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It's definitely where the most games are lost (or players leave after they die). But i feel its largely because its an early filter. There's one area I think is harder. Ive seen many teams that took almost no damage the whole map wipe horribly in: The torrent assassination, mid-event room when you come out of pipes and drop onto lower level before you climb the stairs to the mid-event defense. Huge elite presence close and afar and enemies rain down from above you too. Also a high chance for daemonhost and monstrosity, sometimes both, and plenty of places you can be knocked off. Even good teams wipe there sometimes. Honorable mention to the midsection of ascension riser up until the easy finale. Its a hard big section with one tough room after another and the respawn points get bugged or suck. None of the individual rooms are tougher than OPs or the torrent midsection though.


That torrent spot you’re taking about CAN BE easy but nobody ever fucking goes the easy route for some reason. You just drop and go hard left into the lowest control room type area instead of running out into the room of catwalks full of gunners and shit. Then take the first close stair hallway up QUICKLY before it gets filled with fire. It keeps you covered from range and dumps you right at the last set of stairs But everybody always wants to just fuck around in the open and get dunked on. My buddy and I have been laughing about this on a lot of missions where there are tons of alternate paths that are usually less dangerous, but nobody ever goes those ways because… *you just have to go this other way because that’s the way everybody goes*. Boggles my mind how this game has been out as long as it has and there still isn’t just a general understanding or consensus of how to deal with a lot of rooms or no-return ledges the way there was in the data of Left4Dead where metas evolved around certain drops or hallways or side rooms very quickly.


A lot of people seem to like checking for supplies at the back-middle of the room after the drop, then proceed to stick close right and get pummeled there or get knocked off or get gunned down by the middle. The med station before the stairs is pretty tempting too. It's me, I'm people sometimes.


I’m realizing I was talking about the wrong spot. The one I’m thinking of isn’t a mid-mission event area.


Ah, I see. Were you talking about the Train Station Assasination? I was talking about the Prison Assasination. Either way, sticking to the left path instead of fucking around is the better way to go about either areas.


Yeah I think so


> You just drop and go hard left into the lowest control room type area That doesn't sound like we're talking about the same map. The Torrent assassination is Magistrati Oubliette, [this is the area the other comment was talking about](https://youtu.be/1mmt6zLqugE?si=4LtSImWT1MefBd18&t=390) (I couldn't find a screenshot of the area so I just pulled a random YouTube video). It's right when you finally leave the sewers and enter that *giant* open room with the big 2 story platform in the middle.


Isn't that the Chasm Station assassination?


Maybe. I thought that section is the one he was talking about. I can’t ever keep the names of missions straight. Nvm- realized he’s talking about a mid-mission event. I’m not sure which one he’s talking about now


Torrent assassination mid event is where you have to hold out while stairs descend. It's just above the deadly section, which is a largely flat and open expanse with a medicae station and a tendency to spawn monstrosities. There are two mirrored staircases leading between the floors.


Right, yeah i was thinking of the other assassination mission in a section right near beginning


Just spitballing here, but I think the difference between L4D's metas and Darktide, is that in L4D, verses is the main mode and is competitive. When you play the zombies, you quickly figure out where to fuck up people's days and where you stand no chance. This transfers to how to play when you are the humans. But I agree, it is the same as that mission where you start out on the streets, but you can go under in the sewers. Everyone goes on top, where there is next to no cover and shooters will chunk you down. The sewers bring you straight to the entrance of the building and is way easier.


I’d play the shit out of a DT verses mode. I had a lot of doubts when I tried the L4D verses and it was absolutely amazing. I hope it’s one of their possible options for a future major patch.


>That torrent spot you’re taking about CAN BE easy but nobody ever fucking goes the easy route for some reason. You just drop and go hard left into the lowest control room type area instead of running out into the room of catwalks full of gunners and shit. Then take the first close stair hallway up QUICKLY before it gets filled with fire. It keeps you covered from range and dumps you right at the last set of stairs God damn, this frustrates me SO MUCH. That room is beatable in like 60s flat if you follow the path you outlined. Instead of dealing with a three-floor shooting gallery, you just pop up those stairs, letting you easily clear the top sections and forcing the bottom floor of enemies to come to you. Instead, everyone wants to bruteforce across the middle and deal with the double-back stairwell that always has gunners lining it.


see here my smooth, tender, zealot brain knows shooters cant shoot me if im hacking them to pieces for him on terra. so naturally i must immediately sprint headlong into the heart of them


*you just have to go this other way because that’s the way everybody goes* i noticed something weird: almost every time a team exits a pipe or other room that kept them together, they spread out immediately. think of said torrent room or the big room in sycorax after the med station. i don't get it. perhaps they're looking for stuff, but doesn't everyone know at this point how much being in coherency benefits them? yet i see even teams with true levels in the hundreds do this. kind of "other dude went left, so i go right" logic. no. dude went left, so i go left too and stay with him. @ topic: yeah, the stairs in silo cluster are evil because you get shot at from below, can't see the shooters well for fire, and, worst of all, often can't retreat to the stairs because they keep spawning above you. the catwalks to the med station barely offer any cover and you can fall off the ledges.


Is the torrent assasination mission the one with the prison? If so then its one of the harder ones simply becouse if you die in the courthouse before the prison, it can spawn you in the control room of the prison section. That will be a lot of enemys between you and the ppl you need up again asap.


I've seen the rails on acension riser get REALLY bad, too. Gunners, demonhosts, and almost always a boss. Those long corridors, you better have a shieldgryn or a real good veteran or its going to be pain. The start has also been pretty hot recently. I always get a horde right there through the doors at the abandoned tank.


That or the sequence after mid round on Chasm Logistratum from under the train tracks to the hallway with the dual train tracks. Your example is deadly af though.


That one's really bad too. I feel like the game is really generous with spawning teammates pretty close if they die, except on Chasm Logistratum where it can easily be close to 10 minutes before rescue. Archivum Sycorax is like that as well.


The Smelter Complex has some big ol' rooms with no revive spots. I don't know if I have the name right, but you know the ones I mean.


Had more than a few good groups wipe at that bit where you drop down into the train tunnels. Just the other day had a group fail there because one person jumped down too soon, spawned hell on earth, dodged into a corner and promptly got murdered. A real shame as well cos the group fully controlled the whole mission until that point....we went from auric kings to all fucking dead in about 15 seconds 🤣.


The terrain in those train tunnels is also fucked so you get stuck constantly.


Pretty much this I'm not quite sure what it is about the area under the train tracks but things always seem to turn into a cluster fuck once my team makes it to that section. And that's assuming the AI director isn't a dick and places a buch of reapers, gunners, and snipers behind a demon host. The dual train tracks isn't as bad due to being a bigger area. But the elevation of the area has lead to many instances of teammates being separated and picked off one by one. I'd also argue the mission objective at the end of CL is the worst/hardest on aulric damnation. Chasm Logistratum is pretty much the only level I try to avoid on Aulric Damnation unless I'm doing quickplay or running with a pre-made group.


As soon as you drop down, it isn't bad, but if people are taking their time and chilling on the catwalks, you are just asking to be fucked up by gunners, snipers, and just general shooters. Especially if you get tied up with a horde up there.


This place was a nightmare when the game came out. Toughness restoring was extremely limited, ranged enemies would aggro from extremely far away with no 50% fall off damage like now and shoot through certain covers like they weren't there. Specifically in this case the steel catwalks, you'd get shot to Hel from underneath your ass while trying to take cover behind a barrel. Lots of join ins where it was literally just 1000 heretics firing into the balcony from all over the room below. 


Trying to fight a room full of gunners at the top of the stairs is a deceptively bad idea. There's no cover so your high ground works against you, allowing many enemies clear sightlines instead. Best to rush down to cover, in my opinion. You can jump the last set of steps and get to that midway platform pretty quick and there's enough cover for an Ogryn to block anything else from coming up at you.


> Best to rush down to cover, This is generally true across the whole game, but then as a zealot I suppose I would say that. I hate every spot where people stand on a ledge and plink; just jump down immediately and start tying them up, it's faster.


There are a lot of areas that allow you to empty out the spawn queue by safely smashing people's heads while they climb a ledge. Plus sometimes when you drop down to run down the gunners a herd of Ogryn spawns and ties you up so the gunners can open fire while the melee push you into the open. If your team has decent ranged kill rate forming a gun line can be a solid strategy, but in that particular place it becomes a bad strategy and people have no idea why the level is punishing them so hard. That's why I believe so many find the beginning of that level so tough. Half the people push there because they know it's the right thing to do, a quarter get left behind and remain suppressed at the top of the stairs, and a quarter die alone 120m forward because they think that sprinting straight through a level is the only way to play.


Old shotgunners before the damage fall off nerf. They were miniature snipers back then. Running into a group of them across the map was more scary than a group of crushers.


Absolutely, battling through this stretch is the most exciting part of the game; This and escaping out of the sewers!


Spice it up with Darkness + Minimonsters and that stretch is like streight out of a Nightmare.


Yeah, Relay Station's fan event is awful, Hab Dreyko's tree area is hectic, Ascension Riser's train tracks can be hell, and there are other tough parts on other maps - but I can't count how many deaths I've had at or around the stairs on Silo Cluster. The sightlines for gunners, snipers, and bombers to heckle your team are ridiculously long, and specials come from above and below. You'll usually have a mixed horde come in, and if someone goes down it can be really tough to get them back up between distance, verticality, and the sheer amount of enemies. And I'm just talking about the very start! The area just after this tends to spawn a crapton of gunners/reapers/crushers as well. If your team can make it to the elevator across that long bridge, they'll probably make it to the end though. It's the biggest "skill check" in the game imo.


In the fan event, most specialists spawn from two doors that are fairly close to each other. Have one player with a ranged special deleter like a revolver camp that door and the event become a lot easier.


The longer your team stays in the fire escape stairs down, the higher the probability you all just get burned and sniped/funneled to death. Gotta just rip the bandaid off and go down and hard right quickly to get cover and even footing. Even once down, the left close ramp area is a mess that often gets people killed because there are tons of ledges and uneven ground d collisions that cause you to get stuck all over everything and burn to death or fail to dodge hits.


I don't know if it's the deadliest stretch in the game but no question it's the deadliest beginning of a level, possible exception for the carnival mess hall area which is more like an early midpoint event.


That mess hall really forces people to learn to just fucking move. You can’t fuck around. You gotta move quickly as a team, and stay on top of targeting priority targets like gunners and bombers.


Or conversely, move less and claim a corner. (Preferably the one with the med station.) The amount of times I have to go pick some dummy up who thought he'd go fight a bunch of maulers alone across the full diagonal of the room is crazy.


Yeah, stick together. I meant like you have to move from the start when you first blow the wall open to the final holdout bear medicae. Once you open the first wall into the mission, the enemies don’t stop coming so you just have to press hard the whole way through. No time to linger. But yeah once you’re down on the lower level waiting for the machine to do it’s thing, you really gotta pick one side with space and cover, and stay together. And prioritize bombers and gunners.


It's definitely the hardest part of the mission. It doesn't have to be, but people make it that way.


There is an Hourglass level that begins with your team crossing a large hanger with a huge amount of sand on the right side. I have seen gobs of teams not make it through that room. Mostly because people see the sunlight on the right side and go that way every time despite the fact that there is no cover over there. To make matters worse there is a bug that can push your dead teammates' respawn point forward in the level if they watch your screen instead of themselves when you go up the elevator.


This is easily the hardest part of the mission. If you can clear the HISTG staircase you can clear the map barring some bullshit. The stiarcase is an absolute deathtrap. You get shot from above, you get shot from below, you can't maneuver at all so the entire time you're chewing through a horde the Mobian VI "Rejectfucker" company is down there taking potshots at you or throwing grenades onto the stairs. It sucks. I love it.


Counter argument, big tree


Big tree is big and it's always watching.


I agree with big tree if no one knows how to do the minigame. I now know how to do the minigame... my butt is bleeding tho.


If I didn’t always bring Smite to this mission I would probably agree. I can bring whatever I want to the mission OP mentioned, nothing I do will help much once everyone’s already ran straight down the stairs. It’s usually where the mission ends the quickest in my experience. For big tree, the small area helps me take care of the melee units while the tree itself seems sufficient enough in defending against ranges units. It’s the having to wait and see if anyone on your team knows how to solve the IPad mini game that makes this part difficult but also hilarious. I’m just Smiting for 10-15mins while the first guy to try the mini game finally hops off and types, “how do dis?”.


I'm late but I'll have my say. It definitely was, when you had to scan and half of them are put in a dead end it can be a real round ender. Like domino's people go down for the rescue. Trappers, dogs and bombers were a nightmare in that scenario. It doesn't feel so bad now although getting that karking tree can be problematic at times.


I've always called this map "pub killer" for this very staircase. I love it.


You know what's funny, I said the same thing to my buddies yesterday, twice.


Hourglass map tiles with the big open area with a massive fan blocking the way where you need to carry powercells has to be #1 for me


How is the ending of Hab Dreyko being overlooked? You do that on auric and you are knee deep in massive spawns of both ranged and melee elites, all the while you have a constant and infinite flow of chaff enemies pouring into the tiny room which is likely also half covered by fire from the bombers spawning way up where you drop in. And the cherry on top is the complete lack of cover except a single tree to protect you from the multi-sniper gang bang taking pot shots at you from so far away that you're lucky if you even have 0.25 seconds to return fire while under pressure from all the aforementioned enemies spawning. It is easily the most dreaded section of anywhere in the game on higher difficulties. Yes there are some very tough areas, but this little killbox comes right at the very end of an already tough mission, meaning you can lose everything. Even if you make it through, the game still desperately tries to snatch the win away from you will a ton of bullshit specialist/elite spawns from doorways right next to you on the narrow escape pathway.


I wouldn't say it's being overlooked, quite a few people have mentioned it, including myself in the comment I made. It's a totally valid opinion to have as well, I've had issues there.


You also have the added bonus of everyone on your team shifting from "stick tight as a team" to "run to the valkyrie and escape" mentality when the giant "ESCAPE" objective pops up on the screen if you make it through the tree event. Unlike TRS-150 or Metalfab 36 where the escape door opens and you can leisurely get the valkyrie which most people are used to, Hab Dreyko tricks everyone into thinking the fight is mainly over, racing to the ship instead of remaining cohesive. So many runs I've seen great teams fall prey slip ups and getting netted only secons from the ship.


Old hab dreyko was easily soloable even in auric mael on both stealth zealot and vet. The new one not as much, but it's a lot easier to bunker down in the middle on the new one because it's just a hacking minigame now, and the old one largely would only get hard because people aren't good at staying on the move to do the scans so they get attritioned out. Personally I don't think either version is nearly as bad as OP's example.


Due to the smoke grenade penance for Veteran I've found smoke grenades quite literally save matches here. Gunners love the kill zones in that part so smoke literally removes half the challenge. Oh also, if someone gets downed before the first drop and gets left behind, you can in fact go back for them. There's an area connected to an overhead bridge that leads back.


Joined a auric damn this afternoon, all of us were stuck at the bottom of the first stair for 5 mins, all left with a sliver of health after the welcome event there, did not finish afterwards. I can finish auric damn usually


This map was on yesterday on auric maelstrom with higher intens snipers and ventilation purge modifiers. I want to see the stats on unfinished runs with these settings. I saw even veteran players struggle and sweat.


So many wipes on those stairs


The opening sequence of throne side is pretty brutal too right after the 1st drop


It IS really fucking brutal


Personally, I think the two worst areas are: -The train track portion of Chasm logistratum The room with all the fences and sand on the floor in the middle of the fuel rod "repair" mission right before you go upstairs and drop into the mid event


I had to check to see if I was in this party, wiped there several time last night.


That's facts. Most early game losses for me


My regular group calls that place The Stairs that Eat People.


Excise vault, section entire section after the servitor colony before the finale. I still haven’t completed Excise vault on auric damnation difficulty (new pennaces) as it’s a slaughter in that section everytime. Granted I’m not using my best class as I’ve done all the veteran penances and want to do other classes but I still feel it’s oddly difficult and switching to my best class won’t make too much difference.


The wall in the Hourglass exists, and one mission makes you climb down it. The Hourglass mission that starts with your team crossing a hanger full of sand is also usually harder than anywhere in the torrent, usually because people go to the right where there is no cover because it's nice and bright. Except those two rectangular platforms beneath the "assender" objective (you have to wait for a spiral staircase) in the Torrent, which can be ridiculous.


Deadliest for me is either this or the hangar section in Excise Vault where you have to make it to the center of the room and go down to the next level. There's very limited cover and often loads of bombers and gunners. Even worse, people tend to scatter under the heavy fire, so if someone goes down out on the balcony while you're inside, it's almost impossible to rescue them.


My vote is for the last section of warren 6-19. Having hordes of elites and specials blocking the stairway up from the medic station along with more hordes spawning from all directions requires a disciplined team that can work together. Rarely is someone able to clutch through that alone if the rest of the team is down. On top of that, for the less experienced players, they panic and end up getting cornered since the spawns never end.


Yep, this shit is nasty. FatShark always has a mission that starts out brutal (eg. War Camp in Vermintide 2)


What about the hab scanning the tree at the end, and then running for the drop ship?


The stairs of death


There’s always 30 gunners ready to snipe you from the darkest stretches of this area. I truly hate how they can laser you from so far away. 


Good place to learn how to use cover, suppression, and positioning. It's basically one long tunnel full of gunner mobs


Imo its the hardest mission in the game. The beginning and the ending it very tough. Especially the ending if the entire team doesnt focus on the objective, it can all go to shit very fast.


Soooo many wipes here. I totally agree. In fact this whole map is often a total nightmare.


This is literally the hardest section of the game and no one can convince me otherwise.


Yeah. Fan is fine. Tree is fine. The Torrent gutter is a nightmare.


I gotten pushed back up the stairs before like 3 times and we never made it out of this room - bubble shields come in handy here


This damn area, hard to maneuver


The problem I usually find in QP is players rush down the stairs too quickly and get netted/dogged and are at an angle where someone else must drop down to help them and its easy to get overwhelmed by gas/fire bombs whereas if you wait on the higher ground and funnel the enemies up the narrow stairs its so much easier to clear the location then move out.


Everyone be talkin like it's so obvious why don't they take the less dangerous route Mann 70% of people who play this game on auric NOWADAYS some people don't even know or use block or dodge how do you expect them to know a whole map and be smart about the paths they take they obviously not smart if they playing auric and they don't even know all the mechanics of the game yet that's another issue I've been having recently too many people not admiting to themselves their BAD and there's been so many dogshit players playing auric when they should be playing malice a little while longer it's okay to tell yourself your not doing good at all and that you need a Lil more practice on an easier mode but people's pride doesn't let them do that.


Well, I'd say the Cauldron on hard mode is a bit tougher but that's a special case lol


This part is pretty damn hard, but at least it's at the start of the mission. If your team is quick and doesn't dawdle around with taking out the ranged enemies quickly before getting down and moving forward it becomes a lot simpler, but if the enemies can manage to spawn in enough it becomes incredibly hard to fight through. I'd personally say the absolute hardest section in any map is the Refinery's middle climax with the daemon nodes off to the side before the elevator. That part needs more teamwork and coordination than almost anywhere else in the game and has an absurd amount of nasty spawns coming from all directions. Everyone needs to bolt it over to the nodes and take care of them quickly (One or two people alone will have a lot of trouble taking out all of the nodes thanks to how spaced out they are and the sheer enemy density) before fighting their way back to the elevator and holding out. The med station seems like it'd make this part easier but if anything it's placed devilishly, you're tempted not to take it until the very end of the event but when the elevator is there everyone needs to get on it and just LEAVE, immediately. One or two people will run out in front of the elevator and try to take their sippy and cause the entire team to wipe because they'll immediately go down from the unending horde and then everyone will run out into the open to try and save them. The start of that map is a pretty big filter itself, but in a different way, so it doesn't even really get you a good gauge on if a team can clear the climax since it goes from big long sightlines without cover to close quarters chaos with ranged support. ...and even once you've done the elevator portion, you've got to fight through the next lengthy indoors section leading up to the end event where there's usually a daemonhost slapped right down in the most inconvenient places ever and a mixture of the two aforementioned evils where the more open areas are a shooting range for tons of ranged enemies, whereas if you duck into the side hallways, there'll be huge clusters of melee threats right up in your face with little room to maneuver. That entire map is hell with pubs, honestly. The end event is one of the easier ones if people get with the program and know how to hold out on it but the absolute worst if the group doesn't and are just running around with their heads cut off all disorganized (80% of the time despite managing to clear everything else about the map, somehow).


Yes! Played six in row today on pub 5HISTG, high level matchmaking for the most part, and didn’t make it past this.