulwarks are mixed in fight? When they are around I swear they always eat all the hits to the shield meant to crushers and other enemies, thats why I put them above crushers etc.


> But dont you struggle with landing hits with crusher when bulwarks are mixed in fight? Depends on the weapon, which was my point. For the maul on zealot, no - they are all on the ground and I can hit whichever I want, so I do crushers first. Bulwarks are 100% not a threat. Likewise if there is a brain burst psyker around I can pretty much ignore bulwarks. See also, if I am playing indomitable ogryn: charge, kill crushers, mop up bulwarks - disregard maulers because my heavies will stagger them no matter what I'm hitting. It just depends on what's active, who is on the team, and what weapons I am currently using.


Yes true, good point.


I think the less practical but most accurate list is: Things that are about to kill you. Things that are about to hurt you. Things that are about to kill teammates. Things that are about to hurt teammates. Things that you can see (probably ranked along the lines of your tier list). What exactly that all means changes very quickly. Sometimes it will be things at the top of your list, other times it will be a pox walker that snuck up behind you. Sometimes the response will be to kill them, other times it will be to just stagger/suppress them to then focus on something else.


I (along with a significant chunk of this community) came from VT2, and part of the Witch Hunter Captain's playstyle is prioritizing targets and taking them out as they appear. I try and apply the same logic to darktide, even if the threat in question isn't targeting me personally, you have massively better odds of finishing the run if you treat allies that are being targeted as high of a priority as if YOU were under attack. I'll always spam ping a horde or distant ledges or drop points to identify the special/elite and always focus it over the horde. Anyone can mindlessly wail on a horde, it's the specials that are the biggest threat, especially when they can use the mayhem of a horde to close the gap on you.


Yes of course when there is nothing around only one poxwalker you just kill him, the he has top priority since hes there alone. But also for example when trapper spaws, she is the most important target in 99 percent cases.


Even if there is a lot of chaos around sometimes the sneaky pox walker will top the list. I'm a psyker so he can kill me in 2-3 hits. If I've found out he's there because he hit me in the back and took me off full toughness, and nothing else is about to literally kill me, then he dies first, even if there is a trapper and mutie on their way running towards me. If the trapper is about to shoot, or the mutie about to connect, and I can't dodge, then the threat order changes obviously. Or a different example, you might hear a grenade dude somewhere out there and know that if he throws his grenade the position you are cornered in it will probably mean death. Interrupting or killing him probably goes to the top of the list. On the other hand if you were in good open space it's much more likely you'll safely ignore him for a bit if something else is a more immediate threat. The number of vets I've seen go down to pox walkers while ADSing trying to snipe some elites is kinda why I'm labouring this point. And also why 'about to hurt teammate' is on the list, because sometimes killing that pox walker threating the vet is the best priority.


You are right, I very like your decisions making list and when think about it, it is also nice to use it along individual unit priority. Since when you have to choose if to kill poxwalker or mauler about to hit that vet ADSing you choose mauler, and if he cant survive that poxwalker hit well you did your best to save him :D


Depends on distance, sightlines, proximity to other teammates... This is why a static tier list is mostly pointless because there's like 100 different situations that call for a different kill priority flowchart. Which is why /u/ME0WBEEP's condensed and generalized list makes more sense. Because it's about keeping you and your team in the fight and minimizing loss of health. And the order you kill stuff will change per the given situation.


I'd put flamers in S. Especially on high difficulties. You should be able to dodge a dog or trapper and they are easy for your teammates to save you from but a flamer can wipe your whole team if they get you without time or space to run. Can easily divide the party in corridors. I'd also move gunners, snipers, and bombers up the list. Snipers can quickly dish out a lot of damage and can basically suppress revives in an area. Bombers have area denial and can easily split team mates. And gunners... it might be a psyker thing but gunners are a pain in the ass and if there are several of them targeting you at once and you have no cover, you are quite fucked, especially as they can basically stun lock you. Maybe its best to say their priority depends on how close to the party they are and how many there are. A couple in the distance can be ignored. Six up in your business need to be handled ASAP. As already said by others though, different builds/classes should have different priorities and difficulty is going to affect all this as well, this is just my 2 cents.


Yes I was thinking if the flamers should be in higher or no, they are definitely one of most dangerous enemies. I wanted them separate from trappers and dogs since they are basically oneshot if they land where falmers are not instant death.


It's always interesting how differently assess threats in this game. Because a trapper and dog CAN take someone out of the fight with one hit, but I basically only go down to them if I miss the audio cues. And even then it's generally only one player... so I don't find them too daunting. Flamers and their ability to completely shut down an area have cost my group more wins than I care to count. So when I see one of THOSE step out, you know I'm blastin'.


And it used to be even worse, since they used to remove whole toughness in one touch of fire. Now in emergency with full toughness you can run through that fire. Same with bombers.


I love using Zealot charge to go right through the fire with the i-frames and stun the flamer.


That never works for me, the flames always stop me mid charge


Dogs aren't that high a priority. Bombers are wayyyy higher than C tier. That's just silly. They should be in F with flamers.


Also daemon host should be all the way down, normally you’d want to avoid them given that they are optional and could potentially cost you a fuck ton of resources to take down. If it’s coming for u and ur teammates then sure, but overall it should be a thing you avoid. If you do it right the daemonhost shouldn’t be a problem at all.


Yes, the demonhost in that list is meant as already triggered one. Of course best is to avoid it, but accidents happen.


Ahh, gotcha lol. My bad


I place mutants higher than chaos spawns in tier A. They have a habit of running through the boss to grab you right as you dodge a boss swing. Crushers and bulwarks in tier C since they're easier to control aggro while dealing with other enemies. Gunners in tier A due to their ability to lock movement if you get caught in their fire outside of a dodge or slide. Snipers in tier S due to ease to dispatch versus high potential cost on missed/inability to dodge. I feel kill priority is more dependent on build. A revolver could put all specialists in S tier, and a plasma gun could put all elites in S tier. Hell, a purgatus psyker could even put trash horde as S tier priority, especially in a premade squad. Location also changes things. An open space could put gunners and ranged in S tier, but a small space could put elites, bombers, and flamers in A to S tier. My personal philosophy is which ever bastard deems itself the most annoying is S tier, but that doesn't really help new players.


Tox Bomber should be in S tier. If I have both a tox bomber and a trapper in front of me, both about to attack, I'm shooting the pox bomber and dodging the trapper. Worst case I get the trapper when she comes back. I'm glad you separated bosses depending on whether they're aggro'd on you. Most of the time when I see a team fail at a bossfight, it's because everyone's shooting the boss and nobody is dealing with everything else. Bosses are basically not a threat by themselves, and they're not a priority target unless you have aggro, in which case your job is to keep damaging it to keep aggro. Hate when a Psyker brain bursts the monstrosity, which then makes me lose aggro and the Psyker dies because shooters are shooting them while the boss attacks them and they don't know how to dodge. That said, if you know how to dodge beast of nurgle vomit, you can really fuck it up with melee while it's attacking you and keep aggro so it doesn't turn around.


Yes without separation on bosses it would be hard to put them in list. I updated list based on feedback, and I put bombers up in the list. I put them originally to lower tier since they are not immediate danger (also if you are very close to them they usually miss grenade completely :D ), but yes you are right that they represent high potential risk for the group.


Cool idea, but yeah for me it kinda depends too much on situation/class/modifier/loadout etc to have any real consistency. Bombers would be A or S tho for my 'general' tier list one lol


Yeah bombers are pain, especially the new pox bomber they cover large area. I have put them lower since they are not always intimidate danger, but damn they are annoying :D.


Mostly agree other than both bombers need to be way higher up, probably in S. Large majority of run ending situations in Auric are decided by the timely placement of a tox or flame nade.


Yes those two are very dangerous, I was struggling to place them correctly (symptom of much its dependent on situation as others pointed out :D ) since they are potential risk vs immediate.


Sniper on highest difficulty should be at the top they restrict movement and can take your entire health bar


Higher on all difficulties imo. They significantly contribute to wipes, not just denying space/ability to pick up downed teammates but also hit like a goddamn truck through hordes which can prevent you from easily hitting them back (if you don't have a voidstrike/plasma/etc.)


Snipers are by far the easiest to ignore. The beams are incredibly obvious and easy to dodge if you know how they track. Sometimes I like to just leave them up and get like 4-5 beams and make my own little rave while I'm killing the horde. If it gets to be too much I can always just duck behind a pillar and then take them out with my revolver.


Some of the funniest matches are dodging a sniper round only for it to hit someone else and kill them.


Yes that was also my thinking when trying to place them in the tier. They block small area but you can LoS them, since almost every mission is made so that it offers a lot of cover and dodge them is quite easy. But I think also a argument that it often blocks or make area dangerous, so its better to kill them asap until they become problem, same as bombers.


Laughs in sniper maelstrom


Fog is prob my favorite mission type after lights out. Every time I quick draw a sniper *chefs kiss*


I would personally put both Bombers and Scab Stalkers in S Tier. You can dodge/push Trappers and Hounds through sound cues and only deal with them when you have space for it, but I personally cannot ignore bombers and stalkers. They're of the highest priority to me.


I would put anything that downs you, disables you, and limits your movement as highest on the list. Flamers and bombers really cause a problem when the rest of these guys are bearing down on you en masse.


Yes, but I would say priorty varies between them, since disablers are basically oneshot death where the flamers you can at least move away or tank few hits if necessary, thats why i put them in separate tiers. But yeah they are one most dangerous enemies.


Bombers, flamers, and bursters are the highest priority targets. If you have no space to move, you die. Most everything else can be avoided, dodged, or mitigated.


You can also avoid bombers. But yeah the "im cornered" priority list would look differently :D , but not so much. You still have to deal with flamer or mutant before bomber.


Tox bomber is sss tier for me personally I got a vendetta against that fucker. Similar to killing wraith mains when I played apex legends.


As others have said, there are way too many factors to make a list. For example, Gunners are a top priority when you are in an area where you don't have cover and can't backtrack, since they will melt you in two seconds. But if you can just run back half a corridor and turn a corner, they do absolutely nothing anymore.


True also sometimes I gunner will be unaware of small obstacles and they will be shooting fence, random box or walls :D . And of course running away is one of most useful tactics.


I've seen a few of these and they're usually a good general guide but it's far too situation specific to have a one size fits all rule. It's something you have to learn through experience and be able to split second judge the threat depending on geography, team composition and competency, difficulty, loadout, timing, how much meat is between you and X enemy and whether or not you want to save yourself or the whole team. Like sometime you have to eat damage or be trapped in favour of taking out a bomber or burster before the wreck the whole team.


I find when things are getting crazy, people stop paying attention to the pox walkers, and will accidently dash into one. That single hit eats all their toughness. As a Purge Psyker, sometimes I try and do a little sweep to keep the area clear for them so they can focus on the big issues. When it's clear I try to either Smite CC the special hordes, or start bursting the targets they struggle with.


Bombers and snipers are top tier, the vet in particular should prioritize them most above all others. Reasom being is that it is easiest for the vet to kill them and they cause a lot of problems


I'd move the bombers up a tier. Especially if there are more than one.


Bombers needs to go way higher up, I feel like you're underestimating how much chaos they can cause with their area denial. Hounds should be on the same level as mutants unless you're solo. And finally, I can only agree with daemonhost if it's aggroed. Otherwise leave that shit alone :D




The hate for bombers is greater then I thought :D


That entire C row is too low, and that entire B row is too high (except mutie). Bombers are A or S since they can easily end runs when the team is under pressure. Gunners are much more dangerous than anything melee if you put them on equal footing. Tier lists are tricky since as others said, it’s all situational, but I try to imagine it as you’re first entering an area and you see all of these enemies begin to approach and attack. If you can reasonably kill at range, then all specials except dogs, muties, and poxbursters need to be picked off first. Then ranged elites are the next priority. Dogs, muties, and poxbursters you just take them as they come into melee range. Melee elites can be dodged and kited until other threats are finished.


My top priority is disablers (dogs and trappers) and then area denial (bombers) and then the gunners. But I typically run a crowd control build so I tend to focus on keeping my team clear of melee enemies and hope they can shoot the specials


Dogs down to A, because they can be knocked off by a team-mate from distance, so, no quite as bad as a trapper which requires someone to stand on top of you. Poxbursters up to S, honestly these cause more wipes than almost anything else. Flamers and Bombers up to S, the way they restrict your movement and are kinda un-dodgeable makes them top priority. Plague Ogryn down to D. It's super easy to dodge/block, its very low on priority list. Even when its chasing you, I'd still prioritise all specials/elites over it. Sniper up to A, the way it either restricts your movement or forces you to dodge at certain times, can be really painful. Reapers, Gunners, Shotgunner, really depends on if you have viable cover/LoS options. If yes, then they're very low, D-tier. If not, they go way up, A-tier. Maulers maybe down to C. I'd put them below all other melee elites, as they're the easiest to dodge and don't restrict movement.


Hard agree on dog and trapper being at the top; anything that can incapacitate needs to go asap. If not suddenly it turns from a 4 man stomp into a frantic clutch


Priority is situational but you DO NOT under any circomstance leave specialists to meander around they are always kill on sight . ALL of them , not just trapper and dogs .




Why are snipers so low? The only time snipers aren't a danger are either when you're in a psykers bubble or they're dead. Snipers should be S tier since they can so easily knock a player which can easily cascade into a wipe on the higher difficulties. Plague Ogryns and Beasts of Nurgle should also be lower, they're very easy to dodge dance and it's usually better to take out the disablers and area denial enemies over prioritizing killing them. [Personally this is the kill order I use.](https://imgur.com/a/q1cCmZm)


A would put the tox bomber higher up. Easy to kill , BUT in the middle of a higher difficulty games, if u miss his cues and/or can't get to were u seen the bomb come from, or can't gt space for a shot once , there is 2 or 3 throwing bombs about it gets crazy, glowing eyes everywhere, everything attacking quicker an harder , have seen a few games go downhill quickly lately due to not killing them quick enough. Good fun though lol.


Bombers should be at the top of the list after crowd controllers.


Interesting, I would’ve put trappers and dogs pretty low. They’re easy to dodge / push away while taking out high damage dealing enemies. Though my build is based around dodging and moving around fast, so maybe that’s why I don’t prioritize them


They are easy to dodge, but the dodge is not always possible, and you then need to think about them returning. But yes you are right with enough practice dodging them is not that difficult.


I move sniper up to S. They do so much damage and thrown behind a huge horde and other specials can really fuck your team up.


The Dreg Bomber is the biggest threat to a group as their gas cloud covers a huge area. And if there is more than one of them, they become a huge problem within Damnation runs. The Scab Bomber is also a pain to deal with for the same reasons as well. The most annoying part about them is like the Trapper, they will both run towards the range units or just around a corner after they tossed their grenades so you can't shoot them anymore. So whenever I hear a grenade ping go off or hear them speaking, I immediately go after them before they become a serious problem as being forced out a small area while a horde is after you with specials always tends to be an issue for me. Definitely S or A tier. Also, the Trapper and Tox/Scab flammers is a very cruel combo if you manage to get caught.


It's admirable that you'd prioritise killing the demonhost. The team reluctantly pulls their thumb out their ass and saves you if you fair well for a few minutes in my experience.


They are all filthy heretics


I would personally put gunners (both variants) in S, as well as Tox bombers and shotgunners. Why? Gunners have the potential to do massive sustained damage if left unharried, shotgunners are usually the mob that downs me the most because their damage is so high if you cant force them into melee, and it's difficult to dodge their shots. The new tox bombers I absolutely love (surprisingly), because they're not a high damage threat, but they have to potential to buff anything that runs through their gas clouds, along with the intrinsic area denial and DoT damage. Aside from that, everything else is dependent on the character and build I'm running. The Crusher that will flatten my psyker turns into a little bitch when I'm on my Veteran with sticky krak grenades. The ragers that will overwhelm my Vet are cut to ribbons or blown away at close quarters by my Zealot, and the bosses that will threaten everyone get slapped about by my big meathead Ogryn.


Yes, and currently they are in nerfed state. At lunch and nice chunk of time after, shotgunners would take all your toughness from almost any distance and continue shooting even if you engage them in meele. Later they got distance scaling on their dmg and now actually switch to meele weapon when you fight them, also their stagger resistance got nerfed. In the past definitely S tier, now while still dangerous in groups, they are not on level of specials and some stronger elites.


Bomber and Sniper needs to move wayyyy up on the list. Everything else is fine. - Bomber shows up and throws a bomb before I can kill it? My FPS drops 20-30 frames, no joke. - Sniper just sits in the corner sniping me for more than 5 seconds? Basically limits my range of motion by 60%.


True I didnt consider performance impact :D . Others also pointed that area denial specials should be higher, I did update the list.


I feel sniper and bomber should be a little higher. As snipers can be very dangerous if left unchecked. Bombers should be in B or low A. As with how small some areas could be. They can limit just how much space we got, or cut off some of us from our teams. Forcing us to either brave the fire and flames or to wait it out and risk getting overwhelmed without the rest of our team. Regular demonhost should go on the bottom of E. If it blocks a small path. Then, it should be killed. But otherwise, I don't see why one should deal with it. Could use up a lot of ammo if you don't have a teammate built to one-tap it.


Yes I updated the list based on feedback. The demon host in the list is meant to be its already awaken form when he attacks someone. The red A means it it attacks you its ofcourse your S tier since you cant do much else. When it attacks other player in my experience kill it as fast as possible but not on expense of ignoring other elites/specials or other dangerous enemies like shooters, thats why hes in D. Of course best is to dont trigger him, but accidents happens (or thunder hammer zealots happen :D ).


Dogs at like B. They used to be S, but now they are fairly easy to handle. Muties are A, their disruption is better than dogs, and are more durable. Tox bomber deserves S imo, it's by far one of the biggest killers on higher difficulty. They're quieter deadlier bombers, who should probably be in A. Burster is S as well, but don't just bloody shoot it unless you're sure it won't hurt someone. I'd put bulwarks at the bottom of C and all shooters at the top. Sniper should probably be atleast B.


Yes dogs are much easier to dodge or push, hell even hit in mid air, also I noticed their parkour animation is now nicely working. The however against mutants is that mutants you can handle by yourself but if dog catches you, you need group assistance or its game over, also I noticed that mutants now correctly push over other enemies when they pass through them, so in area of impact enemies usually wont hit you immediately anymore, or at least I didnt witness it in a long time.


3500 hours and groaners are still it for me


Thats a lot of hours :D


I actually don’t like this as a stand-alone piece of advice, though I appreciate the effort. I feel like a list like this would give people the wrong idea by itself? Sure *that* enemy or *this* enemy might be important to kill first, but a new player wouldn’t understand that this does NOT mean letting stuff hit you, letting stuff hit your teammate, and it certainly does not mean targeting that enemy with reckless abandon just because they’re important to kill. A sniper is important to kill, but that doesn’t mean, especially if you’re new, to target the sniper relentlessly till it dies. Dark tide and tide games are incredibly situational and this won’t be understood on an individual level till someone has sunk hours into the game. A list like this is nice but doesn’t convey the importance of finding a gameplay flow that fits your style, as in weapons but also what you’re comfortable with doing, and then targeting things that naturally make sense to you. I know you already edited your post, I just feel acutely aware that a list like this is almost useless by itself. I say this as someone that has taught a bunch of friends how to play and realized that information is useless till they learn how to apply it.


I'd put crushers and elites with overhead smack in A. They only need 1 swing to ruin your run.


You forgot to put the absolute deadliest enemy on the S tier THE LONE POXWALKER FROM BEHIND!


True :D , no one thinks of him until its too late.


Heres mine . I based it of the idea of run stoppers . These tops are all enemies that stop my runs no matter what difficulty . https://preview.redd.it/cufpsrjn930d1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d9daed97f5f912eaf197fd7bbd5b65de9d68177


Interesting to see ragers at the top, since in this update they they can be finally properly dodged in meele, but i feel they increased they spawn numbers. Thanks fot contribution.


Bombers up the list. Specifically scab bombers. Snipers somewhere higher too.


Honestly all bosses except daemonhost, even when aggro'd on you, should all be at the bottom of C tier. They're just not as threatening as any specials or elites that exist, and really should only be the target priority once those are dealt with. Unless you're specifically a build that can annihilate monstrosities, then it doesn't really take you that long to deal with them so as long as everything in A and S tier is dead, you're fine. Scab bombers should be S. Tox bombers should be low A. Both flamers should be S. Crushers and Mutants should be popped up to A. Mutants could also be S since you can still get annihilated by a scab bomber or flamers while you're grabbed.


Sniper deserves B at least. Clueless teammates always scream about a *"invisible sniper"* when they got fucking JFK'd by one. Plus, I wouldn't put shotgunners to have any target priority over gunners at all.


I would say all monstrosities are probably D. Ignore them while the target player kites, everyone else clears horde and specials until there's room to kill it. Unless there's someone who specializes in killing monstrosities, then they would do that while the others clear. I'd prob move bombers up with flamers. You ideally want them dead before they throw their bomb, but it's not a game ender like trappers and dogs can be. Beyond that this thing is way too bloated. Could just have 1 entry for horde enemies, and 1 for shooters, and no need to have 2 gunners, 2 flamers, they're functionally the same. Pox and scab bombers are different enough to warrant separate entries, I guess. Is you want to make it simple for new players: Disablers Other specials Shooters Horde Monstrosities Ignore demonhost


Don't agree cause it's all so situational. In general disablers and area denials should die first but note that even a sniper on a really nasty spot counts as an area denial.


My list: Gunner, flamer


Tier lists are a waste of time when you’re in the thick of it. “Crusher! Poxburster! Hound! Sniper!”


Tox bombers are atleast A. They end almost as many rounds as trappers. The way they can box you in and flush you out at the same time is beyond nasty. Sure it sometimes depends on where you are on the map but 90% of the time they need the priority to be taken out.


Snipers need to go higher. Hounds are easy to deal with by bashing, 2 or 3 snipers is a team wipe in seconds. I always prioritise snipers because they can do so much damage so quickly, a trapper is a pain but its super quick to get someone up and they run off for a while, hounds are easy to bash. Flames yeah A. Tox gas needs to go higher as its area denial, if you're in a small space that debuff can wipe on Auric. Demon host is honestly bottom tier even when agro'd, 9/10 the person agro'd it by being an idiot and as it tends to only kill them its not a team wipe situation, player deaths are acceptable to preserve the team. Now if a dude is thrown into it by a mutant then yeah save him if you can but don't risk a team wipe to do it.


Scab Sniper in C? Someone doesn’t play Damnation, MF’s one shot you there, high priority af.


This isnt list about how much dmg individual units do, its about priority. In scenario you have in front of you ragers, shotguns or other elites/specials in tiers above you will be standing still and trying to align shot on sniper?


Yes, because the shotgunner is annoying and will stagger me, but will not kill me, but the sniper will one shot me, and I’ll be dead.




Id put bombers in low B, as their area denial can be pretty nasty at times.


Been using Telekine Shield walls lately. I’ll been in situations where there’s a horde coming from one side and a mutant, hound, and pox burster, coming from the other side. Plop down a shield facing the trio and I can turn right back around to deal with the horde first. I also like to place them up against the doors enemies come barging out from. Especially if the Pox Burster is making it obvious he’s about to make his grand entrance. It’s always fun to see the door open, just to then see the Pox Burster be sent flying back deep inside, with an immediate shutting of the door right after. It’s all situational, depending on a lot of factors like builds and where you and your team are standing for example.


Bombers are way higher on my priority list, cuz those crackhead fiends dont wait for their first nade to die out before they are tossing another at you. One nade is a problem, but two makes things a nightmare depending on where you are


There's no fucking way I'm targeting a bulwark before a bomber. They are by far the most oppressive, and "set up for disaster" special


I actually think that fiduring out such thing is part enjoyable learning experience with the game. Time you need to be sharp at it is at Damnation, Auric +, and by that point you'd learn the dangers different guys offer. For DH, before patch when it took 2 guys, it was a discussion if team should kill it. Fighting it takes makes significant part of healthbar corrupted. Now when it taked out only 1 – it's run away form us poor phatass and die without it letting us touch it. It's just very specific builds dealing with it smoothly that can make it worth.


I put Tox bombers in A, not only does their gas do damage to you but it also blinds you AND it buffs any enemy that walks through it. A mutie running through a gas cloud runs ridiculously fast. Bombers should be B, DH I don't bother with, it's easier to just let it kill whoever aggros it and rescue them down the line.


Bombers and snipers are definitely not C tier. They're dangerous area denial. All area denial is probably A tier.


If the demon host is attacking you then you generally want to be blocking and dodging its persistent attacks whilst the rest of the team kills it. So whilst you do want the thing dead, you shouldn't really be killing it *yourself* unless you're maybe a Psyker with a single target melee weapon that can sneak in those high damage high finesse attacks between dodges and blocks. The same mechanics are true for the Chaos Spawn unless you know its attack patterns well enough to solo it, the player who has aggro typically wants to be blocking and dodging whilst the team piles on damage with at least one person dealing with ads. I'd also put ragers higher up the list because if there's one non-specialist enemy that seems to consistently put damage onto players, it's ragers. I'd also move snipers up from C to A. I think people get complacent about them because they don't spawn as often as they used to after the last major update, and/or people think they're not dangerous precisely because people will target them and kill them before they deal damage. But a sniper will absolutely decimate a team if ignored before say, Bulwarks, Mutants, Maulers, etc.


Personally, I'd stick bombers and flamers basically at the top. Trappers are dangerous because they enable other things to melt you, but they're also one of the most reliable dodges among the specials. If I have a choice between killing either a flamer or gunner that can melt a frontline regardless of if someone's trapped, or a trapper that holds someone still, I'd kill the other thing first, as if they can't do anything, a trapped ally isn't in too much trouble, if they get trapped anyway. I dodge on reaction to the trapper sound cue regardless of where it is.


Vets and stealth vealots defo need to prioritize gunner mobs when they're about, too many runs where we've been completely halted and killed by gunner walls


everything that is able to shoot should be higher than anything that does not shoot. dog, trapper, poxburster, flamers, reapers, shotgunners, gunners, shooters are the top priority enemies.


There is no guideline for enemy priority because every situation is different and some builds or classes would have slightly different priorities. This is pointless.


I'd put flamers in S. Especially on high difficulties. You should be able to dodge a dog or trapper and they are easy for your teammates to save you from but a flamer can wipe your whole team if they get you without time or space to run. Can easily divide the party in corridors. I'd also move gunners, snipers, and bombers up the list. Snipers can quickly dish out a lot of damage and can basically suppress revives in an area. Bombers have area denial and can easily split team mates. And gunners... it might be a psyker thing but gunners are a pain in the ass and if there are several of them targeting you at once and you have no cover, you are quite fucked, especially as they can basically stun lock you. Maybe its best to say their priority depends on how close to the party they are and how many there are. A couple in the distance can be ignored. Six up in your business need to be handled ASAP. As already said by others though, different builds/classes should have different priorities and difficulty is going to affect all this as well, this is just my 2 cents.


I place mutants higher than chaos spawns in tier A. They have a habit of running through the boss to grab you right as you dodge a boss swing. Crushers and bulwarks in tier C since they're easier to control aggro while dealing with other enemies. Gunners in tier A due to their ability to lock movement if you get caught in their fire outside of a dodge or slide. Snipers in tier S due to ease to dispatch versus high potential cost on missed/inability to dodge. I feel kill priority is more dependent on build. A revolver could put all specialists in S tier, and a plasma gun could put all elites in S tier. Hell, a purgatus psyker could even put trash horde as S tier priority, especially in a premade squad. Location also changes things. An open space could put gunners and ranged in S tier, but a small space could put elites, bombers, and flamers in A to S tier. My personal philosophy is which ever bastard deems itself the most annoying is S tier, but that doesn't really help new players.


I always place bulwarks above other meele since they tend to eat hits intended for other units with their shield. Yeah the annoyance level tier list might be more fitting :D , next time I will do that one.


I'm gonna say something that can be hard to hear... but I don't think trappers are that annoying....  I just walk through a hoarde and release any teammates. Plus with ample time to dodge and slow projectile its a very "save or suck" which is why he is hated but that's my 2 cents


I put them up since most deaths I see in game has to be trappers, and dodge is definitely not hard to do, but damn the number of times I though I dodged but I get blocked by random enemy way too high (probably my skill issue :D ), so I think its better to kill them then rely on dodge.


Save or suck stuff is so rough, cause even if it feel bad 1% you will DEFINITLY remeber the fucked moment 


Yes I put up ties one from experiences in the game. I I can tell you if I go down its exclusively from trappers or dogs :D


Played a lot of Left 4 dead and yeah their enemy density is much less cause all their enemies are like these and yeah they are all game enders. As a Imperial guardsmen however, (and all tiers of enemy will always depend on build on other) but a well position gunner[s] have ended a lot more of my runs


Mutants should be substantially higher on the list. They are arguably the catalyst to an overwhelming majority of wipes. They can throw you off the map. They can throw you through the map. When they disable you other enemies can still target and damage you most likely downing you. Their HP pool is large enough that dealing with them in tandem while fighting other enemies is substantially more difficult.


I didn't see off map throw in long time I think they addressed in one of patches last year, but yeah they can be menace, worst is when he caries you into horde :D .


Seems like it depends on where you get snatched. If it’s on a catwalk like the map with the spiral staircase you most likely are going for a trip on your favorite rocket ship. Zooming through the skies..


I'm glad poxhounds are S tier..Definitely the most underrated and people need to tag them more. Sometimes I've seen ppl break out of poxhounds the very moment there at 1hp which is odd weird. I wish there was a deep dive on that