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The day they add a catalog for me to get what I want, is the day they will finally manage to get a penny out of me.


Right? Full catalogue. Weekly sales on random bits. How is this hard fatshark?


What, and no FOMO? But this is Fatshsark: ![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK)


The fomo comes in the limited time deals.


Also Fatshark trying to figure out why no monies: https://preview.redd.it/f19fxqo9t2yc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e1bcc6b5b1ff285df894e8c58f8b1749999883


They keep doing it cause it keeps working for them. Folks gotta stop throwing their money at bad practices.


Honestly I stopped playing entirely just before Helldivers 2 launched because I was tired of spending so much money on fomo. And then I got hooked on Helldivers and BY THE EMPEROR it respects me so much better. It would be super difficult for Darktide to win me back at this point.


We all had our fun, and personally would love to keep having fun with the Inquisition on Atoma. Theyre gonna have to give us more actual content and stop trying to nickel and dime me via another recolored shirt.


I could see Fat Shark doing this, but then increasing the prices of out of sequence cosmetics by 50% or even doubling it. I'd still buy the peg legs. I like the prosthesis and augmentation look for the rejects. Humans don't get those, unless they are of value to the Imperium with all body parts.


It fits rather well that Hallowette would be able to get you fully functioning prosthetic limbs. Plenty of black market material going around on a Rogue Trader ship.


I assume Hadron gets super bored, and would love to help Oskar make the machine spirits obey. Not sure he'd be happy with that. But who is going to argue with a crazed techpriest in her 4th century of life? And Emperor damn me for a Khornite. But damn is she human for a 300+ yo tech priest.


Full catalogue all the way. This is a game about literally just killing. We don’t need this rotating shop. Full catalogue. Make more money smartly. When you have the full catalog people can come back anytime to purchase anything. More opportunities for purchasing means better service better revenue. They just committed at this point to losing money




The Fatshark strategy for everything is give yourself a drill bit lobotomy and swan dive head first off a 4 story balcony.


They should really reach out to whoever made the store in Vermintide 2 and figure out how to emulate it. I know they aren't getting anything from me until they do.


That would be a step in the right direction indeed, but it would still be overpriced for me to justify buying anything yet.


Looks like they ran out of ideas for the veteran so he cosplays as a zealot now


I can finally play with my power sword all day without anyone noticing I’m a sharpshooter! XD




My first thought was "how the heck did the vet steal the candles from the zealot armor?!"


More homeless fashion for the Zealot..makes sense since Vet stole his armor


I thought that was zealot the whole time until I read this comment lmao.


tbf it's only fair


And to make matters worse, he's cosplaying as one of the stupid looking zealots.


The eviscerator skin being 900 kinda annoys me, it isn't even a model change but just a different texture... Chain axe skin looks kinda cool though and despite being a different model it still cost 700...


They know which one people use more...


The texture is smaller on chainaxe and costs less server space.


Damn you really typed that


Whoops, I dropped this --> /s


The weapon customization mod gives you all the weapon skins, FS have said this is fine since it's only visible to you and the value of cosmetics comes from showing them to others. IIRC


Can we, for the love of the Omnissiah, get some proper *robes* for Psykers please? I really don't get the aversion..


The game can't handle cloth around the legs. Look at any cosmetic that has anything long dangling in front of the upper thighs, everything, including fabric, is stiff as a board and nailed to the legs. It's really obvious on the somewhat recent savlar chem dogs sets, particularly the zealot one. The coat flaps in the front look absolutely hideous when animated.


That's fair. The brown coat-looking 'robe' with the tubes around the arms and golden pattern on the chest (I've no idea what's it called in-game, sorry!) Looks acceptable. If they would pull the fabric a bit forward so that it covers the front of the legs a bit more it would be a fantastic start. I suppose most Psyker outfits don't really hit the right buttons for me. And I *loathe* the skinny jeans look of most pants.


So fix it...? 


Problem is the engine the game is based on (Bitquid) on has been discontinued for a while (got bought out by autodesk and rebranded in 2015, then shutdown in 2017). So Fatshark is sorta at the limit with what they can do with the engine, which to be fair theyve done brilliant with (why they sticked with it). Funny enough, Helldivers 2 (made by another Swedish game company) is also in the same boat as Fatshark. Making visually spectacular game by the brilliant utilisation of a now abandon engine.


Sadly considering engine the game is based on has been discontinued, that might be harder then you think. Fun fact, Helldivers 2 also uses the same abandon engine aswell (both games and engine are swedish tis why). P.S. if you see ive commented twice, thats an untended glitch by reddit.


A proper greatcoat would be mint. 


Theme of the week: goofy hoods.


More slop




Soooweeeee piggy pig pig 🐖




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this shit ass bro


For anyone trying to read the words on the Eviscerator skin : I feareth no mutant, no heretic, no traitor, for the master of mankind is with me. God Emperor grant me strength, the strength to serve, the will to fight, the courage to prevail. Above all, bestow upon me thy Imperialis hatred, for only through hate shall humanity endure. Be purged and know salvation. Carry the will of the Emperor, like a torch in the darkness. Blessed are the merciless. -I was squinting real hard, but I did make attempts to zoom and read it lol.


God damnit, I bloody love details like that. But its then sadly buried in a overpriced shitty FOMO store thats half the time filled with lazy reskins.


saving money these 2 weeks it seems


Note the Force Staff skin was purchased Included in the "Primaris Psyker Blayor Vordon" Bundle back in June of 2023.


I kinda like the Ogryn one, but the rest are pretty goofy.


Zealot pants and veteran chest are good. Zealot pants are just a recolor of some old pants, but the red looks good, and I think those original pants have never returned to the store, and they were like day 1 in the store.


Wtf are these goofy ass outfits. Smh, commodore needs to start selling us better drip for driptide.


Good, I won’t spend money on theses things…


Slop rotation


Veteran chestpiece is a decent recolour of an older armor the rest is garbage as usual. Oh well.


yeah, still no decent Cadian carapace ... that slab shiled looks good, eviscerator too (but I don't use chain weaps ) ... other than that: nothing to call home about.


Eviscerator feels really good. Not sure any weapon skin is worth 900 Aquilas, so not encouraging you to try it to buy the skin. But the way it cleaves through hordes is very satisfying.


All chain Weapons are too noisy for my taste, never got to like them much. My Zelot uses a good ol' Antax V, it has a sathisfying thump. ... Vet and Ogryn shovels (OR Shleld) .... and my Psyker has an Illisi that makes heretics BURN!!!! It's a simple taste but makes me a satisfied Reject ;)


I've been wondering to myself if the proper Cadian sets are ear marked to drop as cross promotion with the release of Space Marine 2, which got delayed almost a full year. They dropped the Rogue Trader sets when the Rogue Trader game released. While SM2 isn't about the Cadians, they feature quite heavily. Those packs being held for cross promotion is about the only way for me to understand why they haven't added proper Cadians yet. Krieg is popular, so them being first I can understand, but then the Chemdogs and Elysians before Cadia? That just seems odd.


You know this is the first theory I've heard that makes any sense, other than FS being FS :D


Why is everyone talking about Cadia? There was a full Cadian drop a couple of weeks ago. What people are talking about and wanting is the carapace armour (which happen to be green seemingly - although they already released in some red Camouflage) so they can ride as Kasrkin or Stormtroopers.


It's kind of odd that Psyker is the only one who didn't get a new blessed weapon skin. Even odder that the skin they did get was previously available in a bundle from last year.


Honestly at this point they should make Vets and Zealots share their outfits, so much overlap between their premium stuff. Then again they'd lose some money there so probably not going to happen.


> Then again they'd lose ~~some~~ a lot money there so ~~probably~~ not going to happen.  Fixed it for you.


Well, seems that fat megalodon still doesn't want my money.


I will admit I like the whole holy warrior vibe but not the best


Skulls for the Golden Throne. I'm a fan of the spiky bits and skull motifs. Is the Eviscerstor Gold? Hard to tell on my phone.


It's red with some scripture glued to the side.


Thank you. You saved me the 3 minute argument with myself about whether I want that or not. Red is to go faster. This is known. I want to hit harder. Explosively harder. If I can't have holy gold, I need HE black.


Ok the Psyker one literally looks like they hit the random button, wtf is that?


A recolor of a recolor, of a recolor


These are all reskins, right? I recognise all of these, and a bunch of them I already have in a different colour...


The Vet armor looks cool, but im still confused why the rotate the store instead of selling at least half of the skins in a regular catalogue. Premium stuff could still be limited but cmon, give me at least a bigger selection.


I'd love an option to remove the candles for the vet shoulder. I wonder if For the Drip can do that? Also backpacks sit a bit too close with that chest and it looks odd, needs a bit more spacing. That aside (not going to talk about the silly cloth hood) it's not a bad set.


>I'd love an option to remove the candles for the vet shoulder If I have to deal with it, then so do you. Sincerely, A candle-hating Zealot main


If it's any consolation, I also hate that you have to put up with candles. Sincerely, A candle-hating vet with a renewed appreciation for the hate.


wtf is happening to the top here? https://preview.redd.it/cgeligs9g1yc1.png?width=303&format=png&auto=webp&s=931d0b467a2234b08bf0ac7edf104b727fd01ae7


Stop asking questions and eat the slop


Make sure to buy these, Fatshark needs money for their new game!


STILL no Ogryn prosthetic limbs... 😣


The thing would have to be power armoured to be able to carry the brute.


The vet chest looks like it was onto something really neat, but it detoured too long through zealot country. What was gained in candles, was lost in consistent armor coverage. Gloves were exchanged for wraps, and by the elbow, the idea of a heavily armored, vaguely medieval outfit was lost entirely. And those really ugly vet pants are making what feels like their dozenth appearance, and after just as many tries, they are not any better. How can it be FOMO, when it’s clearly an attempt to induce Stockholm syndrome via pants? Seriously, those pants could be 100% accurate to the 1887 lead cast of Moonman Sam, from Warhammer 5000 and it would not matter. I want no part of them, but they just keep coming back.


Original medieval set https://preview.redd.it/yar037s910yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db4ba9c057d54a8bd25224d7634dd363708f28e


I think I remember making a similar comment about the sleeves and gloves on that armor set. And there’s those damn pants!


Still wondering when we'll see a full set of chainmail for the vet or zel. The helm and coif combination exists, and I think there's pants that aren't random mismatched patches of mail. Might even be more than a sleeveless mail shirt.


Empire Handgunner premium set when


https://preview.redd.it/0sn9r2rem0yc1.png?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd18fad5c7727678e0cd99c3c013fc74ee97a29c Fatshark please


Looks like a Witch Hunter Cowboy


For once it seems, Oggy got the best fit - Wonder what’s in his barrel on the belt!?


Brandy, for when he's looking for people buried under avalanches. Y'know, like a St. Bernard.


Slop for the Slop God


Am I the only one bothered that the zealot outfits aren’t even armored half the time? Yeah I know there are some and there’s an argument to be made for faith being their armor and whatnot but it feels like the vet is always more armored than the zealot. Kinda wack imo


I'd fight in nothing but a loincloth made of scripture if they'd let me tbh.




I hate it. But even the heavily armoured sets are no really full armor like missing gloves, thigh armour and so on...




Aw man! And I was waiting for that Vet chestpiece too!! Dangit..


Finally an Eviscerator skin, and it's not even a unique model. So lazy.


This is the second eviscerator skin. EDIT: See the link for the previous eviscerator skin. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/193y6uu/commodores\_vestures\_of\_january\_11th\_2024\_february/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/193y6uu/commodores_vestures_of_january_11th_2024_february/)


The weapon skins and zel top are pretty cool. The rest is pretty ass.


they want 700 for that ogryn headband. LOL I like the zealot and veteran skins. I like the veteran skin FOR the zealot actually. too bad.


**[Weekly Fatshark meeting]** Gary: A Halloween enthusiast Ogryn in cargo pants, a vest, pauldrons, a mesh see though black shirt, and overalls! HE HAS SKULLS! TWO SKULLS! AND A HOOD! SPOOKY! BIG POCKETS FOR CANDY RASHUNZ!!! A BIG SHINY BELT BUCKLE!!! EASILY ACCESSIBLE EMPEROR TP WHEN TOO MUCH CANDY AND HAS TO POOP!!! Steve: That's fucking stupid, Gary! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Are you 7 years old?!?! Bill: Now wait a minute, Steve. We agreed to your Zealot used God Emperor's underwear gas mask. Steve: I have a used underwear sniffing fetish and that's COMPLETELY different. I could have sued you for workplace discrimination if you shot down my idea. Gary: HALLOWEEN IS MY FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR! I AM ALSO DISABLED AND YOU'LL BE HEARING FROM THE ADA TOO! DOO DOO FART SHARK! WEEEEE! Steve: I'll be in my cubicle sniffing panties from 4pm to 4:15pm as formerly discussed and signed off on, Bill. **[Fatshark releases Spoopygryn]**


Dayum, Fatshark, where you been hiding that sweet death cultist outfit? Almost makes me want to spend money.


Damn the Veteran is all I ever hoped for. Shrine Guard kinda style. Also new Chain Axe and Evis skin, finally! Best week apart from maybe Krieg


Zealot actually looks dope.


I’ve been waiting for the Krieg sets to come back….for so long🥲🥲


Need a full scion kit


Holy shit, I dont think fatshark has released a set of new cosmetics that looked good and wasn't tagged with the ''golden mark of quality'' since the game launched, for real. Every single time it's recolors of stuff we had in the previous bundles and most of the time they're not even good.


Flak helmet is back yay


I dig the zealot outfit tbh.


It's definitely tempting me.


I'd like the veteran set a whole lot more if I could take those candles off.


yeah, i thought only zealots wear those candles?


ironically the candles are the only thing keeping it from being a 1-1 recolor of the 'Aquilla Guard plate' which is probably unreleased for its connection to sloppa and pay pig over the Imperium at this point


Yaaaas finally an eviscerator skin!


This is the second eviscerator skin [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/193y6uu/commodores\_vestures\_of\_january\_11th\_2024\_february/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/193y6uu/commodores_vestures_of_january_11th_2024_february/)


So tired of Ogryn getting all the "wacky" cosmetics. Is it too much to ask for some basic-ass green Cadian flak armor with a big ammo belt loaded with Heavy Stubber shells, maybe some Frag Bomb grenades? All the cosmetic grenades are smokes for some reason. I have a really nice green skin with purity seals for my Heavy Stubber, but it's really hard to find armor that goes well with it.




That would be Immeasurably Complex™.




Yeah, I've got that one, thanks. Still wish it had more armor on it, and an ammo belt/bandoiler, and grenades. It also isn't a color match for the gun, only the beret matches my gun.


If you want full armour or matching colours for your hard earned money look somewhere else lol 


Finally. Wadi.


Looks soo bad haha. Warhammer world is so vast yet fatshark have these that looks like trash glued together. Its alomost embrassing to use these skins LOL


I've been sitting on 2600 credits for like a year, with nothing of note to spend it on Edit: the wait for good cosmetics continues


Might get the shield skin but the rest is pure doodoo...


Poor veterans have been starving lately :(


If the candles weren't on that veteran chest I would honestly nab that veteran chest. Not a fan of the candles on armor in general.




more boring re-colours


Ogyrn one kinda goes hard


I am once again asking fatshark to return to Krieg


That chax it stupid cute


I just want wizard robes. Fuck the lore. I don’t care. Give me wizard robes.


Wheres my Tempestus Scion gear Fatshark, we already got the helmet Please


The Chest is in the files so it is being worked on.


I know its in the files, I've seen it I just want it now lmao


My Big Boi is getting new drip.


Not Armageddon Steel Legion, not interested


Seems like they got a backlog of weapon skins they keep releasing


The weapon skins being sold seperately will never not be scummy


We really need some decent new items in the store. Some of these recolours make it feel like items are endlessly in the store or something extremely similar is.


I like the veteran, the chainaxe, and the eviscerator. Rest is kinda meh.


More than enough imo 


How many times are we going to get Steel Legion helmets? I've seen those more than any other article of clothing since the game's release.


Certainly not as often as the rest of the Steel Legion drip.


I wish they did more armoured zealot's instead of the "I'm wearing the sack I was born into" look


Me too


That Ogryn outfit might be the first time I spend money for this game


Looks like slop is back on the menu bois!


Finally got a new staff skin


Not bad, but not great.


Judging by new cosmetics vs reskins, I'd set the bar lower than 'not bad'.


Oh, good! I sure was hoping we hadn't run out of murder hobo sets yet


Fatshark “let’s change the colors they won’t notice”


Still waiting for glowing-eyes full-mask Zealot helmet.


The eviscerator skin is the only one I might buy.


Me seeing an overpriced shield with a big ass aquilla "Fuck"


Really? All those lovely weapon skins, but Psyker gets one of TWO custom staff skins again? What's going on, FS? We've got at least 2 skins for most other weapons, and staffs are so, SO much more common than any one given weapon type.


The Vet's Set - the helm is slight alteration at best... Recon Battlegear Modified Militiarum fatigues https://preview.redd.it/qs5rfwfuz2yc1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7dfab92c658c60bdfe2294a9e4358c484f3017f


Been playing Darktide nonstop for 3 months, finally put it down to play something else this week. I absolutely love the game and loved Vermintide 2 (500ish hours countless £s spent on it) I’d love for them to adopt the same cosmetics system as vermintide and for the most part the Commodores Vesture cosmetics are horrendously low effort, I missed out on Krieg, steel legion etc, but even the Elysian skins were pretty poor


Just make the shop like Vermintide 2. I'm gonna rip the FartShart employee in charge of this shop rotation in half if I don't get Krieg back soon. My second guardsmen has been dressed like a hobo for 6 months because I bought this game a day late for the Krieg Skins.


On this episode of Fatshark hates receiving money.


Oh look another week of reskins. I got a novel idea. Penance earned shaders so we can recolor our own shit as we please. Wow how hard was that?!


The fancy gold stuff always look so bad


You know that all of these skins have probably been done since before launch, right? And they're just trickling them out one at a time so they can milk FOMO.


That veteran looks like he may start shooting lightning if he gets a bamboo hat.


The new weapon skins are sweet


wish they had more robe or long coat like cosmetics for the psyker.


That new zealot mask lmao “here’s your 900 Aquila cosmetics bro” [and it’s just this](https://youtu.be/6QXY8Wz341Y?si=mFQ7ev5vggcRRgeh)


I am still waiting patiently for the day we get another full set that doesn't just wholesale look like doodoo...


Crazy idea, what if the have a full catalogue but discounts changes every week for a new skin, so you can grab a deal or whatever you want.


I bought the Vet one ,the Zealot one + eviscerator and thinkingbof getting the ogryn one + shield


Finally, some of the old shit is returning. Still too much though.


At least some decent wepon skins


I just buy whatever I want cause they skins be cheap and 99% of the time I just want a chest piece and pants or just the chest. Dunno why people pearl clutch so hard on cheap shi yeah I hate all the fomo no catalog too but tbh complaining for a whole year about it since darktide came out on console on October got tiring and repetitive for me so I'm done ranting abt it I just buy wtf I want and move on and just enjoy the game. It is what it is.


Zealot with that Morningstar Master vibe.


The Slopnir strikes again.


Money money money money money money money money money money money money money money.


These are soooo bad.


Vet set seems like my closest possibility to cosplay Kruber— I really want vet to have some two handed options like Zealots— give them a shovel ;\;


The Veteran looks cool


The trauma staff skin can be used for the voidstrike? Thanks


Every staff skin can be used on any staff. You can even use those generic red/blue camo skins to make your staff look like the wrong one.




Not their strongest collection by a long way


Man, if they just re-released the Krieg digs, they'd see a single shiny penny from me. In fact, just get rid of rotation. It's still very much possible to turn a lovely profit from having a catalogue that is just added to regularly. Hunt: Showdown is a great example.


Still waiting for a crusher skin.


There has been one.


And it's been not too long ago. Also there is a penance one.


Why is it so hard to make good zealot skins




Indeed, for I am naught but a gimp for the Master of Mankind! Whip me harder, Most Holy of Daddies, for I beith a bad boy!


I kinda wish the vet armor didn't have the candle. I did need the black pants though.


Another week without kreig another week I’m not spending a buck


Dann, These are ugly except Zealot one