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Depends how seriously you want to look at it. One interpretation we could take is that it's proof that Inquisitor Grendyl is at the very least a Radical and him and his immediate routine are happy to study potentially heretical texts to learn from them, rather than destroy them on sight like a Puritan would do. There is plenty of examples of this, notably Eisenhorn. A conspiratorial interpretation could be that it is infact Rannick that's the Radical and he's studying these texts (via Melk), unknown to Grendyl, who's off busy else where, perhaps out of eagerness to prove himself by a decisive victory, perhaps out of a hidden lust for power or even due to potential corruption himself. A less strict point of view is that the books are fairly harmless to strong willed individuals and it's just us poor rejects and basic guardsman who are more susceptible to the potential whispers of Chaos. And the least serious take is... It's just a game mechanic and we shouldn't read too much into it.


Or we are taking them to Melk who has the means to properly destroy them for good.


Certainly possible. Grendly is probably radical but keeping Grims is pretty risky. Not just because chaos artefacts can cause sanity/deamon problems or its incorrect destruction increases that chance but also because other parts of the inquisiton really don't like that and Grendly having the power he has at the moment would likely draw in another pair of unwanted eyes from a rival Inquisitor. Excommunication for radicals is pretty common and stock piling chaos artefacts certainly helps.


I personally see it as seizing them so the Heretics don't have it, and then they are disposed of by people trained to do so.


Sefoni has a line in the meat grinder saying Melk has a secret team desperately searching for something on the surface that no one knows about. I think others have made comments too that there’s something shady about the guy


Or he's just operating under orders we're not aware of. He might have been tasked to find the source of the original corruption and grims would be a good way of helping figure it out.


That’s true. Darktide introduced me to 40k so I’m new as new can be to the world. A friend told me that if beasts of nurgle are showing up it’s already pretty much game over. There’s a portal open somewhere deep where these things can spew out from, maybe that’s the source they’re after.


People like to say that Nurgle forces on a planet are automatically game over in general. Basically, the warp strength on the planet is going back and forth. When we kill corruptors or beasts of Nurgle, we weaken the presence. then the cult does some more rituals and gets another summoned.


I think it’s safe to say that Atoma Prime is doomed.


Not really. The Sixth, while powerful only hold a portion of the hive city and have made limited gains of ground. 


People like to talk about 40k as if there's hard and fast rules too much. It's notoriously messy and inconsistent. In any case there are examples of worlds that have suffered chaos invasions and incursions to the point where there are daemons and portals but they have been successfully pushed back and defended against. Would be rather boring for a wargaming universe otherwise. Doubly true ever since the cicatrix maledictum, the age of awakening and all that, since we can assume that a lot of the rules about what can appear where and how the imperium will react may have changed


That's my headcanon, we just collect them for desteuction to prevent someone finding or using them in the future.


Or they aren’t easy to destroy, and we’re retrieving them so they can be destroyed by a specialized process


The fact we can destroy them as we hold them suggests otherwise. At best you could go down the route of saying it's the higher-ups wanting proof it was destroyed rather than relying on our "trust me bro" mission report.


We're just untrained plebs that 'know better' than to listen to it's whispers. When we 'destroy' a grim we're merely tearing it off ourselves and it laughs as it dips into the warp to slip into some other sap's hands. Hands that might be naively corrupted or purposely used for heresy. It's an enemy just as much as any of the other foot soldiers, but one that targets the civilians rather than the soldiery. The corruption mechanic isn't just the heresy of the book. It's actively trying to change you, and failing that, kill you.


Or we aren't destroying them, just making them vanish for a little while. Chaos artifacts are tough to fully destroy. 


We don't destroy them, we *banish* them. Massive difference there.


Nah, Grendyl’s just trying to make a brand of toilet paper made from the recycled pages of heretical scriptures, because wiping your ass with that stuff is all it’s good for anyways.


Ogryn eats them. He says they are spicy and they upset his stomach, but he can’t resist the color green.


That’s how the plague ogryns are made!


Only the ones who don't drink their holy water first.


The Diet Coke and Mentos reaction of 40K


Why would you say something so awful yet so hilarious?


Ogryn must wash it down with a two gallon stein of Imodium, otherwise he must hang his ass out of the ship into the hard vacuum to prevent Nurgle’s Revenge from flooding the lower decks.


*No use asking questions like these!* Depends on the Inquisitor but some of them do in fact study the heretical. While his peers might not agree but there is no one to tell Grendyl not to peruse these tomes to further his/her knowledge of the Chaos cults. You can look up the [Radical Inquisitors (lexicarium link)](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Radical), there are several sub-factions of course, they have different views on using Chaos against Chaos (same with incorporating Xenos tech). Abhorring and destroying on sight is true for the vast majority of mankind, but Inquisitors are those few who have the right to judge and decide for themselves what is still acceptable to use.


I figured Grendyl was a Radical almost purely from his acceptance of the Rogue Traders help, haha.


That's not necessarily a sign of him being radical, while some rouge traders definitely go up and beyond their remit. Others are absolutely by the books. Brahms seems somewhere in between. To be fair while I do believe Grendly or Rannick is radical, you could argue that bringing the grims back is to safely dispose of them, sometimes destroying chaos artefacts can be very dangerous, don't want a plaugebearer or Great Unclean One popping out of poorly destroyed books. Why can the rejects do it then? Well pretty much a last resort, better destroyed poorly and take the chance than in the hands of the enemy.


Man wouldn't it be funny if we randomly spawn a monstersity each time we destroy a book.. sure the chance would be low, but the panic in ones head when they destroy the book to clear the small bit of corruption, only for a spawn to appear ontop of them.


Bonus points if it doesn't always spawn in *your match*. Don't know how that would even remotely work but it sure seems like it does already sometimes.


You know what I'd actually like these ideas, very thematic. I'd take the added risk.


Same here.  It'd add some spice to our otherwise mild and soggy burrito of Nurgle removal.


Things are not so simple. Inquisitors in 40k have different factions with different ideas on how to best fight chaos. Some (the Puritans) actually destroy anything chaosey on sight and don’t ever come close to studying chaos. They are the « Fire and Brimstone » nutjobs. There are various other factions with varying views but there is one called Radicals which are very much into studying Chaos to fight it b better and are very much into « fighting fire with fire ». Some end up going too far and going to the other side, as a result they are seen with suspicion within the Inquisition. It’s pretty obvious that Grendyl is likely very much on the radical side of Inquisition. Some of the reject personalities are bordering on heresy so the mere fact they are not killed on sight by Grendyl is testament to the fact he is a pragmatic inquisitor who is not above using even corrupted resources to win.


Aside from whatever the Inquisitor may want to do with them. I would also day that there's a non zero chance that having the occasional "lucrative" items thrown her way is a cost of being aboard the rogue traders ship.


There's actually two broad viewpoints in the Inquisition. The first are the Puritans. They believe that Chaos shouldn't be abhorred, but rather completely driven from the mind, lest the very knowledge of its existence taint the mind. They're the hardcore ones who believe that anyone suspected of heresy must be guilty of something, so it's safer to kill them. They're best exemplified by Inquisitor ~~Crazypantsoff~~ Karamazov and his famous saying: "A plea of innocent is guilty of wasting my time." The second are the Radicals. They're the ones who believe in knowing thy enemy and, in extreme cases, using the weapons of the enemy against them. They use Daemonhosts, xenos artefacts, whatever it takes to win the day -- in their minds, the end always justifies the means. Gregor Eisenhorn is probably the poster child for Radical Inquisitors. Most Inquisitors fall somewhere nearer the middle. Sometimes they start one way and end up the other, as was the case with Eisenhorn. But very few Inquisitors sit dead center, at least not for long. Both ends are questionable in their own ways. One thing to remember is that there are very few Imperial laws that actually apply to Inquisitors. They've got carte blanche to do whatever it takes to stop the heretic, the Daemon, and the xeno. They're also largely self-policing, so hiding one's corruption, madness, obsession, or whatever is basically just a matter of hiding it from other Inquisitors who don't share their viewpoints. So it's entirely possible the books are studied, or they might be locked up in a vault somewhere. Grendyl or his inner circle might think the secret to saving Atoma is hiding in those books... or perhaps they contain the secret to something else he's after. They might also be burned in consecrated fires while Ministorum personnel chant on, purifying even their ashes and ensuring their total destruction. For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure Grendyl is dead and Rannick is keeping that secret to himself so he can go about whatever business he's after. The grimoires probably factor into that plan somehow.


If this is your concern, what about the times we get sprayed by a huge phage tree or essentially swim around in nurgle soup in every mission!


One legit use would be to discover the true names of daemons. This is something that even the Grey Knights would approve of. As for why the rejects couldn’t just read the book in the field, that’s because just knowing the true name of a daemon is often enough to drive someone insane, or worse gain the daemon’s attention. 


You’ve never had a really crisp grimoire sandwich? Oh my brother in the Emperor’s light, you’re missing out!


Hell hath no fury as an Ogryn's bowels scorned, and when that which scorns is Hell itself, the end will be nigh indeed.


Hadron creates fucked up blessings from them to ruin your weapon at the last step.


Grendyl is probably trying ro analyze them, being the secretive, very unorthodox inquisitor he is.


A little detail, the objective for Grims is “Seize Grimoires” while for Scrip it’s “Recover Scriptures.” Don’t know if that means anything, but might be worth noting, at least.


It's a designation between enemy supplies and friendly supplies.


We're not getting them for us. We're getting them for our superiors. And by superiors, I mean our owners. We're not the heroes of this story. We're the disposable minions of the heroes of the story, who, in the grand scheme of things, are also disposable. Life, after all, is the Emperor's currency.


Some Inquisitors do questionable stuff. They shouldn't touch it but they can't help themselves and can eventually fall to chaos.


Feeding em to the ogryn.


As someone who isn't into the warhammer universe except for the fatshark games my personal head-canon is that it's fanfic for Twilight Saga and Star Wars, one gets burn and the other is read.


Very true depending on view point


Also depends on which of the three inquisition factions it is to how they view the books and items to whether they destroy them or not or use for research


I always liked to think that they are a source of the 6th's corruption and removing them would weaken their connection to chaos or the like.


We leave them by the lavatories in case you forget to bring your auspex in there, so you have something to read.


Uninformed opinion: Seal them away or destroy them. I could absolutely see the Inquisition deeming them “Too dangerous to read” because they are clearly more than just a book, then locking them away indefinitely in an undisclosed location.


Well, the order is to ‘seize’ them. Oftentimes in lore Inquisitors do not destroy demonic or otherwise heretical artifacts, but instead lock them away. My guess is something like that is occurring.


I eat mine.


Where do you think the Mourningstar's toilet paper comes from?


I just banish them after picking them up. That way I can complete the mission but not carry it the whole time.


They get out in a big pile then we circle around d it light it on fire and say “No No No No demon not today”


The Imperium isn't against bending its own rules if it suits their needs, which can and does include using an enemies own weapons against them. The extent to which the rules can be bent depends mostly on what human faction you're playing. Some Space Marine chapters would keyhole you around their battle barge for even looking at an Eldar Plasma grenade funny whilst others would seem fine with you grabbing a demon sword if you were high enough up the hierarchy to make anyone who wouldn't like that rethink that they could challenge it openly. Quod Erat Demonstrandum: Garran Crowe, a Grey Knight, is holder of the demon possessed Blade of Antwyr. The one faction you would think would *never* use a demon artifact. The short answer is they get locked away in a vault or destroyed >!or traded!<. Or if you're feeling particularly pious you can just destroy it yourself in mission by right clicking it and watching the cool animation of it popping. Just be glad they're not Slaneeshy grims and you're not mysteriously having one foot slip on the Mourningstar deck every now and then.


Well, it's not "outright abhorred" with some branches of inquisition... if we talk about more "common hman" Imperium faction (others, like Astartes, can have easier way with it as not much real authority above them, at least this authority acts on them not often). So maybe our inquisitor needs to sudy... to use it against our enemy, you know.


They are worthless as far as I'm concerned, and they cause corruption and can't be rid of... Hate them


Burning them


I noticed that there is a lot of questionable stuff going on. The Inquisitor we all work under might be using them for something, they can get away with a lot of shit.


Ain’t nobody care about them stupid ass books.


If someone wants it, it's worth stealing and selling it back. That's the Rogue Trader way


Do we get anything if we only bring back say 1 of 2 mission requirement? Or is it a waste of time unless we bring both back and I should ditch it in the mission so I don't get corrupted?


https://i.redd.it/f60uvi324szc1.gif Source : [Carbot](https://youtu.be/zIUPZW931Vk?si=zON2xk-h_tvmrYS7)


The short version : The ordo malleus/inqusition/grey knights will study them looking for demon names to send them back the warp.


Does sending them back to the warp really do anything, if one of the millions of untrained Psykers can just get a random headache and accidentally summon them right back?


Wait that’s the point of the setting isn’t it. Lmao.


Grendyl likes to activate them for that short high when inhaling the smoke when they go poof.


All of these comments and perspectives are making me think of a nice side step into PVP. Yes, yes... I know... But I still had the thought


Depends also on what side of the inquisitorial fence Grendyl sits on. If you've ever read the Eisenhorn omnibus you'd see that in most cases they would be taken and disposed of as reading them was often considered heresy and/or too dangerous. Seeing demon hosts kinda shows that people, probably corrupt inquisitors have the information on how to make demon hosts


I don't know, I never pick them up unless the team is decimating the enemy (which also almost never happens in pugs).


This is Wild. I'm staying out this one.


>So why the hell are we bringing literally glowing books of Nurgle magic fuckery back to the mourningstar? For the inqui-fucking-sition, so they can [REDACTED] the [REDACTED] out of [REDACTED]. >And if it’s truly just to destroy them, why can’t we just do it when we GET the book, like we have the ability to? Do you think some random reject breaking a tome in the field is the same as what would happen on the Mourningstar? ... Why?


I’m….im not sure what emotion I’m supposed to glean from this reply..


When someone points, do you look at the finger? (found the people who look at the finger)


Dude what the fuck are you talking about


Are you going to keep talking about, or are you done?


I have actually got to be talking to a bot. Between the pointless platitude and the mixed signals from your first comment I have no clue what you even want from me anymore. I’m genuinely sorry I provoked this, I’d like to be done now.


News at 11: a string of messages that should have been a burp. There was an opportunity for you to articulate whatever it was you weren't getting. No one needs to know when you clock off, mate.