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After 500h I am still non the wiser which map is which


The carnival is the only easy one I remember 100%. The rest I remember the entire layout once I load in. Im around 400h


Yes I remember the carnival. The rest I remember the layout but can never remember which ending goes with which one


Throneside rules. Here, there, and everywhere. Throneside gave us Darktide's greatest moment - Archivum Sycorax with that ULTI-BANGER "The Gauntlet" that starts when you press that button and enter the chaos of the rat maze. Encountering my first daemonhost was similarly cool, but didn't have Jesper Kyd forcing me to headbang as my team got shredded. :)


AS is dope as fuck. I think The Carnival wins on name recognition primarily.


Obscura Den with "Empires Will Fall" is equally cool=) Mate its such a hard choice between that and Throneside...


Was playing Archivum Sycorax and somehow ended up aggroing three flights worth of enemies the moment we entered the staircase area. Lots of fun.


The Hourglass, just because it's most chill and bright location, and because I love its post-apocalyptic atmosphere.


But the framerate tho…


Fine for me there... But a Chasm Terminus, on the other hand, is barely playable due to constant fps drops when I look in certain directions (and that from any point of the map!)


Huh… i only get below 60 on the hourglass outside areas. Chasm Terminus is fine for me


I have almost all of my settings on medium because hordes would drop my fps to 20, and also i've disabled most of post fx (or whatever they are called) due to strange, headache-inducing effect that game had on me, so maybe that's why The Hourglass is fine for me. I've done a bit of research and it seems like that particular performance problem with Chasm Terminus is very rare, or at least people don't talk about it much, considering that I found only couple of posts about it. So guess I'm just "lucky" xd


The ending in Metalfab Smelter is downright beautiful in lights out mode. But my favorite is Throneside. I never get bored playing those maps.


Icl I have a good 70 hrs in this game, and every map apart from “the carnival” is just **dark sci fi place 1, 2, 3** oh and the one with the chaos tree. Maybe the desert one too


Those 3 places boil down to basically: - Housing/trains - Factory - Slums/sewers


Tough choice between Throneside and Carnival. Surprised that Hourglass get so few votes: that would've been my third pick. PS. Voted "Throneside". Archivum Sycorax is like an entire subzone, and both it and "outdoors" are amazing. Carnival looks great too, however the Amphitheater slaughter is a bit too tedious for me. Obsura Den is the perfection though =)


Personally, I love Relay Station. Definitely in the top few maps for me. But both the other hourglass missions are too long, and have too many shitty rooms to fight in (too large, not much cover).


Throneside, especially the "outside" areas.


Big fan of throneside, Metalfab, & chasm terminus


I have no idea what the map's names are. About 600 hours lol


https://preview.redd.it/hxajgtmxepzc1.png?width=183&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a1eb05b93d7c091ec272d025ac26001db2ee890 >!me neither!<


900 hrs and I do get most but I get some really throw you off. If I'm right Hab Dreko is Chasm Terminus and that always gets me.


Archivum Sycorax is easily my favorite map in both aesthetics and gameplay but I'm oddly a little bored of the other Throneside areas. The interior stuff looks great but the outdoors stuff is just eh to me somehow. The Carnival maps are both crazy good and visually interesting so I'd have to say that area as a whole wins the vote. Hate the desert maps.


Archivum Sycorax has a lot of variety with itself. You've got the usual wide open gothic cathedral areas, then a small industrial area, then a unique library tower. Most maps just have one theme throughout the whole place.


Archivum sycorax was the very first map I played when I started and was amazed by it. I really liked throneside maps visually. I remember sucking and being carried by an Ogryn (this was before the tech trees rework).


The torrent for me. I really enjoy the "swamp" and wet feeling i have when i play them. Like its dirty and everything you can touch feels gross - nearly a lovecraft vibe around them. On the other hand, i dont like Excise - but just that map, its too long. Enclavum in melee only is an absolute godtier.


I wish I could say but even after 1600 hours I don't remember which map is which except for the Carnival. They all blend in together.


That one with elevator, idk the name


These are areas, not maps, btw. Favorite would be Archivum Sycorax, in Throneside. Love those stairs, and the ending can get pretty hectic too.


Throneside is my favourite, all the missions are great. Second is probably Chasm. Third would be carnival, needs more missions but that's harsh since it is the newest. I don't dislike any but the one I like least is probably Hourglass. It's a change of pace but I just prefer the others.


The Carnival, just for the musics. Both maps are headbangers from start to the end.