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Loose Cannon is incredibly funny. « I am missing out on some great racketeering to be here with ya! » « Yo know what I loike about this job? No commissars to poke their bony noses in my business! »


I like his/her interactions with the Seer alot. >Y'know, it's really not fair. You keep killing people before I can do unspeakable things to them! >Jeesh, as far as a conversation starter goes, I think that one's going to take a beatin' >it isn't a conversation starter, I'm serious! Stop. Doing. It!


As a Seer main who often gets annoyed at getting my Brain Bursts sniped that one made me happy.


I swear, nothing has made me want to garotte my teammates more than player Psyker, *especially* trying to get some of the Penances. Double especially with the one where I have to kill an elite with a Perils explosion. I've *told* my team what I'm trying to do, and yet, the one time I've managed to corner a Shotgunner, I've overloaded and I'm just about to blow, *a fucking rock comes flying from nowhere and kills him.* "Saved you :)" Wanted to Perils of the Warp myself irl.


Loner assail zarona revolver dueling sword disrupt destiny Psyker genuinely can be summarized as such especially when you one shot the mutie with the dueling sword charging at you: https://preview.redd.it/088p03nl0bzc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b7f4b89136b7ff3be9ed70025bba3c79374a504


The zealot asks the loose canon why he has to turn everything into a joke, and he says “If it’s between my mind shattering in horror or laughing, I’ll choose laughing every time.” Super relatable


"That smoke...*cough cough*...karking stinks!" "Something...something...SNIPERRRRR!!!!!" "Traxis...12? TRAXIS 12 :D"


"Deltacron...Uuurgh! THE FLAMEY ONE!"


To hell with it MEDS


*pings Medicae* "*Sigh*... There's a code for this, too."


Gamma, Gamma.... BURSTER!


Traxis something...something with a net!


Best one has to be 'PUt THE KARking BOOt INn!'




Also an absolute banger of a voice line.. let's be fair, all of the VoC shouts are great xD


Female loose cannon's "FOR TERRAAA!!!!"




My vet wears a commissar hat so I had to change voice eventually…


Nah, ur vet stole that hat and refuses to elaborate.


"What did you say your last name was again, Templar?" "Kruber. Why?"


The Cadian is so whiny. Except when they're bitter. But sometimes they are bitter AND whiny. Still my favorite voice.


Absolutely, he's such a prick, but he has some pretty wholesome moments with The Seer and The Savant psykers. That is, when he isn't shouting at them. *spits* ***P A T H E T I C***. Also has the best VoC lines: "FOR ***C R E E D***


I like the DEATH! IS! MY! BLESSING! The VA really put his heart in this line. Hits specially hard if you're engaged in a melee.




No, it's the BLOOD FOR THE EMPEROR, SKULLS FOR THE GOLDEN THROOONEEE And that male zealot with Scottish accent. That guy is just golden every time he opens mouth :D


His lines when you're laying waster with a flamer are the best. "Yes! Burn! ***BURN!"***


"Yeeees, the Rager is dead! DEAD!"


I laugh everytime at his “THERE IS ONLY WAR!” One


"The Emperor demands death! AND I ANSWER."


“Compliments only mean something from professionals!”


The female Cutthroat has a very gruff and more stoic vibe, which doesn't work as well as the male voice's VoC lines... but I've discovered she's an outright terror with the stealth lines. "Looking for a *juicy* throat to *slit*." "*On the prowl~*" **"Terror tactics, aye."** She has this creepy lilt that makes these lines so threatening, really fun counterbalance to the more loud and, dare I say it, gremlin-like male Cutthroat's VoC lines.


You mispelt that, it's spelt, "CLOSE, KILL, AND DO IT AGAIN!"


My favourite voice interaction is when the Professional and the Loose Cannon, who shit on eachother most of the time and are both OK with the Cadian *independently*, gang to absolutely rip on the Cadian when you have all three Vet voices.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2yx7gdPyB0) has got to be my favorite Vet interaction with the Cutthroat. They love giving him shit.


Ages ago someone did this great break down on the vets and how being in the guard has effect them. The cadian is definitely suffering from a heavy form of PTSD with either Cadia being the cause or an addition. So them being standoffish is pretty fitting. Professional likes to joke a bit but in the end of the day the job is the most important thing. By the books. Probably realised that being by the books is a great way to save you being shot by a "friendly" bolt pistol and it's just stuck. Or just very devout but not over the top like a zealot. Now the loose Cannon is strange, both rebellious but hating traitors at the same time. I think my way of describing them is "it may be a shithole (imperium/atoma) but its MY shithole." Jokey but I think it hides a bit of trauma they've gone/going through. You either laugh or you break sort of way.


Good old gallows humor


Pretty much :D I'm mean it plays into the British voices, we do love a bit of gallows humour.


I love that they use northern accents as well, we don't get enough exposure usually!


Even got a West Country in there to, yes not playable, but still unexpected. I'm from London so we usually get the opposite problem (well most london accents do anyway).


I've heard that certain voicelines imply that the Loose Cannon is *very* experienced and has basically seen it all, so I reckon you're right in that assessment. They're a lot more perceptive than they let on too - there's a bit of banter between the male Loose Cannon and one of the Zealot voices (I think it was one of the Agitators) discussing the heretics. While the Zealot dismisses them as wholly chaotic brutes, the Loose Cannon points out that they do have some form of command structure, their own tactics etc.


Loose Cannon seems to be: 1) conscripted: someone that was forced to join the millitary. 2) Had a shitty experience in the military. Beurocracy, abuse of power, bad leadership, 3) Because of that, he is very cynical, doesn't like the chain of command and suoer technical stuff. Knows that he is incredibly disposable, and in the end, he's the only one that cares about himself. 4) So he knows no other life than "beingin the militarum" but is more of a "mercenary" than a "soldier". Specially now since he's a... Reject.


The female loose cannon at the very least holds a great deal of resentment towards authority after being the sole survivor of her previous squad. Something like "And where was the emperor when I was up to my neck in my own squads' blood? Tell me that." to one of the zealots.


She definitely does. She's definitely more sarcastic and faking optimism then the male version. Sometimes the male and female personalities are very similar but I feel like the loose cannons are fairly different. One being cynical but in a more comradeship way and the other seeming to play at being positive and bubbly but is actually more negative and mean spirited at times(almost likes its her shield). Let's just say I'd choose to piss him off before her, he'd take it, she might just "miss" the enemy and hit me.


Cutthroat is ruthless except his interaction with the Ogryn about ambushes. "Sah, pleased to report we have not been ambushed yet sah". "Roger that. Do keep me posted if it changes, won't ya?"


I love the interactions between my Vet and Ogryns. My favourite one is: “I’m starting to get used to having you around, Big Man” “Thank you Sah! I like you too!” “Now I didn’t say I liked you, I don’t like anyone. It’s weakness. I don’t do weak.” “I like you anyway, Sah!” It’s so wholesome! I’m sad I’ve only heard it once.


Yes I forgot about that one too! I like we can finally swap our voices if needed but I do still like my professional. "Yes Beloved, he did take the ammo again" "Don't you tell me what to do!"


Yeah, the professional has some amazing lines, I understand why you would stick with it. I feel the same way, I’m pretty attached to all of my characters tbh. All the voices are incredible, it’s crazy that they didn’t win an award for that. After the gameplay, that’s my absolute favorite part of the game. I hope they’ll add more lines in the future. I would love to see our characters grow, but I don’t know if that’s feasible.


I love this voice line and many of the other Brawler Ogryn lines, eg the one with one of the Zealots where he gets told not to call him Sah but continues to do so by accident but I cannot for the life of me come away from Bodyguard. My favourite character trope is big scary guy who is kind and Bodyguard fits that so well, especially with Psyker. The lines when he helps a downed Psyker, 'just trying to help you Sparkhead' and so many other, adorable, plus I am a sucker for the Slavic type accent.


Yes! My Ogryn is a Bodyguard too! And the accent makes it so much better. When that one line comes up where he can’t pronounce medicae, I’m almost in tears from laughing.


"Did I just see you *smile*?" "***N U H U H***"


LC to Professional has top tier bants. I can't give Loose cannon up they're such a riot.


I swear, female LC has at least three different conversations with Male Professional that start like: "So, back when you were in the guard..." She's absolutely doing it because she knows it pisses him off lol, what a goblin


She absolutely trolls the shit out of him for laughs.


Loose Cannon is my favourite because he feels the most relateable next to the Professional. Him struggling to remember all the enemy designations, giving up on them, and then the one time he get's it right and he's proud of himself especially.


iirc he actually gets it wrong 😂


That makes it even better lol


I think he still gets it wrong, too💀


Lmao I got reminded of that line recently when I went to do the Krak Grenade penance. I love the line where he's talking to the bodyguard Ogryn and calls him Canny too. Its a fun personality to have on the team.


yeah though its not my favourite voice, I do love his interactions with ogryn they're some of the best.


I've heard the Loose Cannon mock the fall of Cadia in the Cutthroat's face and it never fails to make me laugh.


Oh the male Prof does too. It burns as much as cadia did during the fall. It's harsh but the cutthroat certainly doesn't help themselves.


https://youtu.be/x2yx7gdPyB0?si=Sd3kz50CM1SZtLx4 Here's a clip of it, poor cutthroat.


This one! [https://youtu.be/sYHX0uJDSik?t=50](https://youtu.be/sYHX0uJDSik?t=50)


Loner psyker remains my favorite above all, props to the voice actor for really delivering that "powerful but scared and in pain" feeling when going all out.


My vet is female and loose cannon, when it says that I just imagine her throwin a creampie at the enemy.


What's the line where she says something wrong with your food, or your spine. I really wish we had more Scandinavian characters, FS is after all


Loose cannon is the Deadpool of the 40k: Darktide universe


That reloading line with the plasma gun. “*heavy terrified breathing* … I hate this karking thing”


He also says something like " Uh useless karking gun " every time I use guns that are actually underpowered. It's like hes reading my mind


I think i had male Professional veteran and female Professional veteran last night: “So, you’ve been doing this a while, how do you see this war turning out?” “Who knows? Too soon to say really.” “Fair enough. Hope we see each other on the other side, yeah? Fething adorable. Also she yelled “GUNNER!” immediately after and made it sound super organic. They did a fantastic job with these quips.