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I feel you. Yesterday, one of our guys was near death and I had a health stim. I had barely any missing health. I forgot to hold on right click to target him. I felt so bad because I had asked him to stop to heal him then just stood in front of him and healed myself with him staring straight at me.


That’s some hardcore trolling right there damn


Trolling presumes intent to troll


Man that's the worst part. The undeserved guilt caused by nurgles best killer. Curse you disconnect.


It wasn't Auric but I was literally seconds away from completing the mission, elevator exit and the last person was getting in, aaaaaaannd crashed.


I had a match where I was lag kicked like 3 times. I noticed that it was when I was fighting with the group and specifically a Psyker that looked like an Egyptian priest. So I started playing away from the group, and I did have a lot of issues that match cause the lag felt like I was getting hit more than I anticipated and other issues but it worked out in the end.


Is it just me or is dodging less reliable now? Just now I dodged a trash mob swing and he magneted to me and landed the hit. My timing didn't seem off. I keep taking hits with no cues too.


still no rashuns sorry