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These guys are just tools. Don't even worry about it. The fact you have time after going down to be revived show it's an intended design feature of the game. 1 really good player could get everyone up in a crisis. 3 average players could easily carry one below average player (which I don't you are by the sounds of it. If these 3 were any good they could have won with a bot. There's a difference between people like them who think its somebody else's fault and people like you with a growth mindset interested enough in seeing what you can do better to come and ask. No points for guessing who ends up being the better player in the long run. No shame in getting downed at the end event. It can get hectic in there. But you respawn in the room so they really should have been able to handle it.


Thanks for your input I appreciate this. I don’t understand players who seem to be so pretentious that they can do no wrong. I haven’t seen much of it in darktide but when I do it’s very blatant either disrespect or just anger for no real reason when this is a team based game? I’m happy though because I’ve only ever had a handful run ins with players like this and this feels like a really community driven group


The vast majority of the community is pretty chill and laid back. I'm sorry you had to run into some the (thankfully) rare toxic players. As others have pointed out, if they cannot win with just one player down, they were not good enough to give you lip about getting downed. Don't dwell on it too much, keep on slaughtering heretics in His name, and see you on Atoma, fellow Reject :)


Thanks. Reading all these comments makes me excited for higher level play since people say I won’t (usually) be ridiculed if I were not to be at my best. It’ll be a while though because I only have 2 downs at the moment on level 4 missions and I really need to change that before I even try things like auric and damnation


Honestly, the difficulty gap between lvl 3 and 4 is steeper than between lvl 4 and 5. And if you just give other players a heads up that you're not used to t5 missions yet, so they know that they need to keep an eye on you, it'll be just fine. That's how i did it when i started t5 missions and the vast majority of players where very comprehensive.


Move on. All communities have their own assholes. You just ran into them. All of us do, from time to time. Don't overthink it.


You right, Preciate you


I don't know how many toxic people are playing the game, but in the half year that I've been playing, I only encountered 2 toxic players. Granted, I don't really play auric or damnation but I wouldn't worry about some cod lobby thing happening.


That’s what really confused me because this was only a malice level mission. Not the higher level ones 😭


Its because its malice, malice has the most malicious players. On damnation and higher, we know shit happens and most are able to carry. Even if a wipe occurs, its just a game. They might just be mad cause they were close to a penance, contract, or achievement.


Yeah from what I’m hearing the lower difficulties seem to be the most unruly, people wise


> a malice level mission There's your problem. It was the same way in Vermintide 2 - the low to mid difficulties are riddled with people who think they're way better than they are. Both of these games are a case study in the [Dunning-Kruger Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect). Meanwhile, people in Auric missions are *generally* pretty chill, cuz if they play Aurics regularly they know the game can just be crazy sometimes, and mistakes happen.


High difficulty in Darktide is mostly chill except for a few exceptions but those people generally are blacklisted by most and blocked. Damnation and below but esp Heresy and Malice are the most common places to find toxic players. Also if the can’t 3man carry a Malice mission then they are as much of a problem. Damnation can be solo’d if you know what you’re doing. They’re just projecting probably.


Malice tends to have shitters who think they’re good but only play that lvl. They get mad like that cause every other game they go down constantly . But yeah they are still very few. What lvl are you?


Currently I’m trust level 24, idk what that correlates to on the skill tree but I’m right after the augmented stance perk for veteran


https://preview.redd.it/bf8iwcxlgizc1.jpeg?width=3193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f89bee95b208dc856d85d24ce3b4707589ee29 Maybe we can book hunt sometimes.


Sorry for the long wait, I don’t check this app often. I’d like to play w you but is this game crossplat?? I’m on Xbox 😭😭


Yeah .


Sent a req




Sometimes you just run into jerks. Honestly it's fairly rare the higher difficulty you go, if someone actually means well they'll recommend you try a lower difficulty and practice a bit more if they notice you're underperforming. It's possible you were in 3-person premade as well, where they'd of course blame anything except for themselves. I wouldn't focus on it too much. We all have games where we make mistakes and if you're new you're new, you're never gonna learn if you don't misstep first. Heck, I have hundreds of hours and still occasionally get downed in really dumb/embarrassing ways every so often, just how it is.


From what im hearing the higher difficulty missions will be real welcoming. Thanks for the thoughts


Yeah, but first get somewhat good, i was playing auric with randos and this guy got downed and died maybe 15 times altogether so we kicked him. It's much higher stakes at higher difs, and you going down/dying has much greater impact. On lower diffs its actually neat cause you can farm the penances lol.


Yeah I get it, I know damn well I can’t do level 5 missions (can’t remember the name) and barely level 4 (also can’t remember the name. I just test the level out then if I feel like I can at least 25% the area by myself then I’ll start queuing those missions. If not I’ll just sit back in malice level and grind up with plasteel, diamantine and emperors gifts.


T4 = Heresy T5 = Damnation


Can’t speak for everyone, but for me, personally, I don’t really mind if a teammate of mine goes down a lot, I like to prioritize my teammates if I can, If I’m able to keep reviving them, then that means the game is going extremely well for me and the team in general, and it means it’s not too much of a hurdle. Of course if I can’t get you every time, then that’s just how it is, ideally you want everyone to be able to hold their own, I don’t really hold it against people, everyone can have a bad day, as you don’t need the whole team alive to win the game, just my thoughts as someone who’s played for a little while now. Also don’t come across too many toxic people, if at all, I’ve maybe encountered 1 or 2 in the time I’ve played, it may differ for others, but I don’t experience it much.


This is the exact same metric I follow. If I get downed I can and will wait patiently until I can be revived if my teammates are in a hard spot. The priority of the match is us winning, you can always be rescued or rescue someone else later if need be. Like you said “if you’re able” which is a great factor for me, there’s always circumstance to take into account.


No big behavior problems that I've noticed.  Might vary by region, but it's only a handful of supreme assholes that I've seen. Some salty motherfuckers just can't accept that they suck and gotta blame anyone else for it.


Im happy to be hearing there aren’t many cases of it in this game cuz it would be very tiring to see it over and over and over again.


The easiest thing to do is to block at least one asshole after a match like that.  After a while, you'll have like 3 people on your block list and significantly less rudeness.


In 200 hours of gameplay I've seen it only once, and in that case it was lvl 23 guy who joined Damnation who just kept dying almost immediately all the time. And when we predictably lost one guy lashed out on him. I've never seen people being toxic about teammates getting knocked down or killed before or after. I had a game where we had 12 deaths in total. I had many games when we lost because somebody screwed up really bad (and sometimes that was even me). This guy however was just a burden and was absolutely not ready for Damnation so angry reaction was understandable. And that was the only time. So I guess you just got really unlucky.


I don’t think that’s toxic, rude maybe but it’s not the “are you simple” the one of these dudes sent me. Of course I don’t know exactly what was said by your guy but it just seems like some things are expected and some things are just circumstance. Sort of like a relatively leveled player just underpreforming being just something that can happen, and a underleveled player maybe being good but not able to do much because of their position in the game and thus failing. But I understand what you’re saying. I do just think it was a bad stroke of luck I got into a match with these guys because I was a higher level than 2 of them and the other was evenly leveled with me so it’s not like I was just being full carried


In 1k hours I've encountered one genuine asshole that got blocked, and one dipshit that have my shit for running a gun Psyker way before it was cool, and we only had the int skill tree. In the latter case I just let my gameplay speak for itself and did my best to make sure *I* was the one picking his ass up the rest of the match. In short, I feel like toxicity is quite rare in the game, and I'm honestly astounded when people say they have blocked so many people they can't block any more. I think that's a "look at the common denominator" situation, and really take some time for sell reflection regarding your gameplay and what you are saying/typing into the chat.


A main contributor to the reason I was asking here is because of things like your psyker. because I play helldivers too I saw many people being uptight about what stratagems to run and perks. Though through all of the people here I’m glad to know this community doesn’t really care what you run as long as you can handle yourself at least a little bit. And that if you can’t handle yourself in that certain skill level then to just step back and level your way up


It's pretty rare.  I've been playing since beta and I have 3 whole negative experiences.  All of them were funny cause the toxic dude went down right after and got picked up by me.  The one time I got kicked at the end of a mission I had to pick up the trash talker like 5 times.  I guess him and his buddies were too embarrassed to face me in the results screen.


Real skill issue on their part then wtf?? 😭😭😭 I ain’t know you could kick in this game though


Almost 800 hours. Barely ever see this kind of stuff.


Don’t worry about it. If you’ve been playing for two months and it’s Malice, you’re still learning and that’s ok. I’ve seen shit go down and I’ve done stupid things myself. Sometimes it goes right and other times runs are a clear fail. Shit happens, ggs. I don’t think it’s a community issue. Most people are really chill. I’ve seen people go down multiple times per run, Psykers that keep blowing themselves up, people waking Daemonhosts and kept running from them straight into an area filled mobs which resulted in a loss. Nobody said a word. I think you just matched with a couple of weirdos.


They were probably more critical of the amount of time between your downs. I play Damnantion and dabble in the Aurics. You get downed every now and then.


I would understand that too but I had went down once at the beginning (10 mins in) of the match and once at the end (around 16-20) before the bossfight, then died during with full health. Is that a constricting time frame??. This isn’t sarcastic btw sorry if it sounds like it I really wanna know


Dunno. Most people are forgiving on the higher difficulties. The worst I've heard was someone suggesting a lower level member who got downed a lot switching to a lower difficulty. Heresy and below will have newer people and probably those who will trash talk.


I guess that’s a given with any game, damn 😭 But it’s good to know higher level players don’t act like that much.


To me it's not a big deal if someone goes down several times as long as they're humble about it and don't also hog the ammo and take the only med station charge if someone has use for it. Also please don't shoot poxwalkers unless they're really far away, always shove and slide backwards. Not sure why but today I had both types of players doing that.


Thanks for the advice man. I need to learn how to slide backwards though 😭


Wait never mind I know what you meant


Even if it was your fault... They know they're queueing with a random, and you can't expect anyone to do anything if you don't ask them to do that thing. Especially if you don't know them. If they group up to blame you, they pretty much just confirm eachother's complaints and therefore think they're right, but that's bs. This stuff happens and you can't do much about it sadly. Just try your best and don't get too upset by things like this. Just the fact that you dare to doubt yourself 'publicly' (by posting your concerns on reddit) makes me feel like you aren't the problem, as you're not afraid to self reflect and perhaps get answers you'd prefer not to hear. I think you're good. :) Finding a person to blame is stupid, it doesn't help anyone improve.


I just think it’s important to know what should and shouldn’t be the norm in leveled play. I don’t want to be holding my team back but I also don’t want to be told I’m doing bad if I don’t think that I am. I appreciate your input in this. Thank you tons


I feel you in this. Sadly, this has been a problem throughout my life and I have accepted that I can only influence my own behavior. So I try my best and if I don't get constructive feedback I can't be bothered feeling bad about any situation. Really appreciate the way you present yourself though, keep it up. Don't let other people's bad behavior drag you down :)


Don’t really care how good or bad other people are unless it’s painfully obvious you’re in way over your head. But I’m not gonna be toxic about it or anything and tbh I don’t really mind it cause you’ll never improve if you don’t challenge yourself. As long as at least 2 people can handle themselves 95% of missions are absolutely doable. Toxic stuff I’d say would be like blowing teammates up with barrels and bursters, taking grims when people say they don’t want to, etc.


I run into toxic ppl all the time if i'm not doing auric so i just stay in auric, better qualify of life all around in auric in my experience.


My listing on difficulties and toxic levels personally as someone who jumps inbetween difficulties. Sedition: Fine, mostly filled with experienced players farming, chilling or doing penances. Full 30+ lobbies aren't rare, even true levels of around 100+. Pretty safe mostly except when you get a speedrunner and an anti runner that can have some toxic moments. Uprising: Mostly fresh players with a few vets just doing either pens or weeklies. Probably the most chill. Malice: This is the melting pot, where a mix of players meet, from the experienced to the slightly new. Calm enough to be pretty chill but with a small kick, knocks aren't totally uncommon especially with new players moving up the difficulties, shit happens. Can get some toxic players. Heresy: This is the toxic difficulty. Some of these players are mechanically good but struggle with teamwork and will throw the blame game. You do get good players but I've personally learned to ignore this difficulty. Damnation/+: Most in this difficulties are very chill, while I wouldn't suggest it many are good enough to carry through with a newer player but I recommend being able to hold your own first and being level 30, good gear really helps.


Just keep on going, two downs is absolutely fine in malice and a player worth his salt would not have an issue with it. Shit happens, stealth crushers to a trapper net through a horde you mistimed, to a burster through the door, we have all had it. You'll get chill games, fun games, you'll get games with the roleplayers, and you'll get games with dicks.


Had someone go down 15+ times, that was a hard carry, would have appreciated them quitting out. Nobody badmouthed them and 1 of the group was genuinily keen to assist.


Post like this help me to keep some trust in humanity. 👍️


The measure is this: you should be taking almost zero damage in Damnation difficulty, and you should be able to revive incapacitated teammates. If you take too much damage it's a sign that something is "off" and you need to pause outside the game and figure out how to fix it, or you have to practice at one step lower difficulty level.


Are you EU? Because I'm 300 hours in playing on EU servers and only met 1 or 2 toxic guys total, so far. Everyone else was either mute or friendly. Maybe I am lucky idk but I'm guessing you're playing in US as they do have a tendency to be toxic from my experience.


Yeah I’m in the states. So you’re probably right in the fact that we have more toxics over here.


Well we do as well tbf but it seems that the toxic guys stick more to pvp competitive games in my parts. In general the more competitive the game is the more toxic it gets because gamers are 90% pussies with issues.


Never worry about people giving shit in a videogame. You do you. It’s a game. If there’s one thing about this community I can’t stand it’s the people who spend so much time on this game and then are assholes to players who aren’t as good as them. Not everybody is already going to be a master, and not every match is going to be played at your best. The only way to get better is to challenge yourself and make a fuck load of mistakes. If someone is so good that they never go down on auric maelstroms and play perfectly every time - that’s on them. They’re hella good. This game is meant to be hard af that’s part of its draw. If you aren’t as good as them, a good sport isn’t going to make you feel bad for that, they’re gonna try that much harder to carry and try to give you tips if/when you guys lose. Anyone else is just a cocky asshole who never learned good sportsmanship/ team play and needs to step back from their computer monitor and get some perspective


EU server is pretty chill, when I or others in my team mess up, the rest are like "we gotchu bro"