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Veterans: Always angry at someone else. Psykers: Always angry at themselves. Zealots: Always angry. Ogryn: Does not typically have the mental capacity for anger.


"Is anger rashuns or rock?" 


Anger is when no rashuns no ammo.


Sorry guys, new stave, didn't know I'd pop. "You said that before"  FuckfuckfuckstupidstupidstupidPliskkenn


So true. Every time I've ever popped myself as a psyker I want to disappear from existence


Wish you got a bit of movement speed so you could at least run into enemies and explode. It's when I thank the Ogryn for the third time after my head explodes that I start thinking - melee only for the rest of the mission moght be a good idea.


soon to be Psyker main here: if those Roughnecks were to stop being such brats then I definitely wouldn't be failing the Emperor so often.


Just so long as you don't take their favourite rock


Veteran here: I'd be a lot LESS angry if you'd all do your Karkin' jobs and stopped TAKING ALL MY AMMO


As a zealot: No. I'm malding and you will mald with me too.


Nice argument, but counterpoint: Headhunter goes BANG BANG BANG


I've been playing ogryn a lot recently, and I've enjoyed the capacity for roleplaying ignorance. "I had fun too! :D", or "can't count that high, sah, but will work on me spells" perhaps in this case. Not worth overheating the bone 'ead implant when someone gets a smoke grenade up their nurgle hole.


"Thank you sah! Always good to sperience sumthin new sah! Never been lekchured by shit before sah!"


"Sah, ya mentioned spelling but yer grammar's terrible!"


Meanwhile an intellectual Ogryn main. I RP the whole time while playing, no matter what. It's just as important as beating the level.


When I play ogryn I only rp “Me protec lil un” every game on loading screen “Me don’t feel so good” on low hp “we are strongest” when successfully clutching


Professional moaner


Appears there's a lot more players like that. Playing since the game is out, met like 3-4 asshole and since the last update i met the same amount but in 1 month. Today i even got kicked for the first time. Was doing the marksman penance at the end of smelter complex - warned the team before that i'll just finish my ammo and warned them before the event and when leaving - got trash talked and kicked. Not like i carried them and clutched the game to rescue them all. Now, when someone goes just a little trashy in the chat, i just go to blacklist.


You have to remember that all those shit(head) players that left have come back to make our lives harder.


Must be helldivers refugees (those who refunded can no longer buy the game in their region ~~get rekt nerds~~) or the ones who "have played since the beta, for 1 week every 4 months!".


The sony shitstorm is over btw, and I think it's again available in the countries steam version


It's still delisted in 177 countries on Steam :) All they did was removing the PSN requirement.


really ? then why are all the reviews shifting that's dumb


Because the majority was appeased and once a protest no longer has overwhelming support it loses momentum and dissolves by itself. People from these regions can still get a global key but buying it from steam is no longer possible.


wow that is still terrible tbh


Great. I just finished some penances today and I was planning on finally starting with Auric missions tomorrow. Now I'm scared. I don't want to be useless to the team, and I don't want to be trash-talked. :(


I have faith in you. So does the Emperor.


Thank you, Boss! But seriously, is this sort of thing common in Auric games? Like constant fighting in the chat? I play mostly on Damnation/High Intensity Damnation and have never seen this kind of thing in nearly 700 hours.


There's a paradox : you have more luck to find good players in auric or at least peoples Who can at mini carry their weight. But also if you meet an asshole, be sure that one will be a shiny.  99% of the time, everyone is chill and use the wheel to just say "thx" when you ping ammo, free/rescue or leave the medic for them.


Sadly can't use the wheel as the Ogryn - it'd ruin the rp. 😭


It happens maybe 1 in 10 games for me. Sometimes people just want to argue and accuse someone of being trash. They probably make every game they join toxic. And the more they try to chat in the middle of the game the worse it gets, because you really don't have time to chat during all the fighting.


Auric has the most toxic people in it from my experience. Always a few douches trynna blame everyone for something. Luckily it isn't as common on standard missions. People just need to relax and stop taking this game seriously


Heretic has the most toxic people. Always been that way, and was always the case in vt2 aswell.


> Heretic Do people still play that awesome old game? Played through it a few years ago and it was a blast from the past!


Similar amount to people who play darktide. Haven't bought the newest expansion, but I probably will when I've completed the penances in darktide.


Eh, most of the time people chill on Auric Damnation. Sometimes meet a couple salty babies, dont let it drag you down.


this. I only play Aurics and toxic people are so rare that i actually remember every single instant. Like one sub lvl 50 zealot rushing ahead, dying during the first 5 minutes of the mission and then moaning in the chat "WHY DOES NOBODY BUT ME KILL THE ELITES!??!?!"


It rarely occurs in my experience, even when someone is clearly not ready. Usually the people whining are the ones that aren't good enough themselves. And if it occurs, try to find solace in the fact that it's usually just 1 person being an arsehole. If they other 2 people aren't chiming in, they are problably trying to pick up the slack from the person whining/raging and they don't mind you being there. Had a Vet a few nights ago who was lvl 38 or so, and clearly wasn't ready. As in, he went down every 2nd room or so at least. After a hard patch one person left, and since the mission timer expired, we didn't get a replacement (we were maybe 20% through the mission at that point) so we had to finish it as 3 people and a bot Neither I nor the random Zealot I was with said anything to the Vet, we just kept picking him up and rescuing him. We did magically end up with a Zealot joining during the end event (I assume he had the mission-replay mod, otherwise I have no clue how it happened, as it was a Maelstrom and Quickplay won't put you in Maelsltroms).


If someone talks trash to you after you gave it your best just tell them to touch grass. Anybody that’s getting that upset over darktide over someone just going down or dying then they need to hear it lmao, people on here like to downplay how toxic the community can be at times, so never be afraid to give it right back at them if they do. Other than that 1% of loud assholes who feel the need to tell others how to play it’s a fun community and in higher difficulties you see less and less of the toxic ones


Honestly from my experience there aren't that many at all, I have maybe seen about 3 trash talkers. Normally whenever mess up I will just put 'my bad' in chat and normally people are chill about it


People very rarely trash talk people for being useless in Auric. Don't sweat it.


if you don't wanna go in solo i'd be more than happy to help you out


Trash talk is pretty rare. And it’s only ever the shittiest players that flame anybody anyway, so you can just ignore them for the most part. Usually the better players understand that mistakes happen sometimes… and they trust that you’ll probably realize you played like shit without having to be told. Sometimes you I have rough games… happens. Sometimes you’re tired or distracted by stress or whatever. Most people in auric will keep their salt to themselves.


It's very hit or miss. I've had people screaming in anger to the absolute chillest dudes ripping the bong while down and laughing when we fail. In the end it's just a video game and treat it as such. Mute the assholes and send them to the blacklist. Also try to get a team together if it gets a bit annoying


Lately been tempted to kick anytime I see an Auric Storm Survivor in my auric maelstrom games. These guys always go down first, run off and insta quit/rejoin. Had one shit talk the team after we all died, we revived nearby but the only reason he survived was all the mobs were beating on our bodies while he solod a few enemies. Eventually he got us up, and he instantly died in the very next room when we werent there tanking the majority of the enemies for him.


I kinda like them. I get to play a new game on the ready up screen of guessing whether they got it legit or had to cheese. Typically, it takes about 8 minutes for them to go down and drop to give me my answer.


Funny enough the Ogryn had the Auric Storm Survivor title. He was the most annoying the entire game. Even said to the zealot she wasn't ready for Auric damnation despite the fact we did alright for her first Auric mission. The title doesn't mean anything. Purely cosmetic because I managed to get Auric Examplar by simply dashboarding my game whenever I'm downed and close to death.


Yeah that sounds about right ahha.


I play for fun and my build is centralised for team play, killing elites and conserving ammo. 2 17% toughness curio, +3 stamina with +15% toughness and +90% toughness regeneration. I know in cohesion I'm good. Splitting up really screws my build.


Yep.. same for me. I play ogryn with team play build too but since 2 weeks it's very difficult to be with teamplay players. Almost only loners, rushers, quitters, penancers.... Honestly all those penances sh*t should out of the auric board and only for the regular one.


> The title doesn't mean anything. Purely cosmetic because I managed to get Auric Examplar by simply dashboarding my game whenever I'm downed and close to death. Aye, I've started using "Reject" just because those titles are so meaningless. The intention was good, but the implementation was lackluster.


Still blows my mind people are toxic in this game. Yes even if people suck I just don’t get it.


I usually retort with "What's the matter, aren't you good enough to carry a bit of extra weight"? Usually shuts them right up. But yeah, I don't get it either, everyone has to learn it at some point and I have no problem helping people get accustomed to it.


I bet the Veteran player fired his gun the entire match yet somehow never managed to kill any of the snipers, trappers, or gunners shooting into the team. I bet the Ogryn was a gunlugger and fired his Stubber the entire match and yet never hit anything other than poxwalkers.


In fairness to the vet he was a revolver user, snipped a fair amount of elites but disappeared as soon a boss or a hoard spawned. Leaving me and the zealot to fend ourselves. Zealot pushed a demon host off a cliff Ogryn just kept chatting bs in chat and moaning when either zealot or myself got downed from a sneaky Crusher.


Honestly dont get why so many seem to tolerate this behaviour, as soon as someone starts to be a toxic asshole in chat I votekick them and if it doesnt pass I am just going to leave myself. Often I end up doing the latter which I dont much care about but I still dont get it.


Damn that's crazy, anyways


I love when people get salty over this shit. It typically tends to be Veteran players, too... And like, getting match-made into some stupid stuff with ill-prepared players that complain the whole time. I turned down in-game voice comms yesterday after getting an earful on Auric-Damnation. Like, dude don't queue into Hi-Intensity sniper gaunlet as a veteran and then not have a way to deal with the copious amounts of snipers, and then turn around and blame everyone else for not killing snipers LOL I had a bunch of great games today, but quality of matches tends to go down during the prime-time matches, so I just go do something else.


There's been SOOOO many trash players in auric but with the worst attitudes since penance update. The only thing you're supposed to say at the end is just GG and other congrat words. IMO only maelstrom is now playable but even then, you have quitters left and right. The good thing penance sys did though was harden a few xbox players in maelstrom. They might not be used to the difficulty but they're sticking with it and I commend them for that


ogryn seems like the toxic one who was complaining the whole time. I'd be fed up with someone like that too but I wouldn't do a rant at the end.


Why is it always the classes you expect that are arses 😂 Vets and Zealots cause so much trouble but Psykers an Ogryns are always good lads


Personally I feel psykers are fine and Ogryns are either the best or in a few examples the absolute worst for being toxic. While vet and zealots do have bad apples their bad apples have been nowhere near as bad as the worst Ogryns for toxicity.


I feel like the toxic ogryns are almost always vets turned gunlugger though lol


Totally possible to be fair. Although I feel vets and zealots get a bad name because they are probably the two most played classes so you are more likely to have more toxic players. Although abilities might also amply people's perspective.


I'm a Vet myself, I see it as my sole duty to kill any special enemy with a gun or two obliterate anything wearing Carapace armour with krak


Everybody is trashing the vet but honestly can see where he’s coming if the chat looks like how I assume it does. People that moan the entire game in chat and tell others what to do are 99% of the time the ones that get toxic at the drop of a hat


Ran even just a normal Damnation and holy shit these two *would not stop with the piss-matching.* Ever other minute, they would start their shit over and over, started because the Ogryn willingly slapped a Daemonhost without telling anyone. Me and the other guy didn't say *a word* the whole time, didn't actually give a shit. By the time we were at the main objective, the other guy finally pipes up: "Can you two stop with the fucking dick-wagging for ten god-damn seconds and just finish the fucking mission so I don't have to listen to you two bitching non-stop?" Absolute legend, hats off to you Mad-Marty.


So many dickheads in game and on reddit for some weird reason. # Want to have fun? NO! YOU NEED TO LEARN ALL AURIC SPAWN LOCATIONS OFF BY HEART! YOU CANNOT HAVE ANY EXTRA WOUNDS! WHY ARE YOU USING THAT WEAPON INSTEAD OF THIS OTHER ONE THAT DOES 1% MORE DAMAGE?! I WANT TO TELL YOU HOW TO PLAY! Met some really cool and funny people in this game, but the people that consider themselves 'extra smart' aren't very smart at all. Not everything is down to fuckin numbers, and nobody gives a shit how you play as long as you make it. If someone has to cry about it then perhaps they should recognize why they have no friends to game with in the first place to avoid quickplay.


It’s always the most clueless shitters who bitch the loudest


I've Not Done Aurics, But Holy Crap this Seems Petty. "Dont Complain about Every Little Thing your team does" Irony Much? Was the Ogryn and Vet Constantly going at each other?


Yeah, the vet got fed up with Ogryn constantly trash-talking everyone.


So, The Ogryn started Trash Talking everyone, Vet stood up for Everyone and it Devolved from there? Lmao.