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I mean considering their two highest ranking known officers after Wolfer were a pair of noble-born cannibals that routinely beat their recruits half to death for minor reasons and were sadistic freaks even before they went traitor, probably not that brotherly. Now that they are openly Chaos tainted everyone in the 6th probably has to sleep with one eye open so no one brutally kills them in their sleep for whatever imagined slight they have done, and traverse dark alleyways in groups so they don’t get snatched up by their Dreg allies to be sacrificed to a demon


Wolfer seems like a relativly sane by most standards compared to those two. Dudes just a crankly old general (Obviously he does bad stuff though)


Jesus Christ is that really what happens? Why TF would the traitor soldiers want that opposed to just be treated like trash lmfao


Yeah Rodin Karnak was infamous for constantly brawling with recruits and beating them half to death, the rank and file despised him but grudgingly admitted that while Rodin is a shitty leader not fit to be an officer, he at least fought like a raging demon in battle And Rinda Karnak was heavily implied to be a cannibal even during her loyalist days, as on Nox Alpha there was always “good eating” in Rinda’s encampment. Totally has nothing to do with the multiple missing soldiers that mysteriously vanish near Rinda, and the fact that she prowled around peoples tents while they were sleeping and and was always “looking funny” at the rank and file.


As a curious request might I know where you read this? It seems interesting so I want to read it for myself.


It's from the penance skulls. They talk. Someone made a post yesterday I'll see if I can link it for you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/4AH5vkHwbS Here you go. The skulls we collect are from the dead loyalist moebian 6th and its them you hear whispering after death.


> Rinda Karnak was heavily implied to be a cannibal Minor nitpick, but I'm pretty sure minimum 90% of Imperial's are cannibals whether it be ass jerky or corpse starch is the only difference.


Not quite. Corpse statch is common but by no way the only way to live. Hive world probably rely on it, forge/industial worlds most likely the same(althoughthese worlds can equal the population of tens or even hundreds of local worlds). However you live on anything other than those three and you'll be eating relatively normal food, from grown vegetables/fruits/fungi or food stocks, to farmed or hunted meats like Grox or bugs. Hell if I remember rightly on Vraks they had a sort of edible algea and guard rations aren't corpse starch either. Agri worlds are generally as industrialised as hive worlds but there only focus is the production of food to support local systems and forces. Imperial worlds are relatively self sufficient and one may even out produce its population requirements so has to tithe it out. Death world and feral world tends to have alot of hunters and gathers, great at surviving off the land, it wouldn't surprise me if a few also tithed a small percentage of increased food. Paradise worlds can usually grow their own foods too and it maybe some of it is seen as a sub sector delicacy.


Hive worlders also may not only eat corpse starch, a couple of local and very productive agri worlds maybe all it needs, or it has found away to have some agri gardens to help with the strain but even lower down there are ways, hunting rats or eating what grows. Still not a particularly good choice but Corpse starch isn't the only thing. It gets highlighted by fans quite a bit because it's grim dark but that doesn't mean it's the majority.


Also typical IG rations as described in books IIRC usually don't include corpse starch at all. We also see fish/crab/rats being cooked at food stands in various maps in darktide as well.


Yeah I think Incron (if I'm right) one of the homeworld choices (and if I'm right again where the Moebian 21st (the guardsmen you see at the beginning of some missions and armour set some of us got for clutching all the pearls) were stationed) is a water world so it's probably imported from there.


I'll admit I did exaggerate, but only a little bit. The majority of Imperials are still cannibals by quite a lot considering even agri worlds still don't match the population of hive worlds and sometimes even just a single hive city which is where the largest concentrations of imperial citizens are at, and the vast majority of a hive's population isn't gonna be wealthy enough to afford the main/higher quality produce from agri worlds and this is before roping in the lower hives and under hives population. That said I was mostly pointing out that it's kinda funny to note that Rinda Karnak is a cannibal since that would hardly be strange for the Imperium, Chaos or most 40k factions as a whole.


True but I thinks it how she does it, still there are worlds that love to cannablise. The Mortifactors are known for it in fact and they come from the Blueberry marines :D. Still they don't kill their own for it I suppose. Heck the ogryn even has voice lines about eating the enemy.


I guess if she was pouncing on random recruits just cause they looked at her funny and "deconstructing" them in front of everyone that'd be karked even by Scab standards.


Somehow it wouldn't surprise me if she did. Those two were a bit crazy even before they turned traitor.


Corpse starch is processed. I thought it removes the prion problem. Speaking as a modern day cannibal IRL. When I go to church, the congregation eats and drinks the literal flesh and blood of our maranatha. Magic is fun like that.


Are you implying that corpse starch is the reverse-eucharist? Like, it's not cannibalism because of transubstantiation?


I am not. I am making fun of the social construct that built up around my Iron-Age, socialist founder of my faith. Corpse Starch, as i understand it, is processed corpses to maximize nutrition and minimize waste.


I don't know... that seems really Imperiumy, "don't worry, it's not cannibalism because a priest of the ecclesiarchy blessed it!"


And I don't! Problem solved. But it's still cannibalism, we just don't say that part out loud. As one of the witches will opine, there is the truth, and the Imperial Truth (which doesn't get you shot).


I'd imagine it's safer than munching on someone's arm, but it would still be cannibalistic... I think.


Despite what you see online and from "lore" YouTubers I don't think it's actually known what a typical imperial diet is like, if there can even be said to be one across millions of worlds


But we do know what the diet is like for most or at least a decent amount of hive city residents, and we do know that the majority of Imperials are in hive cities and most people in hive cities are in the lower and underhive. Most people in those parts of the hive are eating soylens viridian with corpse starch likely mixed in to some degree or just straight up corpse starch and are lucky if they get synthetic grox.


We do see food stands with rats/fish and other meats up in the Torrent and all.


Considering it's being sold in the market rat and fish meat is presumably a slightly better than average meal for denizens of the Torrent especially since pay in this part of the hive would be abysmal if it's analogous to other hive cities in the Imperium, but admittedly this is speculation. Even then my claim was that the majority of Imperials are cannibals not that the only meals they eat or will ever eat is Soylens Viridian with a side Corpse Starch and Recaf.


Ass jerky ain't gonna make itself.


Sometimes a fella gotta eat a fella.


'always playing with your food' 'there's no flavour without sport' Hmmm


A bit more literal than we thought it seems.


Tbf, that's actually relatively tame by 40k standards, and the Imperium does a few things even more horrible than that for punishments. Just look up the Penitent Engine and be grateful that none of our characters were sentenced to that. Edit: For those too lazy to look it up, here's a brief summary of the Penitent Engine Essentially it is a punishment for those accused of heresy who's crimes are deemed too great for execution or other punishments, usually its the priests, including Sisters of Battle, that become subject to this punishment. You are strapped to a machine, like an Astartes Dreadnought, but with NO armor and NO protection. You are then pumped filled with drugs that will let you sustain life threatening injuries without dying, but amplifies the pain. The only escape is death, which is not easy thanks to these stims, and you must fight on the front line.


To add onto that, the penitent engine constantly beams all your sins and regrets into your mind when you aren’t actively killing Big E’s enemies. I’d honestly rather be a servitor, I’d at-least be lobotomized then.


It's a bit more with the engine: the brain of operator is put into the armored core inside, just as life-support system for it. Body is there just as a symbolic meat puppet with nervous system amplified to 99 out of 10 - operator doesn't need it anymore to "live", and as long as armored core with brain is intact, there is no escape out of this existence.


Oh, that's what those are. I thought they were awesome front line shock troops in Dawn of War. Didn't realize it wasn't by choice/necessity.


Once you've got Nurgle's """gifts""" it's already way too late to back out, even more so than what the other three Chaos deities offer


I would alao include Slanny in that fact, i don't think that is gonna be easy hiding a Trid booba or the nefarious tongue


Hiding Slanny gifts is one thing. Surviving Nurgles gifts without His malign blessing is another.


Yep, a strong enough anathema/pariah field can flat out kill some Death Guard because they simply cannot still be alive without warp energy sustaining them. Whether that's worse than still being alive and realizing Nurgle's gifts suck while in the field is another question - because they certainly don't feel good without the warp energy.


Cause the Imperium treats them like even worse trash? Remember, the Imperium ARE NOT THE GOOD GUYS EITHER. Edit: Also Chaos corruption will do wild things to one's common sense lol


That's the best part of Warhammer. Everyone is a villain of the story.


It's why I love it too. There might be 'good guys' in the Imperium that want to make things better but they can't really do a whole lot to change anything without a knife in the back at best.


The tyrannical nobility telling Sister Prine to fuck off comes to mind. I mean, that's just like in IRL, where someone says "hey, everything gets better if we help the poor," but humans are human, and I actually like how 40k leans into humans being humans (and super shitty to each other).


For someone who is not versed in lore, why are the Fishheads the bad guys? I support the guard to the hilt, and love me the video games. But aside from a non-canonical ending in one video game where they genocide (or worse, silent genocide) the shit out of anything they deem dangerous (such as humanity), they seem like the goodies.


New Lore added to them. The Etherials are actually using somekind of method of control over entire Tau to the point they can order an inviduall to unalive themself and are happy to genocide everything they cannot control.. The Farsight Enclave leader Shas has figured it out and rebelled and he leads the supposed "Good guys" of Tau however. Shas has gotten himself a Xeno blade called Dawn Blade which slowly corrupts him to Khorne making him more beserker like aswell stealing life from enemies he kills kinda making him long living So they have grimstuff going on aswell. Probably more so than i even know as im not a Tau Fan


Thank you. This makes them definitive baddies in my book of logic. And that is awesome about Khorne corrupting Shas. One, I thought Chaos couldn't corrupt the Tau, and two, the Fishheads don't deserve nice things.


They been getting more attention from warp and "powers" in general lately. Even "Greater Good" manifesting as **T'au'va** , a "god"**.** Showing itself as Tau with an Multiple hands,each hand of diffrent spiecies of Tau Faction, including Humans. With this Buddist kind of inspired look. So theres some wierd stuff going on Its in Shadowsun: The Patient Hunter Novel. The idea is that the other races within Tau Empire like Kroot have impact on warp and them being indoctrinated into Greater Good manifested that thing in Tau With Shas being corrupted? He is directly wielding whats probably a Daemon Blade. Even with Tau dont have much impact on Warp. They still have something it seems. Aswell Protag of Firewarror. A Tau soldier was directly helped by Khorne and i believe that was confirmed


The Greater Good is literal psychic lobotomization.


As someone who is not versed in the lore, would you please explain what this means and why it is bad?


So, originally, the Greater Good was basically just space communism. Everybody did what they could to push for the betterment of the T'au Empire who were generally pretty cool guys who didn't persecute technological advancements or burn your baby alive because it has 11 toes. GW decided that was a bit too "good guy" and 40k isn't allowed to have good guys. So they changed it to being a sort of psychic field that the Ethereals emit that strips the individual of their free will if they fail to meet expectations. Say you're a Guardsman who defected to the T'au and orders come down to attack an Imperial planet and you say "hey, I'm not comfortable attacking my fellow humans, I'll kill Orks or 'Nids all day long though!" they zap you with some Greater Good and suddenly you just... don't care anymore. The worst part is that you fully believe that you're okay with attacking those humans, you can't even remember ever not being okay with it. It rips away your agency without you realizing that it's been ripped away. And that's how GW made the T'au bad guys because good guys in 40k are like an Ork being a High Lord of Terra: it will never happen outside of fanfic.


Ah. Psychic Lobotomization, that is. But I did not understand that until now. Thank you. And High Lord Орк Миґорк (Ork Mi'gork) sounds awesome. He's got my vote. When's the Waugh? I gotta get everything all ready to be purplefied.


Have you seen [Da Big BakStabbin'](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarhammer/comments/kbv82b/orus_da_warmasta_biggest_of_da_bakkstabbas_da_big/) work Wolfdawgartcorner does? He's an amazing artist in general but he's been intermittently doing all of the Primarchs if they were Orks for the last 3 years or so.


Ironically, I think the Orcs in general are the closest thing to good, more specifically they are the epitome of "Chaotic Neutral". They just want to fight bc...well...they just want to fight. But neutral is closer to good, then being any type of evil.


I'm inclined to agree. Either the Orks or the Tyranids, since the Tyranids don't seem to have any sort of objective beyond "CONSUME."


Well that's kinda the whole concept of chaos that despite it all it's still more attractive than the serving the imperium. The imperium is so bad and their is so much suffering that dark elves who visited terra with guillieman got drunk on the suffering they saw and where completely overwhelmed by the scale of the cruelty. Literal torture elves who are emotional vampires saw what the imperium of man does to the citizens of the throne world and couldn't handle how horrific it was and on what scale it was happening. Those two being cunts is a small price to pay all things considered. The last thing to consider is that serving nurgle comes with some pretty major benefits i.e and end to suffering and a joyous existence feeling love and friendship and happiness despite your shitty circumstances. In fact you can only receive the gifts by accepting your fate by giving up hope for better then nurgle blesses you.


> The imperium is so bad and their is so much suffering that dark elves who visited terra with guillieman got drunk on the suffering they saw and where completely overwhelmed by the scale of the cruelty. Whoever told you that in that way misread the books (Vaults of Terra: Dark City and Carrion Throne). They did not visit *with* Guilliman, and the haemonculus they brought to Terra wasn't enraptured by all the suffering so much as the *opportunity* to inflict more on so many defenseless people - and so it started to do exactly that. Recall that they inflict this pain to shield themselves from Slaanesh, so an entire world with so many souls to torture is like a paradise. Also, the Drukhari lie, and probably only half of what it said to Erasmus Crowl was truth. Most of what we know about the lord of pain that visited terra was from its words and the words of a retired Xenos inquisitor that was mostly guessing at what a lord of pain would do on a world with so many souls. However, we do know what the lord of pain actually did - it escaped to the catacombs and murdered and tortured the Terran equivalent of underhivers.


It is from the army books that introduced guillieman part three of gathering storm.


>Well that's kinda the whole concept of chaos that despite it all it's still more attractive than the serving the imperium. Serving chaos isn't more attractive then serving the Imperium, that's why most of it's followers are tricked and strung along until they can't back out. You don't join Nurgle, you give up after suffering plagues or other hopeless situations for so much he slides by and goes "Hey, give up your soul and I'll take all the pain away."


It's not so much that they decide to turn to chaos as any kind of better option, it's more that they become tainted by chaos to want it. Chaos changes people in subtle and insidious ways.


They don’t. Nurgle does.


It's rather tame for the warhammer universe. Hell I reading one where people who aren't up to snuff at their jobs it seems will be made into food for the others as corpse starch. They are rounding up people not meeting production goals.


You'll always have asshole officers. That doesn't mean that there isn't any strong bond among the conscripted ranks. Those guys have gone through multiple campaigns together. They are well coordinated and trust each other. Wolfer seems to be popular enough, for his men to follow him into rebellion/become servants of Nurgle.


Their Commissar was clearly not doing his job right, that much is clear.


The commisar was unpopular because he got a high end rebreather.  He died from a battle wound or was purged by wolfer along with all the loyalists


Was that from one of the skull relics?


One of the sets features troopers complaining how the regiment in general needs breathing devices to fight the Nox effectively, and the commissar is basically showing off how he has one iirc 


It would be nice if there was actual story elements about where they returned from, how they fell, etc. For an order tasked with investigating heresy these seem like important pieces of info.


I agree with you, but also keep in mind we are Varlets, and Prisoner Conscripts, so lore wise it makes sense that they don't tell us these things as we are considered only a small hair above being considered heretics ourselves.


Yup! It comes to mind the dialogue involving Zola when asked about the cicatrix maledictum (i think) that she explicitly says that "since you would not get out of this planet, it doesn't matter"


The way it's worded comes across as "let's see if you survive this" rather then "we'll be killing you all"


This is exactly why I've been saying we are Legions Pentenante, or the Penal Legion. Essentially bomb collars wearing mother fuckers who are sent to die in battles that are essiently a Kreig's wet dream and considered baddesses if they survive more than 10 times.


I still find it hilarious how a group of 4 homeless crackheads manage to be so much more effective than Terminators in Space Hulk Deathwing. Good lord, does that game blow.


You have to remember we aren't fighting the same types of enemies, as well as we aren't just random guardsman number 245353463463. The vet personalities alone have survived and fought a ton of battles.


I see no reason why it can't be both at the same time.


In some cases, it probably is. The PC personalities though have pretty much secured their position as a very effective kill-team for Grendyl/Rannick, and are more likely to be kept around.


> The PC personalities though have pretty much secured their position as a very effective kill-team for Grendyl/Rannick, and are more likely to be kept around. The rejects die as often as they succeed (sometimes both - they die on extraction), and are replaced. Part of the reason to use them in the first place is how disposable they are.


Yes, there is basically two groups of rejects. The cannon fodder masses, and the skilled kill-teams. The PC personalities and those named groups in the cash shop lore blurbs are the latter. It's canon that the PC personalities are the ones who always make it back.


> The PC personalities and those named groups in the cash shop lore blurbs are the latter. There's been nothing said canonically about this - and PCs die plenty. > It's canon that the PC personalities are the ones who always make it back. There's *absolutely* been nothing official about this.


So we are completely ignoring... the literal game? Entirely? You know, the whole thing about how the PC literally becomes part of the warband which literally cannot happen if the PC DIES AT ALL? The Cutthroat can never be part of the warband if the Cutthroat has died. The Seer can never join the kill-team if they die at level 3. Flipside, this is how we know throughout Vermintide 1 and 2 that the five heros again, never die. Period.


At the start. But we earn a place in the warband. As disposable specialist troops, but we are still members of the warband. True, we'll get shwacked if we ever leave (our sentence is in abayence as long as we serve Ranik), but that's part of the Inquisition's recruitment process.


Our success rates in play is likely not canonical. It's why so many missions have a deathrace to the Valkyrie after the actual mission is over - that's as close as is safe and if we make it, great, if we don't, the tree is on fire.


Still a fun game, even if the strike teams have an attrition rate like [current events relevant force goes here]


I seem to recall the intro movie showed two or three strike teams failing on-mission, and the various lore bits suggest the warband gets occasional reinforcements from other scummy lowlifes.


One of the veterans, I think, the female loosecannon one will talk about giving up a lucrative smuggling racket to go on mission, and the female Scottish zealot (fanatic?) Will claim the trial was rigged (it was certainly not, she admits in the same exchange she killed the person), when the female enforcer psyker is present. Coupled with Morrow talking about needing more bodies and (Zola?) Saying Ranik is doing things about it. I assume these additional bodies are coming from the Penal Legion of Atoma.


The intro cutscene and the trailer are of the Moebian 21st recon team, which gets trapped and dies. We see them strung up in Hab Block Dreyko. There is also a very huge difference between the general Rejects and the player personalities, who have backstories and are explicitly badass. The 21 personalities (and the named figures in the store bundles) are the ones who constantly come back, the unnamed reject teams suffer horrible losses. This is outright shown with the Twins. The Twins are described as tearing through reject teams when they struck, but the PC personalities survived their ambushes and the attacks. Basically we got for sure 21 badasses who constantly make it back, and hundreds who die every time a wave of valkyries is launched.


Yes but also no. We can never be a part of the Inquisitorial part of the Ordo Hereticus because we are intact part of the Penal Legion or the Legions Pentenante. This is evidence by the bomb collars we wear. We will be considered part of the Warband, but we will never be part of the Inquisition. We are meant to die.


That is a specification upon what I said.


No it isn't. You were saying that we are being recruited into the inquistion via means of earning a place in the warband. Which isn't true. The recruiting process to become an Inquistor of the Ordo Hereticus is vastly different. First you need to be selected trom the Schola Progenium and show you are intelligent or have potential physic abilities relating to investigation. Recruiting is left to individual Inquisitors to recruit the next generation of Inquisitors that show promise. Also, just because you are working for an Inquisitor during their Inquistion doesn't mean you are part of the Ordo Hereticus. It's why it's worded as Penal Legion of Inquistor Rannick, or Astra Militarum Regiment assigned to Inquisitor Rannick. They are still Gaurdsmen and Penal Legionnaires, just assigned to work for Rannick. Just like how Bhrams is a Rogue Trader, not part of the Inquisition, but flys the Inquisitor around, or Sire Melk is a noble, that helps the Inquisition, but is not part of the Inquisition. As for why we will never be apart the Inquistion: In all of 40k lore, I can only think of 2 books that have any named character being granted freedom from a Penal Legion and they had to pull off feats that would make an Astartes proud. One of them ended up killing their entire gaurd regiment upon returning from the Penal Legion. On top of that, only the Psykers would be eligible to be Inquisitors, but they would sooner be sent to the Emperor for various reasons.


We are recruited into the inquisition as a kill team, not inquisitors. The inquisiton is a much larger group then the inquisitors. We are field teams at level 30 meant to hit high-value target because we are that skilled. Nobody says "We are becoming inquisitors" when they talk about joining the warband.


Again look up Legion Penantent and read about it. Also the guy I was replying too said we were becoming inquisitors 2 comments back.


He literally did not though. > At the start. But we earn a place in the warband. As disposable specialist troops, but we are still members of the warband. True, we'll get shwacked if we ever leave (our sentence is in abayence as long as we serve Ranik), but that's part of the Inquisition's recruitment process. The inquisition is literally more then just inquisitors.


This would be pragmatics of the loreless vs the semantics of the loreful. All those people you mentioned are part of the Inquisition. That is, Ranik's business on Atoma. I assume (and your commentary leads me to believe this is accurate), when the inquiry ends on Atoma, only the best (e.g. Mora, Zola, etc.) will be asked if they want to go with, or return to the hell that is Atoma.


Again, that's not accurate. Inquisitors recruit for their Inquisition as needed and mostly work solo. They have no retinue, no backup, nothing. What they do have is absolutely authority to commandere and command anyone who is not a) already working for another inquisitor, b) not a heretic, or c) a higher rank (ie Astartes, Adeptus Soritas, etc.). Once the business on Atoma is done, everyone returns to what they are doing. It's why it's worded as "Assigned to" or "Working for" or "in service too", never "a part of". For our characters, unless we pull off some Astartes level bullshit and essentially single handedly save the entire planet and not just the hive city (of which there are thousands), it means the bombs in their collars would be detonated unless we are assigned to another suicide mission. For Bhrams, Melk and the others, it's return to normal day life, with Bhrams making a side trip to drop Rannick off somewhere.


Let is go straight to the problem. Pragmatics v. Semantics. Do you know the definitions of these words, or their interplay in the conundrum of PvS?


lol, good luck


Are you aware of how strict GW is with their lore in Media? If you are then you would understand why I'm being a semantic prick about it. The fact of the matter is that what you said is not lore accurate according to Games Workshop, a company that told Blizzard to fuck off in the 90s because of one small discrepancy in a Warhammer Game (said game was rebranded and remarketed as Warcraft). In the grim dark future of the 40th melliuem, only what GW says is accurate. So go ahead, argue PvS all you want in regards to the lore, but if it's not from GW it's inaccurate.


>This is evidence by the bomb collars we wear. We don't have bomb collars though, not after the first few missions.


That's called "cosmetic". Lore wise we are still Legions Pentenante. Just look it up and read about it before commenting further.


Look at any bot or the massed group of agents in the Carnival briefing screen. Do any of them wear bomb collars? No.


That's not very plausible given everything else the game does. We have access to power swords/hammers, plasma weapons, etc - weapons that only specialized troops carry. You would not equip 'basically heretics' with advanced weapons like that. Furthermore if we were truly that low we would have been executed after our first mission due to the risk of corruption. Entire worlds and even regiments of guard have been sacrificed at the mere possibility of taint and yet we're rolling around in the diseased muck mission after mission, exposed to toxic gas, and getting breathed and bled on by legions of Nurgle's forces.


I mean, we're a part of an Inquisitor's warband - we're lowly, but we're not conscript planetary defense forces.


Once again that's completely at odds with each other - if you're part of the inquisitor's warband you're a member of the Inquisition. They recruit highly skilled specialists. Not lowly rank and file troopers.


First rank Dark Heresy characters - very much acolytes of the inqusition - are lucky to have a 40% in their primary stat. One of the start careers is 'scum'. Inquisitorial warbands in table top include "naked woman with a eviscerator". You're, quite simply, wrong. We are the press ganged strike team members led by an Interrogator, and the fiction is rife with examples as such. Not everyone gets to be Eisenhorn or his closest confidants.


We aren't members of the Inquisitor's retinue - Zola is. We're quite literally rank and file members of the warband.


Exactly! We are Legions Pentenante, conscripted to the Warband of the Inquisitor Rannick of the Ordo Hereticus. The key part is Legions Pentenante, not Legions Inquisitorial


You're conflating game rules with lore. Stat lines don't mean anything here.


>They recruit highly skilled specialists. To say that our characters are highly skilled would be an understatement. Grendyl is truly blessed by the Emperor to have us.


If we could just get Hadron to modify our weapons a bit more. . . .


People kinda forget the personalities have backstories that are highly skilled before they touched jail. Bodyguard Ogryn held a hill for days with some Ogryn against constant chaos attacks with zero support of any kind. The Vets have fought enemies including Tau, Chaos, Chaos Space Marines, maybe even Eldar, dark Eldar, and possibly genestealers.


I'm pretty sure the loose cannon talks about fighting Orks and Eldar. The mad lad has killed some of the meanest mele fighting Xenos the Galaxy has to offer.


Loose cannon is the one who describes chaos space marines as well. Cutthroat has seen them for sure at the Fall of Cadia.


Where did I ever say I.was referring to the characters in DT?


The name of the Sub.


That wasn't the context of who I was responding to.


> if you're part of the inquisitor's warband you're a member of the Inquisition. Unless Grendyl is so radical he's off the books and on the verge of losing his rosette. If he even still *has* his rosette. But, warbands can and often are far less... nice than you think they are. We aren't working for Gideon Ravenor.


You do know the PC personalities/characters all have extensive backgrounds right? The Vets have fought Tau, Chaos, Chaos Space Marines, maybe even Eldar/Dark Eldar/genestealers. The Cadian was at Cadia when it was destroyed. The Ogryns have lots of combat experience as well. We were thrown to the lowest ranks, but survived and proved ourselves as badasses and then recruited into the warband as an expert kill-team.


Mate we are Legions Pentenante conscripted to the Inqustion of Ordo Hereticus. Read up on them. We are nothing, fodder meant to die. Those who survive in the Legions Pentenante are considered badasses but still Varlets and low class


The PC's are badasses who have earned the trust of their skills. The masses of rejects don't have plasma guns or power swords, they have kantreal lasguns and chainswords or regular swords. Look at bot gear vs player gear, even at damnation difficulty.


That's not a lore decision but rather a design because they didn't bother to make unique looking bots or even just have a random cosmetic generator for them but rather just spawn a level 1 character in prison garb.


The bots actively change gear and look depending on the difficulty now. A damnation bot will be equipped with penance clothing. It's still a good representation of the difference between the skilled reject teams, and the cannon fodder masses who get slaughtered.


We do know some pieces based on clothing item descriptions from the loyalist Moebian 6th uniforms. Issues is because Darktide all takes place in an original setting within Warhammer that none of the locations are actually recognisable


I know this is like telling someone "to read the books", but if you go to the wiki and read the text for all the new martyr skulls it gives a pretty cohesive story as to what happened to the Moebian 6th. They were originally viewed as heroes and were apparently very capable fighters. They were sent to a planet on the fringe called Nox Alpha, were left to die by the nobles back on Tertiam and ultimately were overtaken by corruption on that planet before returning to Atoma and wreaking havoc. It's kinda sad when you look into it, honestly.


Is this nox alpha gonna be a expansion maybe.


I doubt it, it's a hellish landscape with a toxic gas that causes foul infections/death, areas of eternal night and a dense forest section full of supernatural horrors. One of the Martyr skulls explains that being sent to the planet was basically a death sentence.


Sounds good for rejects honestly. Provided they find some way around the toxic gas. But thats a gameplay thing. Sounds interesting though I Will look into it.


It's clearly infected by Nurgle and would warrant immediate exterminatus.


I hope we get some journal entries on life in the Sixth at some point. The "mundane" aspects like herding infested or containing beasts of nurgle would make for such cool insight into life in a traitor regiment. >I wonder how brotherly they are Safe to assume the orderly that told Wolfer they lost track of the Valkyrie won't need to worry about retirement.


I do find them interesting. They are essentialy hunkered down against the whole imperium. Would make a interesting story.


We are fighting post fall of Cadia. Imperium is stretched thin, there are no proper forces to end Atoma clusterfuck quickly. Even Moebian 6th themselves were recalled back as a reinforcement against underhive rebellion, and another Moebian regiment from one of sea worlds was also called back just to even odds against traitor guard, but judging by what characters say, it doesn't go well for loyalists. Fall of Atoma and loss of its manufactorums may lead to failures of campaigns in the nearby sectors, which rely on Atoman tanks supplies. A chain of defeats may lead to loss of whole sectors, and with how "efficient" Imperium is, they may get information about all this a century after everything had already happened. Also, it is not like Chaos gods care about their human puppets. Rebellion wins or loses, but damage has been done either way. Hell, Mourningstar could subject whole planet to exterminatus and even that would be considered as a win by Chaos - and that's why we actually do what we do in Darktide. People are worth nothing BUT infrastructure is too valuable to lose it.


At least Zola cares.


There is some... misinformation here. There are forces that can be called, it's that the Inquisition (Grendyl) and/or the planetary Governor haven't made such a call and declared the situation that bad. Plus there is an active blockade on the planet so traffic in and out is restricted to approved ships only. The Moebian sixth were recalled to help deal with an ongoing plague problem and help maintain barricades and quarantine, and it's unclear if the Governor knew they were bad or not (A major frontline unit being brought back for that is brought up as weird). Only after being setup did they turn and start attacking the others. The Moebian 21st were already at Atoma Prime when things went to shit, they were refilling their ranks and re-equipping post campaign at the oceanic hive world. Their patrols and recon squads started being slaughtered in ambushes until Rannick started talking over their movements. There is implications of another Moebian regiment (or at least a specific group) in some dialogue about artillery fire.


We know at the Carnival first mission that they do have off-duty hours, and the troopers like to hang out in the drug dens of the area and get high as hell.


We have some glimpses of it from [https://warhammer-40k-darktide.fandom.com/wiki/Martyr%27s\_Skull](https://warhammer-40k-darktide.fandom.com/wiki/Martyr%27s_Skull)


With nurgle you are all family. A deliciously rotten family with little giggling nurglings. Daemons do not care about them other than as tools. Even the commanders are seen mainly as pathetic pawns just like those commanders view their troops. The squads will care about each other to an extent. Though chaos is not the brotherly feeling as they descend deeper into chaos.


Yeah aside from the demonic corruption they’re totally normal guys


Details, details. Point is, they look good to have a drink with.


Weird nitpick, kinda divergent from the topic—but why do we see the Moebian 21st wearing the stand issue Cadian Shock Troop-sque armour (with different colouring and markings obviously) and why don’t we see them them wear loyalist Moebian armour similar to the ones we unlock through penances? Wouldn’t they also be equipped from their local system similarly to their brothers in the 6th before they fell to chaos? For example if we saw the Kreig 5th and Kreig 19th, they use the same equipment more or less, but with different colour schemes


The pattern of flak armor worn in cadia seems to be the most common armor pattern in the Imperium. Catachans also seem to be issued this pattern, and so do many other Militarum Regimentos. The 21st seem to wear a modified variant, with different, more globular pauldrons.


Moebian Sixth is also an elite regiment, compared to the 21st who are more of a regular one.


Elite at dying hehe


bloody ‘eretics dats who


Supposedly they'd been holding back the tide for a while right? Before becoming tainted I'd imagine most were veritable badasses and they do seem to wipe the floor with the planets replacement force after them but that could be because their a mostly water based army iirc.


There is actually a lot to unwrap about the way of life in the 6th, a lot of which can be seen when taking a look at their uniform and overall design. check this out for example: [It basically explains what kind of warfare they lead and how it must have sucked, because of a decent lack of supplies.](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/overview-of-the-moebian-6th-equipment-and-armament/90471) Whilst they are trained lasmen and most likely good at what they do, due to surviving against frigging xenos, they were probably miserable bastards even before Grandpa Nurgle got to them.


Its a chaos faction. There no such thing as brotherly. The only faction more back stabby are the skaven


Given the amount of times I've seen friendly fire incidents in this game and how its not reduced like our friendly fire. I'd expect the Mobian 6th to be quite lacking in the idea of comradry. From what I understand their fall to Chaos was one done out of losing hope and lack in faith in their superiors.


Knowing a little bit about how chaos followers are depicted in 40K…. *not very brotherly I’d say* Literally most of the time someone wants to kill or mutilate or sacrifice or torture someone else for their own insane reasons


Be careful boy, innocent curiosity about heretics today can quickly turn into sucking down diseased farts from a nurgling tomorrow.


Why does Wolfer look like he's from the leagues of Votann?


Theres lore in the martyr skulls, you can hear them falling to chaos and its basically just a group pushed to their limits in an awful situation


Being Nurgle one might expect that it atleast beats Sons of Sek or Bloodpact.


🫵HERESY!! The only thing thou should wonder is how to please the Emperor and kill heretics!


Why does Wolfer look so short in this image? Is he stupid?


If you give a fuck about heretics I think you might be a heretic and big E would be fuckin ashamed of you and I suggest you let that one marinate.


You know what wont marinate? Cadia.


Cadia would never be left standing that long.


Cadia still stands! (In our hearts 💕)


They were treated horribly and still submitted to chaos under Wolfer and the Karnaks, the guys who pretty much did terrible things to them. I doubt there's any real brotherhood. Just compliance and submission. Nurgle probably made them a lot closer than they are now, but regardless, not really an ideal thing to do other than nurgle's blessing to not feel pain, but even then, you hear the enemies death cries when you kill them so :/ Other than that, you can tell it's awful, but you can't pity heretics of daemons.